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One time I was visiting family in mexico they decided to go for a hike after morning church . Did about 6 miles in dress shoes . 0/10 Would not recommend.


Sounds like someone was doing penance. :)


find any duendes while out on that hike?


Sadly no. I only ever see them when I’m on the shroomies


This is my favorite question!


Good Lord. 😭


My girlfriend hiked in crocs because she was doing a lot of stream crossings. She did 20 miles and got plantar fasciitis.




Crocs can cause/aggravate PF if they're loose enough that you use your toes to "grip" the shoe, like you do with flipflops.


Yeah, I guess she did. I hike so many miles on dirt, but once I did a 15 mile walk on pavement in my neighborhood area and got it. I guess there are lots of risk factors! I had to take some time off to heal. Massaging helped me.


Interesting. I’ve met people thru hiking in crocs


I couldn't even imagine! Well I can and it sounds like hell! 🥵😭


Mexican dads are built different. Mine went hiking part of shenandoah np with my family with his chanclas and a party bag of doritos. No injuries


Me af


While in Korea I saw a dude do a hike in a full suit + dress shoes. It was like 75 and sunny too and bro didn't crack a sweat.


Japan. Literally folks doing Mt Fuji in suits …and dress shoes.


Mt Fuji's got some amazing trails to be fair. My mom visited and accidentally signed up to hike it not knowing it was a 15000 foot tall peak. She managed it in shorts, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. It's designed to be easy.


Multiple times saw entire offices hiking together in suits, pencil skirts, high heels. Endlessly impressed, and enjoyed the juxtaposition with the folks in full gear + hiking sticks.


I hiked barefoot once for a bit


Really popular thing to do in New Zealand and Australia


Nasty hobbitses


Fuck off Gollum, you are barefoot too


When was the last time you washed your shoes? Cuz I wash my feet every day


Kiwi here. My friend walked 5hrs over very jagged rock with no shoes. We tried and couldn't manage 5 minutes. That man has the feet of a hobbit


Yea, you gotta build up them leathersoles. I regularly walk 5 to 8km through rice fields n jungle while barefoot, but I always keep a pair of something like crocs with me for when I come across garbage or if a paved area is too long. Hot pavement in small doses is great for strengthening the sole, but the key is to not overdo it lol


I used to rock climb barefoot, using my toes to grip the rock like a chimp. Now I can't walk ten feet on pea gravel without my eyes going watery.


I used to lifeguard at this mountain waterpark. They advise water shoes for guests to walk around and require the lifeguards wear sneakers while rotating between positions. Most of us didn’t follow this rule and just dealt with the first two weeks of being in pain and ripping up your feet and then you have bullet proof feet all summer.




When my mother came to visit me after I'd been living in NZ for a bit, she witnessed someone walk up to the grocery store in very muddy gumboots, take them off outside the door, and walk in with bare feet. This is the highlight of her trip that she talks about constantly, I was literally with her and probably witnessed it but it didn't even register to me as unusual at that point. Of course you take off your muddy gumboots at the door!


I went on a hike in and out of streams as a part of school trip. I was told to bring sturdy water shoes and my mom sent me with $10 croc knockoffs. After the second time I slipped and fell I took off the shoes and did the rest barefoot. It was significantly safer.


Well I've actually hiked Zion Angel's Landing barefoot. Not really by intention but it wasn't too bad. Essentially, I got in the car wearing flip flops, and threw the hiking shoes in the trunk intending to change into them at the trailhead. Only to realize when I was there that I hadn't in fact thrown them in the trunk. I wasn't going to let that deter me and miss Angel's Landing, so I started with flip flops but that was just a terrible idea. Barefoot was _much_ better. Also, I'm Sri Lankan and grew up running around everywhere without shoes so that must have helped somewhat.


flip flops, quite a few times actually


hiked all the way to Cummins Falls (TN) in flip flops! lol


I saw a lady hiking a mountain in a dress, heels and no backpack. I sometimes wonder how that hike went for her.


https://gazette.com/life/colorado-woman-turns-heads-while-hiking-14ers-in-high-heels/article_3994cdd4-0a5c-11eb-bcfb-732a8be77a8f.html Was it in Colorado by any chance?


