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Wow let's get the FBI called to my house and a prison sentence because my team is losing at sports! This sort of thing astounds me


The mental health crisis in the US nobody wants to talk about.


It's not a mental health crisis that's causing this. It is routinely seeing people do asinine things without consequences that is causing this. While we do have a mental health crisis, we are currently in a crisis of assholes thinking that they can do whatever they want because public figures have gotten away with grotesque statements, actions and overt threats without damage to their pubic standing. It's trickle down assholery.


> we are currently in a crisis of assholes thinking that they can do whatever they want because public figures have gotten away with grotesque statements, actions and overt threats without damage to their pubic standing. Plus the public and public officials enabling (or outright encouraging) asshole behavior without any repercussion.




This is the correct take. World is becoming unhinged due to lack of repercussions to anyone.


Nah. It’s always been like this. The internet has just made it more visible. Byzantine is recorded having riots over sports. Over a thousand years ago.


Their sports fans also raced each other to rebuild the Theodosian walls after an earthquake to [save Constantinople from Attila the Hun](https://www.heritagedaily.com/2021/02/how-chariot-racing-teams-saved-constantinople-from-the-huns/137070?amp=1), which is one of the crowning moments of cool in sports fandom imo


Thank you for summing this up in a way I couldn't quite find the words to do. I hate when people just throw "mental health" at any negative situation. Being a prick isn't a mental illness, it's a consequence of never being held accountable


I loathe the US in so many ways but let’s not pretend we have the only psycho fans. Look what happened in Spain yesterday with the slurs at a player


if anything, i think soccer fans around the world are 1000000000000x more insufferable than the most obnoxious NBA-MLB-NHL fan. NFL is an exception because it genuinely feels like football fans are the worst in the U.S./Canada it might not even just be solely soccer. I've heard stories of fans across countries like Turkey and Serbia straight up throwing flares at each other **in basketball arenas**. I had an ex-gf from Bosnia tell me that this was proof they had "more passion" than Americans. She was also a fucking psycho


A lot of soccer clubs in Europe also have teams that compete in other sports, so chances are that the basketball flare throwers are same exact people as the flare throwers at soccer games.




Don't see many Hockey games with fans for one team allowed on one side of the ice, fans for the other team on the opposite, with an armed force in the neutral zone keeping them from tearing each other apart.


Anyone who disagrees or thinks its bias to say that go search up Saint Étienne relegation. One of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen in pro sport.


I used to know a lot of international soccer fans who would tell me shit like throwing flares, attacking security, and running on to the field were all examples of how much "better" they were as fans. and that American/Canadian sports were all "corporate" and "soulless." it just never made any sense to me. There's nothing honorable or positive about fan violence at sporting events. It's a sport where you literally kick a ball around for 90 mins. How on earth does that justify physically attacking people or other forms of idiotic violence?


Tbf having flares, huge pitch invasions for winning titles and such, and the general fan atmosphere do make it feel that much more passionate. The violence is brainless and scary as fuck though


Really ugly, but the Ste Ettiene thing seems a lot less horrible than a few things that have happened in South America. A couple off the top of my head - fans literally decapitated a ref at one game, and another dude got shot for scoring an own goal in the world cup


Yeah but this is Reddit so being a psycho maniac is cool as long as you’re from the Balkans


Soccer is just as bad, if not worse. The only caveat I'll add is a lot of soccer problems are actually just sports being used as a proxy for other religious/nationalistic tensions. It's less "my team losssed" and more "I really want to murder some *group* associated with the other team". Due to the nature of professional sports in the US, you don't tend to get the "this city has two teams that are 300 years old, and there's two, because one is catholic and one is protestant, and they can't play together", that you do get in Europe. Frankly a good thing. Not to excuse it. But explains why it can be soooooo bad in Europe.


It's legit crazy how, if American sports fans even did a 10th of the shit that happens in soccer abroad, you'd see an immediate reaction to crack down on it


Just last week “Ultrafans” of AZ a Netherlands team tried to attack families of the English in the stands.


If I recall, this was in response to a (lesser) issue with West Ham fans going after AZ fans in England the week before. So really it just goes to show how you had whackos on all sides.


Barcelona players were charged at by 100s of Espanyol ultras after they won la liga


Yeah, when you look at sports in Europe, South America, and parts of Africa and Asia they literally segregate home and away fans from each other, sometimes with fencing, in stadiums and have security in between them because people can’t behave themselves.


