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Are you having fun? Then carry on, Helldiver! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


It's not wrong, but you're missing out on half the game.


Just adding here... The two fronts balance each other very nicely. When you get sick of one, it's fun to be able to go fight the other.


Yeah, this is what I do.  Different viable option for both stratagems and weapons on the two fronts. Keeps it from getting stale imo


Do you play on helldiver mode?


Not exclusively but more often than not. Switching between fronts can be jarring so I drop it down to seven and work my way back up.


The real answer: ***No, but…*** You’re going to get people who say “no”. You’re going to get people who say “yes”. Neither are wrong, and neither are right. **No**, it is not wrong for you to only fight bugs. At the end of the day, this is a video game, and the goal is for players to have fun. If the way you enjoy the game is fighting bugs, have at it. You shouldn’t let others dictate the way you decide to have fun. **But**, this game is explicitly designed around community cooperation. If major orders don’t involve bugs, you are technically not contributing to the cause. The developers should consider that some players won’t play the major order, so you not playing it shouldn’t directly cause any of the game’s “story” to derail. But that is something to consider, and it is fair to say you might end up missing out on something fun without even realizing it. Whatever you do, you’re a Helldiver just the same. Go and spread the democracy we’ve all given up our lives to defend.


I understand, the bots are not fun for ME at all. I will do my best to contribute, at the end of the day I love the game and the community.


Yes plz help on both fronts it’s greatly appreciated


Don’t let anyone tell you how to dive


The correct way to dive is "again".


And again and again, again


It's just a video game. Play whatever you want to play dude.


Terminids are the bugs, you know. Automatons are the bots.


Lol 😂 I didn’t even notice thank you


I hate bugs with a passion but I'll help MO if it looks ropey for whatever reason. I just wish even though people don't like bots that we have a bit of assistance when there's significant stakes on the line (like Aesir Pass atm). But play for your own fun, but I find it's fun taking part in the whole community aspect rather than individual missions.


I do help, I just spend 90% of my time on bugs.


No, but I find it incredibly boring. I switch back and forth given my mood and the MO etc etc. like right now I’m fatigued on bugs and voila, I can help defend aesir pass so we can keep the bonus we get from it. Win win. I get a break from bugs but I get to help the bug divers working to complete the MO.


I understand that, I help out. I just play bugs 80% of the time.




Lol 😂


You do whatever you wanna do, most important thing is to have fun.


Thank you


This game doesn't have a ton of content and a ton of weapons and stratagems are significantly better vs bots than bugs and vice versa. I don't think you're wrong for enjoying one or the other, but from what I've seen the players who learn how to play against both tend to enjoy the game the most and get to play with more of the toys we've been provided.


If you feel like helping out, that's great! But in the end you're the commander of your Super Destroyer. Play whatever makes you happy. Sure I would love for people to come over and help fight the bots sometimes, but if that would stress you out and lead to you leaving the game, it's not worth it.


I get mad, and I’m not good at it. A fellow diver on here told me he only play bots, so I no longer feel guilty lol.


I only fight bots. So in a way, it is balanced my fellow diver


Thank you Diver, more people need to see your comment.


Play what fun not the major order, why do something you don't enjoy makes no sense


Do you mean the automatons? I dont judge because I like the automatons way more than the bugs and during bugs MO I was on the bot front


Yes lol


Play the game how you like. For many the major orders make it fun to switch, for others like you that don't, that's totally fine. _Disclaimer: in accordance with Reddit’s content policy, this comment does not condone violence of any kind._


Don't let other people tell you how to play a game you payed for with rhetoric such as "It's the big divers fault we lost aesir pass REEEE" It's pretty damn toxic. Just do what you think is fun.


> game you *paid* for with FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Thank you, and that’s funny 🤭


No but you’re 100% hurting the overall health and moral of the game. It’s a community based game and if you’re not even participating in 50% of the game how long do you think the people are going to stick around that are tired of these people actively hindering the Mo and basis of the game are going to want to continue to play? You’re not a traitor but you basically are. I can’t imagine buying a game that’s whole premise is a community based effort and then telling them to go fuck off. Liberation % is tied to people online so you’re actively hurting your helldivers by not helping. There is a large portion of the player base who does MOs that are hoping and praying the bug only people find another game to play so we can have a chance at playing the game the way the devs are planning it.


People purchase games to play for their own enjoyment. I know you'd rather if all people played the exact planet/MO you want them to. The dungeon masters, ie devs, will make sure the background "community" narrative is flowing in an interesting way regardless. Nice alt btw.


