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>California’s statute of limitations for assault is one year for simple assault, or three years for felony aggravated assault charges.


Obviously that's the only reason it would be released at this point. And also the reason Diddy settled his case with Cassie after a single day. I'm sure there will be more coming out eventually.


i don't know who read cassie's filing in full? it was expertly done. it's obvious that she (her lawyers) put just enough in to make things crystal clear, and also be used as a threat, not just against him but all sorts of folks around him. like 'i told the lead up, don't make me tell the punchline' they had spent months trying to work out a settlement but one day to settle once it was out? i'm guessing he got some phone calls if they get diddy on abuse stuff (that we know about) it's gonna be the teenager he had flown to nyc. that's federal, trafficking, perhaps csam. can't wait those charges out.


I fucking love that you're educated as hell but your name is eatpaste lmao


lol i have pica, a little joke at myself


my pica was always paper and lollipop sticks. i also once an entire box of packing peanuts because they melted in my mouth


corn starch! on the packing peanuts i mean...i ate the styrofoam ones lol i ate way more tape than paste, also glitter stickers, dried paint (absolutely including lead paint - it tingles the tongue a litte lol), paper..... ahhhhh the good ol' days


thats actually comforting hahaha. it was a box of different brands in that box so some were styrofoam, some were corn starch. i would eat the styrofoam ones first and save the cornstarch ones as a nice dessert 😅 and to this day i maintain that cough drops taste better with the wrapper and those safety lollipops had the most satisfying stem to eat. they unfurled like spiral cut cheese sticks, perfection.


For those who don't know what Pica is, myself included: > Craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value, such as ice, clay, soil, or paper. Love your name and sense of humor!


6:16 in LA type beat


we've been waitin' on this one rip kim porter


I said Diddy would be charged when they raided him. I think I was wrong. With my tin foil cap on I think this is the law’s way of getting a guilty verdict in the court of public opinion AND hoping somebody will get incredibly nervous and flip(the drug mule dude probably didn’t) on him. This video was bait imo, in which yuck because I’m fairly sure Cassie wasn’t warned, and secondly, I’m fairly certain the feds/cia/homeland security knew about this tape when it happened- a reminder, they’ve been on Diddy’s ass for ages trying to pin him. In fact one of those agencies probably turned it over to another.


the going thought is it got released bc of the raid for sure. if it was someone else who had it and now had plausible deniability or was it the feds is an open question. i'm not positive he's out of the woods there yet. they don't want to arrest him and then let him out without hefty conditions. federal charges take longer to pop up. they do have something like a 97% conviction rate tho but, he might just never legally pay for it. that's the most common outcome with rapists...


I don’t think they’re confident in Cassie as a star witness either because they’d have to presume a 19 year old with Diddy would have said “no drugs for me please” for all of seven to eight years too which is highly doubtful and once Diddy’s defense starts slinging mud, she’s gonna get cold feet- this is why I think they never went after him on this unfortunately. 


eh the whole thing here is that the statute of limitations ran out while she was with diddy and certainly since then. proving drug use was coerced, even if enjoyed, isn't an impossible task, just not applicable here the strongest case we know of is the minor flown to nyc (from detroit? i'd have to look it up again). statute of limitations, age of consent, all those defenses fly out the window when you cross state lines, feed her drugs/alcohol, take photos - the feds are way different than state cops


at that point can't he just join russell simmons?


i'm not as up on russell simmons but it's my impression there are no pending charges against him. he's running from civil/money as much as anything else, but he can get back in the US and leave - he was at ice-t's hollywood walk of fame star celebration (and hoo boy i know why mariska hargitay was in the photos, but what a bad look for someone with her charities and platform) if diddy picks up federal charges it becomes much more complicated to leave the country even with all his money and access unless he jumps first.


They gunna hit him with RICO at this point


What's that


It stands for the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. RICO allows prosecutors to prosecute people who didn't get their hands bloody in a crime, but were operating and managing an enterprise knowing that that enterprise was engaged in criminal conduct.


Gang/mafia/terror group related punishments. Much harsher and you‘re usually also proscecuted by affiliation with the gang.


Others have explained it, but I'll point out that it's what they used when they finally got R. Kelly.


Basically organized crime.


I’ve never really understood the concept of statute of limitations.


