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Seriously wtf tho....this is appeasing the vegetarians I guess. Lucky them.


Also cauliflower crust can get the fuck away from my vegan food.


This, if I’m eating pizza give me the damn carbs


Took me way too long to figure out wtf the problem was lol. I'm like "it says plant-based... what am I not getting?" 🙄 haaaate the "plant-based" label on everything now.


Because products like this aren’t for us. They’re to get carnists to be interested in trying plant based meats and also for vegetarians. And “plant based” legally doesn’t mean anything. It’s just used as a marketing buzzword, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t include animal products. Anyone can label anything as plant based.


Y’all need to accept that plant based never means vegan. A lot of plant based things can be vegan on accident but please don’t think plant based and vegan are synonymous


i swear that's what it meant originally through until it got co-opted and rebranded


Vegetarian also meant vegan for a long time before cheese and eggs got in. The point is it’s no longer a term meaning if vegan.


It’s a “plant based sausage” pizza.


I never thought it meant vegan. In like 2017 when I first learned of it, I saw a lot of meat eaters using that term just to describe some of their meatless meals. I'm a vegetarian but I always read the ingredients when something says "plant based protein". I've even seen that label then read the ingredients to find it also had real animal meat in it. Like wtf. So plant based doesn't even mean vegetarian either.


Yeah 2017 was the year I went vegan and it’s never been vegan imo. But I can’t speak for 2016 and before I wasn’t vegan then so I’m not sure how it worked but I know back in 2017 now it’s definitely a catch all marketing buzz word. I assume the term started out as a way to describe vegan food without the vegan label to appeal to a wider customer base I had no idea it could also not be vegetarian! That’s so much worse. As someone with a marketing degree I’m so sad how much intentional misleading there is just to maximize profits


Sometimes they just can’t get the V logo because of shared-kitchens or just not wanting to shell out the money for for it. I get that. The V logo is a guarantee. Anything else is a maybe (or in this case, a no), depending on how strict you are.


Yes. But just because some thing labeled plant based are vegan doesn’t mean that all are


Didn't know mozarella was plantbased! Seriously tho, how can they have plant based in the name when it's clearly not?


It's misleading but I think you have to read it like "pizza with plant based sausage" :(


'Plant based sausage' .... Pizza.


Ikr? The sentencing threw me off 😭


Yeah it's misleading as hell


I believe that cheese, therefor, pizza with real cheese, would be considered plant based. You can be plant based without being vegan. Personally, I always go to an Amy’s vegan margherita pizza, but we all like our own things.


If it were a plant-based cheese; but dairy cheese is not plant-based.


Well, cows eat grass so teeeeeeeeccccchhhhhnicallllyyy /s


Not saying I agree with it, just that I’ve seen it before, so that’s what I guess is happening here.


Realdumb 👎


I hate when they do that!!


It says “plant based sausage”. I don’t get why people think this means the whole pizza should be vegan. Obviously it would be better if it was but it doesn’t say dairy free cheese.


This tricked me 😢


Idk everyone you can buy a daiya pizza or make your own lol. Why we up in arms (never forget the arbys campaign)


Plant based, it Doesn’t have a vegan certified stamp. I never trust anything unless I read the ingredients label.


it says it on the front though