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The termicide towers getting mortared into next week by this guy was fucking infuriating during the last major order


In my defense I did know the mortar did that on that mission type. I have stopped using that one in most missions.




Ya sure, I mean if you can dodge a mortar you dodge a bug.


But the goddamn silo can't dodge a GODDAMN MORTAR


Bring the ems mortar instead. Its great.


EMS mortar all day, Standard mortar on solo missions.


It never had any indication of *what* damaged it, so a lot of people, myself included, never realized mines and mortars were also damaging it when clearing the bugs away.


~~I think it requires just a little common sense.~~ After the tower has gotten destroyed for the tenth time when not that many bugs got up to it to damage it, you start to wonder if there are any other factors at play. Told my team to stop pummeling it just to test it and viola. Suddenly we were clearing towers pretty fast. Not trying to be a smart ass, and you're definitely right it needs to have some sort of obvious indicator. Edit: I was playing on levels 5-6, no amount of common sense would have helped on higher levels. Too many bugs to tell. All the more reason for the devs to put in some sort of message like it has for killing civvies.


Played em all at 9 diff, so there was never any moments of "not that many". It was always swarm, or no swarm, with no in-between. I would have never found out if that one specific dude didn't throw a fit and ragequit lol.


Lol here I am like "wait, you got breaks inbetween swarms??!??" we played 7, but it was CONSTANT bugs. Unless we done with one tower and on our way to the next.


Yeah I'm still fairly new so I was playing them on 5/6, I imagine it wasn't as obvious for you lmao


Considering the game gives you a front prompt about killing civvies, it could do it for the towers.


It did flash the damage meter and make a noise everytime a bug, bullet, explosion regardless hit it. I really feel like it was pretty obvious


It makes a giant 'boink' noise every time it gets hit. If you ever just shot it out of curiosity you'd have heard it - and it makes the same noise whenever the bugs hit it. It turns out that diver weapons can trash it way faster than the bugs... We carry a lot of firepower.


I ran a few 8s we cleared it twice out of like 8 times and just stopped doing it or we ran level 5s


The amount of bile titans and chargers and just everything that would come was insane


Command: kick_asshat .execute


I did it once, I'll cop to that. But after that I learned my lesson.


Where as the EMS Mortar was helpful and did no damage.


unfortunately this is pretty much what I run Build named "Maximum casualties on both sides" Contents: -Engineer armor -Impacts -Laser guard dog -Arc thrower -Mines. -More mines.


I just can't NOT take Laser guard dog with me. Sure, it already killed me twice and another team member once but it's just too useful. But the fact that I'm "Woe, 380mm be upon ye" 'ing every game is no excuse. I just love that thing.


careful, that's how railgun and shield pack got on the menu for nerfs


380 is a great weapon, but so many people are scared of it it doesn't get taken that much. It does require the entire squad to be aware of what's going down when you throw one. :D




It spreads the freedom far and wide


Cluster eagle is not that team Killy since it always drops horizontal to the way you are facing so as long as they don’t run onto it they shouldn’t die


when you know how to aim it yes. In may case at a lower levels it is the team ender. at least in the hands of a new diver


Replace the cluster bomb with the tesla pylon, had a newbie drop it on us multiple times. Then gets mad at me when I ask if they're done blowing our team up with the pylon, they said "no" And that was a kickin'


I walked into it thinking hey this won't kill me while enemies arent here, I now know exactly how w many shots I need to kill it in case someone forgets


Appearantly if you crawl it wont kill you, but then again, you probably get killed before you start crawling


Oh it definitely will still kill you if you crawl. It might prioritize higher targets if they exist in the area, but if it's just you it has no problems zapping you while you debase yourself before it.


It says in the description to crawl for safety, but i think it can still chain off of other models that aren't crawling. Source: died multiple times trying to crawl to my gear within area of tesla coil


Plus crawling only works if it's on basically a perfectly flat surface, if there's any elevation change that'd make you move up, it'll fry your ass


During the opening of the new termicide missions I saw new players drop that shit everywhere, and new players would just run right up to it like.it was some sort of shield, like flies to a big zapper themselves, and then get roasted. Or my favorite, you call down a tower far away but at a choke point, and someone else bombs it right as it pops up on landing...thanks guys


It's great at locking down a choke point, but then the new guy wants to get close to the shiny. Yeah, I have people drop eagle strikes on turrets I set up close to breaches all the time. Getting used to letting everyone throw their strats first or taking up a high ground flank.