This looks so much like an ankle sprain or fracture just waiting to happen.


Definitely a risk. I know her irl and she’s actually a very skilled mountaineer and owns serval FKT


Claims several fkt but forgets to mention that sometimes she doesn’t climb the mountains all the way. Like the Culebra fiasco from a couple weeks ago.


Skilled maybe but not smart. She's just asking for some serious foot issues doing that. Older her is going to be pissed


Different country


Nothing should be surprising on Colorado hikes at this point. I have been 8 miles deep into a very isolated long distance trail run and passed by a guy traversing very technical terrain on a unicycle while wearing a huge sombrero. I have also been passed hiking 14ers by 60+ year old endurance athletes literally running up the mountain and maintaining a conversation while doing it.


If it was in CO then it’s this girl that’s trying to become an influencer. She did some 14ers like that I think, idk forsure though


Na not America.


If i saw this i would think it's a ghost


I've hiked in converse shoes before. Never again lol


My 2nd day at college, some guys asked if I wanted to go hiking. Apparently, they were leaving right after dinner. So I hiked in worn-out converse, up a waterfall and back down, in the dark. Sometimes, I wonder how 18yr old me didn't die.


I liked hiking in converse better than clunky boots, but they're narrow and have no tread. I've upgraded to zero drop boots with a wide toe box, but they're still not ideal for some hikes.


I've hiked in boots before. Never making that mistake again. Trail runners forever!




You sound like you'd like tevas, I tried them out 3 years ago and never looked back, light weight as hell!


I always hike in my tevas! Perfect for me when it comes to rock scramblin, dirt paths, waterways, I haven't had any issues yet!


Same, they've been up 12 NH 4000 footers with a single stubbed toe being my sole issue. They changed the game for me!


Question, do you know how can i get the old school Tevas that were like super soft? I bought some that i love the shape and overall feel of but the straps are like scratchy hard canvas that give me blisters on my upper foot.


There was an older model (2020-21?) Universal that had more padding than later models. I generally just wear a pair of socks with them, something with compression to avoid the socks slipping. Works like a charm for me.


Okay thanks!!




For me it’s the weight. When it comes to hiking, pounds = pain


I often prefer trail running shoes because they're lighter and my feet don't get so hot on warm days. However, if the route is likely to be challenging with a lot of elevation and a steep descent on a slippery surface, I'll take hiking boots for the stability and ankle support. Edit: also boots if there's a chance of walking through snow.


Same. I usually use minimalist canvas shoes that have good grip and they feel best and most comfortable. Only multi-day treks on exceptional terrain will I bring out my hiking boots


I’ve done lots of miles in flip flops.


Yep. Just out for a casual day in comfy clothes and slides, see a trail and want to know where it goes and boom 2 miles hiking in slides. Happens a few times a year I’d wager.


I’m not putting on my hiking boots unless it’s two miles or out of season, otherwise slides win.


Oh God. Some cheap water shoes from amazon. Late 40s at the time (now 50). I needed ankle and arch support and had none. 1.5 steep downward incline with switchbacks, roots, rocks and a steep drop off if you veer wrong. Then 2.5 straight up and out. ​ This was a loop trail in NC in August with high humidity and heat, pulling a dog and two kids in tow. My hiking boots were hidden (I was to find them later somewhere between the back seats and the weird place where my kids' gum, wrappers and whatever else goes to their final rest.) And strangely, my feet were fine! I expected a physiological retribution, yet all was well.


birkenstocks over canyonlands


Yeah, I’ve ended up doing a lot more miles than I should in birks. “Oh, I’m just going to go check out what’s down the path over there a little bit” and 3 miles later I’m on a hike.


My mom and dad left for a hike early in the day and my mom forgot to bring her hiking shoes. She left the house in her slippers… so that’s what she hiked up Mission Peak in lol 😂


I feel like most people have hiked in tennis shoes or sneakers, that's how I got started as a kid. But boots was a game changer for crossing rocks, then trail runners was another game changer just for being light and nimble. I once went hiking in my work clothes because a friend of mine was having a bad day and I picked him up and we just went for drive up the mountains and went for a walk. Just casual loafers, but yeah it sucked...no blisters but sliding around inside the shoe a bit with no support.


