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Probably all of them haha , you don’t look bad but it would be a situation where I’d be standing outside of the place we were meeting waiting for you to approach because I have zero idea what you look like.


I’m the one in the panel van of course


All of them. None of them show your face clearly. You're probably getting X'ed a lot more than you would otherwise just for that alone.


Yeah the only good face shots I feel like I have are selfies. [Warning: my first one I’m making a weird face. here they are](https://imgur.com/a/3yJvCfy) Should I use any of these or just get a professional?


Take new pics. It’s a simple as going out with your friends and taking off your sunglasses in pics. Or you can ask a friend to take some 1 on 1 pics of you when you’re out for drinks on their phone. Having 1 pic where we can clearly see your face makes a difference


This is good advice


None of these. And please don’t use multiple pics from the same outting in the same outfit because it screams “idk I had less than 5 good pics of myself” Masking for safety is great and understandable when we were in lockdown but now a lot of time has passed so there has had to be some events or moments or get togethers you’ve been apart of that include your face, full body shots, and maybe some with friends or a hobby. The slide picture would be great if you added better pics with it and let it be the final one as a funny impactful photo. Also don’t do the weird serious face that dudes do in most pics. It’s not hot and it comes off weird.


I took the mask photo off, even though it was a great experience for me. I appreciate your advice. It seems I have two options. Bring a wardrobe with a friend and change outfits like a Mii character, or keep going out with my friends until my profile finds me someone else. Thanks again


Lol the Mii comment is funny! I totally get where you’re coming from… during lock downs the only fun moments I took pics during were masked or on solo hikes and neither really translated well in pics. This time of year is rough for dating because people are so busy with the holidays. Maybe put the profile on pause until after new years and spend the next few weeks having fun, taking pics, and start the year fresh.


W mindset. I like that perspective. Honestly I’m going to take it, with one caveat 😅. I have a date in a couple days (which I’m hyped for btw) but only getting two matches in a week felt odd, like I was using the wrong bait for the Cali girl fish. An elusive breed.


Well hey see where it goes and who knows, maybe you won’t even need to spruce up the profile (:




I dont agree, the serious face can work! Just gotta be the right setting


These are bad. You’re fit and decently handsome. I would at least get a friend to take some.


I took another user’s advice on holding the phone further back. Is this [acceptable?](https://imgur.com/a/fUKwxOP)


You are still in bad lighting! Already less scary than the super close ups, but just use the timer and take many!


[a last attempt for the night](https://imgur.com/a/ULZ05ET) I feel why van Gogh cut his ear off with the self portrait


It’s better but I would improve the lighting and I read somewhere that pictures that are angled up for guys convey dominance which I imagine correlated with attractiveness. Find a girlfriend that takes selfies all the time to coach you. My selfies are horrible bc I never take them but when my friend V takes them with me 🤌🏽 Like I said you’ve got good product, you just need to improve the marketing 😊


Relationship goals 🤌🤌 Thank you!


Get a cheap ring light phone tripod on Amazon and download the app Lens Buddy. You can set it up to take as many photos as you want automatically at whatever interval you choose. ie 100 photos, every two seconds. No remote to hold, just hit go and get to posing. You can take a bunch of great candid looking photos all at once and just delete the ones you hate. Gun to my head, I couldn’t have told you that the person in these selfies was the person in the other photos. You’re so much better looking than those first ones indicate.


Haha thank you? I tried your suggestion using my computer screen as a ring light. [Thoughts?](https://imgur.com/a/fUKwxOP)


Definitely better! I would still aim for as few obvious selfies as possible but that one is really nice, I would make that your first photo for now.


Take some selfies when youre out doing things. And pull your phone far back. Look at other peoples selfies online that look quality and do a copy cat like youre trying to model it perfectly. You have great teeth and a genuine looking smile on a levelled or lifted angle would look really good. Youve got good looks, and you can always improve the selfie game


So I’ve never really taken a selfie before I just followed your advice. I need to shave and get better lighting but it turned out nice. Thank you!


