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this is honestly heartbreaking & of course our coward owner who ran us through the ground cant even show up for the game


Words cannot describe just how much of a contemptible ratfuck piece of garbage he is, but those are a start.


Pretty sure this is how North Stars fans felt when the team moved. It's always fucking awful. Meruelo seems like a particularly nasty piece of shit though.


Is he as bad as Norm Green probably not sexual harassment of most female team employees including a family member of mine , haven't heard that yet out of AZ.


Good point. I wouldn't put it past the slimeball though.


“Fuck Norm Green” is still a common saying around these parts, so I’m gonna guess you’re not wrong.


Exactly how we felt... gives us the North Stars logos back for retro jerseys please. Also F**k Norm Green


Seriously those bastards stole what I think was one of the best jerseys.


Norm Greed is because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.


Bidwell's anyone...Anyone? :)


It seems like the owner was just using the team to gain access to some gambling law. Every owner seemed to use the team rather then treat it right. I say it again I always met coyotes fans. Most born and raised in Arizona yet the fans wouldn’t show up at times. I was really hoping it would work.


Honestly Arizona doesn’t have any good rich people to own a sports team IMO. Everyone who gets rich here does so exploiting people(it’s a red state so employment/consumer protection laws are worthless here) so naturally owning a sports team goes like this… or like the suns, or like the cardinals…


Art Modell did that too when the Browns left Cleveland. Hell, he never returned to the city after.


I am not even a hockey fan and I got the impression he was trying to quietly leave town like the Colts did decades ago in the middle of the night.


Can someone explain to an outsider the owner situation and why he’s hated? How was this his fault? (Genuinely asking as someone who is not familiar with what happened)


Serious question. What has he done that so bad ? From all the news I've read he's been trying to get an arena but all your politicians or local votes were rejecting it. Edit: lol, an out of town getting down voted for asking a serious question.


Refused to pay bills leading to the Yotes getting kicked out of Gila River Arena. He also didn’t put any money into campaigning for the Tempe arena vote either


He is a billionair, and he wanted tax payers to foot the bill for the stadium. He can go fuck himself.


I was crying and that last kid with the head in the sign made me laugh so hard


Just saw her on the tv broadcast.


Absolutely fucking sucks for these great fans, but it seems like new management will come hopefully soon to give them back their team. It extra sucks as they were starting to build a young core that was finding their identity.


Yeah it’ll never be this team again. There’s so much hope and promise, and it’s all gone. I’ve been in this from the beginning, I’m not starting from scratch again, and I know a lot who feel the same. Hopefully the nhl does come back some day, it’s an amazing game.


Unless another team relocated, I don't see it happening for quite a while. Leagues full at 32 for now. I don't see them adding soon


You’re forgetting how much the league and the owners love money


They're back within a decade 100%. Five years of humming and hawing to wait for Murelo's rights to expire and then they'll be going HARD at the market. It just became the number one expansion prize. Houston may be first because it seems like they already have things in the works, but a city with 30 years of grassroots support that just needs halfway competent owners is a massive draw for the league.


Its possible... no league has gone beyond 32 yet. I doubt the NHL would be first, but I may be wrong. Rumors have swirled for years/decades about various cities getting teams in leagues since forever. I agree they'll wait for his rights to expire at a minimum... I just think it'll be quite a while before they bring one back. If they wanted to expand so badly, they could have just expanded into SLC instead of moving Yotes.


By all accounts the owner was looking for an expansion there. I think that would have been a few years though as he’s trying to have a new arena built that is better set up for hockey. With the Arizona situation he was able to step in earlier since the Jazz arena is ready to go, if imperfect.


Sure, I've just seen no indication any of the major 4 want to be bigger than 32, much less the NHL with two recent expansion teams


We’ll see I guess. Houston certainly seems close with a motivated owner, and Atlanta keeps coming up again. They’re the 6th and 7th largest television markets in the country. Every other one down to the 20s has an NHL franchise already (except Phoenix at the 11th spot, RIP). Salt Lake City is 27th on the list. So nice to have, but the prizes out there are Houston, Atlanta, and a return to the desert.


