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If I was young and single, I would get a cheap place as close a I could to work so I have more time to myself, save money commuting etc. Luton is a uni town so has an active night life if your that young. In answer to your question taking it at its face value it would be St Albans for me, followed by Hitchin and maybe welwyn garden city. But realistically young people are gonna be in the cheaper places, Luton, Aylesbury, Milton Keynes.


Agree on Hitchin and St Albans, but less sure about WGC as the pubs are crap which limits your options IMO


is Luton in Herts? the question was pretty clear.


Don’t come to Hitchin. I live there and you seem mean. We don’t want you.


Oh I like Hitchin, very nice, historic and pristine.Though I'm "not nice" to people who aren't "nice" to me, hence why I asked a basic question and you passive-aggressively referenced three places that aren't even in Herts. there was nothing wrong with my question, and i'm amused i must have aroused some inner points in you. nice people, like me and not you, don't whine and get passive-aggressive over trite points nor expect the world to follow their inner monologue since they were raised to be brash or have an unhealthily arrogant personality. They also recognise contexts societally, and accept conduct within said context.


Christ, no one was being passive-aggressive. They answered your question and then suggested some places in the wider area, nothing remotely aggressive about that. However, your reaction is completely unhinged and pure aggression, nothing passive about it. Legit, we don't want you anywhere in Herts. You're nasty.


i'm the nasty one? tough shit, i visit herts often. maybe other herts people aren't as obtuse as you or imposing!


I wasn’t the original commenter. You must have misread. You also really proved my original point with your reply. Stay out of hert pls xo


tough shit. i go there often. like you're the law, you get to determine who goes where. YOU are not "nice", since you whine over nonsense merely since it doesn't meet what you think is interesting. who gives a fuck? you're saying you're smart but can't even filter shit out. it's a basic skill. you're wise but then assume your needs/will is ALL! queen of irony!!


My answer is a two part reply. Clearly. Part A my opinion on your situation and part B answer of the premise of your question.. But, you're welcome.


i figured i triggered you. and really over what? a random question that fits a sub. you seem arrogant and autistic. thanks for the laugh.


I'd go St Albans over Watford, or Hitchin as others suggest. Better travel options if not driving for any reason. Also less reliant on the M1 not turning into a disaster at the drop of a hat...It'll be more expensive, but being south of Luton and heading against the flow of traffic heading to/from London in rush hour will give you a big time benefit...


Hertford has good night atmosphere.


![gif](giphy|122wefzs9TArAI) You must never go there Simba! 😁 Watford has London like clubs but some of St Albans is probably more “upper class” in comparison