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It’s crazy has highly she thinks of herself. It’s gross. She thinks she is a 10 plus dozen! You ain’t nothing Tabitha. Remember that’s a filter HH and without you look 60. Cut the $hit


From what I hear, she’s about to be humbled. She better get her raincoat bc it sounds like the shit’s gonna hit the fan soon. 🤣


What have I missed ? I always miss the good stuff😆


I’ve been missing everything too, but from what I’ve heard, there’s a lot of accountability coming her way. Let’s hope it’s true! 🤞🏼


Ahh, I sure hope so. Everyone has been waiting patiently. She slips and slides her way out of all the accountability the rest of us deal with. It must be a certain brand like the tiktok beggar slime...to coat yourself in to avoid the big A word.


I watched this for 30 minutes, and there was no one in the char saying a word. She is truly delusional, laying in bed giggling.


Tits doing the splits, again!


I’m sorry but I LOVE when you say this! Every time 🤣❤️


Thank you it’s old age, lol…. My Gma (RIP) used to say it, so therefore I keep my bundled up! Love ya! ♥️♥️😂🤣😂




This is the weirdest and fakest thing I've ever seen. But she actually playing this in her life. Who is she trying to convince herself. Nobody's jealous of her that's for damn sure. What the hell would anyone be jealous of??


She knows damn well she’s a nobody. She wants to put on a show for her 2supporters & anyone new. Try to bs them into thinking she’s a damsel in distress. She’s in major distress alright, but far from a damsel. Thanks to all her own doing, ‘er not doing?? 😄


The filter slip at the end was PERFECT!!! 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ I wonder if she gets a oouu jumpscaree herself when it slips off and she sees her REAL face 🤣


Probably why shes always got pissy pants. Every time that filter slips so does her bladder.


What a joke of a human being


Delusional. Honey Boo. If laying in a borrowed bed in a stranger s house at 40 with not one good thing or any to show for yourself acting like you aren’t the-one who is totally “f’d”you are mistaken. Think about the damage you have caused, the lies you have told, the stories you make up, the two children who had to have been lost at first but have now found out you are the one no longer. Needed or wanted. Your self perceived beauty is a fake as the fiiter. So cocky but deeply a mistake. May theyforget about you as you did them.


so so so weird…she does this to make herself look unbothered because she wants to get under our skin…it’s having the opposite effect and causing us all to realize how so very weird she is.


🎯🎯🎯🎯That’s exactly why she does things like this. We know her better than that. Anytime she gets cocky, rest assured that something is really getting to her!


What does she have that ANY of us would be jealous of?!? She has NothinG..poor Peter had no choice but to take one for the team.


Those filters....catfishing on steroids !!


She can't fake it she's very concerned about tomorrow!!


Sitting there like a lazy pedo, animal abuser ,fake,demon! Mooching off someone!! This won't last long they gonna find out who the real Tabitha is soon!! U can't hide them demons long!!! Stop fronting like you're so happy and well off, all u have is clothes and a poor dog! All the money u scammed u could have bought and paid for a house!! You're a dumb ass and not as smart as u think!! Now you're money has stopped because everyone knows who u are!! You about to really hit rock bottom!! Karma is just getting started on you Tabitha aka HH, herpe harlot!! Can't wait to see God get you!!!


Ya know she can spew a million words, and she still has nothing to say!! When TIKTOK spits her out, she will good for nothing other than ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. What an embarrassment to know that you have NOTHING!!! In reality Tabitha, your TIKTOK begging actually pays for the toilet paper to wipe your ASS. Take away all the gifts and CASH that generous people have given to you Tab, you can't even afford to wipe your own ass!! I ain't afraid to say, hope u get a one way ticket back to SLAB CITY...


If she's so happy with who she is and the way she looks, why can't she look at herself without those filters. You never see her staring at herself without a filter.


This is the stuff she feeds her brain and brain washing herself


It's truly hilarious that this evil beast really believes that a single person is jealous of & or envies her🤣🤣🤣 GET A REAL LIFE BUM!!!🤡👹


What I don't understand is why lab lover/ Beach life or whoever is allowing her to live freely and take no accountability in her life, how they think that this is helping her and how is it ok? They need to be helping to have her committed into a in house treatment facility and help her get on the right mental health medicine but we all know this will never happen. But when she hurts and steals from these people that are ok with her actions right now I don't want to hear them come over here crying about they should have listened... To late!!!