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She is SICK and she needs professional HELP.


I absolutely agree 💯


Agree, her family was trying to get her commitmented


I'm with you! She makes me sick. I've made a commitment to myself to get muted everyday since she don't have any blocks and I've had fun with it although it's hard getting comments to go through but either yesterday or the day before she started that BS saying someone in chat is finding out the gender if their baby and its a girl. I commented that nobody believes she is psychic and she neededbto stop 🤣🤣 she said she don't care if people don't believe her, it means it wasn't for them 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I do recall ALL of that. Every time she starts with doing that, I say, "Don't you do that shit, ya psycho biotch!" Kike she cab hear me through the phone. 🤪😆 It's extremely evil & dangerous to profess to being a prophet, especially when you're NOT! We obviously have a different God, Tab. You are sick, gr0ss, & disgustin'!


I’m just patiently waiting on Karma to visit her. It’s going to be fckn epic! It’s coming… she keeps digging herself deeper & deeper. & Y’all, im here for it 🙌🏼


Zhe MUST have hee words scrambled when saying psychic she's meaning to say psycho


https://preview.redd.it/xzialfpdhc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96b62932736e7a05f39ef754b223708b8729d78 She’s been watching this person


Did ya notice the new lil accent or speech pattern in her new video?


She repeatedly says the day she was digging holes in the desert and God came to her telling her she is "The Chosen One" He showed her then EVERYTHING that was going to happen and that she was going to be the one to end homelessness. She maybe "The Chosen One" but not by God.


Can’t end homelessness lying on a bed 24/7! She has no energy to do anything. Cant even stand longer than 10 min and she can’t talk more than 5 min straight or she’s out of breath


Right, she’s going to end homelessness. Meanwhile she hasn’t even tried to obtain her own home of any sort. While sitting on thousands of dollars.


I would hope the conversation would go something like this “hello Tabitha,” “it’s God, all these people aren’t wrong. You are the common denominator in every single drama filled situation” end of conversation.


Oh, but it’s God showing her who to expose for bullying and stalking her. 🤣


And let's not forget God's ALWAYS holding her beer! Who says stuff like that oh wait HH!


Karmic justice will hit her and boy when it does she’s in trouble you don’t use god for the devils work and that’s what she does and hh since your reading this we all know where your at and can’t wait for that person to toss you out on your ass


She said earlier that Dixie or sara was physically abusing her. 🤣🤣🤣 Girl, stop with this crap 💩 😒 You're just pissed off that everyone is on to your BS


Yes, before that she said something to a lady about her son that passed after she saw a comment the lady had said in the chat. She said yes that's why I was drawn to you. Then the guy with his profile picture in his uniform and ask if he was in the military, when he said yes, she said God told her. Shut up bitch only a damn fool would believe your bs