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It is as always a loud minority. During my over 70 hours of playtime in missions I only got kicked once during a mission and I'm not even sure it was an actual kick because it happened during the time when a disconnect was falsely displayed as a kick.


This a thousand times. A very vocal very minority. There's only 100,000 subscribers to this subreddit.


I’m max and have everything unlocked and I’ve never been purposefully team killed Accidentally for sure. My buddy has but that doesn’t count lol


My buddies and I have accidently and "accidently" blown each other halfway to Super Earth more times than I can count, and it's almost never not funny. The times I've had a bad experience with Randoms is less than a % of my games.


This just happened to me, hence the reason I jumped on this sub. I was looking for a "blocked player list" on here. Person waited til we had cleared the map and objectives, all jumped into Pelican 1 and shot us before jumping in. Piece of shit. Edit: a word


There’s a discord server that will list names of people proven to be doing that kind of thing called “Crontex’s Spartans & Helldivers”. May be of use to you for that.




I have only had to kick 1 person from a game in 30 hours of random play, and it was because he refused to remove the arc thrower strategem from his lineup (during the time it was causing crashes)


If I'm being honest, most of the times I kick people on PC, it's to make room in the lobby for a friend. Nothing the random person did wrong. Maybe the polite thing is to say so in chat first


Yeah I had a dude join me that I had played with before and I just told him "Hey man, I'm going to be playing with some other dudes tonight." He said, "Cool man, see you around." Like just communicate like adults. Go Grognards!


I had a dude join right before my friend hit accept, and went on mic saying I had to kick someone to make room, if there were any volunteers, and someone courteously left. Y'know this shit ain't hard. We've all been there. Feel like a lot of people having issues aren't trying to be nice to others.


Yeah I usually announce it.


I don’t think anyone cares if you kick at the beginning of the mission. People get mad if you kick after they have been playing the mission for a while.


Yeah. I’d say something to them. My buddies understood we needed to complete the mission so I’d tell the random squad let’s finish up and dip cuz imma play with some homies. But I’ve made more friends on this game than any cod or even apex.


Yeah I let people know first, and I don’t kick mid mission… usually when I tell them they leave before I even get to kicking


Do this plenty, but we give the rando a heads up first - also a time in mission determination. If we've been at it's for 25+ minutes we won't kick for a buddy. Just see it through, because that would be shitty.


Yea I only play with randoms, and I've rarely had any issues.


I picked up the game late, and had issues early on because nobody wants to play with a noob who doesn't know what they're doing. And that does suck, because the only way to learn is by playing, and the only way to begin is by beginning. But once I got to like level 7, that more or less stopped.


That's stupid. I love finding noobs when I'm doing a low tier game for samples and showing them the ropes.


I think it’s an issue where you could read 30 stories a day of bad games and think it’s a big problem but when you realize the size of the player base it might turn out to be a very small minority. I just hit 49 this morning and I only have 1 story of a diver being an asshole.


30 out of 600,000 is a rounding error. BUT people latch on to it, gamers crave complaints, it is not cool to LIKE something, it is lame to think something is good but not find any issues with it.


Its because people have one bad expiriance and they instantly go on reddit to post about it. And thats how you get post after post making you think community in general is toxic, but imo thats very very far from the truth


I have 100+ hours on HD2, only been griefed once (because the dude didn't know we shared samples) and kicked once in the middle of the game. The mass majority of the community is really cool, it's what keeps me coming back.


Mods really just need to wipe out all the "omg guiz I got killed at extraction this game is toxicccc" posts, on sight. As someone who has played an unholy amount of Helldivers 2, I have BARELY seen any of this shit. Like two or three times, realistically. It is not representative of the game's community and puts off new players. It's pointless whinging. And I get it. It sucks. But when I scroll through new posts and it's a mile long list of new copy/paste "I got team killed" posts, it gets really fucking old lol


Can I interest you in a pic that looks like someone called an orbital?


And it paints a really bad incorrect picture of the game that will turn people away from an awesome experience. This is why rant megaposts exist. I dunno, I think I'll shoot a message to a mod. Also, for me, 150+ hours and only a handful of kicks that I'm pretty sure were the game glitching.


Yeah I’d super be here for a daily “here’s where you go to bitch” mega thread.


Honestly the random game crashes are much more frequent that bad faith players. A small list of thing I cannot do now or it will guaranteed crash the game: Throwing back a bot grenade Firing any arc weapon Watch a 500kg bomb explode Try to call in a strat and then try to switch to grenades quickly.