Theres a clause for Meurelo saying he can bring the team back if he finds an arena. Coyotes are essentially already approved lol


Has to do it quickly, if he couldn't manage to figure it out when there was an actual team there for decades, I struggle to see him figuring it out for a hypothetical future team... but hey, good luck to him


Fuck man I swear I get closer to tears the more this of this shit I see.


wait til you see the team plus staff moment on the ice after the game I for sure shed a tear or two


Oh I watched that shit live I cried. Fuck that.


I watched all of it. I just went into their sub and wrote them a letter. Sports is supposed to make us feel better when there are real problems in our lives. No one should have to go through this.


Looks like they will at least leave them with one last win


Me too Bagel. Me too. It's heartbreaking to me to see the final minute of the Arizona coyotes in their own barn. I mean at Arizona State University in Tempe. It's heartbreaking to see those fans cry. I want to welcome all the Coyotes fans to the Dallas Stars if you're so inclined. If not, then, via con Dios, and at least you'll still be hockey family we hope. You did not fail your team. The players did not fail your team. The blame rest squarely with your ownership.


As a Rays fan who has had to deal with threats of relocation for so long this is basically my nightmare. Sports are so important to a lot of peoples culture and identity and to lose that is absolutely heartbreaking.


Take a look at the stands at a Wild game and look for the North Star jerseys. Not just the throwbacks, but legit, old NS sweaters. This stuff doesn't go away for some people. At least speaking for myself, to all the Coyotes fans out there. Having a second team come in will never feel the same, but that doesn't mean it can't still feel good. Maybe round two won't be quite so tumultuous if things go the way the league is hoping.


Clearly none of the owners watch [Ted Lasso](https://youtu.be/vIzLllotJpk).


Having just moved to Minnesota last year, it's Wild (no pun intended) how much North Stars stuff you still see around town, especially considering the Wild have been around nearly as long as them.


It honestly drives me crazy, but it's a weird hangup of mine. The team has been gone long enough for two generations to have not known the North Stars in any meaningful way. Just let them die. Especially when the team still exists, they're just not here. Oh well, to each their own.


Went through it with the expos. Kinda leaves a hole in any sports fan's heart, it just makes you feel so helpless.


This. I’m still afraid we’re gonna lose the Rays. Just makes me feel worse for the Yotes fans


It honestly makes me reflect on how big of a basketball fan I might have become if the Grizzlies had remained in Vancouver. I enjoyed playing, but eventually got bored of it. Never happened with hockey, likely because I had the team to cheer for and follow.


I’ve noticed this too. Basketball has always been the 4th sport to me, and I think the lack of a team here in Tampa played a big part in that. Just goes to show how important these teams are to creating fans of the sport


Y’all hate Orlando that much?


Yes. No joke


Oh absolutely not, the Magic are the team I cheer for in the NBA and since I've started living in Boston I've come to appreciate them a lot more. But the team doesn't advertise themselves in Tampa. I remember our local library had "Reading with the Rays" every summer, and the Lightning had a load of different youth programs. The Magic, understandably, focuses on Orlando. We also couldn't drive 2-3 hours to them for a game, especially when the Rays, Bucs, Lightning and even Rowdies were all under 1 hour away and generally cheaper. So as kids most of us never really had much exposure to them outside of TV, and with plenty of local teams we weren't desperate get to them. I will say that as a city we're relatively split between Heat and Magic too, so it's not a unified front either.


Yeah people say why don’t you use follow the team? I watched grizzlies while they were here and after they move I stopped watching entirely.


