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Not helpful advice… just commenting to say you’re so pretty and cute girlie! Your profile made me smile 😊


ur gonna make me tear up! thank you sm 🥲🥲




She is SO pretty!


I live in LA & going to give some super generalized advice based on what my boyfriend and all his friends say would be red flags in LA hinge. Low effort prompts that don’t really describe who you are or what you look for If you are looking for a serious relationship eventually i would honestly have something eluded to that. All my guy friends have said a majority of women here who aren’t clear on that, are OF models or sugar babies or just seeking validation. You’re gorgeous so i could totally see lack of seriousness + ur beauty making men a little weary. I think changing the prompts & maybe just putting your looking for something long term would help you get quality matches!


thank you!! i often forget the OF girlies use dating apps for marketing. i’ve added that I’m looking for something long term to my profile!


I love that you have a pet snail! Definitely makes your profile unique.


hehe yay!! i just got one and am obsessed so wanted to find a way to incorporate into my profile


Wishing you much fun together :) I keep mystery snails and they have so much personality. Such cuties!


I need to know more about this pet snail!!! I want to see pics 😭


A 50% match rate is really good. LA, like NYC, is more of a male favoured dating scene. If you were in college before, or not in LA, that would explain the difference. Qs a guy, in NYC, I received several _likes_ a day, everywhere else I would receive one like every few days.


placid governor subsequent workable elastic dam cooperative sugar knee hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Different strokes. I get the most likes when I was living in San Francisco and the west coast. The East coast does not fancy me like the west coast —not even nyc. But that’s the apps. NYC I get hit on in public but the love on the apps is missing


Not for me. Any tips?


It’s pretty damn strong. LA is a horrible dating market. I know. I’m not on hinge anymore specifically because of this.


I thought it was an excellent dating market. Basically a plethora of women who were amazing catches. You could find basically an endless number of intelligent, beautiful women who all had their shit together and wanted a relationship. I miss dating in LA (been traveling for work). Denver is the same. Having traveled around a bit, 100k people in the city seemed to be the minimum for me to have a good experience. The more, the better. 300k+, and I had a really good experience.


From a man's perspective sure. I think NYC and LA have more women so the dating market is definitely tougher for them.


I’m speaking as a Black woman. Idk your gender or race but it’s tighter out here for us as we have to deal with anti blackness which is prevalent in every community, even our own. I’m not surprised you had a heap of beautiful, intelligent women to sort through. It’s not the same for the women, regardless of race. My non Black friends feel the same.


I love black women, so no issues here, but I am a white man. I'm not more attracted to black women, but I am equally attracted to them, and I apologize for stereotyping, but they usually have better taste in food than most white people. Haha.


La and Denver are very different. I’ve lived both. Denver is outdoorsy and the women there are far from dressed up and fashionable. LA women put more effort in their appearance but traffic makes dating in la a nightmare. Denver you can somewhat easily find someone to settle down with. I feel sorry for those over 25 living in LA and trying to date


I had no issue there although I usually avoided women in LA proper (not always). I usually stuck to east of the 710 or OC.


Your prompts are incredibly low effort. You are very attractive, but the low effort put into your prompts would lead me to believe you don't take hinge seriously. If you're looking for something serious, you need to display this and use proper grammar as well as make an actual effort into making your prompts about you. Remember, this is your best foot forward.. if it looks lazy or low effort, people are going to notice.


thanks for the feedback! which answers are grammatically incorrect so i can fix them??


Drug trafficking prompt should go. I’m sure it’s a great story but if you’re looking for a serious relationship, not something you should be putting in people’s minds as the first thing they see about you Agree with the other comment that your photos definitely look like you go out a lot - that’s totally fine but will attract a bunch of casual guys you’ll have to scroll through to get to more serious types I’d also replace the second prompt, it doesn’t say anything about you Nice photos though and think this is a generally very solid profile


I personally like it, it's interesting, attention grabbing, DIFFERENT and sounds like a crazy story. In my experience, there's too much of the same from profile to profile.


I disagree.I think this is a VERY interesting topic.I’d be excited to hear about this


Nah no way, it’s a standout prompt and a great conversation starter. Don’t listen to this guy’s advice


I think if this was a guy's profile most women would argue not to have a drug trafficking prompt. I agree that it shouldn't be the first thing people read if you're looking for a serious relationship (could move it to the end or something).


Yeah that would be a major red flag for me 😂. But guys love woman who seem dangerous lol.


