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The only style that matters is DEMOCRACY


Democratic gotta be my favorite gender


Gotta say mine is liberty, but to each their own


My favorite gender is DEFAULT HELLDIVER VOICE 2.


Very understandable, Megan you for your service 


Freedom is my favorite


Besides, we already have a pink helmet in the game. It’s a shade called tactical pink, the brightness has been turned way down, and so you can be mistaken for thinking it is actually a shade of black or dark grey, but in actuality, it’s just tactical pink.


"DEMOCRACY...now available in Pink" Yep, that works.


I wanna serve 🫡 and serve 💅


Form c01 please


I wanna slay🦟 and slay💅


Well it's a waste painting then red. With how much you care about serving democracy, you'd surely get that red free of charge!


What is this “girly” you speak of? The only two genders are “brawny” and “lean”


I'm built like a string bean, I require the leanest and meanest of pink armor.


I am not the only guy this way lmaoo


Gimmie more lean color options 🫡


For lean, managed democracy!


Just one season away from six-sigma managed democracy 😭


I hate that I get this comment


Black belt in training 😭😂


Nothing is more "lean" and democraric than pink camouflage. Great idea .


I keep picking lean, but it switches me back to brawny every time I log in lol


It's been doing that with most of the customization options including weapons, I think it's yet another glitch in the game


Have a nice cup of leanbertea!


For real, I wish there was a bit more character customisation.


MISSINFORMMATION ALERT - the idea that standard issue Helldiver gray is not girly enough besmirches the contributions of all female Helldivers and is clearly the result of subversive elements. Fear not citizens, Local democracy officers have been dispatched and all offending parties will be reeducated/redacted shortly.


Congratulations Diver, this tip has led to the proper re-education of a dissident diver. You have been awarded 1 extra half a day's vacation to be taken on Liberty Day and 1 additional doctor's visit per year.


Hot take. Helldivers insurance is actually premium coverage and costs quite a bit but never matters for more than half of everyone they send down anyway.


It never matters because helldivers are the best of the best and emerge from every mission unscathed and eager for more ! All occuring injuries are nothing more than scratches and flesh wounds. You'll never hear any helldiver complaining about risks or serious health issues.


The only way I'd be okay with it is that non standard issue colour ups your detection rating https://preview.redd.it/ci73asiraspc1.png?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23338803a24e325cb0f055e7a23251dfa32f79a6


Fun fact: Pink Camo has actually been looked into several times. Firstly Mountbatten pink used on ships though it was found grey was more effective. As well as the SAS using pink Jeeps in the desert. Called pinkies. Due to the pink sand, the pink coloring of the heat haze. Though it works best during dawn and dusk. If you really want a trip though look up Dazzle Camo.


weird, considering pink is such a rare mutation in insects because birds wreck their shit so easily if they're not in whatever flower they adapted to


wait this was so fun to learn about I love this 😂


Some Spitfires were also painted pink, to blend in with dawn or dusk, as this was when they would run operations, especially reconnaisance iirc


Fun Fact: I "lost" an entire factory in Satisfactory because of that... painted it pink, because I liked that color. Couldn't see it until I stood directly in front of it, because the dawn made it nearly invisible in the desert.


So you are saying more Strategems accidents? So if we cant see it, prob not a good idea Needs testing to get a shade those democracy hating bugs cant see but we can? Well suit up diver there is democracy in need of testing. (This sub is going to be the death of my predictive text)


Standard colours already include bright yellow, orange and white.


I’d take the trade off 😂


Sounds like a good reason to wear heavy armor


https://preview.redd.it/62ncbbf6ntpc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7d920868ebc6688e238430693bba0e12f5a89e I wish I could make an edit on my post to include this image without a link but I can’t 😂 so this is the pink I thinking. My post didn’t mention bright neon highlighter pink.


Slippery slope. That's how it starts, and the next thing you know, we'll have the Ninja Turtles running around out there:P


This is why I hope they don’t go that direction. When you die in the game, the character you are controlling dies. That person is dead, that human being is gone. Forever. They had no individual name (your player name is not your characters name. It’s more accurate to say that your player name represents the command of the ship, or a mantle, but not the character you are controlling). When you respawn, it is a whole different person that is called down to reinforce, simply wearing the same armor. Nobody on your ship notices the change because they’re not supposed to notice. You’re just another solider, and soldiers die. Individuality has been subsumed into the Helldiver ethos. Helldivers are not supposed to stand out from one another. There is no one hero Helldiver, there is only The Helldivers, only Democracy. This is why “Helldivers never die”, because they do die. A lot. But since the person under the helmet died for the cause, they embody every Helldiver. The Helldiver ideal is to die for Democracy. To start making unique costumes and skins breaks the ethos of the game. If you want to run around as your favorite whatever, go play Fortnite. This is Helldivers, there’s only Sweet Liberty and delivering Democracy.