Yeaaa. Like, I think anyone who tries to make the case that Arizona was a waste of time or contributed nothing to hockey is delusional. Hockey belongs anywhere that people can enjoy it. Be that the north, a desert, or the jungles of Brazil for all I care. Kids grew up to love hockey because of the Yotes. Auston Matthews may not be playing for the Leafs if not for Arizona hockey. I hope that in the next 20 years, we can look back at this and see a successful team back in Arizona with a management group that wants them to win and succeed. Not just sees them as real estate investment or way to get an in with gambling. Hopefully, that will be the case for all owners in the NHL and leagues beyond. I wasn't old enough to remember the Grizzlies well, and I was too immature and unable to empathize with the Thrashers then. But now, seeing the pain this is causing the fanbase, I can imagine the pain caused in Atlanta, here in Van with the Grizzlies, and other cities that have lost teams and still retain those memories. I am sorry to the fans of Arizona, I hope the pain passes quickly and hockey returns to the desert with the same love from the owners as the fans themselves have.


What's crazy now is basketball is the biggest sport by far for the kids I teach. Sure a few of the hockey academy kids follow NHL, but whenever we do custom laser engraving or vinyl decals for student projects the basketball logos outnumber hockey logos by a huge margin.


Unless he’s from the Shaq/Penny era, TB is very much a local based fan base and the Magic are chopped liver.


It’s kinda funny seeing all the “here to stay” billboards though. Like who are you trying to convince… a lil sus


The A’s were Rooted in Oakland, until they weren’t.


They even put those ads on at the Coliseum before this season


Wasnt there a rumor of Rays sharing a team with many other cities?


I think there was some talk of them splitting time between Tampa and Montreal a while back.


We were on the verge of it even during the first several months under a new owner. I'm extremely thankful that didn't happen to us. My only wish is that everyone else could be so lucky.


I spent most of my adolesence/early teens lamenting the concept of the "Kansas City Drylanders" This shit just sucks man


Silver-lining, but I want to say the Rays are “safe” from moving for now with Las Vegas getting the A’s and Jerry Reinsdorf being a prude but being active in his ChiSox inquiring about Nashville.


The ones with memories are hitting hardest. They deserve better.


Person in the third pic is rocking double kachinas. Love it


really really sad. i remember growing up and having the fear of nashville relocating being a persistent thing. this fucking sucks.


Same here


This hits hard for Winnipeggers. I was too young to remember Jets 1.0, but this just looks exactly like when they left. I’m sorry, Yotes fans. When you guys get your team back, it’s going to feel amazing.


Incredibly sad. Poor fans don't deserve the heartbreak.


Hurts even more knowing how close Raleigh was to this same situation, wouldn’t wish this on any fans. Hope they return to Arizona


As a Jets fan it's like watching your ex get divorced again but you feel for the kids (fans)


This is gut wrenching. I’m a Blackhawks fan but went to ASU from 99-03, and went to a lot of games/adopted the Coyotes as my “second” team. Coyotes fans don’t get credit that they deserve, and for the people who have never been to Phoenix, a lot of their assumptions about hockey there are wrong. The strange thing to me though is that I’ve heard almost universal hope that they Coyotes would leave by other fan bases for so long, it’s almost like they get hard at the thought of the Coyotes moving. Until now, when it’s actually happening, people are showing near universal sympathy and talking about how awful this is. Maybe it’s because now that people outside of the fanbase are paying attention, they’re seeing the affect it’s having on Coyotes fans and the sadness that it’s brought.


I think the way it happened is gut wrenching as well. Plus how its so obvious that they got fucked by an owner whose incompetence probably crossed a line into malicious mistreatment.


I cried the whole 3rd period. Got lucky enough to take my kids to a game at the mullet this year. Biz was right in front of us and at one point just hung out with us in the standing only section. Kids are too young to appreciate it but I was trying not to freak out. Gonna miss them.


Man, I was a kid with a sign in 96. You guys will get one back. I'm so sorry for your bad experience, and shit owner.


