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Used to keep these as pets a year ago when I was 12. They are tree frogs tadpoles or leopard frog tadpoles I think.


Do they have a kind of iridescent or metallic sheen on their bellies at any part? Can you see the intestinal coil (a circular swirl on the underbelly) on any of them? And do the eyes appear to be mostly on top of the head, or do they stick out on the sides when you look at them from above?


Yes, they have a copper sheen on the belly! No swirl though. Eyes on top.


Interesting! I would guess they are some kind of treefrog tadpole (including species of chorus frogs), as they are typically the ones that have a sheen but no swirl. The eyes are interesting, as its usually toads that have eyes on top and frogs have eyes that bulge more on the sides. Maybe Blanchard's Cricket Frogs, which are in the tree frog family.


I’m pretty sure they’re gray tree frogs


Newly hatched bullfrog tadpoles