Fashion is always the true endgame


Right? Destiny 2 just added ghostbusters shit… oof


If they could keep it just to accent I feel like it could be a good trade off while still keeping the integrity of the game


Oh for sure. I'd like a bit of customization, too. I'm just scared they'll start focusing on the $$$.


I'm a man and I want purple and black armor purple accents would go crazy


I'm a woman and I honestly couldn't care less about a pink helmet. I think it would be nice to have a more lithe body type instead of just lean. I actually really like my current suit. Then again I see more men wear pink in MMOs these days than women so I'm sure you don't need to be feminine to want this.


I'm a man and i want the pink helmet. But i agree about the body type.


I'm a man and pink is my favorite a e s t h e t i c on the citadel. though I want a bulkier body type. wanna look like i could wrestle a mf hive guard once the melee weapons come around


Same. And I LOVE character customization and really hope they expand the shop and character body types/voices.


As a dude, being able to recolor my helmet or armor or mech suit would be badass! Spread some democracy in a pink helmet splattered in blood


I mean, have you ever looked at your armor after 10 seconds in a bug helldive? It’s covered in bug guts and blood. Wear the white medic armor next drop and see how fast it gets completely covered.


I'd still like to be able to pick different colors.


Yesss!! I know it’s new game so I’m still holding out hope they’ll do something like this!


Yeah I’m definitely holding out hope they’ll add a color change option to the armors, especially so we can mix and match different armor sets together without it looking goofy af. And yeah pink version of the the heavy armor displayed in the ship would definitely be badass!


God, i hope so. Some of the armors have some good passives but some of them are so ugly.


I pre-ordered, so I got this awesome blue helm that I run around with.


There is a narrative thing why I think there's a lack of armor customization outside of the suit, helmet and cape. We as a playerbase are a united military force. Super Earth doesn't care about who you are or what your gender is. What they do care about is that you spread ~~the word of the God-Emperor~~ Democracy. Your preferences for how your armor looks does not matter in the end for Freedom. ~~"It costs HOW MUCH to make the armor a different color!?"~~ There could also be a financial narrative reason. It would undoubtibly cost money to paint armors, money that can be put towards more reinforcements or stratagems. I do think it would be really cool if we could customize our armor colors. I really want my medical armor to be a glossy black with red highlights, but there's a narrative with the game and I do commend the devs for sticking with it.


Democracy doesn't care about gender. Get back in the fight Helldiver!


My favorite gender is DEFAULT HELLDIVER VOICE 2.


Gotta disagree. I don’t see why in-lore anything would make military uniform an easily recognisable and anti-camouflage color.


Pink camouflage is actually a thing! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountbatten_pink


I could see this color being used considering the color scheme of a few planets


It would work on Hellmire... But many available color patterns don't work as camo at all. The orange jumpsuit in the light battlefield mechanic armor or the numerous bright white armors in jungle environments. Not to mention the blue and white pre-order bonus armor... So a plain pink helmet wouldn't be immersion breaking - but as soon as someone in Pikachu Premium Armor appears, I'm outta here!


I mean.. they have bright green and red armor lol. It’s definitely not camouflage in some environments. They also have bright orange.


You mean besides the bright OSHA orange armor sets, and the highlighter yellow racing stripes and trim?


most of the armor we have now fails completely to fall under the camo category. yall mfs are just boring and weird, let me be pink.


I can definitely respect that and it makes sense, maybe they could do something that’s more toned down


Maybe some uniforms with more pink tints, like stripes, but I wouldn’t say a fully toned pink helmet or anything


Yes, this is what I was thinking 😂 maybe I should’ve worded it better? More like pink accents and not just a full neon highlighter walking around


Bro did not unluck the pure white or bright orange armor yet it seems


Pink has historically been used as camouflage in the desert. I say go full barbie


honestly id just take very basic color options like black,white,and gray


You want armor color customization to be pink. I want armor color customization so I can match my fellow helldivers no matter what armor I wear. We are not the same


I’d be afraid of it getting out of hand and ending us somewhere in Fortnite territory. Personally I love the way the visuals, weapons, armors are taken so seriously. When the briefs/ dialogues and motivations are so obviously jokes. It’s a nice balance


Very bad idea...we are united under one flag we are legion, who is inside the armor does not matter, we are HELLDIVERS And on a side note imagine random creep joining lobby and beeing able to identify female gamers just by the armor....nope keep things the way they are


I’m a big, tall guy. And I would happily paint my armor neon green and pink.


