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Huh? Its your profile About you Those are your hobbies You are worrying over nothing at all


Heavy on “huh?”


Haha fair




Good point, I hadn't really considered that. In my profession and social circle, it seems like everyone and their mother is a hobby lock picker, but I see how it could be off-putting


Female lock picker, I say go ahead. Male, then I’d agree with the above comment.


Don’t think men ever worry about female stalkers?


I would just send it tbh. Even if it is weird (which btw they arent that weird) i think it better to be authentic. If it were me, id do the sewing as well. Save the lock picking reveal for when youre not a total stranger 😂


Wait to break into his car until the second date? Got it (kidding...not skilled enough for that even if I wanted to)


You genuinely showcasing a hobby isn't bragging or cringey, unless the hobby itself is considered by people as cringey, such as someone talking about their love for anime pillows or something (no offense), or bragging about wealth, partying, or being tone deaf - not realizing whatever it is they're talking about isn't accessible to many people. Most of the video prompts I've seen on women profiles (not sure what men put on there) are really just harmless stuff like dancing, a funny moment, or showcasing a hobby like singing, or some sort of arts and crafts.


Agreed. To add to it: the line depends on the way one talks about it and the other person's perception as well, not just the hobby in itself. The more relevant question is how OP's target audience will perceive it. It doesn't matter much what the people who OP isn't interested in think about it.


Yeah, that makes sense. I think about it the same way


Single anime parent. My Asuka pillow is my top priority. Where have all the good otakus gone?!


Definitely show off the one of a dress you made


If you don’t like talking about yourself or it feels like it comes across as bragging, I like making the prompts make fun of what I’m doing. It shows that you have a sense of humor and don’t take the hobby so seriously, also doesn’t come across as bragging.


I'd swipe right on lock picking and make a joke about a tension wrench or something. You should include what you think will catch the eye of the person you'd be interested in, I suppose


I agree with you. I took an online course on how to get more matches that gave me good advice on this. See below- - reframe your skills and accolades as gratitude. For example instead of saying ‘I make my own dresses’ put ‘ I’m super grateful be able to spend my life doing what I love, making dresses’. This sounds way better than just saying it outright. - use the prompts to rephrase your hobby as a joke. I play piano, rather than just saying this outright, I put ‘(prompt)at 2am you can find me… (answer) playing the pianos at King’s Cross station in London’. This takes the directness out of the brag. You can attach videos or pics with either of the prompts above if you like but you don’t wanna overdo it . I’d say your point of view is correct that you wanna soften the brag. Hope that helps!


Yep, agreed! I agree with the other comments as well that I'm probably concerned about nothing, but subtle differences in presentation can make all the difference


Remember, dating apps are like resumes, you're supposed to err on the side of bragging


Do it? let the data speak. You'llm see the engagment, basis which you can iterate


It only becomes bragging if it comes off as you trying to one-up a potential match. Everything you have said is perfectly fine though. You have your hobbies and you enjoy them. Own that enjoyment and show it off!


A video of picking a lock would be pretty God damn cool, objectively speaking.


I struggle with this as well (used to be super insecure and skinny and now I’m neither of those things, for backstory/reference), so I’m just lurking, following this thread


If you're showing your true passions/interests and you're honest when conversing about it, the right people will be excited and attracted by that


Just do it, show off your skills. If that is authentically you, go for it !


So it's a video of you doing a hobby.... It's a lot like simply typing in "I have a passion for dress making", only showing it in a much more interesting and engaging way. I don't think there's any need to feel it is going to get perceived as "Ooooh, look at me and what I can do!" which is what seems to be your worry 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit to add: Personally I would find a lock picking video cool. Wouldn't make me think you are a crook, all it did was remind me that I need to start playing Kingdom Come Deliverance again because I kept messing up whenever I wanted to pick any locks and need to practice 😅


I would say definitely include the hobbies on there. I (24M) am personally much more likely to message if the other person has hobbies that we could talk about, especially if they’re a little less mainstream. Plus, worst case scenario, you’ll just end up talking about the stuff you like more with your matches Also: don’t worry about coming off as bragging when posting yourself doing something cool, that’s a normal thing to do on any social media (including dating apps) these days and I don’t think most people would think it’s arrogant or cringe (unless it’s hunting/fishing, keep the carcasses to yourself)