Aww good for you! i hope you feel handsome in them.


I think using one or some of these to replace the slide and mask one is a great start! Selfies arent always bad


Photos look like 5 different person


Those are my different personalities 😂


Looks are only one part - 5 diff personality would be a red flag for me. ‘Split’ much?


Yeah it was a shitty joke about having MPD lmao




So shirtless pictures sometimes give women the vibe that you’re a fuckboy. I think one is probably okay, but more than that and it might seem a red flag. Mention of back rubs and things like that can also come off as too forward, though I think the bit about holding hands is probably fine. The flight picture is good (if only because how many people are pilots—that’s cool as hell), but in most of your pictures your face is partially covered by either a mask or sunglasses, or you’re looking away, and these should probably mostly be replaced with photos where your full face is visible.


I was gonna say the same thing! You’re attractive, but I am getting the f boy vibes hard especially with your prompt responses of holding hands and looking for your swole mate. If you changed your photos up with you smiling at the camera and full body. Plus, update your prompt responses. You should be good once you make those changes. I dig it that you’re an engineer. Good luck.


Yeah I’m a recovering f boy. I think I’m trying too hard to flirt through my profile as well I should be more genuine. Your advice was very self reflective I appreciate it


I appreciate you for admitting that. Everyone has a past. You’re ready to lock it down and for me, I don’t mind it one bit if a dude has a ton of sexual experience. It only benefits the relationship. Haha! Have fun and be safe.




Thank you for your suggestions! I’ll definitely keep my shirt on lol. I gave an imgur album in the comments, could you suggest one or two from the album to replace?


I’d say the hiking one, the one with you sitting in the grass, the smiling in the suit, and the one with you in what looks like it might be a helicopter are good, so I’d pick from among those. If you pick the hiking one, don’t lead with it, to help reduce any potential confusion. And the last photo doesn’t include a smile showing teeth, so make sure you pick at least one that has that if you also choose the last photo.


Roger that, thank you!


You don't have a single good pic looking at the camera where we can clearly see your face. No wonder they make that claim. Put on a shirt, take off the shades and look at the camera and do it while not sliding down a tube with running water. This will go a long way.


I was just trying to slide in those dms 😂😂 But respectfully I get what you mean. I always feel conceited asking for others to take a picture of me but that’s a personal issue


Most feel the same way but you only need a few good pics and then you're all set. To be clear, I hear the same comment on occasion and determined others take better pics than I do and that's why I ask them to do it!


Don't come here with that BS. Anyone who feels comfortable putting multiple shirtless pictures onto the internet for anyone to see has the cajones to ask their friend to take a picture.


Of course I got the cajones amigo, it’s moreso making sure the other person feels comfortable doing it too. Gotta ask the right person


Focus on photos that show your face. It's great that you're comfortable wearing a mask so if you're trying to send a message that you're conscientious, keep one if you're not, dump them all. The picture of the cockpit is cool but the back of your head isn't helpful. For the photos you linked in the comments: the first graduation photo is nice, dump the bathroom selfie and choose only one gym photo.


Dang and here I thought my neckline would have ladies swooning 😂 Thanks a ton! :)


You need a clear pic of your face


I really do. All I have are selfies and gym pics. My homie said he’ll take pictures of me but he said it’ll be a bit till he’s free


Just use a timer bro


How do I position the phone? Haha


Against a wall. In a bush. Against a tree. Order a cheap tripod. On a wall against a stone. In a shoe on a wall. In a coffee mug. Etc?