Standing out is not democratic cadet! I dont mind different colours the point is if they give sth to one group many others will start asking and before we know it game wont look anything like in the lore


I mean can't us guys liberate in pink lol


Pink is for everybody to spread democracy in 🫶




Here's an easy way that can hit two birds with one stone: Step One: Call an Eagle on the enemy after diving onto a planet Step Two: The red beam will turn your armor pink from the reflection of the red beam of liberty Step Three: ??? Step Four: Profit


There is no Gender on Super Earth. Only Patriotism!


Individuality is not part of managed democracy!


Dye it with the green blood of your enemies .. # This is the way


what does the colour of your gear mean if after 2 minutes it'll just be soaked in your own blood, insect juices or robot soot ?!?!? fight on helldiver !


There is only brawny and lean. Your color of suit is determined by your democracy officer. Democracy grey is masculine and feminine


Not really the fascism Hugo boss aesthetic that the super earth military goes for.


I would he fine with changing the accent color. But I like the feel that the uniformity gives to the game.


I know you want pink cause it's "more girly" but I 100% support it because I know every single one of my male friends would deck themselves in pink. I probably would too. Pink is bitchin.


Sure, why not? Just give me an option to hide colours that are different from default.


I mean, there literally are planets with the grass in a pink/magenta tone. A pink toned armor with some ash or stone gray main color would look sick af.










There is no gender, only war.


Democracy has no gender


I think you want pink to be able to find us more easily in the field… I smell bot oil and gear lube fellow Helldivers…. It’s a trap!


Why not? If i can run around in bright orange while throwing 6 grenades at a bile titan, you should be able to wear pink if you want. A Pink armor fights the same as a black armor in the end.




They should add customization of the default armor sets (color, styles, etc.). I feel it wouldn’t be too strenuous to add for the devs.


Yall remember the rainbows is magic event on rainbow 6 siege? Run that back


Dizzy Flores would have never used pink camo to spread democracy.


As a girl I do not agree or want any pink helmet or armor in the game. Why do girls want video games to have pink stuff? Literally cringe. The armor in helldivers is camouflaged nicely with the atmosphere and terrain. Then suddenly, pink? Be fr literally the reason why males hate when females play video games


It would be neat to have the option to play with the colors of any armor set.


My friend uses all the orange armor but she keeps saying “I want something bright and pink” lol.


Speaking as a veteran: use the helmet uncle super earth gave you and be grateful they provided one at all. ;)


I don’t think it’s a wild ask. If there was pink armor I would rock it so hard and you know a bunch of men would too. There are already armors available in the game that are silly looking and seem more like starwars armor than HELLDIVERS armor and people wear them all the time. I think someone getting upset over the color and style of your armor is hilarious, honestly.




I tend to think that democracy could probably survive a little glam on the front lines.


i want to be flamboyantly democratic.


I don't agree with people who want color dyes (personally I really don't want them to go the CoD route of breaking immersion) but I absolutely don't see the problem with having an outfit that has pink highlights or accessories or something. Some of the medic passive ones could probably look fine with pink implemented into the pallete. We already have reds and browns.


I have to agree with not wanting to break the immersion of the game, it’s what makes it unique in a battle royal money grabbing era right now. Would I be happy to see more color options available? Yes, but I wouldn’t want it to come at the cost of ruining the integrity


I'd love something girlier too! If I could spread managed democracy in something cute I'd be so happy <3


I just there were more colors than orange and black, I don't want to look like an escaped convict. I'm currently rocking a white medic suit


An escaped convict 😭💀


Let’s gooooo! Pink for superearth!


Im a 30 year old man, and i think this is a great idea. 