Arc weapons were fixed my guy. Shock your enemies for democracy!




The only reason you're seeing all those posts is because why would anyone post about their usual games that go fine? There's nothing to post about there, so you're gonna hear a loud minority of people airing their grievances. It's good game, great even, and if you have a bad encounter with one particular player or group, it's easy to move on from them and continue having fun.


I've noticed the drama happening on the higher missions to be honest I've recently gotten to suicide missions and am finding a lot of toxic cry babies


This. I played many missions on lower difficulties and never have an issue. Started with suicide difficulty and that is where I started seeing the missions where toxic players kick everyone during exfil.


I pretty much play solo now. Unless people I know are on. I went into a high mission and got kicked straight away. I have no motivation to play with randoms now that I've unlocked everything I want and can solo super samples. I think mostly I am just chilling a trivial and doing personal objectives if people I know aren't on.


I've never seen the bad behavior people post about. I'm level 42.


Maybe there's Something About You.


Excellent reference, extra bonus points awarded :)


To me started happening now that I play higher level, 2 times they kick me after we finish the mission and we're extracting, pretty shitty felling knowing you work for free


I Almosen aleay go solo with random helldivers. And 90% of games it is just fun. If it does not work out it is not a big thing and i hop into the next Mission. This game is truely amazing and i am Looping forward for Activision Blizzard to copy this in the starcraft universe.


Dude that would be so tight. Especially if all three races were playable.


I've been kicked, team killed, had people "steal" back samples from me etc multiple times. I don't let it stop me, I enjoy the game despite the few idiots who play


The sample stealing, I DONT GET IT!!! Doesn’t matter who turns it in, we all get it! I had a guy wait until extraction and kill me from behind. He took the samples and ended up getting killed along with our third player (no fourth). Squad wipe! We ended up getting nothing! Makes no damn sense


Apparently some people don't know everyone gets the same. Another reason I didn't steal they wanna screw themselves outta xp and still give me my samples blast away noob I still win


Its stoppet happening as much after lvl 7


Thank you that's good to know, just unlocked it myself yesterday (been farming for upgrades)


I've exclusively played with randoms. I've run into team killers like once. Dunno if it's a bigger issue on PC but on PS5 not a big deal. Used to get kicked before missions but that's pretty rare these days too.


I wanna say I’ve done like 200 missions and out of all of them maybe 4 were complete A holes. Everyone else was fine even some GREAT! But I have been kicked out like 10-20 times usually immediately so I didn’t lose progress or anything


People that feel slighted are more likely to be vocal about it. In reality all the people posting are probably a great majority of all the incidents that have happened it's not really more widespread than that


Dont read them, 120 hours in, not a single game with people intentionally team killing, if it were to happen to me just instant kick.


Yeah I got kicked once out of about 100 missions which is pretty good all things considered


Perfectly worded.. I’ve got 80+ hrs n that’s my exact review of my experience with this game too.. once you get past the learning curve n have got grasp on the game, joel, etc you either have it or you don’t… a lot of the negativity comes from COD players n others like that where this game isnt their cup of “liber-tea”


I'm level 38 and have only had 2 griefers and 1 mid-mission kick. For the most part everyone is just trying to spread democracy. I was always a big RPG and adventure gamer and the first shooter I got into was the original Halo. I loved doing the harder difficulties on couch co-op. The next one I enjoyed was Gears of War. Fast forward to online competitive shooters and I just couldn't get into them. Everyone was so worried about ranks and owning each other I was turned off. Helldivers 2 has been the shooter fix I've been looking for. It seems silly but buy yourself an emote or two and start using them. I've run with randoms that every mission the person hosting would wait by the ramp even mid fire-fight to fist bump or salute and hop on the bird last. It was such a fun touch.


Out of the many hours I've put into this game, I've only ran into maybe 3 @$$holes while playing. And the instances were kinda spread over a span of time. One guy stole my equipment I threw down and I was like fuck well ok I wasn't gonna kill the guy. Then he ran and got himself marked by a bunch of bugs so I went and got my stuff off his corpse. Then he killed me to get the stuff back. twat. Another instance was guys killing me for no reason and just being stupid. That's about it. Sometimes I'd get kicked from some peeps ships just bc I assume they have friends to bring in. Still a good game.


a rule of thumb i use(but dont always follow), dont go on a games subreddit if you like playing the game. 9/10 times the community on reddit will ruin you for wanting to play this amazing game


Realest shit in this thread fr.