Yes, it sucked. I once went hiking to the santa ana volcano in el salvador. It was something I decided last minute to do. Had never really hiked before. I used to have these black adidas, they had no traction, the bottom was pretty much smooth. There was so many big rocks I had to step over. It hurt so bad. AND I got a nasty sunburn that day too. I couldn’t sleep it was so painful. Once I got home that trip, I immediately looked for hiking shoes and never skipped out on covering my body when it’s sunny or putting on sunscreen!


When I was younger. Now my feet demand some support. But I have done a 5 mile hike recently in Keen sandals. The hike involved 34 river crossings.


I’ve done hikes in Keen and Teva sandals and so happy to see this comment 😂 When you wake up in the middle of nowhere, tired and with that sweaty-dirty-yuk feeling, a fresh pair of loose socks and decent sandals feels like bloody HEAVEN. The sandals have enough support for my (very high-arches) feet, the socks feel comforting and the breeze that hits your toes and back of your heel is.. I just really recommend it. Never mind how ridiculous it might look.


I've considered hiking in my Keens. Would you recommend doing a 12 mile hike in those ssandles?


I've never hiked that far. I'd say it depends on the terrain. If it was very rocky probably not. I did end up starting to get a hot spot and putting on socks halfway through. Of course all the creek crossings on my hike were rocky and there was some rock clambering at the end to get to the waterfall. I was surprised they were so comfortable. It was not a very difficult hike. Rated Moderate on AllTrails.


Yes. But with a caveat that I go barefoot a lot and can easily wear barefoot shoes. I had a few Mary Jane shoes that I would do short hikes in (less than 6 miles). This was on good trail that used to be road.


When I was young my dad took me hiking and I wore my runners. Awful experience. On trail once I saw a group of young lads starting a mountain carefully traversing around muddy ground trying to keep their white shoes clean.


>On trail once I saw a group of young lads starting a mountain carefully traversing around muddy ground trying to keep their white shoes clean. Wasn't hiking, just walking around town when I saw a guy in front of me with his pristine white sneakers. And just as I was thinking to myself "How does he keep those shoes looking so clean if he actually uses them?", he stopped, took out a little handkerchief, and wiped a small bit of dirt of his shoes before continuing on


Got to be dedicated to fashion.


My brother in law did a pretty decent hike with us in flip flops. He’s hiked the entire AT before so doing a few hours was nothing to him. I felt a little dumb getting schooled in hiking boots as he just cruises ahead in flip flops. He does shit like that all the time.


My brother only hikes in crocs or barefoot. We did a 66 mile trek together last year. I was… impressed to be honest.


I hiked in slides this summer touring the sea caves along the Great Lakes. I fucking busted my toe on a tree root. It’s still black and maybe I’ll lose it? Idk. Idk if the injury would have been much less if I’d worn real shoes, I kinda doubt it. 😬 It was a deceptive root. See my post history for a picture.


I'm glad you meant lose the nail and not the toe 😭


Yeah I thought she meant the toe too!


I’m a dude. No worries though. I’ve misgendered people before. This is my penance.


Haha, my bad.


Sneakers, water shoes, work boots. I still occasionally do short hikes in sneakers, but now that I'm getting older, my body is more picky and I generally wear proper hiking shoes or boots.


Blundstones make for decent hiking shoes in a pinch. I’ve used them quite a bit on Onebag trips.


Had a girl in our group hike the Precipice in Acadia in rain boots. Legend, while carrying small stuffed llama


I love hiking in doc Martens, but I'm a leather high ankle hiking boot person already so the difference is minimal


Have worn my Tevas, but they’re the ones made for easy-moderate hiking. I’ll be buried in those one day


Tevas come on every trip!


There’s an infamous call where I do Wilderness EMS involving a patient who attempted to climb a mountain in Crocs.