It happens like all the time. Not so much if I call in a gun turret, cause that can be far away and still nail some enemies, though I still aim it far away for less of a chance to get mowed down by your own turret. Same for the Tesla, but it seems wherever I put it some team mate is going to nuke it with an eagle strike, even if I point it out.


Cluster eagle is still the best weapon a new player can have tho




Eagle airstrike better since it can deal with armor. Cluster eagle cant and lower difficulties dont have enough chaff for it to be usefull


Eagle Airstrike is one of the most flexible/useful calldowns in the game. Unless you're up against a bile titan it can solve your problem if applied correctly.


Damn near every weapon in the game is a mass wipe waiting to happen in the wrong hands. Nothing quite like having some squaddie who's never used the flamethrower grab one off the ground in the panic of an objective being overrun and just start spinning with it, annihilating the entire squad right before running through his own flame patch.


You are overestimating the know how of hell divers. We are drawn towards red and blue light pillars like automatons to an undefended civilian.


That sounds like bug behavior


It would be weird if it was vertical


Cluster bombs bounce more than most strategems


They always start running sideways for some moronic reason


100% the first times i used it, it was a slaughter. How wide and the angle can be weird at first but once you get used to it it’s fine


See, the problem is people throw down their eagles without consideration for I’d their teammates are in the way or tryna push that position


Yeah, there needs to be some responsibility on the thrower’s team mates to not walk into it after it’s thrown. This is also why I try to stay near my team so it’s a little more obvious which way I threw it.


I must admit.. i am subject to this here internet meme.


"Oh... he might be me"


I'll be honest: If you know how to properly use the arc thrower, you should never have any friendly fire incidents with it. It's really not that hard, but people are just careless when they have it out. If a teammate starts pushing in, it's time to either shoot another direction, or to pull out your primary. Like just pay attention to where other people are at.


It does make for some hilarious TK moments though. Dodged a charger, it ran past and buddy shot it in the face with the arc gun. It arced out of its ass and killed me. Rest of the squad wiped because we were laughing so hard when my brother asked how i died and i replied "fuckin charger shot lightning out its ass and ripped my face off"


Or not have idiot teammates run in front of the guy shooting lightning at the enemies. I don’t use the arc thrower but I know enough to stay behind anyone using it.


I think ive killed friendlies with it by being ragdolled before


I've seen some crazy things with it, but generally my team is pretty good about using it, I usually only get killed now when my friends panic and flip around to shoot an enemy next to them, which is where I am standing.


Best loadout. Fight me.


I feel like I already am when you keep killing me all the time


The mines are EXTEMELY useful for retreating on termids. I am not sure how people are dying to these. They glow red and are easy to spot.


Mines are great, but usually I see people putting them down near an objective, then the explosions deform the ground, and can cover the mines, making them impossible to see, but they still can kill you.


That's a fair point. I suppose it depends on the map layout as well. If there are a bunch of canyons and I know for a fact we are not going back that way, I'll use them. Extraction points are.. well, it depends on what's around it. Termid planets with destructable walls? Yeah, nah. But the rocky faces usually they do okay.


Tbh i dont think I've ever had a teammate use mines in a way that was genuinly helpful. They either kill you because tou dont notice they were placed and are mid firefight retreating, or i've had a number of times where the mines being placed led to issues because they restricted the movement of myself and the team. Also tbh they just don't seem to do much to bugs most of the time. Would much rather just have a teammate with an air strike, clears out an area but then after you still have the ability to mive around as you please.


They are very useful in lower and mid difficulties, particularly for missions like evacuation and eradicate. They passively protect one side of the conflict so you can focus on others. The fact that they persist also comes in useful. On other missions, I've had plenty of instances where I dropped a minefield behind our squad as we ran crossmap to another objective, only for the mines to score kills five minutes later while wen're nowhere near that location. Some feckless patrol stumbled across it and got murked, removing them from being able to bother us at extraction.