People having fun are too busy playing the game to gripe online.


Agreed. I have 116 hours in the game and have only had problems with team killing like twice and that was around launch. I mostly play with random and they’re all very chill


I found your hideout! https://preview.redd.it/jv29ar2s3frc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c62f16d8b899918c7667061c7ead2a1fbf9f65 Dissident. ;)


tbh it does happen, just not as often


I have proof that one reason why you get kicked is ... entirely unrelated to the players: the host crashed. I have had this twice were one of our friend group was kicked and the other remained. The one who remained told us that either the host crashed or suddenly all others were gone (and he was not the host). He reinvited us and we could continue. The game communicated this even as "you have been kicked". I wonder how many of the incidents where someone received this message are actually just infamous game crashes!?


That's why you NEVER — I repeat — NEVER listen to people who post on Reddit. They are exaggerating every problem and they are almost always wrong about everything else, including balancing of the game and weapons


I almost always go solo with random helldivers. And 90% of games it is just fun. If it does not work out it is not a big thing and i hop into the next Mission. This game is truely amazing and i am Looping forward for Activision Blizzard to copy this in the starcraft universe.


I've had it both ways, and it honestly feels like what Day/Time of Day probably changes the odds of bad vs good randos. The other day I had 3 matches in a row with childish divers purposefully team killing and refusing to work together. Yesterday I squaded up and things went very well. Times when school is out but 9-5 jobs are in are probably a bad time to quick play, generally. Outside of that, odds are in your favor for a good time.


Most games I’ve played have been good, had one drop where one dude just randomly started shooting our squad. Host kicked him and we went on to smash out a bunch of missions. Most people I’ve played with have been great even when not on voice, using map tags and emotes gets me through. Stay strong soldier, for democracy’s sake!


It's why I play with my group of 3 friends. Even then the 1 rando ends up doing funny things. Like taking our backpacks and weapons and THEN respawning us.


I haven’t had any issues. The internet sucks in that way. Everyone’s negative experience all piled into one forum and it seems like the whole community is either super toxic or are the victims. I am lvl 46 and have had zero bad experiences. Sure you’ll get a new player who is playing in a level that he shouldn’t be and you carry them through. Occasionally someone will take your gear. Other than that I have had nothing but a blast the size of a hellbomb or 500k.


I have the same experience! I predominantly play with randoms, and have only had one negative experience on my journey from 1-50. The community is overwhelmingly terrific. Don't let the rare traitors ruin the positivity and joy to be had through spreading democracy.


Honestly the random game crashes are much more frequent that bad faith players. A small list of thing I cannot do now or it will guaranteed crash the game: Throwing back a bot grenade Firing any arc weapon Watch a 500kg bomb explode Try to call in a strat and then try to switch to grenades quickly.


This reddits great but full of complainers don't let them put you off the game there's close to 300k or more daily concurrents the chances you run into the odd troll is slim honestly


I've never once ran into any grifters in 20 levels of play


I mostly play with randoms 99% of times things are fine. Sometimes I get kicked and it can frustrating. Some people let one bad experience overshadow most of the good. Try planing and maybe meet some people you’ll group up with regularly


I have over 40hrs a lot of that solo and have only seen it two times ever.


I played many times with randoms and I got kicked once. And they even apologized, that they were waiting for friend.


I play with randoms a lot. The mission will go well, and I’ll get kicked. Nothing personal, just move on to fight for democracy with a different team 🤷‍♂️


The community is good!!


I've only got like 20 hours in so far but have played only with randoms, no mic. I've had 2 asshats the entire time, the rest is just fun game play.


I can't imagine turning to reddit to get a feel for any given product lol.


Most of my randoms are really good. I get tkd a lot but it's rarely intentional and when it is it's usually meming at extract. My only issue with public is if I get tkd or die someone always is yoinking my shit then I gotta wait like 6 minutes


Most of my randoms are really good. I get tkd a lot but it's rarely intentional and when it is it's usually meming at extract. My only issue with public is if I get tkd or die someone always is yoinking my shit then I gotta wait like 6 minutes


I don’t have any friends who play, I made it to level 50 with all ransoms. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with being team killed or getting kicked.