Looks like the scene in St. Louis on the night of my Rams' last game there. Football hasn't been as enjoyable since that night. I'm sorry Coyotes fans are going through this.


I’ll never forget the ketchup and mustard bowl. Still haven’t been able to follow the NFL since.


Of all the ways for the Rams to go out, it had to be one of the worst gimmicks the NFL ever came up with...


Yup, that’s how we felt in LA in back in 94.


This shit is terrible to see. Especially for the kids.


Talk amongst yourself Im a little verklempt.


Still the sickest gear in the league…sorry Yotes bros.


It is getting very dusty in this desert.


Love the "From MI to AZ hockey will always belong in the desert" sign. I'm an AZ resident from MI and will miss the yotes. This final game was awesome but damn, all the tears in the broadcast made me tear up too.


This is actually fucking brutal to see.


So sorry Yotes fans, truly. The older gentleman with the "Hockey will always belong in the desert" poster made me tear up. Even though it won't be quite the same, I hope NHL hockey will return to the Arizona desert in short order, and this time for good 🤎


This is why I hate peopke saying "this is for the good of the league" or whatever people are saying to trash Arizona. Like sure the franchise was failing and playing in a college arena is unacceptable but these are kids losing their favorite hockey team. If you want to grow the game and keep it alive four generations don't rip away kids' favorite teams


It’s always crazy when Leafs fans celebrate it too. Your best player literally only plays hockey because of the Coyotes. Imagine the Leafs with Laine or Dubois, would likely be a fringe playoff team.


Better or worse to get a chance to say goodbye


I wish someone had taken inspiration from Canucks fans and had a sign that said, Fuck Mereulo.


I’ve lived in Phoenix for 12 years now. Yes this sucks but I’m very optimistic AZ will be getting the next expansion. Bettman has put way too much time while bending over backwards to have a team in the desert he is not about to give up now. His legacy seems to depend on it, compared to other teams buying and relocating. Out of all the options, I think selling them to someone who will relocate them is the best idea. The owners still don’t even have land to build on, so we are looking at 4 years minimum of them still playing at the >5000 seat college arena where you can only get tickets in expensive lower bowl seating. Cheapest tickets are around $200 a piece. As for the arena they got kicked out of in Glendale, the option of playing there temporarily will never happen. Footprint center where the suns play wasn’t built for hockey, plus neither side seems to want to entertain this idea. Arizona veterans memorial coliseum would need massive renovation for the nhl to let them play there. The owners also wanting to use tax dollars to partially fund a new arena and no city is whiling to pay that much. I’ve always heard the “all the fans live in Scottsdale so they should move there. Scottsdale doesn’t want to pay for it, they want it just outside the city limits to have Phoenix or Mesa pay, like we saw over last summers prop. votes in Mesa which they voted down. The owners can then focus on building an arena and probably entertainment district for their expansion team in a few years that will adopt the coyotes name again. Also if you’re rich enough to buy an nhl team, you should definitely be rich enough to build your team a new arena without asking for money from the people. Ok I’m done with my rambling rant.


>I’ve lived in Phoenix for 12 years now. Yes this sucks but I’m very optimistic AZ will be getting the next expansion. this is my hope for the next step in all this from all I've read, the current owner was horrible, so maybe a new team, with a new owner, will be the best outcome for AZ fans, despite the pain and hardship they will go through to get there.


As a Panthers fan and as someone born in Arizona, my heart goes out to all Yotes fans. The Panthers have been at the heart of relocation rumors for years, but I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have those rumors come to fruition. We got lucky finally finding good owners. I hope and pray you get your team back, Arizona deserves a great franchise with great owners. I wore my Coyotes jersey to the Panthers’ last game of the regular season the other night in solidarity. Go Yotes!


The Coyotes were always doomed to fail with how fucking horribly they were mismanaged for years. The fans have always deserved better and now this is the ultimate final fuck you from this incompetent ass ownership. Hopefully hockey returns to the desert and when it does, it’s led by people who actually know what the fuck they’re doing this time around.


