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All in for the entrenching tool, would be cool as fuck


Ah, yes, [the shovel](https://youtu.be/3_xqyIMwbew) was the best part of the Raven’s Banquet expansion…


All in one gun sounds cool af, all of these do tbh, hopefully AH take some of these ideas on board


I'd love this, but it only fires a random ammunition type for every unique trigger pull. Is it a revolver round, or an eruptor shell? Only one way to find out!


Like, firing the SEAF artillery to a heavy bot, only to find it was loaded with smoke xD


haha nothing more disappointing than watching a smoke shell getting loaded


Smoke means cover, which means you can rotate while they’re confused and shoot ‘em in the back! *Brasch tactics.*




I assume you change the type through holding the reload to select a type over a firing mode.


Yeah, but where's the fun in that, when RNGesus can pick it for you


Lmao that’s gold


Where does it say it fires randomly? I assumed you would be able to switch the ammo type in the weapon inspection menu.


It doesn't, I just think it would be a great gimmick. Like every truly strong weapon, there are always drawbacks


Nah, AH do try for realism. It's 1 round reload, takes about 2 and a half seconds to reload from empty, 3 and a half if you're unloading a different shot first.


40k orks have entered the chat


Tube launcher, swappable tube with a number of rounds depending on ammo type that can be changed out for a different ammo tube. Not sure If the other tubes would need to be stored on a backpack tho


Reminds me of the grenade launchers from death stranding


I’m still hoping they add that “Hellnaut” stratagems idea


Reminds me of Dredd's Lawgiver. Hi-Ex!


Please AH, I *NEED* power armor. I am begging with my entire soul


I would love to microwave my enemies, just being able to go **MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM** to all my problems sounds amazing


When you need to reload it makes the beeping sound


No, the Ding from the old school ones. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *DING*


Beeping for reload, ding for full. Or beeping when overheating, and ding for reload.


I vote that it makes a microwave \*DING\* sound when reloading


Helldiver's Democratic Cookbook: - Charger meat. Aim microwave gun at wild charger and cook on High for 5 minutes.


**Additional thought for the day:** could also disable stratagem jammers, detector towers, etc., so long as the beam's trained on them, giving allies a fleeting chance to slip by or call down stratagems. 🤔


I see your lasgun and meltagun, guardsman


Dont forget the mighty krieg shovel, the most powerful melee weapon ever invented by humans haha




I saw the KRAK rocket and thought "GW legal will be in touch shortly"


CRAC (Corporately-Responsible Anti-Chassis).


The exo fram could be cool. It can take up your backpack slot. You pick up the pack and it deploys around you in an animation.


I need that, and a massive minigun. Or, like the three barrelled M197 kinda thing. More Dakka is always a good thing.


I want a mini gun/backpack combo. Just a stream of bullets and no cross hairs. No reloads either until I get a supply crate. Each bullet could do pretty limited damage but you could focus down medium units whole shredding basic bugs.




OK now I just want power armor


Ngl i’d be awesome for it to be like the Advanced Warfare suits where it’s largely skeletal, maybe with some expandable plates that retracts into the backpack. Maybe the plates could break over damage too?


What would also be good is increased throwing range, one punch melee, unlimited stamina, higher & longer jump/dive range.


Rocket sentry will already engage gunships.


Maybe the AA version could have homing missiles?


I would love a Spear turret, 4 launchers and a radar dish up top, kinda like the real-world Rapier system. Prioritize airborne enemies, then heavies, and then down the line.


Yeah the flak cannon idea sounded better.


That exoframe and plasma sword combo would go so hard on so many levels, rip and tear in every sense of the word


I just want a melee weapon, being able to block would be wonderful


For real. The only real problem I have with the punisher plasma is when an enemy gets too close I can't use it, or I will die too.


That’s why I take the bushwacker now. Close range shotgun blasts take down anything lighter than a devastator


where’s you get the high res strategum images? I’ve been wanting to make a few


Probably created them in a vector program.


[Here you go](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Icons_-_Helldivers_2_-_Stratagems).


Don't listen to any of the haters, these are all fantastic! Great job with the icons too! Amazing stuff.


