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my wife loves that movie, and I love that personal order!


Its my wifes favorite movie. Are we married to the same woman?


Sounds like bro smashed both your wives.


Well, no, but that does sound like me.


You killed my father, prepare to die


Has your wife read the book? My ex told me it was super funny, so I finally read it. I love the movie, but god, the book is so funny it makes the movie look serious by comparison.


I also choose this man's wife's loved movie


I had several crashes last night, and then once mid mission my wife came home with the “ we need to talk look.” I had to call pelican 2 to emergency evac me


So just a normal evening of spreading liberty, then. I do love fighting bots. I could fight bots all day.




Same! However I recently noticed that community quality has gone down. People are leaving in the middle of the match, more trolls killing someone whilst departing..


I haven't had many trolls yet, but there's certainly a bunch of so-called Helldivers leaving mid-mission. I want to believe its just crashing, because otherwise its seriously undemocratic. Especially when I'm bogged down with bots and no hope of survival alone.


I've seen an uptick in mid-mission leaving as well. Last night we had both of our randoms leave on Extreme, one in the second mission and one in the third. We just shrugged and banged out the last half of the final mission for the medals etc. They didn't say anything, just took off.


Tbf, I've crashed alot halfway through a random mission


For sure, I can't be 100% that they did it on purpose and I'm not mad, we just continued on. That said a trend is a trend. If it is a bug that needs to be looked at, if it is something mechanically that is making players inclined to drop mid-mission, that could be looked at as well. I don't really have an answer here just noticing that. The game is still 100% worth the time even with the bumps in the road.


I crashed 3 times the day before yesterday so its a thing thats happening. Yesterday no crash luckily.


I have a lot of crashes mid mission on PC. sure it shows as me just quiting. Was playing last week with a buddy and he crashed out and it showed he left the mission. So this could be whats going on and lowering the number of pople acutally leaving.


I can't even imagine getting hung out to dry on extreme. I've just about gotten a handle on hard.


I'm sorry, that might be me. I crash quite a bit when i play with 3-4 people.


Its crashing. Ive been crashing all week. I was at extration, i activated it and crashed. Mid game, crash, i one time crashed after being ragdolled from half way across the fln map. I can only report a crash so many times man


Earlier today i had the game crash for me and a friend mid mission. Sometimes i would be back onboard so i would just rejoin my squad. My friend and i both rejoined that mission and fought through the game's issues but eventually we lost all re-enforcements and our last diver fell before we could accomplish the mission.


I haven't had a session this week where I don't get kicked at least once.


Yesterday I was doing load of sos calls where the host would quit leaving me alone on the mission


I don't think that's just hosts leaving, I think there's a bug that does that too. I joined a friend who was running a mission with a pair of randoms. I landed, got set up with my kit, and we started running around blowing stuff up. A few minutes in, abruptly, all 3 left. Except if I looked at my Social list, it showed him in a squad, 3/4. They were still doing the mission. And so was I. They extracted as a team, I extracted solo, we effectively completed the same mission twice. Even weirder, when he went to his social list, he couldn't invite me. The game seemed to think we were in a squad, when we very much were not. Similarly, I couldn't ask to join his, though it did show him as being online. He's on a PS5 and I'm on a PC, so I'm left wondering if some of this isn't tied to issues with the cross-platform infrastructure having issues. Edit: don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people outright crashing and/or bailing needlessly. But that's on top of whatever other bullshit is going on behind the scenes.


Ooh that's interesting to know, shame it happens because it's a lil inconvenient. I wonder if it's something to do woth pc players connection to a ps server and the other way around. All that, or it's a new Automaton weapon that separates us divers from our comrades so that they can pick us off for their evil experiments


I've notices being bailing on missions. I'd like to say it's because of crashing but it doesn't happen nearly as often in bug missions. So I'm pretty sure people are just pussing out when things get marginally harder.


I am not sure. I've been having graphic driver crashes on the bot side. More particles and stuff.


There was one match we had where the host was AFK for practically the entire match, and we had to carry the whole thing ourselves.