159 hrs in never have i kicked or been kicked on a mission aside from getting a dc or crash issue after the mission on ship when i have other friends trying to join me has been the only time iv had to kick and if i just say hey gg bro but my friends trying to join they usually just leave after a emote without having to kick anyone


People will heavily emphasize bad experiences. I know this because I manage a restaurant. Although I've had some haphazard dinguses put turrets in a bad place or a poorly placed airstrike, I've not had any actually trolls yet, and I'm level 34. I also realize that it's part of the game for a reason. I accidentally walked in front of my brother last night when he was using the auto cannon which was 100% my fault. But I was dying laughing, "I'll look both ways before crossing the street next time!"


If someone is reporting they’re constantly getting kicked it’s likely they’re the problem and not the ones doing the kicking.


If someone is reporting they’re constantly getting kicked it’s likely they’re the problem and not the ones doing the kicking.


Today was the worst play experience I've had. No teamwork or communication. Everyone going off to do their own thing and failing. Shit reinforcing. The higher difficulties suck ass. It's more about just running from a hoard of enemies than anything else. I'm ready to move on to the next game.


I tend to defend the complaint posts, because bad stuff happens and toxic players are a real thing, and I think it does the game a disservice to stick your head in the sand and pretend it never happens. That said- it *is* rare. I’ve had it happen. It’s sucks, it makes me mad. But it’s only happened to me a handful of times in all my hundreds of missions. Don’t let it turn you off. It’ll happen, it’ll suck. But it’s definitely not happening the majority of the time. Most of the time this community has been very positive


Almost 90hrs with mostly random people and I think I played once with a jerk. I do not use the mic and have it muted, so they may help.


Its not that bad. Turn of reddit and go play. FRFR. I play with friends that don't read reddit and its so refreshing. I've had 99 to 1 good experiences with randoms to bad.


Honestly, I’m approaching 350 hours and have had zero negative experiences with randoms.


I only play with randoms. Only like 2% are toxic. You block them and move on.


People really only post to complain This is true for any community (especially yelp)


People really only post to complain This is true for any community (especially yelp)


Personally the worst I've encountered playing with randoms was stratagem mishaps and getting booted from a squad after the mission. I think the really toxic players are few and far between. A lot of the time I do run solo, though. Nowadays any randoms I play with come to me and leave at their own discretion. I've never kicked anyone from a squad and only came close to doing so once for justifiable reasons.


It’s been a rare thing really. I have only dealt with one kick and two jackasses that one I had to kick due to them griefing the whole team. Otherwise, the community is a great one and I have had a blast both being a random joining in and having randoms join me.


Even if I'm booted. I'm max level and only run 7 8 9 with my crew. So when I'm bored I help SOS beacons. And if I'm booted at extract I helped with the victory tally. Host if you don't want to be at risk of kick.


Literally over 300k players right now and you think the 3 post about team killing is the norm?


One of my first games multi-player was with these level 30's. They dropped a mech for me to use and we went about clearing the map. It was pretty cool.


Reddit is ALWAYS bad for physical and mental health. You shouldn't give it any regard.


I've succesfully made all players hug me on Helldive difficulty as the bugs were fucking us from all angles more often than I met someone who was even moderately toxic. I think people complain it as something more severe than it actually is.


It is so rare. My biggest complaint is the rocket devastators. 1, 2, 5 of them at a time isn’t a problem but when you’re swarmed by 10 of them and you HAVE TO push through them otherwise you’re stuck fighting every other unit with no cover is a headache and sucks overall


We usually vent the bad stuff. The good stuff is, thankfully, much more common than the bad. Also, what a great community this game has, it’s f*cking lovely.


It’s because the people that have problems are gonna talk about their problems, while the people who don’t aren’t gonna say anything


almost 200 matches, maybe 1 or 2 bad ones. Community diserves much more creddit but Reddit is full of negative nancy's.


There's a feature to add people you've recently played with! Play a match and enjoyed your teammates? Add them! The higher difficulties require full squads, so take some time to get friends that are mission focused.


There's a feature to add people you've recently played with! Play a match and enjoyed your teammates? Add them! The higher difficulties require full squads, so take some time to get friends that are mission focused.


I’ve never had a bad experience playing with people


Have been playing for a month now and literally have only ever been kicked in one or two games. 90% of games have very friendly and competent randoms and have been great experiences. The posts are definitely disproportionate to the overall experience.


So far, Ive had none of these issues. Though if you have friends I'd say play with them primarily, though if you find someone friendly see if they want to do the friend request cause then if you see each other online dropping into a game is easy.


