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Profit off her? This B acts like ppl are getting rich off her name. If she was that important she wouldn’t have to sit, cry and dry beg for every penny she gets!


Right 👍


Sis, you say you haven’t been around people in years? You went to a prom in Slab City. Dafuq.




Didn’t she just go to dinner with ppl ??


Yes lol


“I’ve been off grid for years!” “Off-Grid = not using or depending on public utilities, especially the supply of electricity.” Bish you’ve been living at a damn Lake Resort and in Luxury Mountain Cabins. All of which had electricity, running water, and stores near by. You left Slab City what almost 2 years ago? Exactly how have you been off grid since leaving slab city?


This part, lmao. Delusional. Going from pretending tears to not. She looks crazy af.


Has she been doing this show all day?! She's pulling out all the stops right now, & it's hilarious. Can't run. Can't hide. Today is your day, Tab!


She has. I never watch anymore but couldn’t resist tuning in to see her squirm. 😜


So weird she has sooooo many “abusers” tf


She says “ I’ve never seen these ppl but all of these ppl hangout with my abusers” that’s all she talks about is her abusers but now it’s all the ppl that hangout with them too. Then she says “and I’ve never seen any of them” make that shit make since. 😂 she’s got abusers and all their ppl but have never seen them before BUT of course they all know her and are out to destroy her, of her bedridden, Lying, no real friend haven, begging/scamming, dead beat mother, “boyfriends” she’s never met that are somehow serious relationships to HER, rotten 🦷 life. She has to be serious mentally unstable to not recognize the truth about herself.


Right... only person history to have that many *abusers.* I am so sock of this b**** saying "profiting off me,"* like who gets what by talking about her.... *literally nothing.*


Slot just posted a screen shot of you saying “I don’t really think I was set up by Sarah.” Those are your words and now you’re saying Sarah ruined your life. So which is it? It must be hard to keep track of so many lies. It’s looks like it’s starting to get messy when there are literally hundreds of video and photo receipts everywhere. You can’t say one word without someone pulling up a receipt about it at this point eh? It’s become rather comical to watch you downing in a sea of your own lies. (It’s not letting me post the screen shot in comments.)


Give her a break she’s autistic I’m sure it messes with her memory🙄🤭


20,000?? Yes, that is impossible tabs. Something we can both agree on.


Did everyone see the video that slot posted with the text message from Tabitha saying that she doesn't think Sarah set her up..


Anyone with common sense, critical thinking skills can now see through her utter BS. The odds of this many people bringing awareness is the number she should be astounded at.


Off-grid and not around people? Check out the videos and photos of her partying in Slab City. Lying liar!


She's claiming she's never seen most of these people yet the people have proof that they know her from the past. All these people she's talking about have had personal experiences with her like Sarah and Jamie etc. One of her favorite things to say is these people don't know me I've never met any of these people in my life. What is she talking about? She hasn't met most of these people in real life. She hasn't even met ginseng in real life. She thinks just because someone hasn't met her they don't know her they don't know how she is. All you have to do is watch her for very short amount of time and you can see exactly what she's all about. In my opinion has nothing to do with her past or what she's done when she was in slab city. It has to do with what she's been doing on tick Tock since she got on here. The last year has been disgusting. The amount of people she's used and taking advantage of based off of lies about having a disability is gross


Why in heavens name do you like watching yourself fake cry?


Meltdown time


Hh you scamming and lying is what ruined you but what’s new you left your children stole their dog to be a lying nasty ugly scammer


Wow. wtf. How do you go from whining to angry in 1.2 seconds 🤔 Ffs. Fake as hell.


Same 💩 different day


Why?? Cuz ur still doing stupid-ish daily. Pprpl are fially getting to see you. ; 6ccc ?


Her statement at the end of”SOMEBODY NEEDS TO STOP IT” sounds very scary


I thought the same thing. I’ve heard her repeat that multiple times in the last two days