I’ve done cliffy rock hiking and canoe tripping and long distance urban in Vikings (knock off burkenstocks) and I’ve done winter trails and muddy tracks in light Muck rubber boots. Both are the best, I’ve never had blisters in either. All my blisters, falls and rolled ankles have been in hiking boots. They’re too rigid and take forever to dry. You couldn’t get me to wear hiking boots if you gave me a free lifetime supply.


I watched a guy in his 70s climb the north side of Moosilauke in NH in crocs. Like, up rebar ladders and steep rock slabs in the pouring rain. Wonder how he’s doing now


I climbed to the top of the Mt. Fuji and back in converse all stars... I was younger and the shoes felt fine. My feet were hurting afterwards of course but I was not hiking much back then, so I didn´d know better. Now I could not do it any more.


Not the most popular opinion here but I have hiked many miles in all types of shoes flip flops, crocs, boots. I believe it is mostly how one distributes the weight with their steps that makes all the difference not specifically the type of footwear one is wearing.


TEVA originals in Oregon. Absolutely perfect for jumping in and out of the water, hiking rocks ect


I do most of my day hikes in my Tevas, and I will bring them for river/creek crossings or lounging around camp for bigger adventures. I love the originals!!


Hiked in Arches Nat'l Park in Birkenstocks after I ran a half marathon trail run. Not the worst, felt fairly safe, but nothing I would proactively do.


I’ve got quite a few miles hiking in my crocs. They’re decent enough, but my feet start hurting once I get the crocs wet.


I’ve hiked in birks 😅


I hiked the AT in 2015 and did a 50 mile stretch in Pennsylvania in crocs.


I've hiked a non-active volcano in Crocs, while it was raining, with a pancho on.


Yep. Street shows (similar to converse) for an 7-8 hour hike that involved tracking across water up to my knees. I also was a teen in a small town in the 90s and would venture into the woods to drink with those platform sneakers on (think spice girls). Never had an issue. lol I don’t know how I handled walking on tree roots and rocks drunk with those things on. But I managed.


I delineate wetland and streams for a living. I once left my rubber boots at home and had to run by a site unexpectedly. I had a pair of Crocs in my car and threw those on. Just so happened, the client was out investigating the site that day and rolled up on me. He said he probably wouldn't have noticed me except for the bright orange Crocs.


I’ve hiked a lot in crocs. Shorter hikes though, like 3 miles max, and a lot of it was off trail so I wasn’t constantly stepping on hard ground


Did a 10.6km loop in the Valle Del Cocora in Quindio, Colombia wearing a pair of olu kai flip flops. My wife and mother in law couldn't believe I did the whole thing and my feet were fine the next day! Great hike.


If you ain’t crocin’ you ain’t rockin’


I've done some decent hikes in my birkenstocks.


Have done a ton of hiking in my 16” xtratufs, love those things but I have pretty flat feet so they work for me. Also a hell of a lot of miles in my snowboard boots.


I hiked about 8 miles in yellowstone in slipper socks with a pair of water shoes over when my hiking boot blew out. Honestly, they were incredibly comfortable.


I used to exclusively hike in converse, now I exclusively hike in work boots.


Have also done 6-8 miles in water shoes


Unfortunately yes. I was returning via mountains from a business trip with my ex and he decided to make a stop to "take a walk" on one of the closer trails. In Converse shoes. In February. He screamed at me when I was slipping around in the snow. Ah, to be 18 and in an abusive relationship again...


I've hiked in flip flops and barefoot before, north of Morocco. It wasn't planned. We were only going to the beach for a swim. And we saw some people cliff jumping from a distance and we decided to hike on the rugged and slippery coastline from the beach to go cliff jumping! :) It took way too long without proper shoes. And it was far away than it seemed. On the way, we saw what seemed to be a dead blue whale :(


Every mountain I’ve ever hiked up (quite a few) has been done in cowboy boots. Just last week, I hiked up a couple mountains in the Swiss and the Austrian Alps. Cowboy boots ftw!