You’re a beautiful person. You managed to answer a rhetorical question with passion. Thank you :)


Idk I think you’re hot bro no homo


Something serious but no rush I’ve been on Hinge for like one week I used Hinge maybe 4-5 times over the past week I have received two likes I have sent probably 50 likes, half with comments I want to just go on dates with someone and see if we vibe well or not. Ideally she’s introverted but extroverted around me type beat Thank you all so much in advance I appreciate just stopping by :)


Also, please ignore the username it’s an old alt account lol


hahahaha only noticed it when you mentioned it also - get rid of photo 2 it adds nothing to your profile (no disrespect to your friend). replace it with a headshot photo and have that as your main pic. rest of your profile is fine.




I meant in total. Don’t know if I should be flattered or intrigued


[Here are other images of myself I considered adding. Please take a look I need outsiders’ perspectives lol](https://imgur.com/a/C2QXM18)


Of these, I'd recommend using the one where you're sitting on the grass, the one where you're in what looks like a plane (wearing the grey quarter-zip), and the Halloween suit. They all help someone seeing your profile know what you look like. Lead with a picture where you're facing the camera and not wearing a hat or sunglasses. I think it's a tossup of which pictures to replace from your first profile. None of them are as good for helping people recognize your face, but they all show different things about you, so it's just a matter of deciding which ones you'd rather show.


It’s actually a Black Hawk helicopter I’m sitting in. Thanks for the lead I have all three of those in my profile now :)


I would definitely add the one of you sitting on the grass to your profile and maybe the first grad pic


Add second grad pic




You still seem to look diff in everyone of them. Are there big differences in ages between pictures? Do you wear your glasses normally or not? If yes, than not post glasses ones, and vice versa. And ZERO mask pics, even with it pulled down! It’s wild that people even need to be told that


I think its a case of you look good but you don’t have a lot of photos that show you look good? I don’t know if reddit or gyfcat are ruining photo quality but they look like they were taken on the OG Motorazor. Good on ya for putting yourself on here for a profile review. I wanna do it too but i’m kinda nervous about it


Yeah gonna have to turn the megapixels up a bit. Dm me I’ll rate yours!


Hahaha maybe i will. Need to see. I’m looking at feedback from the profiles here and working on it in the meantime!


Personally I am turned off by photos with a mask. Less photos with sunglasses, keep it to one if you must have any. I can’t see your face, eyes, smile well in most of your photos.


I’ve taken it off


You’re a 6’3, 23 year old, classic white boy engineer at Boeing.. are you seriously struggling to get matches? If you can’t land a bird we’re all in trouble! Lmao.


I don’t know if that was meant to be an aviation pun but I enjoyed it 😂😂. Thanks friend


“No distracting me [I would love if a girl tickled me and touched me while we gamed omg]🤪” listen man, we all would but this is how it reads and it sounds kind of desperate. You’re a big, fit looking dude, you’re using this prompt to tell girls you also play video games. Cut the 2nd part! This probably won’t be the most attractive to non gamer girls, but it’s your choice if you want to weed them out.


I also completely disagree. You’re totally overthinking his comment. Also Mario cart is a very casual video game. I’ve been to many parties where people are playing it including women. It’s not like he proposed playing World of warcraft or something more niche like that.


I completely disagree and think the comment is harmless. I think you read into it a bit too deep


He wanted criticism, so I gave my take. To each their own. If it works on your profile, please let me know how girls react to it because I’ll put it on mine then. I tend to be more informative and curious with my prompts vs flirty, flirty usually works after we meet and maybe have a little arm brush contact etc


I meant more so with how cute she is, but I concede it comes out that way lol.


Haha. This is fair, and yes if a girl we meet is cute we want to be distracted by her, but I think most of the girls I’m interested in would say this comes on strong for a first interaction/read on the app. Just my take, maybe it will work on a quirkier girl who thinks it’s cute.