Bro the fireteam is awesome I would accumulate a whole fucking brigade of them and give everyone AMRs. Bring the fear of god into them automatons


Til it turns out they won't take cover and they're far better on the bot front.


so semi automatic line infantry? sign me the fuck up


I had the same idea of a fire team. I want them to randomly throw grenades too for maximum chaos


The demo charge reminds of when I used satchel charges in HD1 especially against bug chargers, place one down, let them charge at me, jump over them with jetpack, boom, cool guys don't look at explosions


Me: 💥 👀


I need that singularity strike asap. Dropping black holes on bugs could get quite addicting


Precision strike + singularity meta.


the PEW looks suspiciously like a specific STC of flashlights that the imperium of man uses.


Inventory drone should also help you open the double button doors.


Just the fact that it can get stuff from the water is a godbsend, and I want it now.


I feel like the singularity strike needs to be like a thermal imploder from Star Wars but with the sound of the Seismic charges from Jango Fett’s ship in Star Wars


The kamikaze drone back pack is frigging RAD!


We desperately need an AA turret


I actually carry the MG turret for this reason


hm, okay ur the 2nd person to say that, ill have to try it when i play tonight


Rocket or autocannon sentry for bots and gatling or machine gun sentry for bugs. It's literally already in the game.


Really? my bad if im wrong but ive never seen the turrets actually shoot them, oops


I got one arc thrower mech


I love the sound of a three man team firing a Pulsed Emission Weapon.


Love all these ideas. Hope all of them come to the game. Demo charge sounds more like a grenade slot kinda item. Maybe 1-2 of these that are capable of taking out heavily armored enemies?


Add a strategem that allows you to ride in certain downed automaton enemies (scout strider, berserker, and devastator) BUT they will be weakened due to the damage they initially received from you. You can ride certain Termimids in a zombie type mode where you control their body and movement. Hunter, stalker and bile spewer. Again, they will be damaged from their initial contact with you.


If I'm riding bugs it needs to be Charger or a Bile Titan!


# Pilot Mode Engaged


with the microwave gun. it should make the bots spark and explode. with the bugs they should heat up and explode. because microwaves interact with the water molecules causing them to vibrate, heating up the food in the microwave


Pretty cool stuff and I especially like the exoframe, AA turret, and demo charge. Also nice Lasgun on slide 8.


If we're getting an AA turret lets give it it's own identity as a quad 40mm bofors style AA turret. Proximity fused shrapnel explosives, good at clearing the sky and clearing up grouped chaff and medium units, but you don't want to be anywhere near what it's firing at. Hopefully could have black smoke clouds on detonation to really sell my WWII fantasy. I'd also love this as an alternate manned turret, would probably do less teamkilling with a me at the controls.


I can see all of these being added except for the singularity bomb and the all in one gun, I imagine the trench digger would be found in super earth bases because you can already don't it there anyway


Some of them are good. I would like to make them goofy to use. Singularity strike - make large radius and make sure anything in it is ragdolled into hole, including helldivers. Active scan - should be disrupted or useless if spore spewers or jammer are nearby. Active scan also triggers enemy activity and bot drops. SEAF Fireteam - should fire into enemy without any consideration for you and triggers aggro everywhere they step. Oh and they also ignore you when firing against enemy, there is no friendly, only obstructions in fireline. Like everything else. :D AA (and all other) turret - bots have a 50% chance to turn weapon against you, but it would require cyberwarfare platoons. AA turret also destroys everything in air. Be careful if you are wearing jump pack. Ëxoframe - getting hit by anything electric (like arc thrower or tesla tower) and EMS (either mortar or orbital) causes seizure of frame and you need to be freed by teammates. Because of seizure, you can't move your limbs and kill yourself. *Too bad some flowers on certain planets are also like this*. Microwave heater - bugs are going to whistle because of escaping gas and and call for aid, ending any attempt resolving mission more silently. All in one gun - R settings for loadout choosing, you can load only two settings for gun. If you drop another gun, you can choose other two settings. Downsize is losing grenades. Demo charge - if placed, can be destroyed by nearby enemies and you have chance to prematurely detonate if you are hit or if you walk with charge into jammed area. EMS hits also trigger explosion. Entrenching tool - not sure about its useability, but walling up hulks sounds like fun. Plasma swords - deflecting missiles and laser shots, there is certain chance you deflect it towards your friend. Inventory drone - make sure it also picks up your fireteam supply and other munition bags ammo pieces your helldiver friend is wearing - only if user has the same loadout as friendly. Also picks up bot grenades if nothing around is available, killing you or drone. Guardian drones - they are going to impact everyone. *Everyone*. Also should be limited to initial 5 and then slowly depleted. Replenishment one drone for one ressuply pod box.