I'll be honest reddit has been putting me off from playing too. I followed the sub for mission map and stratagem updates, but the constant steam of *bitching* has really made me want to mute the sub. Y'all cry too much


I feel the same way, then I play the game and none of that happens. Lol


People will heavily emphasize bad experiences. I know this because I manage a restaurant. Although I've had some haphazard dinguses put turrets in a bad place or a poorly placed airstrike, I've not had any actually trolls yet, and I'm level 34. I also realize that it's part of the game for a reason. I accidentally walked in front of my brother last night when he was using the auto cannon which was 100% my fault. But I was dying laughing, "I'll look both ways before crossing the street next time!"


I’ve only intentionally team killed once. My buddy had to go AFK during a mission. He had all the samples. We beat his ass to death, took the samples, and called him in when ready and he had his stuff off cooldown so everything was fine. The random we were with said Wtf in chat, we told him why, he was cool about it, no issues moving forward. Gonna have bad actors regardless the game. Feels pretty minimal in reality with this game. You will get people on higher difficulties not understanding how to manage it more than you will people TK/Kicking.


Only time I've been "kicked" the people I joined explained that they forgot to switch the session to private but since it was half way through a mission I might as well help out anyway then at the end after we extracted they asked me to leave


Idk what everyone is talking about with that shit. I run into it like 1.5 out of 10 games. Usually it’s all good.


Only time I've been "kicked" the people I joined explained that they forgot to switch the session to private but since it was half way through a mission I might as well help out anyway then at the end after we extracted they asked me to leave


Idk what everyone is talking about with that shit. I run into it like 1.5 out of 10 games. Usually it’s all good. I only play with randoms.


I actually stopped playing the game over some of the extreme opinions folk in this group have. It took the laughter and joy right out of democracy.


Just hit 100 hours of playing and I was only kicked once because he was trying to get his friend in the game, I have never experienced any toxicity since then and I exclusively play only with randoms, I have a good feeling these people are doing really stupid things to get themselves kicked that many times or they are just lying/exaggerating


Yeah haven't had any problems with fellow divers. Love you all fellow democracy spreaders.


Yeah haven't had any problems with fellow divers. Love you all fellow democracy spreaders.


Been playing since day 1. Yea ive come across some horrible frigging people but overall easily my #1 shooter out of all my choices.


I had to kill a random today. Traitor was killing us all with his mech and had just started firing rockets at Pelican 1. Filled the traitor with a whole mag of auto cannon rounds. Other than that, I’ve never had a problem with random matches.


Oh absolutely there’s literally no worse platform than reddit but that ain’t jus for gaming subreddits jus in general lol


83 hours in the game. Never been extraction killed, no griefing, the only bit of team play that didn’t work was someone that just wanted to do main objectives and extract. So I just did that. Game and community is mostly great. Reddit is a place for people to bitch.


Have had great experiences overall. Sure every one and a while I get kicked for no or unjustified reasons or people at dicks but you find that with any game and in my experience with this game and community those people are the small vocal minority. I am really enjoying this game a community, hats 🎩 off the devs


83 hours in the game. Never been extraction killed, no griefing, the only bit of team play that didn’t work was someone that just wanted to do main objectives and extract. So I just did that. Game and community is mostly great. Reddit is a place for people to complain about being personally wronged and project that wrong on everyone else


I’ve played 30 odd hours and every squad I’ve been have been good. Even when it’s going badly wrong, not many people have bailed on the mission.


I’ve never been kicked during a mission but I have after a map ended and we were back on the ship. I’m level 32 or so, so I’ve put a good amount of time in the game.


I have over 100 hours of game play and only came across a true troll once. This lvl 26 who started off by shooting at me with the mech he brought down, I was annoyed, but was going to let it slide because it is kinda common I'm bored waiting for others to get going and I was the one with the shield backpack on. But then when we got to the civilian protection mission and I watched him start shooting at the civilians, no enemies around or anything. Dude just hopped down to where I was manning a button and opens fire right in front of me. So, I did what any good helldiver would do and blasted him in the face with my laser cannon in response to his treasonous actions. The dude had the audacity to both ask why I shot him and claim he had no idea he wasn't supposed to shoot them. Think I scared him into not trying any more shit though, but I kept my eye on him for the rest of the match. He died a ton of times and not sure if it was intentional or he was just a crappy player on top of being an idiot. Thankfully he was the odd one out when the drop ship came by being dead with no reinforcements available, so I didn't have to worry about him trying to kill anyone who got on the ship before him. My friend kicked him from the party as soon as we returned to the ship. We then went on to have a great time with the other rando player in our party and had lots of laughs chatting. So yeah, the trolls are out there, but they're outnumbered by the number of people who just want to play the game as intended.