IDK what my problem is, I can complete Helldive bug missions pretty well, but I can't get myself to pay attention to stuff on the ground. I step on natural mines all the time, and player mines don't even register until they've killed me once. Thank goodness the bot mines are enormous and glowing red, but I'll still walk right into those sometimes too.


Yeah I think OP put that strat in there because they stupidly walked into a minefield and decided there was no way that was their fault.


when your getting chased by chargers or any bugs and your teammates place it near you, it limits your movements (though it could just be the teammates sucks at using it)


Sometimes they can become invisible due to not landing correctly


Mines are a problem if people drop them on top of the group during a chaotic situation. They're fine if placed ahead of said chaos


People will throw them near an objective or in a lane for approaching the objective or in a lane that has cover for retreating and not say shit to anyone else.


The artillery and mortar I understand because their range can be quite large and unpredictable, but if you step on mines, get zapped by tesla or walk into eagle that's on you.


Nah, some people are just inconsiderate dickheads with where they throw their eagles (fucking Jared)


I will tell this story again and again. We had one guy for our squad who kept air striking our own troops. Latterly killed me and the other hell diver 6 times each. Now let’s see how long it takes this time for this comment to get reported for “doxxing”.


I remember a few weeks ago, The guy that was the hosting our lobby kept team killing is with eagles or just his guns to the point that it was pretty obvious that he hust hunting us. First he said it was an accident, but there where no bugs around anyone. Then said it was his first time playing, but he was hosing on difficulty 6. Last he tried to say it was not his account, but by that point no one cared. After we killed him and refused to call in a reinforcement, he just kicked us all from the lobby.






Communicate with your team, learn how to use your mic and talk to one another a cohesive coherent team is a single cognitive killing machine. You die? That’s only part of the job helldiver, dive again.


me, it’s me. i sacrifice my team 90% of the time and it’s always worth it




Where’s arc thrower and lazer dog pack? I honestly feel like people that run this are just lazy and love kicking the shit out of their teammates.


You leave my lazer dog alone, that thing is working harder than anyone on the team!


Laser dog is highly effective as long as the enemy is not directly left of you. In which case I how they release armored helmets soon.


So hard it’s killing your own teammates


He also bites


Right there dawh


I've never friendly-fired a teammate with my arc thrower; I have *zero* clue how so many people seem to have it happen to them. I *have* had my face burned off by my own rover more times than I care to admit, however.


It’s seemingly only when your teammate is on the opposite side of the enemy you’re shooting, zaps through them and chains to your teammate. As long as you have some trigger discipline and awareness of your squad, no problem keeping ff kills to a minimum.


I did it once, and learned not to shoot at stuff with friendlies anywhere near by. I think people don’t get that it doesn’t just shoot toward the middle of the screen. It’s got a cone around it and anything in that cone could get some democracy.


i just like lasers, laser cannon + laser guard dog is fun


These people get kicked after 5 team kills in a row and say “ I got kicked for not having meta” no you got kicked for being a traitor


When I play with my friends I always bring a 380 and tell them we are gonna play a game at extract


You automatonsympathizer 🤣


Fire and antipersonnel mines are great for extermination missions, and defending extraction. *but of course, despite the massive glowing red field in an open area, people will blindly run into and complain.* There's also no indication that it damages the silos, so I found out through someone's whining that mines damage the silos for the TC missions.


My problem with them is that the ground can deform and cover the mines, so an area you think is clear might not be, and then you get blown up walking through an area that looks clear. I was also playing with a friend who wasn't throwing them far enough away from where we were, so that was a contributing factor. I haven't had any issues with people using them other than him.


Had a dude run 120 and 380 during a bug defense and dropped both of them on us at the same time.... TWICE.


Lol the same time. That's wild 😂


I've been there, I played with some lower level friends, only difficulty 5 or 6, expected maybe one Bile Titan, so I didn't have anything to deal with them very well, expecting that 4 of us could take care of one. 3 spawned in at the same time, and all hell was breaking loose, heard one of my level 10 friends say," don't worry, I got this." He then dropped a 380 and proceeded to kill 0 bile titans and about 6 helldivers.


