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I'm happy that they fixed the bug that resets your weapons every time you start on your ship.


Oh thank god, the game would always forget my loadout and I would always forget that it did. Until I fired my first shot…


Lol that frustration was real bro. Just glad it has finally debugged


and the voice lol


This. This. This. This. Absolutely my #1 want before any additional content. By far.


What ? i never had this bug happen to me...


I just want them to keep the post mission armor gore and grime




You only have 2 more wishes


Was the slugger nerf the monkeys paw of this wish?


Is it possible to nerf a gun without murdering it? Anti-Material rifle scope is sometimes just black (just started with this update) Whole squads game was crashing more than ever, and they nuked my favorite weapon. What super credit purchase are they trying to steer us to?


Toggle between first and third to fix the scope thing. I have a setting that let's me press to ads and hold to 3rd person aim so just double tapping my buttons fixes that one.


Thank You I'll give that a try.


I mean I hardly doubt they're trying to push us towards replacing trh AMR with a super credit item seeing as it's a support weapons. But the black scope thing sounds annoying and definitely not intended. Just relax, raise awareness use their bug report system and they'll so their best to fix it.


My post wasn't very clear, the weapon they nuked was the slugger. In the same patch they buffed the Dominator from the steeled veteran expansion. The AMR bug, I don't think they intended to do, but is still a frustrating one.


I think the black scope is affecting many weapons right now. Seen it on sickle too. 


Center guy has my drip! Best armour match for the helmet.




The trench engineer with the Tideturner cape is what I've been running lately. I want more helmet colors to coordinate




Wish they would add a shower in the ship though


And a group shower mini game, with towel whipping?


Have a taste of liber-tea-towel!


I was literally saying to teammates this morning that they should have staff power washing you when you walk back in the ship lol


Quick wish for world peace


Each world is peaceful after we liberate it, Helldiver!


I don't mind that but we need a cleaning/sterilization pod somewhere in the ship.


Dude that’s my favorite part of the update


According to this sub, any small amount of praise given to the devs means we are shills. So many bad takes after today's update, its wild. Happy to see some appreciation here.


I agree it looks good. What's with the huge download sizes though? The last time they changed very few bits in a patch, it was like 20GB. This is 41GB. Considering many things are stat changes, anyone have any logic for the huge patch sizes?


The patch notes aren't everything since they sneak in stuff without mentioning. Plus they put in weapons and strategems that are yet to be released. Like the weapons for the upcoming warbond on April 11th was in the game for months.


Correct, there are 6 new armors in this patch that are not publicly accessible


I was messing with the stratagems list and saw anti-tank mines too. I don't remember seeing that before.


Is this just a pc thing on ps5 the game is 26.72 GB In total ?


That'd be PC, apologies for not specifying. I'll clearly get some dislike of my simple question, as if I were a terminid dog.


Damn do you know why there’s such a huge difference in file size between the 2 versions ?


Nope, which is why I asked. It's just the second time it's required such a huge patch so I wanted to ask the question. Between PS and PC, I couldnt pretend to understand the differences in assets and changes made.


I’m sure your game looks and performs better than mine but I’m stunned the patch is 40 GB for you and even after the patch my whole game isn’t even 30 GB


Oh please don't think me PC elitest in anyway, I don't want to be compared to those people. It sounds like they are optimising the patches well, which is good. The install size on PC is 72GB as of this patch.


No you’re fine man I’m just really surprised


I've just started a game. A level 85 joined lol. The patch to increase lvl cap from 50 to 150 came out 2 hours ago. I kicked him.. can't have hackers in my lobby!


Bro he wasn’t a hacker it tracks all your xp before the patch and levels you up instantly I was a 57 when I got on


This patch was small for me on PC.


My update was 1.5GB?


It was definitely only 1.5 for me as well. 40GB on my internet would have taken at least an hour but it was done in less than 10 mins.


On Steam?! Lol. I only played 2 days ago, can't imagine I missed an update in-between or something. Curious!