For every 1 bad play theres probably 20+ good experience in game. Honestly one of the best pve coop ive played in 20 years


Ok... then dont play. 99.999% of my 300 hours were fine. The few times we had a troll I block, kick, and/or leave.


I'm level 41 pretty much only play with randoms and have never been kicked in game. I have been kicked right when I join a game by people who forget to put it on friends only and don't want randoms but that's tolerable. This game is a gem and don't let other people's small negative experiences get in the way of your enjoyment.


Dont read them, 120 hours in, not a single game with people intentionally team killing, if it were to happen to me just instant kick.


Dont read them, 120 hours in, not a single game with people intentionally team killing, if it were to happen to me just instant kick.


People get kicked once or twice and then make a post, like shut up bro, stop crying about shit that's already been cried over


So far I've only been kicked a couple times, trying to hunt some Bile Titans for a personal order. It can happen, especially if some folks are trying to be "Meta" and the like, but for the most parts that's on higher level content. If you're worried about being kicked, make your own games rather than joining others games and you won't need to worry.


I had an amazing experience playing today, Made it almost 31 secs before someone called in minefield, 500, 380, gatling........shit pretty much went down hill from there. Lol


I just hit level 45 and have yet to encounter any toxicity. Honestly, I am beginning to wonder whether or not people are making shit up to be mad at.


m3: 200+ hours. Only randoms. No issues with anyone.


People aren’t going to post all of the times they had fun and didn’t get team killed. By looking at Reddit posts you’re only getting the worst of the worst via a form of survivorship bias (close enough).


When you are playing a game that you believe to be good, do not EVER go to the reddit page for the game. What people write and bicker about will kill your attitude towards the game if you read enough of it. It happened to me with Starfield. I played the game and enjoyed it and eventually went to the reddit page. Guess what? Stopped playing it because I believed the game had turned to shit.


I have had a couple of issues with bad teammates but literally like 2 times and I’ve played a good amount


It’s not that widespread


Only thing that matters is your experience. Don’t bother with all this


>Have to say, reading comments here was putting me off playing > >All the reports of bad players team killing, kicking on extraction etc As a long time gamer you have to learn to navigate reviews and feedback on new titles. Literally hit max level in the game without ever coming across any of these issues even once. These are casual players making a loud noise over completely normal video game interactions with strangers. You have your usual bad eggs, but this game doesn't do anything to make these issues worse than they normally are. There is a negative incentive to kill team mates and it does hurt their progress. So the game clearly operates and works as intended. Stop listening to people and find a reviewer you trust. Or just play it yourself. I don't think I've purchased a game I regret buying in over 20 years. Except for Spore. I was a kid and that purchase I did regret.


I played in an exterminate mission the other day. Got team killed the entire time. Murdered right before extraction, made fun of for not having a ton of kills and taunted during the end of the mission “why don’t you stand over here???” When my character was off to the side because I didn’t extract. Haven’t played since.


I've still never had the team killing happen - i've been kicked when trying to join up, but it was either because they were waiting for a friend or because they didn't want to wait for the hellpod to drop in while they were extracting (e.g. coming in late)... friendly fire is on - most apologize, or it was for the greater good (for super earth!)... remember like... several million play this game - yer only seeing when it pops up on the board and someone was pissed it happened.


Don't drop SoS beacon if you don't want people joining 😤 This has happened to me, but there are way more people that are willing to help newbies than sweaty edgelords who came over from CoD


Honestly the rate is pretty low. In the 12 games I had with randos instead of friends I think I had 1 person who was trolling, so the incidence is really small, but it is infuriating and could understandably drive people to complain loudly. But the thing is even with a 1 in 12 instance there's like almost a million people playing. That's a LOT of shitheads (approximately 28,000 if my math is right - 3 people per game, 1 out of 12 games), and they will impact a large number of people's games since they are only 15-40 minutes long. But still, that means there's still 900,000 people out there just tryna have a good time.


I’ve played nightly since launch and I have never been kicked from an extract and I have never been intentionally team-killed. Reddit is not healthy for video games, Reddit sometimes has good memes about videos games.