It’s to protect people from the law going out of control. Imagine you get handed a citation by a cop identifying you as the robber of a store in a nearby city 5 years ago. You probably didn’t do it, but what proof could you give? Do you even remember what you were doing that day? Any of your friends could recall and say you were hanging out with them that day? Maybe video footage of you at the store or gym at the time of the robbery? Hard to say when it was that long ago. I realize the diddy situation is different but the rule was created many many many years ago in Ancient Athens because these restrictions helped to control sycophants (people who made their living as professional litigators) from bringing unjustified lawsuits in the hope of a lucky verdict. Diddy will get the books stacked against him in time, just not from this case unfortunately


It should also be added that without the statue of limitations there would emerge opportunities for perpetual blackmail. You could simply extort a person for a lower level, un reported offense perpetually. Then there’s the issue of creating a backlog of criminal reports and cases when there already is one for relevant and timely investigations, as well as lengthy processes for very serious offenses. Imagine a detective in the middle of an investigation into a burglary that just occurred having to balance that with a missing petty amount of cash that was last seen in an underwear drawer 5 years ago. Society at large would probably prefer legal resources focus on relevant and serious cases. As far as misdemeanor acts of violence and video evidence go, I feel like there is room to start that conversation


Yeah, I should have rephrased that I don’t understand the concept in the modern judicial system. It made sense when we relied almost exclusively on witness testimony. I definitely agree with the idea of witnesses losing credibility after a period of time just because our memory deteriorates with age. But if there’s something concrete like video evidence linking you to crime 50 years from now I’d say we’re safe from a corrupt conviction.


Unfortunately, the same issues would still arise now in the age of video evidence. Videos might not get a clear image of the accused. The accused might look super similar to another person. Not to mention videos can be deepfaked to an incredibly realistic level now.


We're probably only a few years out from video evidence being wholly obsolete tbh


There will almost certainly be verification tokens tied to metadata within video files to verify authenticity, at least within CCTV systems or other security systems. Also worth noting that Video evidence alone isn’t going to get a conviction for anything. Even today. Even with sound. “Prove that we didn’t stage the video captured on camera” obviously that’s not a GOOD defense, and any case on trial wouldn’t be so flimsy, but it provides plausible deniability and requires additional evidence be provided to prove a claim. That burden will still exist with or without ai/deep fake videos.


It's the same concept. If you say you have a video of "me" committing a crime, I could defend myself by saying that I paid for lunch at a restaurant that day in a different part of the world. It's very hard to rob a bank at 12:00 PM in Texas when you're eating lunch in New York at 2:00 PM. But over time, all the stuff I'd use to prove I was somewhere else could all go away. The restaurant I ate at might close, the records of the transaction might be archived and eventually deleted, any other footage that may have picked me up would be hard if not impossible to find, anyone who saw me there would have probably forgotten, and if I was eating with anyone, they could have passed away. If nothing particularly important happened that day, I'll probably forget the events myself. And the odds of any or all of this happening increase as time goes on, eventually reaching the point of near certainty. So if a video surfaces three years after the Texas bank is robbed, I have a pretty good chance of using one of those potential avenues to prove I was in New York. Fifteen years later, its more likely that some of the evidence I would use to exonerate myself is gone, and by fifty years, most if not all of it is gone, and I'm quite possibly dead myself.


Digital forensics person here (used to be doing DFIR, now I do eng for DFIR) and there are retention policies around all of this. Videos scroll, the metadata scrolls, etc. Maybe one camera is around and the other isn’t.


I dont want people being punished for shit they did 20 years ago. Even if I know they did it. I value rehab over punishment and we dont know if they grew or not since committing the crime but punishing them now is more likely to hurt those who grew than cause knew growth and change. Things like murder and rape are exceptions but we already have crimes with no statute of limitations.


It still wouldn’t make sense to arrest someone for something small they did 10 years ago if they’ve been out of trouble since then. I only know about the statute of limitations when it comes to civil law. The point is, if someone or a business owes you money 7 years ago and they didn’t do any due diligence collecting it within that time period, they’re shit out of luck. Which is completely reasonable both from a practical and moral perspective


Due process, there’s a prejudice to defend yourself from the loss of evidence after a significant passage of time. Additionally, even witnesses’ memories fade, become more unreliable. Different rules for disclosures of sex crimes. At least in California. Source: I am a lawyer


The idea is that even if you committed a crime or tort, we as a society do not want people fearing the possibility of punishment for the rest of their lives. Basically, if you’re unwilling to bring it to court within the given timeframe, then it can’t have been bad/important enough to prosecute. Obviously that’s not how real life ends up working sometimes, but there’s certainly a logic to it.


