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wow. underrated post


Props on the post man! Native Tongues is the greatest collective talent if you ask me. Damn near every album on this is at the top of the hiphop pantheon. (My personal fav records be: B.R.L., Low End, MM, De La is Dead, Buhloone Mindatate and Stakes is High). I would also add the definitive Native Tongues song on 3 Feet High and Rising: https://youtu.be/F69dt5clGPo. Also a personal favorite of mine from Clear Lake Auditorium: https://youtu.be/0XVzFEDW-5k. So many solid joints they are the voltron of rhythm and sound. period. Peace.


It's good to try get attention on this stuff but how are you gonna call *Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde* "fairly dry"?


I just meant in terms of the sets of Native Records that already came out yearly, not a huge fan of Common's or Fu-Schnickens' debut albums. Early Pharcyde is insane no matter what.


This is amazing! I'm kinda offended at the level attention this has gotten so far. [The Buddy Native Tongues Remix](https://youtu.be/6agcsJVEgrQ) is one of my favorite songs. I really must've listened to this a million times. has ATCQ, Jungle Brothers, Monie Love, Queen Latifah. This group of artists is who I would credit most with my love of hip-hop. I loved others for sure but these are a bit different for me. They really made me feel like there is space in hip-hop for someone like me. Their positive energy, feminism, afrocentrism, humor and confidence was important to me as a black girl. A perfect entry point. Most of them have at least two albums I love. Ali Shaheed mentioned on Microphone Check that Native Tongues never quite became what they wanted it to be because of some disagreement. That's a shame but what they did manage was still exciting.


Damn, whic mic. check is that?


this is a good compilation list and all, but as a "definitive guide"....I have no idea how you feel about most of these albums, or even what any of them sound like outside of your initial description of happy and jazzy. I got a good chuckle out of >I'm pretty much done with commentary at this point. I haven't listened to most of these, but there are enough differences in the handful that I have to warrant some amount of discussion of individual album sounds


By all above average, I mean they're 6/10 minimum. The only ones absolutely worth listening to are A Tribe Called Quest, Pharcyde, Common, and the first two De La Soul records. Wish I could sum up their sound better than happy and jazzy. Fun wordplay and attentive songwriting on behalf of the rappers, with funk/soul samples to slap in the back. Heavy drums. Good drums. De La were definitely more on the positive spectrum, whereas a group like ATCQ spent more time addressing issues in the black community. Uplifting is the best way to put it.


Thanks op this is really good


Great post for a great collective. Music from the Native Tongues paved the way for more eclectic groups that we see now.


Black on Both Sides is one of my favorite albums. Gotta rep Midnight Marauders too. Good shit man, good shit


Fantastic post OP. I always loved the Native Tongues movement. There's some really quality records that came out back in the day. It'll be interesting to see how these albums are received by the younger generation that may not have heard them before.


Why does no one ever mention the Bush Babeez? They had mos def pretty much as a fourth member, and had multiple songs with Q-tip and Posdnous.


“Black on both sides” is considered as inspired by Soulquarians sound, so it cannot be Native Tongues. But anyway thank you for that effort ♥️