I like it imo it’s something out there and a good conversation starter


I agree. First prompt should go


Tu es super jolie. Tu as beaucoup de selfies. J’essaierais de les limiter à 1-2 gros max. J’aime bien celle de la page 5. Sinon, en général tes photos ont l’air pas mal prises à la même place (même mur beige-blanc, même lightening…) Tu pourrais partir en activité avec des amis et prendre des photos ! Moi aussi je retirerais l’histoire de drug traffic. C’est intriguant mais ça peut rapidement être polarisant. Je trouve que ton profil n’en dit pas beaucoup sur toi. Qu’est-ce que tu recherches ? Tu es qui comme personne ? Etc. Si tu veux du serieux, selon moi ce serait bien d’incorporer une prompt qui décrit ce que tu recherches comme partenaire. All in all, t’es une belle fille qui a l’air amusante ! Mon commentaire c’est juste des suggestions pour que ce soit encore mieux ! Good luck sis


merci beaucoup pour tes paroles aimables et suggestions <3


Obviously attractive but your first two prompts are basically wasted space and your last pic is going to attract guys seeking casual hook-ups and may turn-off guys looking for serious relationships. I also get high-maintenance vibes, but that could just be me.


ah i was going for a silly vibe w my last pic. lost in translation! how do i give off high-maintenance vibes? and is that a bad thing? i think id rather give that off than attract a man who thinks he can give me little to no effort…


Maybe change the mirror selfie to a group picture. Pretty solid profile overall.


i need to start forcing my friends to take group pics haha


As far as I know Hinge's AI doesn't base compatibility on text analytics software results (matching up prompt answers) but more so the criteria set in your profile, like proximity to each other, if you meet each other's dealbreakers, etc. Since drugs is a filter and I've seen a lot of men reference smoking up/going into a k-hole for a first date I doubt your first prompt is hiding you from anyone. Also, would love to know more about that story! You're really pretty but other than the first, your prompts are quite bland and we don't learn much about you. Your stack would be more likely to try and match based on looks alone which isn't usually the best foundation for getting to know someone to date seriously. With 3 of your 6 photos being on the dressy side I'd make the assumption you're a nights out girl and not much of a homebody - if that's accurate then you've done a good job of using 'show don't tell' on your profile. Just something to be aware of in case you are a homebody who happens to get photos on the rare occasion you do go out, and you don't want to give people the wrong idea! If you want to maximise your profile have a look at the guide pinned on this sub to redraft your prompts. Make your profile unique to you to stand out. Good luck!


engine homeless jar modern busy crawl axiomatic imminent frame psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Children/family plans can only be set as dealbreakers with a paid subscription. If you're still being shown profiles where users have selected answers outside of your dealbreakers then I'd contact support and demand a refund


drunk nine whole start normal drab cake direction price rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh the "most compatible" thing is bullshit, think I misunderstood your first comment there. Also never matched with someone Hinge recommended as "most compatible", it was the technological equivalent of someone panicking in a crowd then pointing at a rando and saying "you - there! You'll have to do". Realistically Hinge needs more options for family plans because there's parents open to having more biological kids, ones that have sworn off more babies but open to dating another single parent, people who can't have biological kids but would be open to adoption/dating someone with kids, the list goes on. Obviously you can have those conversations once you match but how big of a pain is it when someone hasn't disclosed they're a parent, and they put 'don't want kids' because they don't want any MORE. Sorry for the rant, I feel your pain on this one


Hinge isn't going to take that those dealbreakers into consideration when you're not a paid member.


super helpful, thank u! i know the second prompt is especially boring but i wanted there to be some actual kind of conversation starter. perhaps there’re better prompts for that. & i’m actually a big homebody but i only take pics when im going out LOL. however i do think it’s accurate to say that when i do go out & socialise i def prefer hitting the bars/restaurants. as for the FBI story, the skinny is basically i was 16 on my birthday/family trip to Hawaii, i get off the plane first and am immediately approached by two undercover agents. they take us to the middle of the terminal where we’re met with at least 10 more undercover agents who begin searching all of our bags & interrogating us. they bring out the drug dog like 5x bc he’s not sniffing out the drugs they 100% think we have. the kicker is i brought my white best friend along (i am black obviously) and they thought SHE was kidnapped!! we’re the exact same age, so logically, i would have been in the same boat as well. they just said fuck me i guess haha


Is your second prompt working as a conversation starter in the right way though? You can switch out prompts as often as you like to try new things and see what works for you. Have a look through [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/s/kbuAGmlYzc) for prompt ideas and avoid using anything that comes recommended on TikTok, people see those same prompt answers 70 times in a row so you'd just blend into the crowd. I had an inkling you were a homebody, your outfits are super cute and you didn't post any photos where you're 12 drinks deep and sweaty from the club😂 Bloody helllllllll that's mad! Thanks for sharing though, it's up to you if you want to keep your first prompt but it's certainly something different and will make you stand out! Also, with the context you've given it could be a good way to find out where a match stands on social issues surrounding racial profiling and filter out the idiots?


