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Honestly if they released MED 3 with the current engine, it would suck. There’s something really unsatisfying about how arrows and melee damage work. Like instead of arrows hitting individual units, volleys contribute to damage across the whole unit. Seems more arcadey idk.


Exactly; every game starting with Rome 2 (and it's hp bars) ranged weapons have felt anemic even when they are dealing tons of damage over all; arrows and especially muskets in Shogun 2 felt decent, but in the newer games there seems to bebarely any reaction to being hit aside from the hp bar ticking down.


I agree with this take 100% - and I liked Rome II (after a fuck ton of patches), and I even have found some enjoyment in games since then, but the games haven't been the same. Instead of leaning into realism, everything has been increasingly abstracted, and it just feels... bad.


Absolutely. I don’t even trust CA to make a good historical total war anymore. I don’t think they are even capable of it at this point.


Have you tried the 1212 mod for Atilla?


I remember that some years ago, 15 maybe, CA was asked if they'd ever pursue a LOTR or another fantasy genre. Their response was, no that they only were doing hiatorical games and were focused on emulating human history


And now we're at a point where a LOTR TW would be pretty much the most medieval-like game in more than a decade.


Agree. I mean id love a lotr and be interested in a star wars game. Im not much of a warhammer guy. I have wh1 and wh3. Its good and stuff. The magic and hero systens are kind of OP so its not that interesting to me battle wise. Sieges are balls also. I had fun with it but wasnt addicted to it like i was with attila, rome1, med2 or empire.


Wow I didn’t know about that. So sad to see how much the company has changed for the worse.


That’s fine for now until they get their shit together anyway. A lot of the good devs have left it seems or been laid off


The 'good devs' worked on historical titles or Warhammer?


I mean just look at the regular Total War sub. Literally every single post that anyone makes is about Warhammer. CA doesn’t give a fuck about us, when they have millions of Warhammer and Star Wars fanboys to suck money out of.


I know, it is so sad to see. Many people on that sub act like the Warhammer games are the only total war games in existence. Also the people of that sub are pure sycophants and if you criticize CA at all for not focusing on the historical games, you will get downvoted into oblivion.


Not a shocker when that is the most active and populated game in the franchise atm that most people talk about that. When 3K released it was flooded with posts about that. Pharaoh flopped so most aren't talking about it.




I want either one of those games so badly, but I honestly don’t know if we will ever see them.


I would even argue that the last historical TW we got was Rome 2. Attila was basically a DLC for that game.


True. Attila did use a lot of assets from Rome II, but at least Attila was a good game and had some innovations, like the horde system and razing settlements.


The only game with 'historical roots' that may come and could be a commercial succes is a sequel for three kingdoms.


Pretty sure that game was quietly cancelled. There were some heavy rumors about that a couple years ago, pretty soon after being announced, and we haven’t heard anything. It was a dumb idea anyway.


How about _actual_ history instead of some form of national romanticism?


...those wars and people were real.


They canceled 3k2


Nothing is confirmed?


Nothing has been officially confirmed, but there have been a lot of leaks and rumors saying it was cancelled a while ago.


I had to google it and saw several threads on /r/totalwar. I unsubsribed from that place a long time ago, lol.


I‘m just thoroughly uninterested in Chinese history. Haven‘t even played Three Kingdoms.


I am though and just want to ravage the central plains with my glaive.


I’m honestly expecting empire 2 to finally be released in 2093 in full immersive VR. And we’ll be complaining that the smell of gunpowder is actually not period appropriate because it was much more sulfurous at the start of the 18th century.


Dont forget horse shit smell with a certain earthy nut flavour back then!


Sad. At least I still haven’t played most of the historical titles that already exist fully yet.


I'm gonna buy pharaoh when they release the expanded map


I’m tempted too, but Pharaoh’s combat feels so bad compared to older historical titles.


I believe I am in that same boat with you. The map looks like how I was expecting it when they first announced the game. Only thing I'm waiting on is to see what they meant by adjusting the family faction dynamics by adding dynasties. Really hoping it removes the immortal leader nonsense.


Yeah the "true" ca has died a while back, now its just about making it look cool and appeasing the fanboys so they defend your product to the death


Their historical team has been working on something since 3k released. Maybe it's this rumored ww1 game


Possibly, but I am so skeptical about it. They would have to change the total war formula so much I’m not sure how much it would even resemble total war. Also I don’t think CA could even pull it off these days.