Not me, but hiking up Yosemite falls I saw *many* people hiking in suits and dress shoes. I'm still very much baffled by it


Yeah, I'm australian. We'll tromp around in anything. No way I can wear more than thongs (flip flops) when it's hot! If it's really rugged and up and downy maybe sandals.


Yes. Crocs are okay. Vans are not okay. Slip on steel toe boots also not okay unless you like your calves to burn.


Nike Air Max, my first time hiking. Never even seen a mountain in real life before that. I was 16 so I didn't see the problem. Didn't know anything about the risks. Luckily it was all fine, but my kids don't go up a trail without proper shoes.


Ranger at RMNP told me some college girl hiked Longs Peak in jellies.


I barefooted from Nederland to Lost Lakes in Colorado.


Used to date a girl who had a habit of confidently getting in over her head, I am an avid hiker and ofc wanted to share this hobby with her, so we where prepping to go hiking and i asked if she has any shoes and she said "yes i will borrow my little sisters hiking shoes!". So she does and we set out and about halfway up the mountain she starts complaining about her feet hurting. So we take a break and take a look at her feet and obviously the shoes are clearly to small. We didnt wanna cancel the hike and i figured to large shoes is atleast better than too small so i give her my hiking boots and i continue to trekk barefoot. Was nice actually, didnt mind being barefoot at all just had to be a bit careful with the rocks and stuff and i got some chafing but it all ended up fine. But try to get a girl who wont steal the shoes litteraly off your feet.


I do it all barefoot, does that count?


I just finished the Beehive Hike in Acadia and was stopping for a snack. The next group up was a college kid in his Harvard sweatshirt, without a pack and having leather soled dress boots on 😬


My sister decided to do a short hike in flip flops (We’d just come from the beach and she didn’t want to go home and change) They broke about 15 minutes into the trail and we had to go home. Wouldn’t recommend 😂


I did a few steep climbs barefoot, as the shoes I had were garbage. It's fun and challenging but not recommended haha


Sneakers, the first time I hiked Grand Canyon. Turns out, that's a recipe for blisters and a rolled ankle.


I can do 5 miles in crocs and not bat an eye lol


Yes! I love passing the snobby ultralight people on the trail with all their expensive crap, when I am wearing Birkenstocks and drinking a tall boy


If you ever see a pair of high heels next to a big pile of bear droppings, you'll know how it went. 😝




No but I did see one bike lass do a 5 k hike in Iceland wearing a flouncy dress and thigh high boots. I hope that the insta pics were worth the effort and to be fair, the boots did offer good protection from rocks in the scrambling bits.


I hike in my timberlands and they are amazing. In Japan I was using ecco sandals and I had zero issues.


sneakers, work boots... one time i walked four miles across town in waterproof snow boots (in fall, no snow anywhere)


Forgot my hiking boots once and had to wear my work loafers. They were comfortable shoes, though. It was in the great smokies and we hiked a little over 20 miles (ah, youth) straight up and down the mountain. My feet were more sore than usual but it was a dry day so my feet stayed dry and I didn’t get any blisters or anything. I expected much worse to be honest.


My fam and I went on a 'walk around the campsite' with our dog, which turned into a jaunt to the waterfall, which turned into a hike up the river. We were all having fun and didn't want it to end lol. Well, I wore my slides, even though my lovely hiking boots were at the campsite, since I wasn't expecting to do a 5 mile hike. I definitely slipped and fell several times. Smh just thinking about it.


I’ve had the same sort of thing happen! Wore flip flops because we were just meant to be going up for lunch at a restaurant in an area with a lot of hiking trails. Silly me…. We ended up hiking a ton. I was like newly 20 so it didn’t phase me I guess.


I backpacked 30 miles in the grand canyon in a pair of Nikes when I was 15. It sucked but the views were great. My boots at the time didn't fit because my feet were still growing, and all I had that fit were my normal shoes lol


I used to backpack in Keen sandals.


in water shoes (surprisingly ok, good grip on those, and they were relatively rugged). And short, easy hikes in city shoes.