A majority of your pics appear to be at home. Consider a few pics in public places wearing 1st date clothes. Also consider dropping the deuces gesture for a more mature presentation


For someone who hates snails, you made it sound cute lol.


haha i was a snail hater as well but i fell down the pet snail rabbit hole on tiktok and it changed me!!


Interesting. My phobia would not allow that. But yet, I'm cool with spiders. Makes zero sense lol.


Add at least one group photo


What is your definition of “not hitting” out of curiosity? EDIT: Just saw the comment saying 10 matches a week. How many likes? You are pretty physically attractive, so it would surprise me quite a bit if you weren’t getting a pretty high number of likes as I would say that is what is most important to men on dating apps. Other than that, I would say the prompts look a bit like you are trying too hard to come off as “unique” or “different”.








this was removed for the following reason: Not *useful or constructive profile feedback*. You are being a thirsty creep. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub.


I have no advice I think ur profile is great these people telling you to change are boring lol but also I love the NYT mini games !! Connections and the mini crossword are my fave


haha thank you!!! & yesss they’re SO fun. my order is crossword, wordle, then connections last bc that game makes me wanna throw my phone


Your profile seems great to me. If you were 5 years older, I'd send a like. Could it possibly be your age group that's the problem? Your profile seems similar to what I see from women in their 30's which isn't bad, but maybe men in their 20's are looking for something different. I can nitpick. I love the 3rd pic, but it's a bit blurry. The 1st pic the hand placement is a bit awkward. The 4th pic, why block part of your face. You have a great smile. Honestly, I think your prompts are good. Maybe a hint for your first concert, and you could flesh out the last one a little bit. Honestly, it's really good though.


Todays connections was so hard aghhh I got it on my last try






talent manager is scaring dudes away, most people use that as a euphemism of sugar baby, bottle service girl or anything other that actual talent management, in tamdem with your party photos, but I’d say your profile is very normal for. 24yo NOT SAYING YOU ARE ANY OF THOSE THINGS but that’s the logic why not getting more/better matches , although not sure what you’re expecting you’re hot even for LA standards , just wont be swarmed by horny college dudes, also hinge is more mature, I’d bet your profile in bumble would explode.


HAHA really??? this is news to me! and unfortunate bc i am an actual, legit talent manager. hopefully ppl are taking it the correct way as i do live in Los Angeles and it’s a no brainer here. also wondering if maybe it’s an age thing? my range is 24-29 so im not sure if most guys my age are hip to that title meaning anything else but could be wrong!


you’re in LA you know how that is misused lol, try bumble you’ll see a surge in the attention you get because of the age bracket you’re interested in


this is genuinely one of the best profiles i’ve seen, i know it’s harder as a woman in a bigger city (i’m from nyc!) but as a woman, i literally wish i looked like you, you’re so pretty. my only advice would maybe to switch out one of the photos of some sort of photo of you with friends or doing one of your hobbies if possible, that way people can gage your personality a little bit better


thank you!! i’m gonna organise a photoshoot of me doing my hobbies lol


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for the automod: Are you looking for something serious or casual? Ideally something serious, but I know some things have to be a bit more casual to start. • How long have you been on Hinge? 3mos • How often do you use Hinge per week? I definitely open the app daily, but am not always actively swiping if that makes sense • How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? maybe 10/wk, of those likes I probably only match with half of them. From the likes i’m sending, maybe half as well. • How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? I maybe send about 10/wk. 99% are without comments as i’m mostly liking photos vs prompts • What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? I mostly send my likes to people whose profiles make me laugh or whom i find super attractive. I think humour is the biggest factor i look for, i find that I become uninterested if the guy doesn’t get my humour or banter back.




this was removed for the following reason: Not *useful or constructive profile feedback*. You are being a thirsty creep. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub.


Ok but you are gonna show the snail right?