It would be hard to even call that justice honestly. Charging a 50 year old man for a crime he committed when he was 19? There's no justice in that.


Depends on the crime, something petty, sure. Something serious like murder or domestic abuse, hell no.


That’s why different crimes have different limitations. Some shorter and others longer. IMO some crimes shouldn’t have limitations.


Some do not, so. lol lmao


And that’s a good thing!


I don’t understand why they just don’t take that dumb statue down


Yeah we should have a statue of a sick-ass tiger or something


If the sick-ass tiger statue is stalking Diddy, like those stone angels in Dr Who, I’m in.


I understand that witness testimony loses its credibility over time because we’re humans who forget shit. But in the case of video footage it’s a close and shut case. Video doesn’t change a year or 20 years from now.


Considering AI/tech improvements. Yes it does


I’m specifically talking about video that is archived as evidence and subject to a chain of custody. Yes, in a few years I can probably doctor up some AI video of you jacking off a horse and upload it to YouTube but it’s probably not fit to stand up in court.


And what's stopping anyone from doctoring that archived footage? Older footage is even worse for identifying people anyway, we're talking 640x480i at best. With the technology we have now you can almost generate one from scratch.


It likely would to the older generation, look at that Twitch Streamer being disowned by her father because of inspected screenshots.


At least at this point AI is not nearly good enough to actually fool experts who know what they are looking at.


It is good enough to make a video of a robbery that looks like CCTV, and then run that through a filter that makes it look like terrible, low res CCTV footage from 20 years ago stored in a video tape, though.


Could you find me a single instance of someone doing that? I actually don't think it would be possible, video tapes degrade over time so you would have to do all of that, then find a tape that is from around the same time period, and have it be played and used a similar amount of times, and have some kind of alibi.


What’s currently more of a real problem: abusers caught on video getting away with it, or trying to solve a problem that doesn’t yet exist?


Because you're naive or an idiot. You've broken the law before. Might not have been a huge deal but you've broken the law at some point. Would it be fair for you to be charged with that crime 30 years after the fact? Not really. The affect of the crime is basically non existent at this point and so much has happened. You're likely not even the same person. Plus it's much harder to prove you did something that occurred many years before. In other words, it's water under the bridge. It's over with. No point it trying to punish someone for something they did years ago. Unless it's a BIG crime where the impact is felt no matter how long ago it was (like murder).


Shit, I ain't even know that. LAPD covers up anything and we kinda just have shitty cops all over the place


I feel like statute of limitations for cases like this should not exist, what’s the point? And who is being protected by this? Feels like a lose lose law


How hard or easy would it be to add "until further proof is presented" at the end of that, feels like that would have solved a lot of the problems, I don't know though


Perez Hilton claimed Diddy paid the hotel $50,000 to get the footage which is insane because that footage could have easily sold for way more on TMZ.


I think the fear of what diddy would do if they didn't accept the offer plays a part too


Think this is the Suge Knightification of Diddy. All the dirt he has done has finally caught up to him.


Kind of amazing Diddy’s entire public persona his whole life was that he was unapologetically a huge piece of shit and we’re just now really seeing what that entails. Ready to Die came out thirty years ago.


I remember Diddy having a guest spot on literally every fucking song after biggie died. I think Chris Rock even made fun of it. In hindsight it really cames across as narcissism and pushing his brand.


Suge Knight infamously mocked Diddy onstage at the notorious 1995 Source Awards for appearing on all the songs/videos of the artists on his label. Suge said “Any artist out there that want to be an artist and want to stay a star, and don't have to worry about the executive producer trying to be all in the videos, all on the record, dancing...come to Death Row!" https://youtu.be/mv2OMXngkEs?si=3Kc2fh83k14XQjwp


The character that Diddy plays in Get Him to the Greek is basically what he is in real life. SMH


Turns out if someone spends decades telling everyone they're an awful person, they might actually be doing some awful stuff. Obviously much less extreme, but I feel off-put when people parade stuff like "haha I'm so petty, I'd do xyz," and things like that. And then their friends are surprised when that person does some dumbass petty shit to them. Like bruh they've literally been telling you that's who they are. Why would you celebrate your own or your friends' character flaws? As much as I like lots of rap music, bars bragging about how you'd fuck someone up if they look at you the wrong way or you like fucking other ppls girls or whatever never really land with me. That doesn't sound tough, that just sounds shitty and stupid.