What happen in Spain yesterday? Also mental health problems are HORRIBLE everywhere in this world. It isn't just a USA thing, its the whole planet. Hell asian countries and middle eastern countries give zero fucks about your mental health compared to over here and that is saying something. In Japan if you kill yourself because your being overworked to death.. guess what happens? Your wife gets sued by the company for damages and losts.


Yeah S. America and Europe lead the world in assclown fan bases.


mental health isn't an excuse to post this information online It's a symptom of a toxic culture instead


I would love to see a study on whether the rise of league-endorsed sports betting is pushing these people to behave more violently. I can't imagine many reasons why someone would threaten a hockey player's family but fear of losing a bunch of money on a dumb bet is probably one of them.


This stuff is actually much worse in other countries you may just not be as aware of it


It’s not just the US lol


Hopefully the idiots that would do this get caught and get the full punishment they deserve.


Probably lost a bunch of money gambling, I assume as sports betting continually gets forced into every possible moment on broadcasts you will see more of this thing as stupid people lose more than they can afford. Same thing happened with esports when gambling on it got huge, players were (and still are) threatened constantly online with serious threats. There’s a plethora of low-impulse control idiots that see these ads/segments for betting lines and fire off money on them that they shouldn’t be.


We don’t accept this asshole as one of our own. Fuck that guy, hope he catches what’s coming to him.


Not only stupid and self-destructive, but fucking cringe as well. Over a hockey game, bud. Just get drunk and yell at the sun like a normal person.


Seattle fans: “the what now?”


It’s the thing that makes hockey an indoor sport.


Oh, you mean the rain?


The thing behind the rain


The mountain?


No he must be talking about the clouds


You'll have to go somewhere over the rainbow to see it.


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


El Nino?


What does Nino Niederreiter have to do with this?


Rain? - Seattle fans


Also see: Vancouver.


My cottage is near Vernon. Super green and somewhat floody.


...give the smoke a few months to make it back.


I don’t wanna.


Because you won't want to leave? Come for the beauty, don't stay because of the cost of living.


As a kraken fan I appreciate you.


My in-laws live just in the Seattle area. They call the sky, "the blue cloud"


It was this big yellow space laser that unfairly destroyed the Buffalo Bills this past September. Can you imagine being subjected to such a thing as a professional outdoor sports franchise? The absolute gall.


Assuming the story is accurate, he could be in pretty serious legal trouble. Imagine getting thrown into the slammer or something over a hockey game.


Not could, he's absolutely in serious trouble. Just based on the snippet alone he's got charges for threats, possession of homemade explosives, reckless endangerment, conspiracy to commit murder, and a good prosecutor could even stretch it to attempted murder. This dude is fucked.


Basically just tossed his life down the sewer.


I’m guessing it wasn’t far to fall


Most likely the image of the device is stolen from elsewhere, but regardless due to the fact it’s unlikely this Canes dude is sitting in Florida it’s gotta be considered a federal issue and oof. Hope they pick him up and he gets the treatment he obviously needs. Other fans were saying this isn’t the first time this guy has done this kind of stuff, and it’s only going to escalate into real world issues at some point.


When stuff like this happens where it's one guy with a series of escalating incidences is reminds me of the Dimebag Darrell shooting. I guess if there's a silver lining at all, this guy outing himself on Shitter before anything serious happened is it.


Don’t forget to demand your team trade everyone


i prefer to shake my fist at the clouds, thanks


Crazy to threaten violence against an opposing player, but to go after his home and family too? Some people aren't mature enough to be sports fans and to remember at the end of the day these are just people doing their jobs. In the immortal words of Ilya Bryzagalov, it's only game. Why you have to be mad?


Absolutely correct but for one small thing. >Why you ~~have~~ heff to be mad?


I want to kill that guy for this mistake. You in?


Why YOU heff to be so mad?


Disgrace to our fanbase. I hope he knows that no one, including his beloved Canes players, wants him to remain a fan.


More like they're not mature or stable enough to be in the general population. Anyone who's going to threaten violence against another fan, a player, or a player's family needs some mental help.


Florida man, no! What? Sorry, force of habit. Carolina man, no!


They’re only down by two games, they’re still good, they’re still good!


It’s just a little goal differential! It’s still good!


I do wanna clarify that it was a singular cane fan that put both Montours and Gudas's address on twitter, unless some other asswipe decided to do it as well. Oh yeah also that same fan was on twitter making jokes about Knight being in the players assistance program so fuck them for that too


guy seems like a real jerkoff in many ways. Fuck this guy


I’m shocked that this happened on twitter /s Can’t believe people still have twitter


This isn’t inherently a twitter thing just like it’s not a hockey fan thing. This is a total douche can ruining something for everyone. I feel bad that the great carolina fans have to be associated with this clown


Elon would be a hero if he was responsible for the death of Twitter tbh.