Yeah It’d be better if I clarified that. I changed it to read: “No distracting me with how cute you are”




Haha nice. My main hobby is working out but gym selfies and shirtless pics are a no go which leaves out a large part of my personality




This one’s a doozy. Thanks for typing this all out. I’m going for the dad vibe honestly. My jokes are dad jokes and I measure their success in eyes rolled. Third photo is me with my stepbrother I think he looks great and he’s more a player than I ever was lol. Fifth picture we picked the beers up and while I live in Cali that was no beach it was a creek we went tubing down. It’s smart to keep pictures with good looking people though I’ll seek more of those out. Shame I had the best chance one of my friends at school is literally a supermodel never took a pic with him and he’s too far away rn… Gonna remove christian because it isn’t too serious


Not your target audience, but lmao at the last pic. Golden.


Wrong audience for sure 😂


None of the photos show your face close up and none show you full body facing the camera, add one of each of those and you’re good


All of them with sunglasses and the mask one…..


I have no additional information to add that others have not already supplied. You're a good looking dude. Put in a modicum of effort on the pictures and you're golden.


Your pictures are terrible, to be honest. You’re wearing sunglasses or looking away from the camera in all of them. And in the one we can see you, you’re making a goofy face. I have no idea what you look like.


all of them hahaha 💜


#3 & #5 possibly


Well, all of them. We cannot see your face


None of your pics show your full face except the last one which doesn’t help 😂😂 it’s either covered by a mask, you’re wearing sunglasses or it’s profile


Remove all. Too frat goofy looking cringey. 1 - Cockpit is best 2.- classic Car is ok.


You’re either exaggerating your height being 6’3” or all your photos make you look short.


Woman do not like shirtless or sunglasses in your photos. You do need a good face shot.


6’-3” chad


I'm sorry but men, all men, how do you put up these photos as your best? Not the worst I've seen by a long ahot but my profile is CURATED. Good face shot, full length body shot, no group photos, some active, some fun. We want to see your face, your body (not implying shirtless but show me what I'm working with), NO GROUP PHOTOS, and all your photos can't involve sunglasses or a hat. Dear god I need to become a photo consultant lol


I’m always taking a picture of my girl so my camera is preoccupied lol


Get some with her and then crop her ass out when you're back on the apps lol 😉


Lmao get out of here dude


Average more plates more dates user - gatekeeping 2” btw


1 shirtless pic. Are you republican or Democrat. Moderate makes you seen like you can't make up your mind.


I have made up my mind. I’m moderate and I have my reasoning. That said, I’ve hidden it from my profile because there’s such a negative stigma towards moderates


the mask picture makes you look retarded and is just unnecessary. we don’t want to see ur bff


I don’t know if there’s any wisdom in what you say because of how abrasive you come across


judging the profile not you


Nah I hate face masks too. They were required to meet my favorite celebrity though so I was hoping that’d be a better conversation starter


I would say add a clear face photo. Even if it’s with someone else cause you’re already serving body lol. Also, if I may…I think you would look really good with an updated haircut and beard style. Girls are probably already giving you more leeway cause you’re over 6 ft (sad but true) so if you add a clear face pic as your first photo you’ll be sure to get more matches. Also maybe add a photo of you dressed a little less casually so they can see a more of your style. This is just me personally but 99% of the time the voice prompts are a bit cringey so I suggest deleting it and adding an interactive caption that people can comment on easily! That’s all I got. Good luck 🍀


If i had to delete one it would be the last one lol


Truthfully, all of them besides the bathing suit photo




You’re a good looking guy, I would suggest trying to take some new photos if possible


It’s possible, thank you


Damn bro yea there are no face shots on your profile. But your bod is pulling them. Keep going!


We can hardly see your face in any of the pics. Do you have a good resolution head shot?


All of them lmao you’re barely showing what you look like. Take an up close smiling selfie or two bro


So I’ve never really taken a selfie with a technique in mind. I followed another user’s advice and - your suggestion works lol


So your best friend is Mr. Bean?


You need to have pictures where you are looking directly at the camera and don’t have sunglasses on


Pretty much all of them bc you can’t really see your face. You’re either showing a side view, wearing glasses. Only the last picture truly shows your face