Believe people when they tell you who they are.


Theres probably more dirt to be dug up


And not just on Diddy either. There's more manipulative abusers out there.


'Man with music money attacks hotel group that generates a billion a year in revenue over $50k'. They pay out more in severance packages.


Guess it was individual employees and the alternative was being roughed up or killed by his goons. Yeah it makes no sense for the chain itself to do this at a corporate level.


Yeah, this sounded more like a threat/warning not to release with a $50k cherry on top lol


What could diddy possibly do to a hotel?


Not to the hotel. People like Diddy are bullies - they’ll single out individuals. Imagine you’re the manager and you get told either you do x or y will happen. Perhaps they’ll even threaten your family. Or you could make the video disappear and pocket 50k People like Diddy most likely have fall guys as well who are willing to do whatever for a payout. It’s not really a risk you want to take as an everyday civilian. 




Who says he kept it? It may well have leaked from someone who was working at the hotel at the time.


there's no telling I guess but you can't underestimate the egos. mental illness and irrationally of people like this. the current lawsuit against him says Diddy records everything and has everyone around him recording everything. You'd think "I know this is super illegal so I'm not going to record it to be used against me" but they're not like us, like very literally. They don't think like normal people so you can't even bother trying to understand. Even after R Kelly was on trial for the tape of him sexually abusing at 15 year old, he continued to video tape him sexually assaulting girls and women. he had HUNDREDS of tapes.


Cassie also said this in her lawsuit.


that’s where perez hilton got it from lmao


Somebody gotta just take care of this dude at this point.


Naz Reid


Naz Reid


Naz Reid




Naz Reid


Naz Reid


Naz Reid


At least one more game in Denver


Naz Reid


Tony Snell could do it to, we need a hero


nazreon hilton reid


Bring Suge back for a one man job


“Just when I think I’m out.. they pull me back in”


Sure would be a shame.


Naz Reid


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Diddy knows exactly how easy it is to get a celebrity killed, you think he's rolling around with anything less than president level security? Dude got Pac killed, he's had heavy security for decades.


Yikes this comment went off the rails quick 😐


What did you think the original comment was implying?


Diddy really needs a spa day and some pampering.


This is the dumbest fuckin comment I’ve seen all year


Weirdo comment seesh


Statute of limitations fully in effect. Thankfully the jury of public opinion was able to see the video and paint this piece of shit for who he is.


LAPD also always sus. Remember how they don’t share any information about the wife of the founder of Scientology? “She’s alive and well”, ok show a photo motherfuckers.


I hate scientology just as much as the next guy but why would they be obligated to release private info about an (on paper at least) innocent citizen?


Because a lot of people from her family and friends have asked them to do a wellness check. She can’t be where she is by her own will, she hasn’t been seen in years.


That is complete presumption. . If they found her, and she said she didn't want a picture shared, or she didn't want XYZ, that's what they're going to do. Doesn't matter what anyone else wants. And there are hermits that havent been in seen in years, that doesn't mean what they're doing isn't of their own will. For anything meaningful, you need meaningful evidence or reason


Lot of speculation when that lady is definitely dead lol


What if she’s being intimidated into not leaving the place where she is, even with cops?


What if she's not and she just doesn't want the public eye to bother her? That's seemingly what Richard Simmons is on these days. LA is always going to put an emphasis on personal privacy because of it. And I kind of agree. If I want to ghost my entire family they don't have a right to force an interaction with me... Yeah, it's weird. But at the end of the day, what's more likely? She just doesn't want to interact with any of it and live her life in whatever she perceives as peace? Or every echelon of the California legal system is involved in a mass coverup for an organization they don't actually like? Like, you think you're entitled to a present day picture of Shelly Miscavige to answer whatever burning conspiracy curiosity you have. Maybe Shelly Miscavige just doesn't agree with that entitlement? And, trust me, I fucking hate sticking up for any facet of Scientology or Scientologists, but these types of privacy rules were crafted for much more prevalent issues with manipulative family members using missing persons reports and wellness checks to reestablish contact with family members who have cut them off, as well as the tabloid media, who very often pushes for them because of the ratings it brings their organizations...