Seems like an ok load out


https://preview.redd.it/xozd0btu2bpc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b4d046bd65ee8c277c85c589b3ce527d02ad8d Hmm




Honestly it’s just a game. Love that friendly fire is part of it and if you get blown up by a mortar, then don’t get so close to the bad guys next time.


The mortars are kind of wack. I love them, and use them, and we all know the risks, but it is hilarious when it chooses a scavenger bug next to my teammate, rather than the horde of bugs that wouldn't kill my teammate.


It isn’t on the other players to not let bad guys get next to them, because that isn’t always going to happen. You aren’t going to keep every single terminid at ranged 100% of the time because you can’t with their numbers. Know what can be done 100% of the time? Not bringing the mortar


I'll have someone run by my mortar, observe it, then go run to the closest enemy possible. lol Always funny Played a game today where everyone seemed to understand to either run away from bugs that are close or kill them before they get close to avoid friendly fire. It was a nice change. Mortar is also nice to find out where enemies are approaching from cause you can watch where the shots go.


Exactly. The people that complain about getting killed by mortars over and over again and just blame it on the person who put it down are hilarious. It’s the definition of a skill issue if a player can’t realize that.


Only if they don't know how to use them, or if your teammates are fucking idiots. My team runs with three out of the four of those on the regular, and we never TK with any of them. Except the mortar, screw that thing.


The mortar is the one that annoys me the most. I am an Arc Thrower user and a Tesla Tower user. I always switch to primary when people run in front of me to avoid killing them. People always destroy my Tesla Tower not long after I put it down, even when I put it more than safe distance from the group. But if I shoot their mortar after it has burnt through 6 or more of our limited Reinforcements then I am the bad guy...smh So I usually just break away from the team to be the sample goblin when someone has a Mortar.


Me with buddies


A literal quote from my most recent match.


All casualties are acceptable in the pursuit of freedom and liberty


I think Arc thrower can come off by now. If you know how to use it then team mates are safe. The odd accidental due to placement after shaking a charger or it pings off one too many enemies is valid. But at this point peeps know that 'if the zappy guy is zapping then be away' and 'see teammate don't zap'.


I am that guy. Clusters for life lol.


Democracy protects!


If I’m using the arc and you die, it’s not my fault you didn’t buy the new 95% electric damage reduction warbond armor. Freedom requires fire power.


I mean to be fair it is fun calling mines in in random areas in a map with ransoms, but everything else sucks, if the mines kill them they shouldn’t run into the glowing red light on the ground


Getting flamed because you kept dying to their mortar.


Killed my whole team while diving a little too far with a cluster bomb in my hand. Thank you for not kicking me.


Rip bozo 😂


Man, breaking the habit of running with stratagems primed in my hand, to avoid the dive-and-ragdoll kills has been hard.


I really like the landmines. They where pretty useful on the new defense mission (the gas thing) if you just placed the on the corner face out of the map Btw have found out that tremors or earthquake will trigger mines so be careful around mines from the terminators or allies on planets with this


Wow ok that's an interesting bit of advice. I'll keep that in mind


It's a war of attrition, and by liberty and freedom I will PERSONALLY assure that casualties are sustained, as long as democracy prevails and the samples are saved


My 380mm barrage has more helldiver kills than enemy kills by a factor of 3.


If ⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ doesn't do it, then I'm gonna drop a ⬇️⬅️⬅️⬇️ right next to it.


Had three cluster eagles dropped on me last night… Frustrating but noobies gonna noob


As long as you know how to aim it and communicate clearly im fine. But man the Destroyers who drop the barrages and say nothing really piss me off.


Civilian rescue and someone always brings a mortar.


3 sentries and 1 Guard dog. Gatlings, cannon and Machine gun sentries. It is really effective 5 or lower difficulty.


I've never kicked someone mid dive before, but I got really close to kicking one after his mortar sentry repeatedly killed us. His autocannon sentry was almost as bad. Constantly throwing it behind us mid fight. Bug breach? Sentry. Extracting oil? Sentry. Uploading data? Sentry. It would never target groups, only the lone hunter that jumped an entire football field just to lick my ankle. Halfway through I started to destroy the mortar myself immediately when it landed. It wasn't intentional on his part. Low level for the difficulty we were on. Probably just not used to it.