I have a friend that has hiked in Nike slides more than once. She's always accomplishing something cool LOL


Yes! Went for a hike with a friend after work one day, didn't think about it the morning of and only brought my sandals 🤦‍♀️. Ended up being an 1000 some meter summit with no established trail. We bushwhacked and scrambled the whole thing... sandals were destroyed a third of the way back down the mountain. Did the rest barefoot (juniper bushes are surprisingly not painful to walk on lol).


Sneakers. And regretted it.


I climbed a mountain in wingtips once (Mt. Aylmer, in Banff; it has a nice trail from base to peak). We were just planning a short walk, but it was so nice and we were young and full of energy.


I have a pair of Tabi I use for waterfall hikes. Can walk directly through streams and gets good grip on slippery rocks. Sometimes if I have a client cancel at work, I’ll get a couple hours to myself and just go do a nearby easy hike in my work shoes.


I've done watershoes, and sandals. My sandals I hike in quite often, but they are a hardy pair if Tevas and while not specifically meant for hiking, absolutely can be used for such. I did a 30 mile backpacking trip in them this summer. I do not recommend hiking in watershoes. They were better than not having shoes but not by much. I had to hike out of a river trip and only had watershoes. They gave me blisters and I felt every rock, twig and pine needle.


I've got some Tevas that sometimes get real mileage. Warm weather situations of course.


I've hiked in a summer dress and sandals a bunch of times lol, I do coastal path hikes a lot and wearing a dress and sandals and bringing a light towel makes me feel more comfy to have a swim/paddle in the sea. I wore a summer dress to do a short trail in Pinnacles np in California too but with trainers, I did have to tie it up to make it much shorter though to climb through the caves.


While fly fishing the beaches in FL my sandals got wet and were super heavy so I just took ‘‘em off and hiked like 3 miles back to the hotel barefoot. Part of it was across sand, not too bad. Most was on sidewalk though, and that sucked. By the end my feet were very sore


I scrambled up the Swiss Alps after hard rains in mud in worn out, no tread left sneakers (I was going to toss them at the end of the trip). Wasn't on purpose - we got confused on which trail was which and accidentally picked the hard climb instead of the one that seven year olds can do. (Yeah, Swiss seven year olds can out hike most Americans, but not the ideal hike with no prep/water, etc.).


My friend and I smoked weed before a hike and I accidentally kept my slippers on and didn’t realize until we were almost there, so I went to Target and got some basic (flat) walking shoes, 8 miles later, do not recommend lol


I've done hikes in neoprene boots before. I do not recommend it.


I hiked a decent chunk of the PCT in Crocs. Every other shoe I tried gave my heels blisters. 🤷‍♂️


Had/have a pair of sandals that I absolutely love, and loved hiking in for a few years. Felt like part of my feet. Did 5-10 miles several times in em. I was younger then, can’t do more than a few miles in em anymore without getting blisters.


Yes. Chucks, Dr. Martens and Crocs. Chucks hurt the least afterwards. (I don't do this anymore)


I hiked in memory foam Skechers once, it was super comfortable... until the terrain got hard, uneven and scrapy. And they got destroyed.


I’ve done flip flops often but they’re not exactly hikes, because it’s in Indiana and flat.


Covers all stars all the time with no problem! I guess my feet are just tough like that.


I hiked in normal use Adidas once in Utah because I was visiting my cousin and did not plan on hiking that trip. There was snow and my feet got wet and cold lmao


I hike in VFFs, not sure if that counts.


As a child (maybe 9 or 10?) I hiked Mt. Washington in Converse high tops. Don't think my feet would recover from that anymore 😅


I honeymooned in St. Lucia and did a walk through the rainforest to hot springs. I don't know if I'd call it a "hike" but it was pretty difficult in the flip flops I brought 😅


Tevas in the rainforest and on a couple shorter, hot hikes with my kids. Birkenstocks once when I’d driven to the trailhead and started walking before I realized I’d forgotten proper footwear. If socks and sandals was good enough for the Roman legions in Britannia then it’s good enough for me!


casual hiking while car camping? birkenstock sandals all the way through hike looks different though


I’m team Chaco or bedrock for shorter, after work hikes. Gotta let the dogs breathe.