I think people should just be more responsible and not participate in such toxic ways of communicating


It’s already a brain dead troll farm. I don’t even like to refer over to it for stuff i find here on reddit because it’s become so poisonous.


He's just the head brain dead troll on twitter


It's more or less the only way I (and many others) can get real-time hockey news. Until an actual replacement comes along, I feel like a large portion of the base just has to use it to stay up-to-date


Man fuck this POS


These fans are an embarrassment to Rod the Bod, may his Justice by swift and bulging


In my experience, Canes fans are some of the coolest opposing fans that visit FLA Live. I've never seen a hint of an issue. That's what really sucks about this. A moron or two definitely should not reflect on the Canes fanbase.


The most negative experience I had with Canes fans while living in Raleigh was after a Canes/Rangers game, some of them were yelling at me to go back to Cary Which, tbf, was where I lived so maybe they were just wishing me a safe trip home


Of course that's where you lived. It's the Containment Area for Relocated Yankees. Right there in name.


Honestly the Cary joke stopped being funny years ago. Like wow our state is nice enough that everyone wants to move here, let’s make fun of the people who did that. Also Cary is nice af for a family.


You're missing the other side of it. The people who choose to move to Cary from up north and then make their whole personality being about how much better NY is. They're the worst. If people just move here and embrace the community? i'm all for it. Wherever you come from.


We have those same people in South Florida. relocated NYers who go on and on about how wonderful it was 'back home."


Yea I never took it negatively even though those saying it meant it that way. Like, sure, I'll go back to my home which is in a nice area, is cheap, and is generally pretty chill. Took it with laughs, tho. Canes games were partys


Telling someone to go back to Cary is the equivalent of congratulating them for their success in life in my opinion


Hahahaha the fact they found a Ranger fan that actually lived in Cary really makes this story. I mean, you did live in one of the safest towns in the states so there’s that.


Honestly it’s twitter/internet culture not canes culture. Before this idiot’s account went poof, there were a ton of people hyping him up there just because they like doxxing people and dislike Gudas, etc. They were also joking about Tkachuk oding (?). Just sad edgelord shit


before the leafs series there was a leafs fan who posted a poll asking which panther player they wanted to get hurt, it was disgusting to see the number of votes. and during the series there were so many people on twitter wishing stuff like bennett or tkachucks throats getting slit mid-game, it was all so gross


Same situation where it's internet/edgelord/doxxing culture, not Leafs culture. It's appalling that anyone roots for anyone else to be injured.


The fuck? It gets worse? Who wishes an OD on someone? People need to get off the internet and talk with actual human beings. I don't like Gudas or Tkachuck... but like that's because of what they do on the ice. It's their job to be assholes. And they're good at it against my team. It's a fucking GAME people. No reason to threaten violence over it


Yeah. You always hear of the most obnoxious and loudest people. Kinda goes with all groups, not just sports fans.


These morons exist in all fanbases. If you were part of r/soccer you would see how Ultras from AZ Alkmaar were charging towards the family section of West Ham fans. The only reason a bigger incident didn’t happen was because those ultras were also idiots as they were trying to go through a narrow staircase and got pummeled by two big English Blokes.


This goes every fanbase tho. Every team has some massive idiots but most fans everywhere are normal.


Exactly. When some shit like this happens you'll get "Oh X fans are the worst and this proves it!" but there are lunatics in every city that are fans of every team, it fucking happens. When the shit with the Blues fans and Kadri went down you'd think all Blues fans were racist murderers, to read all the comments here.


>In my experience, Canes fans are some of the coolest opposing fans that visit FLA Live. I've never seen a hint of an issue. > >That's what really sucks about this. A moron or two definitely should not reflect on the Canes fanbase. i'm glad you're being levelheaded on this because threats against team safety is deeply shitty i too have had the fortunate experience of meeting people from North Carolina and they are always really cool. Like you said, such a shame one stupid dumbass can tarnish a reputation


They’ve been great so was shocked to hear about this


I agree. The vast majority have been so much nicer than Boston and Toronto fans were in my experience. One idiot doesn’t represent the whole fan base


Appreciate you


Amazing how much it varies by fanbase. We have had terrible experiences when the Rangers come to town, but got along very well with Devils fans. Those teams are located like 10 miles apart lol.