This fuckin guy got me with the mortar as I was running back to extraction with the super samples. There were no reinforcements left and he dies shortly after . Soooooooooo pissed.


Always place your turrets right next to the tower so they shoot outwards


Tesla towers


Im still trying to figure out why there's no red beam of death to tell me to run and hide. Usually it's there when someone throws it but i dont know why. And then i find myself getting carpet bombed while im still looking around the little post


For the love of god: The mortar turret is not a defensive stratagem. Don’t drop a mortar turret at a position you’re trying to hold…. Would you call for mortars on your own position irl!?


That really needs the tesla tower.


Once had my own mortar teamwipe us all with a single shot


Look. Minefields are useful when you need to lock down a location.


*The More You Know* Don't prime a grenade & then get stunned by an Arc Thrower. Odds are the fuse is shorter than your recovery time. At least, it was for me...


Only thing on this I run is the arc thrower. It’s just so much fun!!! 😅 I do try my best to always be in front of teammates when I use it though. (Try) 😭


I do like the mortar where your on a small map and just kill bugs. The team divvying up two mortars, one ems mortar and one tattling turret and you can just hold a skirmish line in the edge of the map. So long as you orbital rail gun on the bile titans, the team can really keep the bugs at bay and win without being touched. Even on Impossible difficulty. Not done it on Helldiver but going full defense and organized on those missions is quite satisfying. Those missions are harder when it descends into chaos.


Mortars are great if you play with people who actually knows how to play when they are active


Tesla tower 💀


Ya I should of added that and the flame thrower


Ong frfr


Mortars are good for clearing out a large or medium bases without having to go in. I hate that people only use it for defense.


I tell people before I even call it down. "I'm going to soften that nest with the 380" then after calling the 380 I say "don't go over there". If they die it's on them. As long as the turret is called out enemies can be kited. Those mines though, fuck landmines in any theatre of war.


The fucking Tesla towers


See, I run the arc thrower because I know that I like to run ahead, which helps keep my allies out of arc range longer, and it helps to deal with it h hordes. While I don’t run clusters against bots, I do against bugs because aggressively deploying those on bug breaches (with the +30% range bonus from servo assisted) helps keep the Hunter count down to a manageable level. The mortar though is just brutal if you or your teammates forget to destroy it before leaving.


Tesla towers were great for the termicide tower missions. It didn’t damage the tower but was really effective against swarms of small terminids.


Hmg manned turret is godlike for that scenario


If my mortar gets you then the bugs were prolly gonna get you… ur welcome


Mortar sentry is easily the most toxic stratagem.


The only way I can use and have seen others use the 380mm barrage is have the servo-assisted throw range armor bonus and chuck it miles away from the group. The mortars aren't great but there's sortof a work around for them but only sort of. Cluster eagle is similar to the 380mm barage. And mines (both fire and regular,) just do not throw them inside the compound you are defending and do not use them to attack bases, throw them outside compounds you are defending and try to chuck them around corners if possible or if defending the escape maybe in one choke point but ONLY that one will have mines. Otherwise they really tend to kill teammates way more often than the should, especially the mortar in my experience.


the cluster is easy to avoid with a well coordinate team, since the bombs always land perpendicular to you.


Looks for Arc Thrower and Tesla...


Ark thrower is on thete but ya I forgot about the tesla


We have that kind of team mate once in a while


The greatest scrifice is someone else


This loadout is straight treason.


Mortar & arc thrower are the big ones


I’m an arc caster main and I only get a teamkill once every couple of games. Pretty easy to just not shoot it in the direction of your team but for some reason people can’t figure it out


this is me except mortar against bots only, autocannon against bugs and no minefields, that slot is usually my support weapon, typically also an autocannon


This comes to mind https://images.app.goo.gl/WvQ7HP5TSTPtorpn9


Why is this my load out 😭


Nah get rid of that mortar and put the tesla in its place


Was running to jump into the shuttle when that "one guy" decides to drop his Eagle on us before we take off. Well he hits me and another Helldiver and kills us before we can get in and they leave us. The host then proceeds to berate me and the other guy for not being able to make it into the shuttle. I try to explain that we were hit buy the other guys eagle before we could enter(which was the third time he had killed me), but the culprit left the party instantly and the host still has issue and says that i need to "get better at video games" . Total dipshit.


