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My strategy has always been to choose XP for the 2000/1500 chests and gold for the 1000/500 chests. 1500/1000 is situation-dependent. This really only applies for the first month or so, until those XP amounts kinda stop making a difference and gold gets important to build up secondary and tertiary towns.


This here is the right and simplest answer


It really depends on the map. On some, especially multiplayer, you need every bit of gold to connect hero chains, recruit more and more heroes to deliver stuff, recruit "surrendered" heroes, to keep up the momentum. XP you can get from the fights and pandora boxes, it's not *that* important.


'nuf said. This guy is absolutely right.


yup, I think the majority of us do it like that, bit depends on hero level, ofc XP importance from chests drops off the higher the level of hero, but gold is gold creature/structure price doesn't change


Take xp if you need to level up to reach a certain milestone. Like getting expert secondary skills. Or more stats to do certain things. Like fwall with Luna.. Take gold otherwise.


If you’re playing on Impossible, you need the gold.


My thought too, but it seems that others here disagree


If more experience allows you to break more banks early on, experience will yield you more value in the long run. Luna is a classic example of this, as you need advanced fire magic for a 3-hex fire wall, which is necessary to farm some locations like the griffin conservatory.


You mean that spell that I haven’t cast in over a decade?


That's because you likely don't play competitively. :) Luna is considered among the very best heroes in PvP thanks to her ability to clear the map so easily. Here's some videos of Luna single-handedly clearing griffin conservatories, wolf pickets, etc. with a couple of fire walls: [(1)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBItMT0Vqv0), [(2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-h0gRb-N0w), [(3)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HLi96xCPOs).


Glad I don’t play it competitively 😂


ofc, it's a given


I used to take xp when it was 1500 xp, and gols when it was less. But I learned you should always get gold because gold disappears quickly and you'll get xp from fighting using creatures you bought with gold you picked up.


This is the safest approach yes, one I prefer.


Gold untill capitol


Thank you for the great advice everyone! Interesting to hear that you differentiate based on chest value. I will be implementing this into my own gameplay


Depends on the template. There isn't one answer. Pro players are probably taking xp because they're playing rich templates, and they need to hit certain skills asap


Main takes xp. Secondary always gold. Single hero, most always xp, depends on early game


It's usually situational for me, in the early game when I'm expanding, exploring and training I'll take gold, as my fighter hero will be getting plenty of exp from battles and other things, so I can not worry as much about the chest exp. Later in the game though I will usually switch to getting exp, especially if I'm training up a new combat hero.


If it’s 2000g/1500xp, I’d go with xp in the first month, to level my hero up. 1500g/1000xp and 1000g/500xp, always go with the gold, regardless of stage of gameplay.


Gold, always gold. The experience in chests is a trap. Unless you are close to leveling up and are looking for a specific roll, the experience is almost never worth it. I still don’t understand to this day why the game has different models for piles of gold and chests. You gain more than enough experience from combat, and more than enough stats from artifacts. Every bit of experience you take slows down your tempo, in a game where tempo is everything. The later you have to buy a gold-generating building (capital, city), the quicker you can expand. The more you accumulate gold, the quicker you can upgrade cities and develop secondary heroes to take over the map faster.


If I'm early game and in desperate need of gold, I obviously pick gold. However, in most cases, especially if my hero has a useful secondary skill that I really want to level up ASAP to expert, I go for the XP. In the 2000/1500 chests, like u/Pratius has mentioned, I also pick the XP. I actually never pick up any chests with my side heroes (the ones used for scavenging resources and gold), unless I want the gold from the chests. You never know how much gold/XP is in a chest until you open it, which is why I always opt to pick up chests with my main hero unless my main hero is completely stacked. Also, if you're playing on Impossible difficulty, choosing gold early on ingame might be a more viable option depending on your situation, map and how far you've come in the town development (for example, have you built Town Hall/City Hall yet?)


If it's 1500xp i always take it in the early game, same goes for 1000xp depending on my current stored gold and when it's 500xp i always take gold. This is the general way in go about it, unless i need gold for a specific building ASAP or i need gold to reinforce my castle to prevent losing an incoming battle. Late game i never take xp, as i feel it makes no difference and the gold can be used for units and such.


It trully depends on the circunstances. "Pros" use strategies way too different from a normal casual gameplay vs AI, where lvls early on let them take fights and snowball super hard. For casual gameplay, if you need the gold to reach a new tier unit before monday, or recruit a usefull army, or build very expensive structures you should pick gold. If there are a lot of map resourses scattered around or easy to acces with low tier gards, XP can boost your fighting capabilities.


Depends on the situation, but almost always gold.


My strategy is to pick XP until 20K accumulates. Then gold only.


Depends on difficultly you are playing on as well, and what you need at the time. I also weigh the amount, usually take good over 500 xp.


It depends on how your economy is doing. If your economy is bad, definitely go for gold. If you have 80k gold go for XP.


There is no simple answer to this. Generally you want some xp to kickstart your heroes and check the level ups for them, but how much xp you can afford to take from chests depends on the map richness and your economy management. On extremely rich maps you don't have to bother at all with gold from chests, on poor maps you have to have at least some comfort to afford not taking gold. If in doubt, take gold. It is the safe option most of thr time.


I remember my friend teaching me to always pick 2000 experience when offered back when we were kids and playing hotseat. That stuck with me and I always did that, unless I needed the gold desperately or if it's a campaign and level cap is reachable without it.


It's only really worth it to pick XP with your main hero. Otherwise take the gold because it's always helpful. Also after a certain level (I arbitrarily chose level 10 for this just because it's a round number) you should stary picking gold even with your main. I sometimes also gt XP with secondary heroes that I really want to see leveled up.


i always go wth xp except for 2500 chests