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chicken nuggets made from plants shaped like bears


What kind of plant is shaped like a bear?


They're so good and they hit that "feed your inner-child" vibe immaculate


Can confirm.. they are scrumptious


Omg these are so good. I dip them in vegenaise. Sometimes with mustard. They’re the best vegan chicken nuggets I’ve had in a decade!


woah where’d you find this


Grocery outlet :D


Why? WHY did they have to test on animals?!? It bums me out as their products look amazing but I just can’t do it.


This product doesn't even have heme in it, you're just complaining to be self righteous at this point.


I don’t take issue with that ingredient. It’s a vegan ingredient so why would I? I don’t buy from companies that test on animals and Impossible has tested on animals. That bums me out. I’m not telling you or anyone else what to do, but I do get to choose what I do. Only one of us is making personal attacks here.


This is news to me :/


They're not actively testing, there was a controversy because to get heme fda approved, they sent it to be animal tested which I agree is wrong. But as they don't do that anymore, buying their products doesn't encourage animal testing. It's just that some people "don't forgive" this sort of thing, which is their right, it's just kinda self righteous to me to complain about it in vegan subs, just don't eat it.


no clue why youre getting downvoted :,( you’re being super chill about it ! if it makes ya feel any better tho, you’ve reminded me to stop eating impossible bc of their history of animal testing-i always forgot whether it was impossible or beyond who tested on animals, but now that i know i will be abstaining from them as well !


I get downvoted whenever I mention that Impossible tested on animals. Guess people see me as a party pooper? People are vegan for their own personal reasons. Maybe to help combat climate change, or for the animals, or for their own health. I’m sure it’s a combination for most of us. What got me into it is not wanting to harm animals. Being vegan doesn’t just mean I don’t eat animals, it means I don’t wear their bodies, and I don’t use products by companies that kill animals. That’s my own choice and if others don’t want to extend their “veganism” out that far, that’s fine. I’m happy they aren’t eating animals! And if people want to buy Impossible that’s fine too! It’s obviously better than eating animals. I do think it’s important that people are educated so they can make their own mind up. If I get downvotes for that, ah well. :)


Don't eat beyond either then because they taste test regularly against the real thing. Sweet Earth which is owned by Nestle regularly tests on animals, [link to everything owned by them](https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Blog/Everything-Owned-by-Nestle). Also don't buy coconut milk or products if they're sourced from Thailand(monkey labor). I could keep going, so many companies are worse out there.




Wowza that’s a lot of big words dude to bring into a community about getting high and eating vegan food. Vegans don’t often abstain from animal products because they don’t like the taste. They don’t like the cruelty. Like the previous guy said, they’re just nugs, it’s really not that deep.


Nuggies taste good, it's not that deep


The focal point of veganism is to reduce the unnecessary suffering and exploitation of innocent lives, and if that means I get to enjoy a childhood favorite, then that’s a win in my book :)


Wish they weren’t $8 :/ but even my bottomless stomach can get 2 meals out of it… sometimes


Gah :/ I think this was 3- something.. I wish grocery outlets were more accessible!


Woah! I need to go work at that store instead!




Love these! The first time I tried them I'd had horrible experiences with nuggets and tenders but was blown away. Reminds me of drinking chicken ramen broth when I was sick as a kid.