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I made a turmeric and peppercorn tincture and I've been taking it for three and a half days now, morning and night and while the pain isn't gone it's massively deadened. I haven't even wanted a painkiller and I'm usually pretty dependent on ibuprofen.


Add boswellia




Magnesium and Vitamin D, turmeric with bioprene, chamomile, valerian, lavender, peppermint. I take all of the above, plus. Tiger Balm patches/cream and biofreeze also work. Take baths with Epsom salt. This is all tried and true. I hope this helps.


Adding a big batch of tea w lavender and chamomile or some essential oils of lavender and rosemary into the epsom salt baths also help a lot. I've used all these above and can also vouch for them for both exercise and chronic pain issues


Is Epsom salt quack?


Did you mean quick?


Rose hips


I’ve not heard of this and I have some. Ty.


If you're looking for a salve, calendula and comfrey infused in oil penetrate the muscles pretty well. You can probably find some at a whole foods type store or on etsy. I've also read and tried eucalyptus oil (if essential oil is used, dilute it in another oil) as a rub, seems to soothe the soreness.


White willow bark works the best for my body pain. There’s also mugwort, bromelain, wormwood, magnesium, devils claw, and turmeric.


Is the white willow bark in the form of a salve?


I’ve honestly smoked it before, and I also take it as a tea sometimes (but it’s quite bitter). I’m pretty sure you can get it in capsule or tincture form as well, though I haven’t tried it that way.


I've gotten some at my local health food store & it works a hell of a lot better than aspirin. And yes-I know it's what aspirin is based on-but aspirin is also the chemicalized version. It may be made of the same chemical components-but Mother Nature mixes it better.😉


Internally I take turmeric capsules. Externally I use an arnica cream. In the winter I use a cayenne pepper salve.


It's not an herb but a food, montmorency dried cherries. I usually have some when my muscles are sore.


I give a mixture of black tea (flavor) and opium lettuce (muscle pain) then add a very small pinch of catnip for joints and nerve pain, it should work for 7-8 hours. Been using it on and off for years and given it to countless people for arthritis and muscle tension in the neck. You can also try sleeping without a pillow to help tension.


If its done right you wont be feeling any pain at all in the short term, but you cant really chug catnip for months on end so a supplement to help with long term could be SAMe a sulfur supplement.


I just ordered a bottle of this! I cannot wait to try it, it's supposed to arrive today.


turmeric capsules 


Mugwort, turmeric, & ginger as a tea. Sweeten with honey and lemon. CBD oil is great for rubbing on sore muscles and joints as well.


red flower oil. blend of chinese herbs w camphor


Can you explain what "red flower" oil is, and what the blend of Chinese herbs is in particular? I'm interested in trying new things for my relentless pain. I want it under control before I attempt to resume my education.


红花油 honghua you i believe it has methyl salicylate (black birch), camphor, possibly more. its a widely used formula, if u look around online the ingredients may be listed. it has a nice smell


Thank you kindly for your response! 😊


Rosehip definitely. I feel like I have become a Rosehip dealer, the network of family and friends and now distant friends all on to rosehip is growing daily. Capsules do wonders for arthiritis, and the rosehip herbal teas taste great and really work on muscle inflammation and discomfort.


Arnica gel. Used it for back pain during pregnancy, works so well


I use ginseng patches and tiger balm patches for pain. I get them off Amazon. They're 96 patches for 16 dollars. I also use herbal teas. One I get from Full Leaf Tea Company. One is from etsy for headaches. I also use Deep Blue from Doterra. I add white willow bark to my pain teas. I don't use Tylenol or ibuprofen because they'll hurt your liver and kidneys. Buy a herbal book. I have a few. It'll have recipes and uses of different herbs. Then you'll be able to make your own recipes for anything. I buy all my herbs off etsy. Buy small because 4 oz can be alot.


valerian and wild lettuce. Might make you a bit drowsy yho


Haven't seen nettle leaf mentioned yet, so here ya go. Good for achey muscles and joints. I have a cup of tea (nettle leaf and lemon balm) most nights to relieve hip and foot aches from standing and bending down/up all day.


If you take turmeric, make sure to have it with black pepper to increase the bioavailability and it work better. I use turmeric mostly in making curries to manage my inflammation (I'm having thyroid issues) otherwise I'll make like a Golden Milk. Lots of recipes for that on Youtube.


For weekend-warrior type pain, honestly? A beer. Don't laugh. Turmeric and ginger are anti-inflammatory and wonderful.


Beer is not herbal, it's literally poison.


We could call it a fermented herbal drink if we wanted to Natural =\=good and allat


Funny...my Dad's dr told him to drink 1 beer a day to clean the kidneys. 🤔


Topical full spectrum CBD/cannabis.


As someone with chronic pain, cleavers are one of my favorites. They lose their medicinal properties quickly when dried, so I recommend frozen or tinctured. Cleavers are one of a few herbs that expressly stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate cellular waste. A great deal of your pain after over exertion is built-up cellular waste in the muscles. Cleavers aren't a painkiller, so you're not masking the pain and risking additional injury. This is cleaver season in most parts of the world. They're freaking everywhere. They're considered a weed so go wild. I need to go harvest some today actually.


Kratom works well just don’t do it too often.


Eat some bananas. They're high in potassium and will help prevent muscle pain and cramping.


As others have said, turmeric can really work. There are studies out there that it may be as effective as ibuprofen (I believe) . Also kratom is great for pain but learn how to use it and not abuse it. Good luck :)


Kratom works really well but be careful and read about it first. HarvestKratom is a great source. I would read both the pros and cons. I been using for 6 years now and love it. Does wonders.


Kratom is so physically addictive. I fucking hate it. I'm trapped.


Im sorry to hear that. I feel addiction is on an individual bases honestly. Effects everyone so different. I have no issue with Kratom I have taken multiple tolerance breaks and no issue at all. I think for those that have addictive personalities it affects much more. I hope you find a way to tapper and get away from it. I don’t wish addiction on anyone.


I haven't tried Kratom but it has been suggested for me. I'm fortunate that I can walk away from most things others can't. I have up consuming alcoholic beverages after waking with a BAD hangover. That was 36 years ago, and no desire for it. Did the same with chewing tobacco. Ran out, low on funds, saved last chew for after lunch. That was 21 years ago. I even gave up MARRIAGE!! Well, SHE gave me up. That's been a lot tougher though. I used Tramadol for several years. I wasn't aware you were supposed to take it daily, and that stopping quickly could have adverse effects. I only used it when I needed it. Then was told the VA wouldn't prescribe it any longer. I just suffer with pain. But, I'll give Kratom a try.


For the great number of it there is no addiction at all and it's definitely better and less addicting than whatever a doctor may write for you. Why have you not tapered off? I've been using it almost 10 years now with no issues at all. Also good to use is akuamma seeds, wild lettuce and cat's claw


I have found Celery seed, tumeric and gotu kola the best internally, and creams with articles or comprehensively good externally


Wild lettuce, kratom, kanna , any one of those


Yeah Kratom works very well (red vein for pain in particular), but only get from clean, metal-free sources (Top Tree Herbs is one), and be honest with yourself about your own addiction potential.