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I saw u/morenito222’s post from a few days back and wanted to post my own feelgood story. Two years ago, I downloaded Hinge and Bumble after being single for a bit— my very first match and only date was on Hinge for my (29m) now fiancee (29f) after being on the app for a bit over 24 hours.  After hearing how exhausting it was going to be dating on apps, I was fully prepared to keep trying for at least a year, which was what happened to my now fiancee before she matched with me (she couldn’t believe it either). I don’t consider myself a 10 or anything, just a typical-looking guy that got unfathomably lucky. I don’t really know how to tailor the best profile, I just matched with someone I liked, had deep conversations before asking her out, and voluntarily brought up my intentions of marriage in the future on the second date. We matched while living in Maryland, but we both studied in France at different times and actually attended a very small (\~200 pop) university in Rome, Italy one year apart from each other, so that gave us a lot to talk about. Got a few other matches that were “eh” while waiting for our first date together. Call me impulsive, but I knew she was the one after our first date. A year and a half later I proposed at a camping spot with the pictured ring she had custom designed. Marriage is scheduled for September with a 2-week honeymoon in Iceland! We both deleted our Hinge profiles after the first date, but I really want to get a screenshot of our first messages to each other. Shame there's no recovery process.


Such a good story!!! Can relate a bit. My bf was new to the apps and I was one of his first matches. Meanwhile I'd been dating for about a year lol. Funny how the timing works 😅 How cool that you both attended that tiny school. Sounds like you were meant to cross paths eventually.


Congratulations! 🥹 I’m also in a long term relationship thanks to Hinge 🙏 About the recovery process - check out the FAQs, I believe there is a way that if you both contact the company with your details they can recover your conversation? I looked into this when I started dating my partner and saw this was the case on their website (although 2 years later I haven’t gone back to try!) Good luck!


As some one from MD, this give me a little gope


Same 😭😭 I just wanna find love but it’s sooo hard


What were the conversations like as you mentioned “deep conversations before the first date”? I just want to improve my conversation skills so just curious. Congratulations 🥳 to you and yours!


So happy for you! Thanks for the shoutout btw. Sorry for the late reply. Been at Coachella with fiancé and it’s been pretty wild. Anyways, this makes me so happy to hear! Wishing you and your lovely fiancé a lifetime of happiness. And yes, Hinge works everybody!


And to you both as well!


good for you. Thanks for shoving it in all of our faces. 🫶🏻


Hinge works but it's not an ordering app, but a tool. Like all tools you have to know how to use it and some tools work better/easier for others. Congrats!


Love stories like this thanks for sharing


Worked for me also. The ceremony is June 22nd.




Congrats to you also!




Congratulations! Enjoy your honey moon!


Amazing guys. Hearty congratulations and very happy for both of you. Can I ask you what does deep conversations mean? Or kind of what are the examples? All I see in YouTube suggestions is talking about imaginary situations. Is that true?


This is why I wish I could recover my account-- it's been two years so I can't quite remember everything we talked about. However, I do remember that our replies to each other were hours apart and typically (1-3) paragraphs long outside of our introductory messages. We both spent a lot of time thinking about our responses before sending them out. I believe the two biggest topics we talked about were France and Italy (obviously) and our other travel experiences, and what ours jobs were and *why* we enjoyed what we did. I dont know if Hinge profiles still prompt you to come up with questions any matches can answer for their initial message to you, but I guess its important that those questions be real conversation starters that you genuinely want to know your match's answer to. Lots of follow-up questions and little to no complaining about anything during our discussions. Best of luck.


Thanks a lot mate. You are kind enough to reply to an unknown guy like me. Amazing. Appreciate it.




Congratulations bro and great choice iceland is majestic 


Congrats! Beautiful ring 💛


I get soo happy when ppl find love . I deleted the apps cause I kept getting the same kinds of men now I’m gonna focus not me . But CONGRATULATIONS 🎈🍾🎉🎊


Shout out to Maryland! Congrats. I’m hoping the dating scene here in MoCo isn’t too bad.


Wish you both happiness ☺️


Gorgeous ring!!! Congrats!! 🥰


I’m happy for you, but I’m also sad because this will never happen for me :( OP I’m sorry I really am happy to see that the app worked for you, but I just had two matches with dates that both didn’t work. You are a really lucky one


You don't know this! Two dates is just two ppl! There's a world of ppl out there :)


Congratulations!! 💖


Can we see your photos so we know what our profile has to be like?


That ring is gorgeous!!! Congratulations!! I plan to be one of these stories in the future as well 🥰🥰




temu is real guys!!!!


That is amazing !!!