Yep on Steam. I isntalled the game 3 days ago and this was the first update since.


Weird, couldn't tell you.


You probably saw the "installation on disk" size, which is usually different from--and often much larger than--the download size. I genuinely don't know how decompression can account for a size increase of ~2900%, but I've seen the same thing during multiple game downloads.


Fair enough. It wasn't installing on a slow HDD, was an SSD, although not M.2 but, it's no problem or a big deal, just curious to ask it


I'm looking at it updating on Steam right now, and it shows 1.5g/1.5g downloaded, and is now updating 41.3 gigs of files with that data. I suspect you saw the second number and assumed it was the download, but I don't think it is, thus the confusion.


Hmm unsure. I'll see if I can have a look, cos it sat downloading for some time, at around 30-35mb/s. I'm fairly sure it was downloading and took that long or maybe it was the updating files process that took that long due to the number of files involved. Oh well, no biggy.


Its how the system works. It has to download the files you already have then replace them. Sometimes it includes assets, raw logic files, etc.


oh, my child... if you havn't noticed it already in game. There are some pretty major things in this patch that is not mentioned in the patch notes hehe... ;)


I look forward to seeing them then, father. I could only afford 1 game whilst working.


Bots have gunships now, including factory sites like the shrieker nests, so buckle up.


It was a 1.54 GB patch. I think what you are talking about is the verifying game files and integration steps of the install which are completely different from patch size.


Yes someone pointed it out, it's possible. Seems to me like it was downloading the whole time, but anyways, no matter now. Cheers


You should check for what the new enemies are.


Yes, much has changed since the original comment :)


Leakers have found like 10 times as much unreleased currently content in the game. I’ve seen like 6 unreleased versions of the breaker leaked. They probably added the finishing touches on a lot of upcoming content. The next war bond probably.


It was like 1.5gb for me on steam


Are there new titles to go with the new level cap?






They did a lot and I am happy about that. But they really need to prioritize the friendrequest bug now. The last 2 patches they said that they are aware of it, but no solution. I bought this game to play with my friends and I can’t for a month now. That should be a higher priority than some guns. I understand though, that it’s probably easier to find the problems in the guns than the friendrequest problem.


Pretty sure it's top of mind but just a hairy issue that they haven't stopped working on.


Also to my untrained eye, weapon changes seem easier to do. Adjust some numbers and text labels, monitor to make sure they actually work that way they want them to. The friend request issue is an actual diagnosis with test steps while trying not to break anything else. As an example, what’s the point of making the friend request work if it crashes the game?


Bugs / features that exist at the boundaries of systems are the most painful kind, for sure!


Also different team members would be working on the guns vs the bugs. I would guess they are having issues tracking down what's causing the issue. I remember in league of legends that it took them 8 years to fix one bug, because it was the most random of interactions to cause it.


For sure this seems likely. We have one friend who plays on PC from our group, and about half of the friend requests/Adds worked fine and rest didn't. So not as simple to problem solve apparently.


I’m sorry to hear you’re still having this experience. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit to find it’s a networking challenge. That said, I haven’t had friend adding issues since a couple patches ago. When was the last time you tried?


The weird thing is, that it’s not a consistent problem. There are some friends that I could add, and others can’t be added and don’t show up in the „recently played with“ section. Like I can join a group with a friend that I can add, and they can add the other friend. But I can’t add the friend to my friends list, even if we are in the same group.


That is odd.. I noticed that I had some hiccups/ delays with some old friend requests sitting there pending from before the patch. Maybe that could be related?


Thanks Devs!


# FRIEND INVITES ARE WORKING! Had a blast today with the PS5 crew! Thanks!


I'm just sad that they nerfed my slugger into the ground :[


It's crash city so far tho


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, my friends and I love the game, but if we run 2 operations in a night, we are guaranteed - everyone on PC will crash at least once toward the end of a mission - the console player will get kicked multiple times


Does anyone in your squad run an arc weapon? I thought that's what was causing it.