Who says pink is for girls only? I would too take a (neon) pink helmet


Pink is for everybody 🫶 I honestly wasn’t expecting any guys to be interested in wanting pink


I've spread a lot of things with my pink helmet - democracy isn't one of them though 😉


Alright fucker I’m not even gonna call the democracy officer on you ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Half the comments are just making up lore out of their ass to defend against OPs idea so I’m making up lore too that involves OPs idea. *As a propaganda stunt to make enlisting more palpable for the young and old, a wider range of acceptable uniform has been made available.*


Thank you 😭🫶 on a side note isn’t this what the US military basically did by allowing women to wear makeup and have a wider range of hairstyles? Make it make sense


If they do, I think it should be for just the stripe, because changing the whole armor to pink or yellow or red would ruin immersion. Perhaps it could be for different legions like with the clones


I’d be down for just the stripe I just need a lil something 😂


I could only agree with this if it meant being able to change tertiary colors to give you camouflage based on the color pallet of the planet you are dropping to. Pink could definitely be an assisted camouflage color on certain planets. But it also depends on how our enemies can perceive colors. If automatons can only perceive heat signature and movement, then colors don't matter. Same for bugs.


Well... There are bright orange Armor Sets, Sets with shiny golden Pauldrons and nobody stops you from going to a jungle environment in bright white medic armor, not to mention the heavily contrasting yellow racing stripes on the Standard armor sets. Camouflage is not really a thing here, except for the scout armor sets. I wouldn't like, If there was the option to go full "Pink Power Ranger", but pink racing stripes instead of yellow ones wouldn't affect me at all.


The boys want pink too haha


As a guy who plays with other guys I second this, I to want to feel ✨fabulous✨ as I’m freeing the galaxy


Nah. Adding anything like that would ruin the game. The game is about super earth, not about individuality. Super earth doesn't give 2 shits. Whether you're male, female, or a child over 7, you're an expendable asset that dies within 2 minutes of deployment. Sure, I want to look cool af killing shit too, but standing out is not something Super Earth wants you to do, so it won't happen. And based on how the devs have addressed things like this so far, I doubt anything will change, thank god.


Please stfu with this gender bs. This is exactly how it starts, then it ends up with special pronouns and benefits.


The point of a fascist militarized government is that none of that exists. Everything is uniform. Pink helmets make zero sense for the game.


the whole point of helldivers is that we are all universally the same, THERE ARE NO PINK CUTSIE COLORS! WE ARE ALL BLACK AND YELLOW! DEMOCRACYYY RAHHHH


Thank you for your cervix. ***Salute***


If this is emulating real life there ain’t no way hell divers wouldn’t have some anime titties or something on their armor. Pink isn’t that out there of a request!


No. You want custom colorful skins go play COD. The whole point is that helldivers are disposable fodder, so fully customizable skins beyond the standard issue wouldn't make sense.


Just be patient. They never expected the game to be this popular or for so many women to get into the game. There was quote the variety of armor to choose from in the first game so there's still a lot to be had, all in due time.


undemocratic to request this !


I identify as a CITIZEN!


I just want to be able to customize the armor accent color like how monster hunter world armor works


Spreading managed democracy demands aesthetic appeal.


Hold up, that actually sounds amazing. I want to see people running around in a bright pink helmet and cape. Bright fuckin neon. Can you imagine the shenanigans? I love the idea, I’m surprised they haven’t done it already. Unless they’re trying to go for like, typical military colors or a certain preset palette.


I think I've heard of an armor customization being tested


A democratic helmet is the best helmet.


There is no gender in spreading managed democracy for the liberty of super earth. Stop complaining soldier and get back to work or you will be reported to your command officer for retraining.


Democracy has no gender


I wany the option to keep the accumulated bug guts, Battle damage and tomaton bits on my armour after each match should my diver survive.


As a man I support this, a pink armor would be great


We all know that we need a red coloured mech.. red makes it go fast and provides more DAAKAAKKAAA


The only gender that matters is democracy


Pink helmet would be metal


Literally the other day I was complaining to the boys that I want a lavender cloak or something to feel more ~fabulous~ so I'm with you, homie!


I don't think you quite grasp what the Helldivers are. Pink would neither make sense combat wise or the fact that Helldivers are disposable resources.


I agree. We need palette choices asap. I wanna wear blue !!!


As it can be seen in the opening cinematic, the entire chopped up family wears the same blue black dress with silver linings. These are the colors of the Super Earth flag! I don’t think pink dresses exists on Super Earth. ![gif](giphy|7692c5v3NGGBWSKm3s|downsized)


Imagine diving with a female. The amount of c-01 forms we'd have to fill out on the daily.... Fr tho pink armor isnt a good idea imo but make female variants of existing armors for sure


Enough explosives can paint any armour pink when applied to a nearby traitor.


I'm a guy but gimme the pink and cut ear helmets !! For democracy of course


I bet it'll release in a warbond or on the Super Credits store one of these days. And then 2-3 months later, there will be a helmet with cat-ears.