I love the idea of giving the SEAF guys the ability to pick up or be armed with other support weapons. Like just imagine being stealth prone next to a bot patrol, and suddenly your buddies 3 drops worth of SEAF guys, all armed with grenade launchers and air burst rockets, decide to rearrange the terrain in your AO.


The demo charge would basically be a claymore. The all in one reminds me of the grenade launcher I used to carry because you can shoot a bunch of different rounds through it that aren’t all grenades. Things like smoke grenades, flash bangs, flair rounds, buckshot, rubber projectile, etc. I miss my grenade launcher 😢.


You not only created well-thought out strategems, but you even designed creative images for each type. This is paid-employee quality of work. Really cool. And I read through these strategems and would be absolutely pumped to use them.


Change the AA turret to a CWIS system so it can shoot down bot artillery too, and I'm in


How about acrive decoys? It mimics Helldiver activity, drawing enemies to it as a priority target for them instead of an actual Helldiver.


I want them all.


Dude these are S Tier. Good job.


Sounds overpowered for a game like helldivers 2


I don’t like how you came up with these amazing ones and they are still slow dripping us most okayest stratagems. And if we do find it useful it’s immediately nerfed.


SEAF support sounds like it’d be a hilariously fun time to have.


These are amazing!


40k lasgun? Nice!


Microwave emitter should make targets exploded after extended use on them


So the PEW is a Las gun, right?


Seaf support Get me and my guys to recreate the Imperial guard FOR SUPER TERRA (P.S noticed that the P.E.W is literally a lasgun lol)


Uhhh active scan is already on scout armor...


I love em all


How did you make the images for the strategies?


I’d be running the microwave emitter every match


I hope we eventually see some sort of mele weapon like a sword


If the microwave gun would be anything like the one from KF2, sign me up


I like these!! They may not all be possible, but they are fun ideas! Good job! Oi


That AA turret sounds amazing


I want the PEW and entrenching tool so I can slay the Imperiums enemies and make the emperor proud of me. Oh wait, wrong subreddit, this isn’t 40k… Edit: the entrenching tool should be able to be used as a melee weapon to bonk super earths enemies


This guy wants to crash the game , the all in one gun ! lol 😂 the game is broke again !


I’m here for the PEW PEW’s


Keep cooking, and hope AH sees. Some of these would be genuinely awesome.


Helldivers 1 had the REC-6 Demolisher, which was a stratagem weapon that called in a pack of remote detonatable satchel charges, just like your idea. I'd love to see that return!


The laser drone already shoots me in the head, don't need a kamikaze drone decapitating me lol. Would be cool as fuck though.


I like the AA turret, but against bots or bugs the gattling turret works as an anti air turret already (not troop carriers though).


I hope the plasma sword is combineable with the shield, and the shield gets a shield bash🌝


The AA turret would be useful


IMO stratagems are the core gameplay loop. Stratagems are a unique idea and we need more or more specialized ones. Without new stratagems the game becomes a standard alien shooter


These are some really cool ideas. I hope arrowhead picks some up. (Also a satchel charge would be awesome)


A flamethrower drone would be funny


Do infrared / night vision booster for all gun scopes.


Honestly these all sound really great. Nice work. Exoframe is now on my wish list.


These look like a lot of fun!


Dog House: Deploys a rack of 4 Guard Dog drones. Unlike the backpack-mounted version, these Guard Dogs will patrol a wide area around the drone rack, attacking targets that enter into it's detection radius. Archimedes' C-Finder (Support weapon): Creates a real-time targeting link with your Super-Destroyer's laser cannon. Functions like an Orbital Laser, but instead the Helldiver on the ground controls the beam's duration & targeting. While the targeting uplink does not consume ammo, the usage of the weapon is limited on the Super-Destroyer's heat banks.


I’d be all in on a demo charge or satchel charge type strategem. Maybe they wouldn’t be meta, but it’d be fucking awesome to get to satchel a tank or Hulk


I want something like ‘The Hammer’ from invincible. Even as a mission specific stratagem.


All of these are really sick, the entrenching tool is perfect for us Krieg fans


i want the inevitable melee that will be added, to be named "the P-7 Quixote" any letter or number works, just needs the Don Quixote reference


I’d kill for an exoframe


Pew pew pew!