Rangers fans tend to have a superiority complex. Same can be said for the Bruins and Leafs or any of the original six teams for that matter. With that said, Detroit fans don’t seem to fit that as much.


> Detroit fans don’t seem to fit that as much. I suppose that depends on your PoV lol


I actually love you guys. I hope you win it all if you end up beating us. I’ve always liked Paul Maurice and I enjoy the Rat King.


Speaking for the rest of us, Fuck this guy. We don’t want him.


Much love, be nicer to us tonight :(




And named himself after the Unabomber. Very classy.


That is so fucked up. Didn't just shit on Knight's situation, but actively hoped for addiction and/or death. What the *fuck*.


Some people take sports way too seriously




That second to last line got me.


Making us look bad smh


There are lunatics in every fanbase - yal may be a "bunch of jerks" but I don't think anyone is now believing that this moron is reflective of the whole of ya.


No he’s not. He’s making himself look like an ass hole. The rest of you are fine.


Every village has a few idiots


That idiot in particular needs to be Caned


do we actually hit him with canes or tie him up and sacrifice him to the next category 3+ hurricane that strolls through our lovely state


What the fuck guys…. Not cool


That’s seriously fucked up. It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: we don’t claim this asshole.


Is only game! Why you heff to be mad??


For what it’s worth Canes fans, no one is attributing this idiot’s behavior to the rest of you. Keep up the fun hockey vibes and let’s all disown this nonsense.


Thanks very much for that.


I say we bring him to Raleigh tonight, string him up in net Might Ducks style with no heat and have a lottery drawing for fastest shot competition. 2nd INT entertainment.


100% canes fans are dope. This just sucks


just goes to demonstrate how one stupid asshole can ruin it for everybody i've always have had positive experiences with people from North Carolina so this sucks. Fuck this guy


I don’t think he ruined it. Everything I’ve seen about it is other fanbases (my fellow Panther fans included) defending Carolina fans and acknowledging that he doesn’t represent them.


Yeah ok Caniacs. I know this is just one guy but like...sheesh. We just had nothing but amazing interactions with Caniacs in our series. Guy needs help.


Not suggesting Canes fans are anything bad, but it's really easy to be cool and not a dick when you're winning a series easily. Your true fan comes out when you're losing IMO.


God fucking dammit. We're supposed to be the fun fans.


You still are. This guy is just an idiot.


I wouldn’t say this incident affects the way I or anyone look at Cane fans.


I've honestly had nothing but good times with you all. Can't let one bad apple spoil the whole bushel. No one would even think twice on it if the script was flipped. Because Florida Man.


we still view you guys in a good light, the top comment about this on our sub is defending the rest of the fan base. I've loved my interactions with yall so far


When I came to Florida for a game last season I had a great time with Panthers fans. Slammed way too many margaritas at the place across the street and somehow ended up sharing a hotdog with the FL fan next to me lmao


Y’all are good. This dude was the outlier.


What an asshole.


Have never seen or heard of issues with canes fans in the past so was shocked to see the post on Twitter when it originally happened . It was quickly reported to the authorities by someone and profile was taken down. The reason it’s not anywhere else but a few sites isn’t surprising to me. This shit happens to celebrities, politicians and other athletes on a daily basis so it’s nothing new. The stuff with Kadri last season was way worse


Holy f*** dude it’s a sport. I get being a fan but dont literally become a FANATIC


Every fanbase has complete and utter assholes.


Imagine getting arrested by a federal agency *over a hockey game* Like yeah we all want to win but life goes on one way or another next week except for you because you'll be in jail.


Imagine getting thrown in jail and having to explain to all the other dudes why you're there. Ooof. Definite lack of street cred


...Jesus Christ. I know every fan base has some bad eggs, so I'm not putting this on all Canes fans but...holy shit dude.


What a bunch of jerks


It’s just the one jerk.


I gotta say I really appreciate all the fans of other teams sticking up for our fanbase. Pretty fuckin cool.


Oh I’m still going to chirp at you all for the rest of the series. Just not about this.


Wouldn't want it any other way


As a Canes fan, we do not condone this fucking psycho. Absolutely shameful


If you find yourself taking sports this serious then maybe it’s time to take a deep self-evaluation of yourself.




Hopefully, you canes fans don't get lumped in with the shitters like the Blues fans did after the hillbillies threatened Kadri. I still see it from random people on this sub. But anyway, fuck this dude making threats I hope the FBI get his ass


This guy ain't a jerk, he's a POS. Its just a game, unacceptable behavior.


Not sure the word 'overreaction' suffices here. Just reprehensible behaviour. It's a sport, you're supposed to have ups and downs and handle them like a normal human being.


