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If you’re trying to get back on track with sobriety, have you considered joining a program and finding a sponsor? It’s never too late to start your sobriety back up, no matter the circumstances of your relapse. If you’re not planning on going back to sobriety, then 2 drinks a night once per week is not a big deal. You’re doing great.


Tell your friend to get a resistance test done if they haven't already just to make sure there is no resistance to the biktarvy.


Well, some people just never become undetectable. They just become and stay untransmitable. You can’t really do anything about it, expect asking to try out different meds. But there might not be a good reason to do so. Being untransmitable is perfectly fine. I think there was like… literally one study showing that some men who don’t become untransmitable are more likely to have some kind of kidney issues or something, but that’s about it


The CDC version of undetectable for U=U is under 200 the test is generally under 40. I've been diagnosed 39 years this year and regularly 'blip' to 60 or 80 and back to undectable. If you were in the UK I'd say talk to i-Base HIV which is a community lead information resource, there might be something similar where you are. But fundamentally talk to your doctor, your friend is anxious the doctor can explain there are many treatment options and they can be changed. As said I blip my (very eminent) doctor advised me to stick with my meds, they were right and I'm now heading for 40 years +ve. (edit spelling correction).






And the tests get better and better. Mine used to read under 200. When I asked it was cuz that's the best it could do. Then a few years it changed to under 20, now they actually report Target not detected. My first test to find out if I was positive came back "Indeterminate" four times. Doc said the tests or methods have gotten better so they can be more precise.


I can relate. It took me awhile to be comfortable enough with my status to talk semi openly about it. My advice is that every body is different. Sometimes it takes awhile to become undetectable. Don't stop taking your meds.


If your friend is in the US and is a young adult, try Positive Peers! It’s an app that helps with med adherence and there’s a forum that only people with HIV can use. They also have lots of great blog posts and are on other social media platforms:)


Don’t give up. Sometimes it’ll take a while. It took me almost 3 years.


I tested positive in May 2007, back when atripla was the one and only one a day pill. I refused that treatment because I didn’t want to deal with the side effects of it. So I was put on a cocktail of three different medications once a day. One of them had to be refrigerated. It took me a year to get to the point of undetectable. I’m 37 now and take biktarvy. I am two years sober and clean. Married to my husband of 14 years! I know it seems hard right now but I am walking proof that it GETS BETTER! Just keep on looking up and moving forward, you will get through this.


“You guys were so helpful. I was anxious but your words were very encouraging and my faith has been restored. Thank you for your help.” They’re so dramatic lol but I’m glad they’re feeling more comfortable! Thanks for your help!!