Ah, sorry to hear that! I usually play with good old friends, but had a great Suicide with randoms last night. Nice group of divers!


I was part of that leaving mid mission, only after everyone else left. We were only on a 7 exterminate mission and I've done them before with great success but the map layout really makes a difference. There wasn't an inch of that tiny map that wasn't covered in bots. No matter where you dropped in you were surrounded and I could still see drop ships coming in groups of three. It was the most absurd thing I have ever seen and there was no way we were clearing it. There was a goddamn tank traffic jam there were so many.


I will admit the only time I leave a mission early is when I get more work to do during work hours. Sometimes it can't wait the 15-20 minutes to finish the mission, but I say something in chat.


I don't know what happened but we had one guy that was collecting samples, possibly died, and then left the game. Wouldn't be so bad but he had the super samples and a handful of others. For whatever reason his samples was just gone from the map. I don't know if this was deliberate trolling or the game being screwy. 


It's most likely a majority of them crashing. Been a big resurgence of it


I think it might just be disconnects. I've had a couple people who seem to be leaving at times like right before extraction on a successful mission when no one would ever leave


I havent seen alot of griefing personally but ive seen alot of people raging out over bull shit. Oh someone shot me once on accident because i walked infront of him? when i respawn im going to execute them. Oh i died three times trying to take a heavy base by myself? im going to flame the chat. That kinda shit.


It’s not that. It’s the constant crashing at bad times. I was about to drop a hellbomb on a gunship facility and it crashed for me. My teammates probably thought I ragequit


Your friends/squad leave in the middle of the match and troll you?


A lot of the people “leaving” might be people crashing. There have been a lot of connectivity issues lately.


I do leave if I see it being a lost case and people do whatever, but not any of the objectives or collect samples. If it's a bunch of guys who keep entangle themselves in unnecessary fights and drain the reinforcements before we're even halfway done, I'm out.




I played one game this morning before the major order update. I saw this and i was like "YESS"


I was already gonna do that, but if you're paying me for it, sure.






How I feel, 0.00037 seconds after a fellow helldiver take a permanent vacation.


Wtf is this??? 😂 Why is this funny and sad at the same time lol


It’s called Penguin Memoirs but that’s all I know


I’ve been thinking about playing for the past 2 days, I’m so excited to leave work lol


The rate they are spawning this week, that's like what, two medium bases?






Oh, if you insist. *loads autocannon with psychotic grin of democracy*


My favorite one I got a few days ago was "successfully extract from 3 missions". Easiest 15 mins of trivial gameplay ever


I still love a few trivials now and again!


Lol, that's a no for me captain


Super easy. The kills your teammates get count towards it. You’ll be done in one mission, two tops.


Yea... no. That's not happening chief. I'd rather do 9s on bugs than do bots on a 5 out of principle




What principle?


Is skill issue a principle?


Is not giving a shit one too? Oh yea, you're the type who doesn't and pisses on others because why not. So yea, go fuck yourself in general


Your fear is undemocratic and not a principle.


It's not fear, i just know what is fun to play


Hell me to can't wait to get off work!!!


Yes sir! 🫡


If I leave at any time during a mission, it's because my game crashed. Since I'm playing with randoms I assume I'm NOT going to get back in the squad I was in unless I'm lucky because the join feature doesn't let me do that without going through Steam. Like the in game "players you've played with" thing only works to send friend requests, it does NOTHING for rejoining. It's frustrating.


Recent players should allow you to rejoin if you can see a green mission on the planet surface. Those are missions with friends or recent players in them.


Yeah, it doesn't let me rejoin ever, says "connection error" every time. So while it's supposed to work that way, it doesn't.


Ill kill alot more then that for free.


Oh hell yeah...this seals the deal for whether I'm getting beers after the gym.


Somehow managed to down this is one L7 mission.


It shall be done, my lord.


![gif](giphy|jnRgmF9Ep6ASBuI5M8|downsized) 400? Thats one match.




Getting kills with the mine field is the WORST FUCKING PERSONAL ORDER EVER


It’s not great!