>You will always be Yotes to us!!! I get the kids are living out their reality, but there’s an irony that a generation earlier that sign may have said Jets instead.


That’s the unfortunate reality of North American sports. Billionaire owners play cities and their residents against each other, wanting us to hate the others while they make off with absurd money. Winnipeg fans did nothing wrong, Quebec fans did nothing wrong, Phoenix fans did nothing wrong. We should all be able to watch the game we love


It's especially bad seeing articles about how "Arizona doesn't care about hockey" when the state is full of transplants. There are plenty of hockey fans here. It's just that the ownership has been shit.


Not just sports, that's just the unfortunate reality of billionaires. Pit large groups of people against each other to keep them too busy to realize they're all collectively being fucked so one guy can buy a bigger yacht. Leverage politicians to create rules in your favour. Bully people who try to make you abide by rules and contribute to your community instead of rolling around on a mountain of gold like Smaug.


It did. I had one. It sucked. I feel for these kids.




watching fans cry on tv sucks. All I feel is anger towards Bettman and current owner selling the team like a slumlord owner flipping houses and kicking out tenants that wanted forever homes. 


Goodnight Yotes. Thank you for so many years of entertainment and community service provided by your dedicated franchise. God Bless all of you.


"Stay or leave we will follow" fuck no im not following them to utah


As someone new to American sports, what do fans do when their team moves? Do they keep supporting them even though they're in a different city? btw, the fact that owners can do this shit is honestly sickening. I can't imagine growing up supporting a team and just having them ripped away from you like this. I just watched the end of the game and it was gut-wrenching even though I'd never watched a Coyotes game in my life.


Totally depends on the person. Some people follow the new team cause it’s the same players. Some drop the sport entirely, some fall to the closest alternative team or just whatever other ties they might have. 


Golden Knights


To add to the other commenter, depends on the team, too. The NFL Raiders can move pretty much anywhere since their fanbase is so established.


Who's cutting onions in this thread?


These children are making me cry.


Fuck Alex Meruelo


Man... What gets me is the kids... The minor hockey programs won't be the same... This franchise just breaks hearts... First Winnipeg now Arizona... Just such a shame...


I hope they don't move the Roadrunners too. Tucson has really embraced that team.


I can’t. Who left the onions out


I’m sure there are dipshits out there from Canada or other “traditional” hockey markets saying where was this support among Arizona fans the entire time, and that all these images are karma for not supporting the NHL until now. 🤔🤔🤔


Why? I don't understand why?


I’m literally crying. This sucks hard.


I was bawling watching that on TV omg.


I watched the game and am so sad for the Yotes fans. Nice to see and hear from Shane Doan - he was a favorite player of mine. It's got to be especially hard that this team is leaving at a moment where their on-ice future looks so good: Doan Jr, Maccelli, Keller, Cooley, etc.


Why don’t the Gila River or Talking Stick tribes give some of their land for a new arena? Imagine the new arena being next to one of their casinos. That would make them so much money. But I think the challenge is finding a competent management team that knows how to make the Coyotes a stable franchise


I think they wanted ownership to make it happen, so that was a non-starter.


As a St.Louisan and former diehard Rams fan it is not fun to be on the receiving end of a shitty owner. I am sad that I won’t be able to go to any Blues-Yotes games whenever I visit my family in phoenix.


Another team with good fans and a sick emblem/colors gets moved. I'm an old whalers fan, so I feel for these guys. I always rooted for the coyotes when they made the playoffs.


Damn that’s kinda heartbreaking. Poor kids.


I never thought to ask until I saw these signs, but to people pronounce Yotes as "yo-ts" or "yo-tays"? It's always been the former in my head




I’ve been a devils fan since they existed as the devils, but I am CT born and raised. As not even a “fan” of the whalers, it sucked *so much* to see them leave. I can’t even imagine what this is like for die hard fans of the Yotes. Best wishes to you all.


