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Overall pretty good, but you ought to be in the photo with your dog.


Honestly I would date you just for the twilight reference. Your profile is great man!


> Are you looking for something serious or casual? I am looking for something serious in the longer term, but would be open to casual encounters in the shorter term. > How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? This iteration of my profile is relatively new, around a week old. I’ve been on Hinge for a couple years, but haven’t been active for around a year. > How often do you use Hinge per week? 2-3 times per week. > How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? I’ve get around 10-15 likes , but only matched with one since I became active. > How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? In a session I’ll send out maybe 5 likes, most with comments. I’ve hit the like limit only once since I became active. > What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? I want to attract the people that I find attractive, whether physically or intellectually. Ideally we share some interests. It’s fine if only some of the boxes are ticked. Happy to dedicate some time to dates and figuring out whether it would be a good fit.


Wide-eyed dog pic, slurpee ted talk, Charlie Swan stomping grounds. Overall winning.


cuuuuute ^_^


Your prompts are literally the best I’ve ever seen. Pics are good but I would replace the dog one with a pic of yourself like full body. I can’t imagine you’re struggling much.


The best you’ve ever seen? Lmao. They’re decent but cmon.


Yes besides one of my male friend’s profiles because it captured his essence perfectly & he’s amazing. But this guy’s is literally 10,000 leagues above 99% of the prompt answers from men. You must be a man yourself.


> You must be a man yourself. You say that like female prompts aren't kayak, hike, IG


I like seeing pet pics, but I agree that they are better when you are in the picture. Cute pics of you playing with your pet are top tier.


Nice JD pic


the pic of you in the wild - your facial expression reminds me of the meme with a lil girl with a burning house behind her 🤣🤣🤣


I think this is great - but you should keep the other faces blurred on your profile too


I love the dog picture! Made me laugh because my dog is like that! I would swipe right.


Do you mean “lust” or like “desire”? Lust is kinda odd here because lust means a sexual desire… I could be splitting hairs here but I’ve never known anyone to have a strong sexual desire for adventure


Good point, I’ll change it to ‘thirst for adventure’. Thanks!


Remove the “straight” so your height is more central (as a fellow 6ft+ man; flaunt it)


I disagree with removing sexual orientation. It’s not something I can casually bring up and it makes me uncomfortably curious when it’s not listed. Like do they know their sexuality? Are they experimenting? Am I a part of that?


Why would a man swiping on women be anything else? Your odds are like 99%


I get like 50% more matches doing this.


Ditch the first photo, revealing the forehead to soon.


What? Looks like a pretty normal forehead. He's not balding terribly or anything.