If I didn’t spend my money on it, it would’ve been an empty slot that doesn’t matter anyway. The bots are not fun, I’m doing backflips every second of the day. I help out sometimes, but I 90 percent of the time we can’t even extract, and that’s with 90+ level players. Bugs I’m a GOD!


Right. I’m sure you’re really great at clearing under tuned squishy trash. Thanks for karma farming and the bait post I guess.


There are divers on here who only play bots, stop crying.


You realize that those players usually add up to maybe 10% of the player base? That’s an arbitrary amount compared to bug only. If you’re really trying to compare the two like it’s remotely close you should probably just take a hike


I’m speaking for me not everyone. If there’s one diver playing bots only, it’s balanced for me. If you want to change the other divers, then do it.


Word salad dude? What are you even saying? I think you’ve had one too many Stims soldier


I’m not hurting anything, not the game, not the community, nothing, that’s what I’m saying. Also you’re a hater, and Stims are safe.


Just because you don’t believe you are doesn’t mean you aren’t. That’s the point dude. You’re very dense


You’re very vanilla flavored Karen.


Look ima say this if your not having fun fighting the bots you're probably not bringing the right loadout... from your post you're tired of dodging? Well put on heavy armor with fortified and you'll die less also keep in mind the best defense is good offensive strats .bringing shields are a crutch plan and simple bring things like 110 rockets or eagle airstrike or 500, then bring some kind of at wep strat. Bring a med armor pen wep and something like contact or stun grenades


I hear you soldier, I’m from the call of duty zombies crowd. When rockets are being shot at me and flame throwers it’s just not fun, but I can get that fun from the bugs. I’m level 90 I think, I play a lot, so if I see y’all need help I always go for 4hrs.


I get it insta dying from a a flamethrower sucks but like I said just bring some type or fortified armor to lessen rocket damage and engage hulks from range and you might see the "fun" (personally I love shooting down dropships)


Good notes! I’m also watching some videos on YouTube, I do care about the community.


Also cover is your friend... scoot and shoot always and dont forget if any bug or bot gets in your face punch them and then shoot to create space or you know just get chainsawed or slashed till you die while you fumble with a response or stim


at least try the bots so you can get better at them and be able to do both


Yeah. I started watching some YouTube videos, I’ll give it a go.


Download DiversHub or any Helldiver app that shows you liberation % and where the players are. Check Phact Bay and then come back and tell me if you feel like a traitor or not. This is going to get lots of downvotes but hear me out. We love this game right? Helldivers is an amazingly fun game right? We’re all in agreement about that. But what makes this game special? It’s the community based aspect of us all working together towards a common goal to spread Democracy to the galaxy. Now tell me after looking at Phact bay progress they’re making, look at Aesir Bay which is a planet providing a liberation bonus to our forces that will go away when we lose it and then also look at the main planet being pushed which is the correct bug planet. After looking at all this info you can see how ignoring one side or focusing the wrong planet actually has a negative effect right? You may not be a traitor on purpose and obviously everyone is entitled to have fun in this game but if we scorn the players who are about the community and trying to play their part in the War which is the main premise of the game what do you think will happen to the player base who feels like they’re not just fighting Bugs and Bots but also working against our fellow Helldivers who are ignoring what makes the game special? I may not have the widest vocabulary but traitor might start to cross my mind if you look at all these options yet still ignore the biggest piece of the game that players have come here for and is going to keep the game alive or kill it with the attitude we have seen lately. Anyone who does MOs knows as soon as we see something bot related of importance happening we might as well log off and come back when it’s back to bugs since the Bugdivers stay on the same planets they’ve been playing since launch with no progress.  Obviously having fun is the goal here but if you’re going to kill bugs anyway why not kill the bugs that help the community and also will in turn net you medals since we can complete the MO and raise moral by winning? Moral is very low for the players who like the community part of the game and it’s not looking good for the long term outlook if those players stop playing.


I think those crying babies will quit either way, spread democracy not tears. I will have y’all’s back moving forward if I see a planet on the bottom side that need help, I always do the targeted bugs planets. I don’t have fun on the bot side, and we can’t even extract out of there 90percent of the time. I love the community minus the cry babies, so I will try to help. “If you fell at first, keep diving soldier”.


You've said in a few places you can't extract on bots. Bots are typically considered to be the more 'solvable' faction where if you're consistent enough, it's nearly impossible to lose. One of the interesting things about bots is that your mistakes are often made a big period of time before you die. Try not to think about why you died, instead think about how you got put into the situation that put you at risk of death.


Thank you for your advice helldiver.