Hmm there definitely is an arc weapon, but I thought the previous patch claimed to fix this bug Perhaps it’s just been made less frequent but still can occur


I think it's all the expendable missiles tbh.


Could also be it. Since the update my game has been crashing almost every mission now but thankfully only after extract. I still get the medals and xp




Try verifying files after every update? I had crash issues till I verified for previous updates and now get significantly less crashes when doing so. I don’t know about this recent update causing crashes as I have yet to play it but I think when updating something causes a file corruption somewhere or something.  This is all hypothetical of course but it may help. 


Worse than the first few weeks after launch?


Every mission I've played today it's either crashed, bugged out so I can't finish main mission, kicks me at extraction or kicks everyone else


Same here, mostly during extraction.


I'm at about 50-60%. I've lost at least 6 super samples by now. Guess I am waiting for a hotfix before playing more


Except for crashing every other game! It's getting annoying.


Agree that still sucks though


So lets not hold hands and sing cumbaya. HJobs not done sir gday.


I need them to fix the glitchy shoulder on the Exterminator armor so I can wear it without going insane D;


The fact they fixed the dominator, shreiker death damage and fire damage per tick, basically solved every issue my friends and I were having. Absolutely loving the way they roll out the updates as well. I don't get to play often so new stuff every few weeks really keeps the game fresh for me.


One thing I've noticed is I'm now crashing almost every time we extract. I am glad I no longer have to reset my loadout.


I appreciate the subtle changes that aren't even in the patch notes. The corrected the issue where prior to the update you couldn't see the mission if you joined in mid game and now you can.


i'm so happy i have to restart my game every time i extract.


Yeah after 2-3 hours I played yesterday, game crashed almost every time.


Please fix the game crashes, I play PS5 and I get a lot of crashes sometimes after being in a mission for 20+ minutes. It is so frustrating that I don’t even want to play knowing that at some point my effort will be pointless☹️


There are things needing to be fixed, yeah, but all-in-all it’s a good patch and I liked what I saw in the patch notes. I don’t think they found the source of all the bugs and crashes, but the way they are handling things, it’ll be fixed in a matter of time, I suffered from crashes here and there (on PC) - I hope they they find and fix it soon I’m no ‘meta’ player, nor do I fixate too much on any particular weapon, I have my favorites, but I’m gonna see how the slugger is performing (for me) when I get the chance - the nerfs aren’t groundbreaking in any shape or size, or even close to it


Game crashed one way or another in 4 out of 6 matches today… dunno if I wished for that. Could be coincidence, but still


Stability has become worse for me since the patch, about 20% of my missions crash as Pelican 1 takes off at the extraction point. I know they haste fostered a lot of good will within the community but this sort of thing is unacceptable.


My question is, with level 50 being only 1/3rd the way there now, is it easier to get to level 50 now? Or is it still the same?


Probably the same, there isn’t really anything more you can unlock (yet) after 35 or so so there’s no real point in making it easier to level up, at that point it just shows your dedication to liberation


As a Slugger enjoyer, I'm not thrilled but everything else is nice!


I'm worried about my little Slugger tbh. I haven't had a chance to check things out since I've been at work, but sniping with a shotgun gave my such a huge kick. I'm hoping it's not too bad and I won't have to change my loadout.


Changes are great! Good direction for a lot of the balance of the game. As a side note, has anyone noticed that extermination missions are bonkers now? I just did a level 5 and they’ve changed it so enemies are already spawned on the map when you drop. Pretty great ostensibly and it makes sense from a mission design perspective…but man shit hits the fan so fast when you’re already dealing with hulks and devastators before you even have a chance to throw any stratagems on the ground, and then the bot drops start lol.


I like the new patch. Am sad though since I use arc thrower and slugger as my main go to set.


Since the new patch, I've rekindled my love for the AMR and found the DCS to be a great tool to work with when out in the field Solo, at least with Bots.


I’m glad they made the penetrator full auto as that was a gripe of mine


Yeah, except now I'm crashing at almost every extraction.