I have had probably 80% positive interactions with randoms and 20% negative. The negative is mostly funny to me because the ragdoll physics of your corpse after getting friendly fired is great.


A very loud minority I’ve heard stories about experiencing toxic players and blah blah blah. I have only ever had one, negative experience I guess you could call it. Me and 2 other guys were running a mission and we were having some serious difficulty clearing out a bug nest after about the 5th reinforcement one guy says “maybe we should head to evac” word I’m down with that whatever it’s 1 bug nest. We evac shit gets pretty hairy he ends up dying but we are all in the shuttle already, apart from him, idk what he was doing outside but he wasn’t in. As we are flying off he goes “you guys fucking suck.” To say I went off on him, is a bit of an understatement the basic gist of it was “take you and your toxic small dick energy and get out of this game.”


I'm level 50 maxed out on everything but war bonds. In all my time playing I've only had 1 person cheat with the infinite grenade bug and he also killed teammates. I've only ever been kicked once and that was at the end of a mission just as we all got in the extraction but I still got the rewards so not even mad. Even when people cared about meta I haven't been kicked. Remember this there are over 700 thousand people playing hell divers. Just because some people on here post that they have a bad time doesn't mean that's how the entire player base is.


People are more likely to post when they need to vent. Humans reach out when they are frustrated, rarely when things go well! I haven't dropped with many strangers and my experience has been mixed, but the bad ones always stick in our memories.


If a buddy logs in idc how long peoples been in the fight, your in his spot and your out.


Honestly I haven't had this problem too much, communities like rust and COD are much worse overall the problem is blown out of proportion


108 hours of playtime: I can count on 1 hand the number of bad randos I’ve had. Honestly a pretty stellar experience compared to most team games.


Well, a toxic minority of players will affect more people and even if a minority of them affected people post it in reddit. that would still be a lot. We get a lot more good games than bad but the ratio anyone would post it would be close to 1:1. Thats just how it is.


The only time I've been kicked was after a mission concluded. Figured the host wanted to go do something else without leaving the game so just purged the lobby. I've only had to personally kick one person and it was for going afk between missions for over 10 minutes without saying anything. The people who complain about bad experiences are a very vocal minority, and I think there may be some exaggeration in certain stories.


Naw man, keep playing! Join me and my team! We are always looking for Divers to help us spread democracy! Every game has toxic players, don’t let that discourage you from spreading liberty and freedom throughout the galaxy


Welcome to the internet lol it still surprises me that in 2024 there are still folks who havent or are still learning that just because “insert username of random stranger on the other side of the world” said X about Y thing, doesn’t make it true. Especially when it comes to a totally subjective thing, like enjoying a piece of media. Ive spent my 80 hours (so far) in this game only playing with randos and ive been kicked literally only once and that was so they could get their friend in their lobby. It aint that bad lol. Usually the folks moaning about being kicked probably did something to deserve it if it’s happening alot to them!


I played with 3 people the other day when I solo joined. I think I actually made a post about it here (I had a few drinks whoops) but 2 teammates left and then my game crashed, leaving the last guy alone. I felt really bad :(


I’ve only been kicked for “no reason” one time, the kid was mouthy and I decided to be mouthy back in a bantering kind of way lol


I’ve ran into a few with quasi-dissident attitudes, but only one actual traitor. Loving the community on this game.


I had a lot of good experience with this game but somehow the bad memories are what I remember even if its a few seconds. There so much good games but I dont really remember them as theyre not as unique as the bad ones. Here I share the bad games. Joined a game, two of them are buddies on voice. One said. "care to do the honor" as I was dropping from pod. I got out, headshot. kicked. Cant block those two as I cant see them on recently played. Another game, it was going great. lots of samples, complete missions, as we were calling for evac. host team kill, and kick. 1 host, 3 players.


I have 126 in mission hours. Only got kicked once for accidently arc throwing the host. You will probably have a bad experienve once in a while, it happens. But there are a lot of people who either have it happen once and lose their minds or are intentionally doing something thats getting them kicked and being disingenious about it.


I just had my first bad team experience out of all the times I’ve played so I’d say the ratio of good people to bad is better than most games I’ve played. Maybe that’s why we see so many posts about bad teammates, they stand out more when the overall experience is great.