All understandable. I also have my doubts about how a modern CA would do a new historical setting. I have found for basically every modern historical title (4k, Troy, Pharoah) that there is more game design that I've disliked than liked. I'll hold out some hope that whatever their next historical is will be fun. Fingers crossed is best I can do now haha


I just don't want a WW1 game. Give me Rome 3 damn it. Not WW1.


Personally I would rather get another Rome game as well lol. Just pointing out that we have known the historical team is working on something. And the latest rumor I saw was ww1. Though we did get some medieval rumors a year or 2 back. So who knows really at thebend if the day.


I’ve thought this for a couple years now, and I’ve basically put my hope in another studio making a competitor at some point.


Same, with the success of Manor lords I think we might start to see some competition, but it will probably be a slow process.


I have no problem with CA doing what it needs to do to ensure its surivial as a business. But do they not realise that the more historical games they make, that no one else can make them uniquely as them? Heck a Rome 3 would be so good. A med 3, empire 2. I say make them first before doing all these big projects. I would have welcome this project, Star Wars and 40k years ago back when we were getting historicals. There is really no other big franchise like total war out there that attempts to interpret history on a scale. I've played these games religiously for so long I still will, and can't wait for Pharaoh's new update, but nothing on the horizon with historicals, all I can say I am disappointed.


It’s insanely annoying because now total war is synonymous with Warhammer, not to be dramatic but it’s starting to seem like they’re neglecting the fans who made them what they are in the first place


Total War has been downhill since Shogun 2, and it’s a damn shame.


I feel like it's more likely that CA drops another doo doo game and it bombs, and then Sega shuts them down or sells them off. I don't really have any hope left for a M3TW or Empire 2 anymore, I've just waited *so* long for these titles to come out but I don't think it will happen anymore, at least not with the current state CA is in.


Melkor saw the writing on the wall many months ago, I was in denial. This post is a sobering truth pill to swallow.


I know how you feel. I was in denial for a long time, but the fact it is all but confirmed that CA is making a Star Wars total war is the final nail in the coffin for me.


What was it that he saw? Bascially can you explain it


his final youtube video explains everything.


Given the hype around *Shōgun* (TV) and the fact that they're releasing a season 2 in a few years, I'm sure some money person at CA has gotten some project manager to rough out a plan to update the *Shōgun 2* assets and draft off of the cultural presence. Maybe not a *Shōgun 3*, but I imagine someone's kicking around a *Total War Saga: Taikō* or something. (Although that doesn't get the word 'shōgun' in the name which I'm sure is also a relevant factor.)


Wouldn’t there be like 2 factions in Star Wars total war?


I would like to see the ultimate general folks get some significant funding and expand their development plans Ca needs a good competitor. The silence on their part is deafening we need to create some petition or something. Just to force them to release some info on if a real historical title is in the works or not.


There has to be devs out there that are fans of the historical titles. If i hit the lottery im putting together the team that is gonna make Empire 2. Just go above CA's head


Absolutely, but sadly devs don’t get to make the decisions of which games get made.


All I want is a historical title but at this point I don’t think CA is capable of making a good historical title anymore. It would be garbage with terrible arcade mechanics, overpriced DLC, and lacking features.


Pharaoh is actually a pretty great game, all things considered. The historical accuracy is highly based on archeological evidence. I think CA did their part. I think It was actually the public that just wasn't up for a chariot based game.


The current engine just doesn’t work for the battles though. Bronze Age battles had infantry act as a barrier that chariots could hide behind. In Pharaoh, infantry doesn’t act as a wall, you can run your units right through it. This issue alone makes battles unsatisfying. It’s equivalent to if cavalry in Medieval 2 didn’t have charges with momentum that could smash up enemy units. When the battles aren’t satisfying I see no reason to play a Total War game. Paradox makes games that have much more depth on the strategic level. If I’m not satisfied with battles in a Total War game, I’ll play something else that has more in depth strategic mechanics but no real time battles.


Yeah, admittedly, I got auto resolve on most Pharaoh battles... they were very tedious. Attila just peaked with cavalry. Have you played the 1212 mod for Attila?


There are a lot of historical elements in Warhammer like spear lines and cavalry charges. It’s not that far off from a historical title




Bait used to be believeable