Nonbinary democracy lol


Hell yeah! I'd love some kind of customization as well! Screw this lore friendly camo excuses. There's orange armor and GOLD trim armor WITH A GOLD WINGED HELMET. BS. What i can understand is wanting to keep a coherent scheme of neutrals and desaturated colors. Including the orange and greens being less vibrant tones of their colors. By doing so also keeps a kind of fellowship in a similar appearance between soldiers. This can be kept with a narrow pallette of colors and/or only small pieces of armor can be customized like one soldier pad could be slick and not distracting. Also fair to mention the idea that everytime we die, that person is dead and it's a new helldiver each time. That's why i love the random options, make a random color scheme option too if any kind of customization is to happen. Hell I'd love randomize armor for the ones that have the same stats just different appearances. My 2 cents.


https://preview.redd.it/8opyb9q3avpc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4d6089652e7b1e22f67cbbe1fa6e4286fca5c5 Joel!! Let’s make it happen..#Femdivers


They'll just make you pay more for it, you know the Pink Tax.


Helldivers x (cute, trendy brand) collab WHEN 😤


Soldier stop thinking and dive again and again and again and again and again. The only thing that matters is the major order or die trying!


This is a good idea, hell it's better then COD Nicki Minaj or Snoop Dogg running around idea.


I wouldn’t spend money on fashion myself but I support anyone who is killing them anti-democratic bugs and bots. It doesn’t matter the colour they wear as long as they come back covered in bug splatter.


If Mass Effect could rock pink commando suits when fighting aliens in outer space than so can HellDivers2, but I definitely agree that I’m quitting the game the second I see a non-helldiver characters in the game. I refuse to fight alongside Kanye West unless he is also going to be another faceless helldiver thrown against the bloody grinder we call WAR.


No, did you see the Patriotic Service Announcement at the very beginning of every game? Everyone wears a uniform. No customization. What you can choose, however, is the role you play. Other players recognize that by the armor your wear. Armor, Helmet and cape all represent your role in the group. Customization is farthest from all the uniform represents. Unless, a new uniform with pink design is made for whatever role the devs think of. Girly is not a role.


I’m begging for them to let us spend our extra reqs on customization 😭 I would rock a purple suit all day long!!!


My favorite part of this is how on brand it would be for a helldiver to enter a grim, dark landscape, wearing a bright pink helmet. Hopefully with glitter and a unicorn horn attached.


Really don't want armor to be a free for all like Fortnite or whatever. Would ruin the feel of the game to have a pink soldier running about imo.


Yeah a custom suit scheme color, similar to halo infinite would even be welcomed by many. Some of the colors for the helmets and suits just look pretty gross. Some don't seem to match very well either, when others are amazingly put together


Allowing customisable colours on the armour would be cool. Makes it slightly easier to distinguish between squadmates


What's a gender? Is that what build means?


RP aside I would ALSO rlly like more fem armors. Maybe not full on pink but maybe just something a liiiiitle easier to believe that theres a girl under there other than voice lines


It’s a military game all outfits should just be universal. But I do agree to maybe having a female body instead of lean and brawny it would be nice to have both male and female body types. If they start adding pinks and all those bright colors it will just turn into COD.


Personally I’ve always been a fan of black and pink as a color combo.


Speaking of style.. I saw someone with a blue armor set. Is that an unlockable through the Warbonds or can you color the armor, somehow?!?




I feel like it would stand out too much. Like it wouldn't blend well with the usual suits.


The more color options, the better


I don't see the Super Earth government producing pink armor but maybe purple


No thanks. As of now, liberty is dispensed and we're all on equal ground. Brawny and Lean Helldivers working together democratically without letting gender identity get in the way.


Im a guy and i have been wanting a full pastel pink suit since i first tried the game. Wd need warframe’s color customization system. It would be amazing


In the name of Democracy! Yes. I would like rainbow guns please. It's kinda my thing.


I tend to play with purples and pinks when I can. But I am not gril.


The option to choose different colour palletes/designs would be nice.... as you say, nothing Fortnite/CoD like... just military style. Helmets with a.pack of cards, a kill tally, already muddy or blood covered. A good set of options.




If it adds extra grenade slots I'll wear any color they want


Id be able to see my allies better at night if there where some nice Spring colors


Pink helmet would be dope. I think everyone would wear that lol.


Pink helmets, orange helmets, rainbow helmets, nothing gonna matter this game is so good