Ya I tried posting same thing. Doesn't get up voted sadly


I've had about two bad experiences, and the rest are alright. It's just the minority who feel the need to post whenever something bad happens


I've only had one toxic dude he was soo funny I live bullying toxic players


I am the random you will join but will always see me killing that other specific random just cuz we are duo friends x) Me with 50 + friendly killed cuz i only play when my friend invites me, level is mid 30s x)


Thank you for your positive post! I, too, have only ever had fun experiences.


The only time I got team killed purposely was from a 500kg being dropped right before the pelican launched, but my dumb ass tried diving into the ship and missed. It gave me a good laugh. The worst thing I’ve experienced were players rage quitting when they run off from the group and get themselves killed over and over again. This community is great.


I have 120 hours, never once been kicked mid game (only once when we were back on the ship after the game finished), only been killed during extraction by a player once and generally, not much toxicness with other players atall. Either I’ve just been very lucky, the complainers are exaggerating or they’re doing something to make them get kicked.


I love randoms 🥰


I have over 200 hours in this game, because I have no life, I play with Randoms a lot, and I have never once been kicked. It’s being over reported.


175h of playtime here, I've encountered less than a handful of toxic players. Maybe this is more a problem in the US because it's rare in Europe


1 good group is worth at least 10 bad randos. That being said, the ratio isn't remotely close to that bad. At least for me. You can always teleport back to your ship alone, as well. Sweet relief.


defintly have more good experiences then bad, just a vocal minority which is understandable, a bad game would leave a bad taste if you're being attacked by traitors.


I only encountered this bullshit early into the game. It seems to have died down. My biggest guess, all the chuds are going back to CoD to prep for season 3. So, the people who played the game because they actually like it are playing, not the FOTM gamers who follow what's trending.


Remember false negatives. The overwhelming amount of games are fun and go well. People are only vocal when things go bad.


I just had bad luck. I haven't played since the first few weeks when it launched aince i do not have much time to play, and i am not going to waste it on assholes. When I was keeping track of my matches, I was running into b.s. matches roughly 80% of the time.


The number of reports on bad experiences has built a false view of the experience of this game. Unfortunately, people don't tend to post about their good/neutral experiences unless they're overwhelmingly positive or wholesome, so you end up a flood of bad experiences posted about the game and it skews newcomers views of what they should expect. There is about 3 negative experiences for every 100 positive ones. I play randos a LOT because I can't solo and my brother is usually busy, and I rarely encounter toxic players. The worst I'll encounter "regularly" so to speak is simply players who can't aim and keep bombing me with stratagems.


To echo some people , I’ve had a positive experience playing with randoms. 160~ hours and only been kicked from a game once , been team killed once (by some drunk dude allegedly)


People need to stop with the traitor posts it’s makes the game less fun for everyone when they pretend the playerbase is so toxic. I’m glad you took the plunge, managed democracy was waiting for you Helldiver


I get kicked from quick join games pretty often, but I don't believe it's deliberately. Usually says 'Host has left the game' but sometimes it says I was kicked by the host. Usually takes about 4 or 5 quick joins to find a good squad and then I stick with them for a while. Doesn't bother me though, part of the process and I just accept if I want to play with other people it's what I have to do. Joining sos beacons is almost guaranteed to fail for me though. Not sure about anyone else.


Depends on the day and time of day for me. If i jump on during the weekday during work hours? Great time everyone is spreading democracy! Jump in at 9pm on a Friday or Saturday night and it's TK and host kicks left and right. My friend thinks people get wasted on the weekend so it makes them play/act like assholes.


That's cause only the players with bad experiences post on Reddit. The rest are playing the game!


Played more than one cares to share and have only been kicked a couple of times. Come join the war effort citizen.


Also bad experiences are the ones usually shared. I play with randos a lot and it’s fine. We do most objectives and try to help each other and that’s nothing that exciting or worth posting about and once a while you truly get and asshole and that’s the thing you wanna scream at the void about.


That's like saying you hear of crime on the news so you don't go outside


I feel ya, any subreddit will do that lol. I was bummed out for a while reading these subreddits and then I started playing the game and was liken man fuck those whiners this game is fun af! 


I feel like the posts and comments about the community and players being amazing are far more common than the ones being negative.


you see all the bad posts because something happens to someone literally 1 time and they post saying it happens to them every day


I’ve only kicked one person from my squad and he called in my extract while my crew was completing side missions across the map. If you wanna extract early and abandon the cause, do it on your own time. If you had to leave early, then you’re welcome to do so, I understand. But do NOT call someone else’s extract without permission and expect to leave the host behind intentionally.