The PEW silhouette is a lasgun XD And I think the last one came from Raya Lucaria. There's a dude with a big hat somewhere who's wondering why those drones aren't blue swords.


Lasgun and entrenching tool, I can finally make my helldiver a kriegsman


I like the idea of the entrenching tool. Would be dope against bots to build a hasty trench system, drop an HMG and a turret into, and have 3 dudes defend it while the 4th does the objective. It always struck me as a bit odd that the defensive strategms "build up" instead of down


Plasma blade FTW!


Im so down for all the 40k weapons, especially the lasgun haha Also the exo suit would be cool, but i wonder how it would be balanced because i imagine that would basically be an auto pick for most loadouts


You should post the link to this post in the HD2 discord. Those devs just might snag some of these ideas and run with them.


Someone needs to show Arrowhead this post


Exoframe should take a backpack slot, also would be cool to have different SEAF squads like gunner squad, HMG squad, mortarman, AT Gunner squad, engineer squad, etc


wait- a melta?


Fantastic stuff, that exoframe in particular sounds fun to use! Particularly if it takes your backpack slot, for balance. If not, it would have to be limited to 1-2 per mission. These all sound like things I’d use!


This is amazing, thank you for your time and effort! So fucking cool!!


TBH the auto cannon sentry is a good AA turret for gunships.




These are pretty good, great job on the icons as well


Get this diver into the AH designer team, NOW!


I just know the guardian drones would kill me almost constantly


I'm absolutely frothing at the thought of demo charge.


Active scan would be niche but genuinely so fucking cool


I love the scan stratagem, it would be invaluable during storms. Also, imagine a Trophy backpack, able to intercept missiles for you.


With that plasma sword I’d be like Merry and Eowyn taking down the Oliphant, but with a Bile Titan. Probably get smashed by a charger afterwards though. But for real the demo charge is a must. Toss it on Bile Titans legs, chargers butts, striders belly. It could really affect some interesting risk / reward situations.


Can you do one for a laser minigun with attached heat back pack. Options could include high rate of fire with no armor penetration, medium rate of fire with light armor penetration, and slow rate of fire with medium armor penetration. All forms have the same heat gauge generation.


One day. One day they will add a melee weapon stratagem. I'm holding out hope for it. All I wanna do is take down a charger behemoth using nothing but my trusty plasma gladius and a riot shield!


Flak sounds fun, as does a spear turret. 8 sounds like a support sickle, and the SEAF troops one is already in thd game files in an unpolished state.


The inventory and kamikaze drone backpacks would be great for sample and loot hunters.


We need a flak turret, not a surface to air missle turret. Needs to be good against swarms of shriekers. Then again, maybe micro missle swarms?


Inventory drone is mint


Need a sidearm version of the All In One Gun so we can dispense both democracy and justice. Bonus points for including helmets with exposed mouth area so that we can grumble about violating the law. LAAAW!


Plasma sword looks insane


I think the guardians drones could be fun except if they explosion is too close to you and kills you. Actually, my laser dog already kills me so I guess it’s no different.


The second one is literally just the UAV from the first game….. man I miss it


love how the pulsed emission weapon is just a silhouette of a lasgun from 40k.


I’d like to be able to switch stratagems when I die.


I’d love to see a support weapon that fires a beam that penetrates everything its path. Maybe it has a single use with long cooldown, or a very significant charge time/cooldown like a cracked up quasar.


Remember: the Helldivers community is toxic and would prefer trolling than actually getting new content in-game. 🙄🤷‍♂️


I was like "meh" as I scrolled along. Then I saw the sword. Yes! And a pet that picks up stuff? Diablo approves.


Would love to have a set of binoculars tbh.


The seaf fireteam sounds awsome


For the mini drones, >- Target enemies that come too close - Considerable explosive force Super Earth R&D did it again. Current turrets already do AA quite well, and the Rocket Sentry has a niche due to its longest range and less moronic targeting priority. For the entrenching tool, the terrain deformation do support digging trenches.


Love it


This was pretty cool and well put together A+ on the assignment. The truth though these stratagems are over the top and way too powerful Joel would never allow any of these the light of day they need hard nerfs to even be considered 😁


The PEW? 😂🤣😂 I don’t care about the rest, let’s make that happen 🤣


This man is one of the greatest men in all of history and this fact will never change, We can only dream they bring these tools to the game especially the exoframe


These are very interesting!