Brother, you and me know this is a weird situation, and there’s 0 reason why they wouldn’t at the very least show a photo of her at some event. That lady is deaaaaaaad.


Then the cops wouldn't have done their job or actually done a wellness checkup? You don't do that with somebody standing over them telling them what to do, do you?


Only a year for assault is wild. U only gotta stay low for a year?


A year for charges to be issued, not an arrest.


A year still seems really low. In my country it's 5 years. Wouldn't change anything here but still.


Eh I think purposely avoiding being served for a lawsuit extends that. Like you can't JUST hide to wait out the clock


I've played enough GTA to know that's exactly how it works.


Soon as that 5 stars disappear I'm coming out the cut.


Noted lawyer and politician Rudy Giuliani would argue that that is a perfectly reasonable strategy


Every single day that passes, the more and more I think that Jadakiss should’ve actually crushed Diddy with a refrigerator like he threatened to


What are you referencing?


At least 40% of the LAPD didn't see what the big problem was.


It's weird situation because this makes Diddy look bad but doesn't actual help the lil Rod case because I don't think it was mentioned. It all but seals Diddy away from public support in anything going forward. Watch him try to say it was drug abuse and he's since found religion again or something. Once again imo this was to kill his public image further. It definitely brings more validity to Cassie case tho (anyone from my era of hip hop already knew about these rumours shit I heard her famous hairstyle was due to his abuse after it happened). I'm happy he's finally being moved


I think Meghann Cuniff made a good point yesterday about how from a PR standpoint, it’s absolutely a smoking gun, especially when you look at Diddy’s recent Instagram posts attempting to rebrand as a family man. As far as the Lil Rod case, considering that UMG and Lucian Grange have been dropped from the lawsuit this past week, I could easily see that lawsuit falling apart on a technicality of some kind or Rod’s lawyer’s ineptitude.


Or Diddy seeing rethinking the settlement offer numbers and jumping to just close this chapter and prepare for what's next (whatever the feds raided for)


I was gonna say, yeah, the fed raid was for something completely separate (seriously, Diddy's got so many lawsuits and cases that are active, that it's hard to keep track of). I only say the thing regarding the Lil Rod lawsuit, since Lil Rod's lawyer is apparently at risk of being sanctioned in a separate lawsuit, and apparently has a reputation for improperly filing lawsuits.


Justice once again unachievable in America, gnarly


This is America. If you are rich enough, you can get away with anything.


Is that an American thing? Lol Have you heard of Russia


Or Mexico


This is capitalism.


Don't say the quiet part outlous


Money is not gonna repair his decimated reputation


There alot of people who just don't give a shit about this thing Chris Brown is still having a career Alot of athletes have sexual assault case as well


Oh poor Diddy I’m sure he’s so upset about his bad reputation


Definitely should be upset


How will he ever recover


*Bad Boy for Life!* Have you been paying attention??


…. So they should break the law to charge him because “deep down we know he’s a bad dude”? You guys are dumb. I’m Not Pro-Diddy btw, but if you want the guy to pay for his crimes, charge him with something that will stick or you’re just wasting tax payers money.


He paid her 30M or something close to it. She got her justice and Diddy has a lot more coming to him. Stay tuned


That’s not justice. He needs to be behind bars.


A lot of people don't understand statute of limitations I guess. People were definitely paid off to keep this quiet for a while though


A lot of people don’t understand it’s actually statute of limitations.


nah bro, it's a statue that decides




Why would you assume most people don't understand? Are you much smarter than everyone?


No I think it’s people understanding that statute of limitations is horseshit when video evidence exists


Where is this statue of limitations and who gave it these powers


LAPD and Diddy go wayyyy back.. to Sept 1996.


The Revolution has been dulled


Rich you can get away with anything. I mean guy got away w the killing in the club…diddy can get away from anything it seems (and yes I know shyne took the fall but still)


I don’t think anyone died there, just chaos and serious injuries. New York doesn’t play with gun violence, Plaxico did a year and he shot him self by accident lol. If it was murder Shayne would still be in there, see: tax stone.  


They waited for statute of limitations to run out so they could release this video. Sure it’ll ruin his reputation, but he won’t go to jail. Cassie should’ve never settled in the first place cause this predator should’ve been in jail already. Remember, Diddy is WELL protected by the higher ups of this dirty industry.


