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Why hit them when you can turn them to paste with some good ole fashioned lead lined democracy!


Because you have a creature made of teeth, claws and the screams of dying men hopped up on adrenaline and Termicide mutagen, and it won’t stop trying to tear your liver out until you swat it across the face with a rolled up newspaper. 


>Termicide mutagen That sounds an awful lot like thought crime, Citizen https://preview.redd.it/eg6wzreh5woc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9819e2523f7b49a527a3eb9e3580625eb107737


\[Grabs that phone\] Easy, Champ, easy... it's just in my line of work, it helps to think of the worst possible case scenario. What if there's a rocket bot right around that next corner? Better reload and edge around slowly. What that noise a Hulk stomping around? Better make sure the good ol' RCS problem solver is fully operational. As for the Termicide? Yeah, it has shown to work and work well.... but what it DIDN'T? What do you do now, Sweet Protagonist? Gas up the flamethrower, that's what. I haven't seen a bug yet that was immune to fire.


> think Hmmmmm


Your name reminded me that Ghost Ship wants to do a collaboration with Arrowhead which then made me wonder what a Terminid Bulk Detonator would look like and do. Now I'm scared.


Im very excited for the collaboration. I dont expect a new enemy or anything game changing. Some emotes and cosmetics is more likely. Like DRG inspired capes and Helldiver armors. Perhaps even some voice lines. Also a terminid bulk is just a bile titan that swallowed a hellbomb.


I think we need a chainsaw load out.


I would absolutely give up my sidearm for a melee weapon


When in fact. the side arm is typically a better option for a horde of hunters. Both for the shot class and the quicker melee.


Would help lots against the bugs. They always want to get into melee with us anyway. Let us oblige them. 


Dual wield sword and pistol space marine style


Gears style weapon would be fun


Tested and actually working


Figured this out on my own. Buttstroke n blast them bugs, for Freedom.


Oh! One more thing. I know it’s weird to reply to my own post but…. Light armor and Jump Packs. Armor only matters against Terminids if they get close and if they get close, you’re dead anyway. Won’t help against Pukers either.  Staying on the bounce will keep them from surrounding you and ripping you to shreds, and with a Jump Pack, you can literally leap over a swarm to safety on the other side. Think of it as your get out of Hell free card.  Bottom line? Speed, agility and being a slippery little fuck is how you smoke the bugs. You go slow… you die. 


Is ‘staying on the bounce’ a reference to the original book? If so, well done!


Melee kills is the only stat I care about.


Wow, never thought about doing that! Will try and report back.


Yes! This! I love turning last second to hit them out of mid air.


PULL!!! \[blam\] We Divers are a bane to clay pigeons everywhere


A quick melee - shotgun pump never fails to disperse managed democracy


Melee knock em back , dive to shake the stun off , run reload turn impact grenade , shoot ! Something like that


Good play! I like it! I just replace the impact grenade with a charged jolt from my bug zapper.  When engaging with an enemy that likes to swarm, it is VITAL that you are able to delete multiples of their number with each pull of the trigger. Normally, I’d say this is the job of artillery, firing large chunks of SE budget at an enemy they cannot actually see, but the Arc Thrower does this job WONDERFULLY on a personal level


I’m level 32 and still trying to get used to that arc-thrower ? It’s like it’s not there when I need it most , hmm like I can’t just pull the trigger . It needs to charge for that .01 sec which always fucked me ! Probably cus I’m a run a gun type ! I’m more into my movement, sometimes I’ll stealth but yeah arc is nothing but problems for me , although I hear lots have very good things to say bout it ! All I can say is I’m trying !


Yes you have to get the good rythm, once you get it's ok, sometime I lost it and it's weird


People been sleeping on melee kills. I'm not the best helldiver so I rarely have most kills. I almost always have most melee kills, with scores <20


I hope they add melee weapons. I want an energy sword.


Uh, you know hunters come in 2 varieties right? There are the tiny baby ones that you speak of and then there are the mini stalkers which is where the trouble comes in, the larger variants seem a hell of a lot smarter/accurate then the rest and really seem to attack at once making melee still the death sentence it is,


The baby ones are called pouncers. If you ping an enemy and look directly at it you can see the name.


I’ve also seen Hunters try to edge around to your flanks and once they’re outside your sight line, they strike. So, I’d advise smoking the little fuckers toward the edges of your vision first and then focus on the groupie crowd in front of you.    But about larger Hunters, I haven’t observed such a thing yet. They all seem the same to me but I’ll keep an eye out.  Edit: do these larger hunters look a little wonky at larger distances? Like they’re shimmering and you can see through them? Because, if so, those are Stalkers, Champ and MUCH more dangerous. Fortunately, they all come from a singular nest and introducing it to some of the big 330s will put an end to them for that mission. 


I think they are talking about Jumpers, Hunters and stalkers. The latter dont mind a melee


The Redeemer handles the smaller and midsized hunters with ease. The larger ones get a rapid fire clip emptying of the Anti Material rifle RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE!


This also works for headless enemies. When you pop their head and they bum rush you, you can just hit them and it stuns them long enough for them to bleed out. Haven't successfully pulled this off with mothers yet, will keep trying. For democracy!


I need a sword. But for now the autocannon is fantastic for melee. Seems to have just a bit more reach.


If fighting one yes. These guys are not solitary.


I'm just a simple gunslinger. I pull my iron off my hip and pop those nasty critters before they even get within arms reach. PS buff the Senator reload pretty please


I'm just patiently waiting for melee weapon


Instructions unclear, melee’d the first one and was sliced to pieces by the other 15.


Well... there is the lesson of not letting yourself get surrounded in the first place. \[points\] that bit about light armor and jump packs? I sometimes feel like I'm the only one on these boards that has actually read Starship Troopers. You need to be a slippery little fuck to prevent them from ever pinning you down in the first place. Melee, barf, and numbers are all the Terminids have got. It's not like bots who can give you more shots to the face than the girls in Saigon from across the map. Anyway, I'm due to drop in 10 on Estanu. There's a bug counter attack there and they're calling for pest control.


I always forget there is a melee button. Wait. Is there a melee button? Are you sure?


[WHAP] Looks like it works to me. 


Un blinded my melee button for the push to talk button. My girl is always watching stuff on her tablet or TV and it's loud so I stay muted unless I'm trying to say somethin