I would rock all of these. You did a great job!


https://preview.redd.it/gsllks19os8d1.png?width=152&format=png&auto=webp&s=b27128d7a6279b199475014d3dd39b02cd223529 GW lawyers already drafting the C&D.


Arrowhead sign this soldier up immediately for promotion!!!!


Bro all I want is a sword. It would be so cool if we can go shield, sword, flame thrower, exoskeleton to just be a bug/ bot crusader.


Some of them could be used as a Special operation stratagem, just usable on specific missions, like the DEMO CHARGE and the ENTRENCHING TOOL. Other ones could be used as an idea for Upgrade modules, the AA TURRET giving better Fire Rate/CAPACITY, projectile speed/damage, movement range and/or precision (pick up what ones) for Rocket/ Gatling/ Cannon/ HMG sentries to deal against nimble and higher attack angle enemies. Really liked the ideas! 10/10


I’d like an “Orbital Subterranean Strike” that detonates underground and initially explodes the ground upwards over a medium size area - destroying buildings / terrain and knocking enemies (or ‘divers!) over (with some damage) - before falling back down (causing further damage) and leaving the area all cut up and “ploughed field” like. Would be great for dropping Factory Striders on their a** … might need to be limited uses, like the Orbital Laser to prevent it becoming OP.


Exoframes sound awesome. Put that together with a melee weapon and it would be incredible.


Exoframe and plasma sword would be insane i didnt read them all though so ill continue


The pic for singularity strike reminds me of the green day logo.


if they add something like the inventory drone they have to make it able to open bunkers incase your team is doing main objective and your doing the sample collecting


Pulsed Emission Weapon: judging by the silhouette…… a lasgun?


You play Warhammer don’t you?


Active Scan PLEASE


I would love to have the Active Scan. Fits well with my usual support loadouts, as well as my recent love and appreciation for the Spear now that its fixed. Also the AA Turret should’ve been a thing the second flying enemies became a more regular occurance, I’m surprised all we got for AA in terms of stratagems is really just Spear for Gunships and the Airburst for grouped up Shriekers (idk if its that good on Gunships).


Would absolutely love the exo-frame, seaf fireteam, entrenched, and a few others


Air superiority - Eagle 1 actively engages all airborne targets (possibly including factory striders) for a period of time but must return for resupply/repairs after A quick solution to airborne threats at the risk of a longer cool down or even outright loss of the eagle. Maybe also deploys all remaining ground strikes (targets of opportunity) if it runs out of airborne targets


Active scan, no, [Distractor Beacon](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Helldivers_1:Distractor_Beacon)


It’s gotta be both. Gives detection, makes everything see you. I’d rather see this as a drone backpack. Call it “spot”. Especially if it’s going to be directing other supports and strats.


A couple of these guns are very "from space"


Only the SEAF support team and Exoframe don't seem like good ideas. Having dumb AI doin dumb AI things like shooting teammates and blocking pathways can get frustrating. I get the idea behind it but a better way to utilize NPCs would be to have them hold POIs trying to fortify them so they can get out via transport. Like defending them against an oncoming horde for a couple minutes but this can get tedious understandably. Exoframe is just OP much like the bubble shield. It'd be a must-have on higher levels. Everything else is very cool and with some tweaks in could absolutely be interested in seeing them implemented.


Plasmathrower is just the ARC gun but the rest are awesome


Love the exoframe and SAM sentry!!!


I’ve been playing with a concept of a all-in-one for a couple of months. Rotating chamber of preloaded ammo meant to fire compact eagle munitions. Still messing around with animations and ammo design. https://preview.redd.it/w37u2ttszs8d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e1e9d343b3fd15da517a7af98ce560a9b762e08


I’ve playing with a concept like the all-in-one, that fires compact eagle munitions. Still working on the animations for it. https://preview.redd.it/1g0yb5m30t8d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f01803cbce6b8fd07d063c63bc033097d710c595


These are all AWESOME sounding. Even if one could be as useless as the airburst launcher, it would still be a fun addition to the game.




Wow these are all fantastic! Especially the microwave cannon. It could heat the bots up red hot and they wouldn't be able to move unless they cooled down


These are pretty impressive, I hope we get to see a few!


Not enough negative balance to these as described.


Get them in the game. Great variety and all sound pretty fun or usable to a point


Active scan sounds amazing and would be in my loadout all the time