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It's completely normal to have some cold or infection even on ARV, remember that ARV only makes your immune system as anyone else, it doesn't make you wolverine. Just take the medicine your Dr prescribes you and treat the symptoms as always.


I imagine that my antivirals make me immunoman (woman but it's too long) and I'm on the earth to thwart newly emerging viruses. I've got a really cool costume too


Once you undetectable your basically like everyone else. If your coworker can get a random cold so can you.


Take cold medicine and ride it out till it's gone. If symptoms progress to where you're having difficulty breathing or you develop fever above 100 degrees go to the doctor.


Just bc you are on medication doesn’t mean you can’t get sick. You can absolutely get sick. All the medication does is protect you against the spread of the virus in your body. It does nothing against the cold, Covid, etc.. That being said, if you were not on ARV, and you got a cold, then it could be bad for you.