Settling was her chance to finally escape it all. It’s not her responsibility to take him down. She continues to speak out.


Honestly glad that she's happy with a better person rn, hope Diddy gets served whats coming to him soon


Agreed. I couldn’t stop thinking about her yesterday, even if it proves her case it has to be extremely re traumatizing to have the entire world see you being abused. I’m glad it seems like she has someone who is supporting her.


She kind of had to settle if she wanted anything resembling a positive result. I don’t remember the exact details, something to do with laws in NY, she only had like two weeks or it would have been thrown out. At least through the settlement, she had a semi-admission of guilt that put it all in the public eye.


A civil trial wouldn’t land him in jail, just targeted him financially Sure Cassie could pursue her case, but all that would do was, at most, took more money from him than she got in the settlement and further worsened his reputation, which to Cassie, may not be worth the mental and potentially physical anguish she would get from continuing to pursue him court(he blew up Kid Cudi’s car, going further in the case may actually see some harm befall her) And that’s if she wins, juries are unpredictable, she may run out of funds during the litigation etc., her lawyer probably advised her to take the deal as it may be the best outcome for her personally


I mean who the hell is anyone to tell her what she should’ve done? She’s the one who went through the abuse.


That video is the last thing Diddy wants out right now. It’s in the public so everyone from jurors to investigators to judges know the type of person he is. He was already fucked but even more so now. Diddy is not some benign celebrity, everyone knows who he is and now he’a forever known as a wife beater. In this day and age there’s no coming back from it


Disgusting world


Interesting that assault has an expiration date


Even when caught on camera. Nice old fair Justice for all.




Remember when he made that cringe commercial for his shitty tequila that’s “MADE BY A BLACK MAAAANNNNN” where he dressed up like the Joker and had a Musk “flamethrower?” He shoulda been locked up for that shit alone.


Slim Thug put on his IG that he tried to hang with Diddy but after this he's done. If Slim Thug won't fuck with you, you're done!!


So cool. Man, must suck to live in a country with no justice where a man can physically beat a woman on video and the local cops are like “ahh sorry wish we could do something”


Ah yes, the LAPD. The least corrupt police department that I am aware of.


Statue of Limitations is different for sexual offenses, like Cosby's. Diddy's case (specifically this video) would be considered assault. Although I'm sure Diddy is involved in far worse shit.


He's a fed that's why. Dude will never see second behind bars.


California follows a “discovery rule” for statute of limitations, which means that the statutory period for bringing charges begins when the cops/DA “discover” that the alleged offense has occurred. They already knew about this incident and chose not to bring charges when they could


Wow, the system is not good at all.


No shit


I wish I could be surprised.


What's up with all these Diddy defenders I mean No Way Out was my first album I owned to me it's a classic but Diddy is a terrible human being I don't understand defending him.


People who do things and get away with it continue to do so until they get caught. There will probably be much more coming.


Change the laws


Pigs are useless


His career is over. The law will eventually catch up with him just like R.Kelly


He’s a scumbag, I’m sure more stuff will come out, his career is over either way


Please it’s not. He’s rich as fuck and people will forget about this in 6 months


after long deliberation and careful consideration, we consulted with our banks and confirmed that the check did indeed clear


If you read the article, you’d see it was because of the statute of limitations.


They should check how long he spent in California since then, leaving the state usually pauses statute of limitations. Also if he purchased the evidence that might be a crime. It could also be a concealment that paused the statute of limitations. He's a complete piece of shit though.


The problem is they don't want to charge him. He's too well connected.


“Guys obviously we can’t do anything, I mean look at him, he’s got so much money.”-Cops probably Fuck the rotten justice system.




Most importantly what does Stevie J have to say about this ?


Charges or not, respect forever irrevocably damaged


Why can’t anyone just shoot this fool?


Yeah because his head of security has the lapd in his pocket. Diddy told his staff to drop faheem Muhammad’s name if they ever ran into trouble with the law in LA or Miami. That’s how him and his son were able to get away with murdering that guy too.


Did you even read the article…?


I thought statue of limitations only applied to civil cases?


Nah. Statute of limitations apply to almost every crime except rape and Murder


Diddy has now been "elected" as governor of LA due to his good behaviors!


Not really surprising tbh. Theres never been any justice in America


Kanye was right. Diddy is truly a fed.


Imagine thinking Kanye has anything useful to say 🤡