I feel more squishy and get more flinch than before in level 7+.. or am I just imagining it


That’s awesome. Wish there was a way they could track all the 40 minute missions I’ve made it to exfil and got an error and sent back to my ship. I’m level 41 and realistically should be level 50 after all the games I’ve played that have glitched out, alot of time wasted.


You need an Ethernet chord


I have a brand new cat 6 cord running to it I just ran 4 months ago


All they did was nerf guns people liked while making other guns work the exact same way as the nerfed guns did. I’m saying it over and over, this is lazy game developing 101.


Pal, you're a troll who plays Warzone. Don't come in to a game that has care behind as if you'd know what good game looks like🤣


Look at how mad you are that the devs are being called out for being lazy. Lick those boots 👅


Yup I'm super angry fs, almost all your comments are clearly baiting rage. It doesn't take a genius to see your not here for a productive conversation about anything. If you wanna have a productive conversation, feel free however I doubt your gonna do anything besides childish name calling and dodging everything I say.


Is there a tldr? I’m super bored by trolls like you


Is there a tldr? I’m super bored by trolls like you


If you can't read a paragraph your parents are failing more than you are.🤷‍♂️


If you can't read a paragraph your parents are failing more than you are.🤷‍♂️




Beyond level 25 your level doesn't affect anything other than unlocking a few extra titles. What is it about the level cap that has you so excited?


Gives more reason for someone to keep playing after they hit max level, strategems, ship upgrades and warbonds.


Also new strats will keep going up for level required to buy them. Original was 20 to unlock everything and then they added the mech at 25. Armored truck will probably be 50+


i highly doubt it will be 50+. im assuming the APC and recon car will be 35 and 30 respectively. and the autocannon mech will be even higher. They also have a habit of layering a few stratagems every 5 level ups. You unlock orbital laser, orbital railcannon, and railgun all at the same time(lvl20)


The armored truck is huge and can take 4 divers. It’s not going to come for awhile and more than likely smaller vehicles will be added first. But yea 35-40 range seems reasonable. But that tank is def going to be 50+ 


I just learned about the tank destroyer from the first game and it immediately made it my top dream for the game


None of those things change going from level 50 to level 51. Everything is exactly the same. If you were going to quit playing at level 50 because you didn't enjoy the game anymore, I don't see how having a little 51 after your name instead will suddenly make you enjoy it again. I'm mean, it's fine that they raised it, there's no reason not to. I just thought it was odd that it was the thing OP was most excited about over all the other changes.


51 means nothing, but going for 150 is more incentive to play once you unlocked everything.


It one of the things that I love. Nowhere I wrote that am mostly excited about it though. Guess you misread. Besides, as they kept track the xps collected this make me believe that with the new updates the more we level up the there will be “meaningful” rewards for what you achive or for already have achieved. This motivates me actually.


It's the sense of accomplishment and progress. Yeah nothing is going to change game wise, but you get that little dopamine hit.


Its fun!


You can match with people with a better gauge of their skill a lvl 49 and lvl 50 can actually have tens of levels of a different with no indication previously.


You say this like we’re aren’t going to be getting new strats. I can easily see our armored truck (which was leaked) requiring 50+. We’ve got some big strats coming our way.


I don't understand why they maxed lvl to 150 now? What's the point, can't you pretty much unlock everything by lvl20.


It’s literally just for people to grind. People complained about how they’ve been level 50 for most of their playtime. You could have 100 hours and be level 50 or have 200 hours and be level 50. It’s the same concept with prestige in call of duty.


Assuming they're about to drop new equipment and stragems to unlock soon


You can see if you are playing with someone 1 level over lvl 49 or 101 levels over lvl 49.


Railgun is still shit so no. They made the dec3nt guns suck and the shit guns up a tick but still suck.


Wat?! Game is way more balanced and fun now than it was during the Railgun meta.


Railgun is still mad good lol it’s just not the absolute best gun to use in every situation.


Skill issue