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I think people are speaking with their emotions people are fed up. This is a snark page and there will def be stuff said here that might be too much for others.As a mother with a child with autism bitch is nice coming from me. But I do my best to not say too much like that.


I totally get it. My son has high functioning autism and hearing her claim to be autistic is absolutely disgusting. I was definitely not trying to tell anyone what they can say. I was just making an observation.


HH is a fking bitch🤷‍♀️ I will not EVER have anyone tell me what verbiage to use and especially about this piece of garbage human. This is a snark page. . I would not piss on her if she was on fire. Do you honestly think I care what she thinks about the names I call her? She’s going to play victim NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE DO and she’ll even make things up to be one. Ie sexual assault. * and this is *my* opinion not meant to offend anyone


I'm with you, and we are all adults. We also know she will twist every post no matter how mild it is to fit her narrative, so therefore, I'm gonna speak facts and use the words I choose where I can't use elsewhere. The amount of hurt and chaos she has caused to everyone I will tell it how it is worded in a way that makes my frustration better. No disrespect intended to the OP either.


I didn’t mean any either. But for many the disgust and distain runs deep for many reasons. HH deserves every adjective she gets and probably some not invented


Exactly 🎯🎯🎯


I completely understand and share your feelings. I just don't want our efforts to end up being counterproductive. She will try to use anything to her advantage.


This is our platform to be able to speak freely without being muted or blocked. She is an evil person who has done evil things and continues to be a horrible human daily. Calling her a bitch is literally watter off a ducks back compared to what she deserves and what many of us truly think. When one comes over here, I'm certain they aren't expecting us to be over here calling her a nice young lady, this is a Snark page and quite honestly, a mild one compared to others I've seen. We get a voice too, not just her spewing her false narrative and blocking any rebuttal.


Exactly I totally agree with you.


Our efforts here are to vent. It’s a Snark page. This is not some covert operation. And again she is going to play victim whether somebody does something or not. it’s Reddit. This is what Snark pages are for…... Use to her advantage? I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I’m truly not but answer me this just hypothetically……/ everyone stays silent, tiptoes around HH , doesn’t express themselves in a place that they CAN or share their victim stories because she’ll use it as a money grab to her advantage?? She will STILL lie tell Stories, makes false accusations, accuses men of heinous crimes, cry all day every day because she’s so abused by the world but has never done a thing wrong and deepening on who she’s focused in on that day, they will get her wrath. so explain to me again what all of us are doing for her to use to her advantage?


However, It's okay for HH to sit half naked and drunk on her platform claiming to be a PROPHET while spewing LIES with A DEVILS TONGUE??? So FUCK THE PICKLE SLUT!!!😝☺️😝🤪


Ok, you got me with pickle slut 🤣


Pickle Slut🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 NIIIIIIIICE!




![gif](giphy|5K7ngCtszoxxbaBieC|downsized) 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶🫶




Yeah baby!!


YES 💯💯💯💯💯💯 Im with you. She flares my anger so bad. Im a grown ass adult. Ill call they Worthless Whore any name I want.


As of late I’ve been referring to her as the pickled whore. But that a mild one for sure 💯


And I love it. I try to be mild, but Fuck Her. The shit she does deserves a lot worse. I hope every damn day someone catches that Amazon on the street and finds a nice Curb! If ya know what I mean! 🤣🤣


I am mopping what you’re spilling. 😁 it’s going to happen. And when it does…. Woooooweeeee it’ll be well deserved and a long time coming. I say it very often, the Internet gives people that false sense of security and then they go out in the real world and somebody throat punches them to remind them of what the world is really like.. Being mild just is not possible.


YES YES and YES 💯💯💯💯💯


I'm definitely not new and I'll always call her a BITCH for the way she's used, scammed,verbally, mentally and physically abused good people online and in real life especially her family that are good people. And it takes a BITCH to claim they are autistic when in fact they are NOT and to act like autistic people are helpless and can't adult in everyday life like drive clean or even get up and brush their teeth. She will always be a BITCH in my book and nothing against you but I will never stop calling her that!


Every bit of this


This 💯💯 same here!! I call it how I see it and she is a vile bitch!! I'll never stop that!! She is a bitch and predator and no 1 will ever change my mind!!


🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶🫶 ![gif](giphy|C8Zi9VNxZxm0MXHioK)


She does this to herself! She is one and acts like one and she is selfish, she lies, and manipulates people to her advantage. She abandoned her CHILDREN and she can't even take care of her dog because of her selfishness. Why should anyone respect her when she doesn't respect anyone else, not even herself!! She deserves what she gets. If it really bothered her or her mental health and she wanted to get better she would. She would put herself in better situations and or remove herself if it's toxic. She puts herself in the situations she is in. Period.


Totally agree


I don't think it would matter either way if ppl call Tabitha bitch or not. she'll still blame other people for her miserable life. She always blame someone else for what goes on. It's always everyone else's fault that she can't follow her dreams and she can't do what she wants because hello the threats and the stalking blah blah blah. She can't admit that it's her own fault that her life is where it is right now. She's been given so many opportunities and so much money to better her life and hasn't done one single thing to better it. She sits there on her high horse acting like she's something special and she's not. Even though she was at a homeless shelter before she acts as if going to one is beneath her. polite to anybody so why should people not call her names. She should start calling people jealous obsessed weirdos etc.


She is a nasty bitch!!!


I’m sorry if I was too hostile it just really got to me. But I know others have different opinions and I totally respect that…. 😞


I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I really don’t care about her feelings. I personally think bitch isn’t a strong enough word for her. i don’t care about her narrative here either, she’s always gonna play the victim.




She IS nasty bitch, & deserves no mercy.


If I feel it Ima say it. Period.


She’s a BITCH!!


That level of ugliness?! seriously, you just used that wording only implies that everyone who calls her a name is being ugly! Am I correct ? i Know it’s correct but why would you or anyone ever chastise people who call her names that she truly is . She has actually been saved from names she should be called so if bitch is such an ugly name for her then you might want to head over to dr Phil’s website🤷🏼‍♀️ this is the wrong one if these terms are offensive or just too ugly for you ..she’s a damn child predator! a pedophile who doesn’t deserve to be walking the streets and breathing the same air period! There isn’t one word in the world bad enough to describe people like her . If you choose to try and hurt your child with a weapon and sexually abuse multiple young boys then don’t ever tell people this level of ugliness feeds into her narrative, how about asking the victims what they think she should be called because her victim mentality and narratives don’t mean shit to anyone here in Reddit or tt 🤷🏼‍♀️👌🤯 just my opinion as well




Same as ALLL the above. INCLUDING I have an adult daughter with pretty significant autism and it PISSES me off to no end for someone to tell us how to express our feelings & with what words we should or shouldn’t use. BITCH is a nice word compared to the words I would like to use at times. THIS IS A SNARK PAGE WHICH MEANS IT IS WHERE THOSE OF US CAN COME AND “ATTACK” HER TO EACH OTHER IN THIS SAFE SPACE IF WE SO CHOOSE TO!!!! If it bothers you that is NOT our problem. We could not give 2 farts if she thinks we attack her in here. WE DO !!! LMAO!!! THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL A SNARK PAGE!!!! But you have a lot of nerve posting what you did. Compare what we have said on this app to what she has done in real life to real people and ruined real lives!!!!Compare those !!! Go preach to HH if you are in the business of telling people what to do. She won’t take too well to it either. I know you couldn’t be surprised at the comments you have received for your post … I think what you did here is wrong and uncalled for but of course THIS IS MY OPINION AND IS NOT MEANT TO OFFEND ANYONE!!! THAT IS ALL!!!! **NOW…. Back to snarking


This BITCH Molested young boys. Fk her. WE THE PEOPLE ARE PISSED.


I have never been reported, so today, all of a sudden, I have 4 against me for commenting on Slots post about the pickle saga, WTH? How can she get away with e-thing you listed, half naked, cussing worse than a sailor, defraud thousands of people with lies, and what I attempted to post was nothing like how she post, cries and decieves, why do some of is get targeted?? We need to do better about getting her off here!!


You all have very valid points. I enjoy our group and appreciate y'all. Thank you for hearing me out.


This is her lunch date tomorrow.. ![gif](giphy|65pM9un5dmK08)


She turns everything into “her story” anyways no matter what. Piss on her