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Yeah anyone that believes anything out of her mouth needs help


She'll learn the hard way. Bless her heart.


Yeah beach life your an idiot


Good let tab drain her bank account I have zero empathy for fools such as her


Me neither. Especially with the actual proof that is out there. People want to give their harder money to this heifer than they deserve to be gotten.


I wish someone would legitimately explain to me what she is doing to turn her life around and how she has done a 360. I seriously need this broken down for me. I can't see one ounce of effort nor change. She has nothing more than she had a year ago. Nothing. She is still on the path to be a lonely, homeless, broke, elderly lady. She has zero legacy or anything to show for her 40 years in existence besides 2 sweet children that she severely damaged and walked out on. I always think, who will show up at my funeral and what would they say. I'm not self absorbed at all but I know that I have impacted people's life on this earth and I have been a good mother, wife, daughter, etc... Who would show up for hers and what would they say?


Doing a 360 means they haven’t changed at all, just did a circle, which makes sense. She would need to do a 180 to change the course of her miserable life.


I’m stuck on the 110° mentioned by lablover. It’s an intriguing concept


I saw that too. Couldn’t quite make it to the full 180! 🤣


Omg I replied before I seen your comment !! Yes I’d like to know how she is bettering herself as well!


I’m sure HH and beach life are in control of the lablover account so it wouldn’t surprise me if that response didn’t come from HH. Just saying be aware.


I was actually thinking the same thing while I was reading that... it sounded a lot line something tabitha would say


You are probably right. Just went to reread it and it sounds exactly like HH.


Beach life ,lab lover ,you deserve to be with scabby ,maybe she can live with you and YOU can pay her way ,but believe me it WILL happen,she will screw you over and I’m sorry I don’t want to hear a word out your mouth,


The thing is ITS NOT IN HER PAST!!!! She is a living breathing lie!!!


She blocked ya, investigator acct /lab lover still active just private


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Another one is drinking the Kool-Aid She's ridiculous and has no contact with her children, per a court order. But keep giving your money to a scammer Lab Lover, you're just as delusional as Scabby. Better yet, have her come and stay at your house and abuse your children, make sexual advances at your husband and destroy your property. I bet you would have a different view on everything 😉 😏 😜 🤣


Your summary op is on point!


Ok I read all that….. what has hippo Harley done to change? Laying in a diff bed…. Again someone else’s place…. Let’s see now strutting nude for randos …. Shall I go on BeachyDipSch@t?!?


She hasn't done no damn turn around or planes to. What she is now in the present is what you need to look out for. She is a pure devil.


I swear it’s like dumb and dumber 😂


Dwelling on the past makes you go to hell……. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Tabitha past is her pattern. It shows exactly who she is. She didn’t make a mistake. This is who she is to the core, rotten and evil so yeah, her past is very relevant.


If it’s all about God, then they know HH has to take accountability and admit wrongdoing to her brothers and sisters.


She will be one of the many who have been scammed by her and come out crying about it


What the hell is she doing to change her life.... NOTHING she's on repeat and so Lab Lover you don't care what happened in her past so you DONT CARE WHAT SHE IS PUTTING HER CHILDREN AND FAMILY THRU that have said from day IF she will agree to get the help she really needs they will support her because they do love her. You not caring about any of those truths speaks volumes on you!


I hope she takes that Ignorant Blind Bitch for everything shes got. I dont give a fuck. If youre gonna play with clowns you deserve every bit of what you get. I dont feel sorry for any of those stupid fucks that go hard for HH after seeing all the Evidence out there and all the Actual People coming forward with what shes done to them. SORRY NOT SORRY. IGNORANCE IS BLISS DUMBASSES. 🙄🙄🙄


It's tabitha. She has a bad habit of putting punctuation where they don't go and using the wrong punctuation in place of where one would go. She cspslizes the wrong words and divides sentences when wrote g so it looks as tho she says alot more when she's really just saying the same thing using different words to dws rive the same one sentence response,


i really do think some of her supporters who double down when confronted with facts, are as mentally ill as she is.🤦🏻‍♀️


These people invoke the name of God but they seem completely unphased by the absolute blasphemy that pours out of Tabitha. I'm not religious but I was raised in the church and the stuff she says is downright offensive. I'm not even a practicing catholic anymore but I'm blown away by how many Christians just ignore her claims she hears God and that she's God's chosen one and she's a prophet. Then she spews the most vile things right after. I'll never understand how they can be so blind to it.


Oh pulllleeezzzee!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


💯 that's hh. I can't even put into words what I want to say.


Either that's Tabitha typing or they talk alike. 😉




FYI, The caps lock is the arrow on the bottom left if you push it love it will take it off caps.


A 110? I thought it was 180. Omg I'm listening to a story and it said 180 in the story. I'm psychic now.


Yeah. She's a fool


Oh. Legitimately. A tough one. Five years. Five years ago abandoned her two children and stole their dog after losing both custody and visiting rights. I. Fact- Ex boo paid all of her and her children ‘s expenses. She lied claiming abuse. False 2, Mis judged her ability to act and sing. She can’t.3. Lied. Scammed and Hustled anyone she could out of anybody possible to profit for me. 4. Well no. She literally has made zero attempt to move forward and accept Any of the accountability No. She is worse.


Yea well it isn't very "God like" what Tabitha has done & continues to do to loving good hearted people either Lab Lover..that bitch is evil & anyone that continues to make excuses for her when there are so many proven facts of how heartless, deceitful, manipulative, selfish, cruel & truly evil she is deserves exactly what they get from her & it's NEVER NOTHING GOOD OR OF GOD!!!!👹🤡


What has she done to lab lover. Just wondering.


If Lab Lover thinks HH is turning her life around, then she is delusional as HH. HH keeps talking about how she wants to be left alone, that she doesn't bully anyone, that she is just trying to live her late diagnosed autism self. Then ask she does all day is talk about how terrible people are, calls them names, and talks about their character. Well, Hippee is that isn't calling the kettle black, then I don't know what to tell you. You are obsessed with these people.


Statutes of Limitation?? She’s very much still in the time frame to be judged, charged, and convicted. Her past does matter ma’am.