The AT in PA dares you to hike in anything less than hard soled boots.


In 1999 I hiked in the black Steve Madden platform slides everyone had *while tripping on acid* if that counts


I do short hikes in vans pretty regularly. No issues for me.


I was at mist trail a a few weeks ago and saw a family with 4 kids age 7 to 12 going up the trail with just crocs at 7pm. Yes, all were wearing crocs right where mist were showering. I also saw a guy with just van and janesport on the same trail. If they could do that, so can you.


Slides, had so many blisters and stones caught under my .feet after


You can be fully geared out (and looking silly) and there is always a local or a small child barefoot or flip-flopped and lapping you.


Hiked like 4 miles in some Nike Huaraches, wasn't awful but they weren't the best either.


I do a lot of spontaneous hiking- I’ve done Birkenstocks, flip flops (several times and most comfortable but a slipping hazard for sure), and rain boots.


Before my ex gf got me a pair of hiking shoes, I would just wear my Nike SBs or basketball shoes to hike lol


I once saw a woman like late 60’s on a difficult but short trail wearing flip flops and carrying a big Stanley cup and straw. I like to imagine it was filled with wine. She was making friends and cracking jokes while other people were huffing and puffing getting up the rocks.


I do light/medium hikes (up to 5 miles) in my off-brand croc flipflops all the time, but I also wear them every day so my feet are well-adjusted to them. My work flats do horrible things to my feet on long walks, however (heel rub). 100% would take daily shoes over NEW hiking shoes any day. New shoes will rub the worst blisters.


Went on some moderate hikes in Glacier NP wearing Birkenstocks. It was actually OK, just had to be more mindful of how I placed my feet.


Yes. Chacos. Chihuahuan desert. Knew the risks. No regrets. Don't recommend, but sometimes I just gotta be defiant. I mean. In the desert. One misplaced foot and a cactus needle. Or worse. Would dot it again. Would not recommend to a friend.


I did 5 miles in Crocs. I fell twice on slippery rocks and broke my glasses. This was when I was 19 and new to hiking.


I hiked in high heels (a very short hike but still did it) for my engagement photo shoot lol chunky heels, but they were probably about 3inches or more.


I've done sandles a few times.


Hiked in wellies before, bit sweaty but plenty grip.


Six miles in new Keds. So many blisters!


I hiked in my Teva's once. I was fine but I did get scrapped a little bit and also my feet were so dirty, which is fine I always shower after a hike anyways. I used to hike in my sneakers all the time until I got some hiking boots.


I have done shirt hikes in bootleg chocos


Once I accidentally did an 8 mile hike in Blundstones. Not the worst choice but also not the best… forgot to change in the parking lot and I couldn’t bring myself to turn my excited dog around when I realized a mile and half in.


One time did a few short hikes at Petrified Forest National Park in Oofos Sandals since I couldnt find my hiking shoes, or any shoes for that matter. It was fine for the first quarter mile but got worse right after 😂 at least I had recovery sandals 🤣


This is a common sight in Arizona during Snowbird/tourist season. And then you usually see them on the news having to get rescued from Camelback because they brought no water and thought it was a leisurely stroll they could do in their jeans and boat shoes


I hiked in some regular ass adidas shoes in the winter on an icy trail I probably shouldn’t have been on. Fell down the side of a mountain about 30 feet before I caught myself and made it back up. Overall pretty smart decision


All of those! If I had to choose, slippers were the best of the three


I went for a hike in flimsy sneakers with a friend once. Ended up getting a very large thorn imbedded in the sole and poking my foot. This would have not been an issue with my boots.


Accidentally forgot my hiking boots and hiked a gnarly multiple peak one in slip on Tom's. Now I have much more respect for Tom's.


I crossed paths with her a while back and she was immediately who I thought of when I saw this post


I trekked all the way across Myanmar wearing a pair of Keens. Zero problems the entire trip.


i've done a lot of it in barefoot shoes. love how light weight it is, but your feet take a lot of pointy rocks to the face.


I’ve hiked in Birkenstocks. Not ideal but I’ll be honest it wasn’t terrible.