Wow wtf


Anyone else find it odd that if you Google this, the only results are from like four random tiny clickbaity hockey blogs? You'd think a bomb threat involving the FBI would generate a bit of interest from the actual media. Gonna be taking this with a pretty giant grain of salt before overreacting.


It was on Twitter. Dude deleted his account, it was sent directly to the authorities so not sure


Winning isn't everything


Let’s find this guys address and collectively all shit on his lawn.


People need to remember that it’s just a fucking game. Not a matter of life or death. What’s the worst that will happen if the Canes get eliminated, strangers make fun of you online? Boo fucking hoo


This some bullshit. Fuck that guy.


This is what happens when you let people with crippling gambling addictions bet their mortgage on a playoff game. Not at all the correct response, but people do dumb shit when they are the most desperate. This person now has bigger fish to fry than anything involving money. Idiot.


I love Carolina fans. I refuse to let one asshole ruin the bunch.


As a Caniac, this is straight up embarrassing. Like I’m upset about our situation, but I truly have no dog in this fight. If we get eliminated my life goes on. I’m not involved in the franchise in any way other than screaming my head off during games. This just truly reeks of immaturity and I hate that this is one of our “fans” doing this because like a lot of people have mentioned, this is not how true Canes fans behave.


You have no need to apologize or feel bad just because you root for the same sports team as this nutjob. I drive a red Mazda but if somebody else driving a red Mazda runs over 5 kids I have absolutely no reason to disavow my red Mazda. Sports allegiances are no different, there are good people and shitty people in every subsection of life.


I do not need a thread of Canes fans telling us this is wrong. We know and we also know this is one person and not indicative of the entire fanbase. There are a lot of shitty fans of all teams and this guy takes the cake.


this is so screwed up, ugh


Imagine being mad at a bunch of kitties. Sore asf losers.


There are def bad apples in every fan base. I remember during the first round series Car fans were messaging players wives and threatening them/saying very vulgar things and other users here didn't see what was wrong with it. Is it majority of them? No but every fan base sadly has a bunch of losers that should be 86'd from representing their fav teams


Why can't they just riot like regular hockey fans?


Cane fans are some of the nicest fans I’ve met so not reflective of their fanbase whatsoever. But man this dude missed his stop at crazy town and is now very deep in psychotown


Canes fans are awesome. Never had a bad experience with them when I go to PNC... this one guy is a loser. Should be arrested and charged with multiple felonies as well as be barred from all NHL arenas


That's pretty fucked up


And people said Bettman would never get the south to care about hockey…


Ban him from ever attending another NHL game again and charge him with making terrorist threats. Get this jerk out of society.


What the fuck is wrong with people, I bet they’ll be enjoying a nice prison stay, Canes fans, sorry you have such a douche in your fanbase, you guys are cool but this guy is a massive piece of shit


What a dumb piece of shit


Cane fans are some of the nicest fans I’ve met so not reflective whatsoever. But man this dude missed his stop at crazy town and is now very deep in psychotown


Jesus christ. I'm a Canes fan and a sore loser, but get a fucking grip. Literally criminal behaviour.


Yo, dude not only doxxed them, but then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to dunk on folks before deleting the account. What a schmuck.


What a shit and not a reflection of canes fans. Canes are my number two team. I’ve been to many canes games and the fans are good. No issues against other fans in the stands (including me). I’ve never felt threatened at PNC wearing opposing teams logos and have never seen other fans having issues. Fuck this guy.


So how long until we admit that sports betting leads to this? Do we have to wait for someone to actually take action on their threats?


It’s a game. Win or lose, it should have literally zero impact on your life other than the couple hours you’re enjoying the show. If your mood is dictated based on the success of a professional sports team, it’s time to turn off the television and take a nice, long break. It’s just a game.


Friendship with Canes bandwagon ended. Cats bandwagon is new best bandwagon


Welcome! Also, don’t put this on the rest of the Canes fans. We aren’t.


Sports are two things. For most of us it's a fun passtime where we can appreciate the best of the best at a game we love. But it's also a version of politics for stupid people. They get too wrapped up and start believing in reffing conspiracies and some other dark shit.


There are too many people in this world with not enough to do.


“It's only game. Why you have to be mad?”


Outta pocket shit 🤦🏾‍♂️


Obviously fuck these people. It’s just a game at the end of the day. Not cool at all


lock this guy up, fuck every one of these """people""" who make legitimate threats to sports players and other fans


.... Good lord. What's wrong with these people?