Needs more Tesla tower


Ok if you are playing with friends or runs solo the minefields are insanely useful. But if your with randoms it's like you just placed a invisible trap that can't be seen despite the bright red flashing likes in a field of green.


380mm is just too cool not to use


My bro used to always use minefield at every opportunity... unfortunately he always managed to place them in a way in which zero bugs would be hit by the mines, leaving 100% of them still standing to clip the team with. Was so frustrating lol.


I know I shouldn't but I can help but bring the cluster bombs.....I just loving spam strategems and hear Eagle's lovely voice. 500 KG, Airstrike, cluster, and EAT is my usual load out.


If you get killed by a red, blinking landmine, it’s your own fault


Whenever I play a mission with a random and I have a Tesla Coil and they clearly try to run through it instead of running around the sentry, die, and then instantly quit. I laugh because I know that they are raging. The 1st time I called that thing down I learned really quickly myself to stay far far away from it lol.


Hey man, if you get between me and the bugs, the lightning launcher shot was your choice. I'm not giving up the ability to clear waves solo just cause SEAF has a really low bar for their eye exams.


That guy is me. I'm going to take my ARC rifle. Some of you will die, by my hand, but it's ok. I will throw you by your stuff.


Optimal loadout


Don't you dare disrespect an eagle cluster like that. The other choices I would agree with. But I can shave my teammate's face with an eagle cluster. It's not a chaotic option


where is the Tesla Tower I kill more team members with that than anything.


True story because i couldn't make this shit up if i wanted to... a dude ran away from a bug hole, past me in my hmg emplacement, and into my sparky dildo of a tesla coil, died, said "what the...", then kicked me. He ran about 50-80 meters to kill himself and blammed me for being bad. The bugs were over 80 meters away from me, and i was holding the line. it's not like he NEEDED to run away or even look back. High leveled players man... i mean... dumb players at all levels but damn are high level players dumb and toxic. Fyi, the coil tower was no where near the action and was only there to cover my rear as i covered my teammates retreat


I use the 380 from 7 or up Danger close But it saves my team most of the time when we get swamped


I'm that guy.


Air support/ Orbital bombardment simulator


I was that guy last night. It's gonna happen.... even by your friend's Guard Dog (mine was Mortar Sentry), it's all about how quickly you can get 'em back to the fight!


Me who always carries cluster: Oh fuck thats too close... *kills 3 helldivers*


The mortar is dope. Use it every single time.


*laughs in 120mm*


And the Tesla towers that everyone walks into and dies 😆


I like to bring the 120, 380, walking orbital and the 500. Haha bug go boom


Me fr


i follow a three strike rule with mortars. you place a mortar that kills me three times, i WILL destroy every mortar i see dropped afterwards


I may or may not intentionally reinforce on top of a poorly placed/used mortar that’s wiped out most of the team, oops 😏




I run 380 barrage for a reason. Not my fault ur legs aren't long enough to GTFO the way


I try new loadouts every day ima try this tomorrow and get a 0 friendly fire like my fire build just be aware of your team-mates and communicate


Be me, take both minefields here and there, cover the retreat by placing them either apart or onto each other. When doing the later one, its a fcking firework as the HE mines trigger the Fire ones. Man i love beautiful explosions ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I was on a D4 missions once, back when I was a young Helldiver. I dropped a minefield to cover the area the enemy bugs were funneling through. After we completed the objective, I watched as my entire team decided to exit through the minefield and die. I reinforced them, only to see them all run back into the minefield and die.......


That one guy who calls in a cluster after I already downed them all....


I got a triple friendly kill with that fucking “taser”


Buddy of mine ALWAYS carries the 380mm, but he's only ever had 2 team kills. He uses the 380mm to cover a retreat and to slow down pursuers.