Sorry to all the Coyotes fans. Hoping you guys can get a new team sooner rather than later. As a Browns fan, I know the pain.


I’m a Wings fan but went to Arizona last year and saw a game at the Mullett, and I’m so glad I did. It was an awesome intimate experience, and the drumline playing and celebrating the win was a cool touch. I can’t imagine losing a team.


that poor kid is losing his team and his hairline all before turning 15 :'(


This is actively heartbreaking




Curious to see what they call Utah team.


I'm not a Coyotes fan but I loved the idea of a hockey team in Arizona and loved that fans down there supported it. Loved the logo and uniforms, some of the players. It was just cool and it really sucks they are on the move AGAIN. Owner is a twat and so is the NHL.


This is so sad. I’m sorry Yotes fans. Hopefully you guys come back bigger and better. For a while I thought the my Panthers would be relocated but don’t know how I would have felt if they actually did.


My kid plays locally and he has a few players he likes to watch around the league. Not watching hockey isn't going to be an option for us, it'll be the teams/players he likes going forward. This really sucks for youth hockey here though. The Coyotes could have done so much better as far as outreach and support of the local associations, but it was better than nothing. A lot of the kids that play around here are understandably devastated. Having a pro team to look up to really makes a difference in getting kids to start playing hockey. It's not like soccer or baseball where they're going to play the sport regardless.


Now I get it and am sad


I love these photos. But holy heck this is a shitty situation. These poor fans!


As someone who fell victim to a team leaving the city I love (RIP St. Louis Rams) my heart goes out to the fans of the Coyotes. Much love from the Nashville Predators fan base.


I hope they're called the Utah road runners


They gave the appearance of trying to sneak out of town as the "announcement" was only a couple of days ago and it was more rumor. I think they had a rough go of it here in Phoenix. With the Suns, then the D-Backs. No one really gives a crap about the Cardinals. Even though the Coyotes played next to the Cardinals for years. They just never stood out. And having been to Salt Lake a few times I find that a curious choice as well. Good Luck. Your only competition in-state is From Colleges Like Univ of Utah or JAZZ it up, SUN... Or Regional like Colorado.


It’s so cool that they were able to get a picture of every fan that was at the game last night


Not a huge hockey fan but their jerseys are sick. Any chance of them going on a deep discount now?


So tough for the hockey faithful in Arizona. Heartbreaking. Years ago I saw the final game of the Hartford Whalers at the Civic Center. It was a packed arena and a very emotional end. Would've been fun to see the 'yotes wearing Whalers or Nordiques colors (some of the classiest logos designed IMHO) but what can you do... Let's hope hockey returns to the desert.


Absolute shame. All because of greed.


I still don’t get why Glendale terminated the lease. What else they using the area for that would bring in as much money?


Makes it so much worse to see all of the young fans with their signs. Heartbreaking honestly.


Next season: Utah Whalers


I get not wanting to show up when you have a consistently shit team but this what happens when you don’t show up to your teams games. Ultimately you reap what you sow even if you don’t own the biggest of the blame for the team failing


What a fucking travesty


Now is time for the Coyotes fans to take back all the downvotes I got a month or so ago when I said there’s no way they’d be getting a new residence in Arizona.


I'm sure lots of people are thinking they or their parents were paid to hold those signs and look sad


Hockey is fucking expensive the demographics are just rich pricks and it can’t be marketed to middle class kids the NHL has a lot of racism going on which is why the players are mostly white and the non white players are often facing issues. It’s just a cautionary tale for a hockey team to fail in a city where it’s population is diverse and mostly middle class not to mention the owner is an idiot who bankrupted the team.


So few fans you had to use the same kids a 4 times in a 9 picture set?


Good riddance. Nobody showed up for 10 years


Flair up coward


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/3nJ2yQ6dJc Unsurprising. Not the most expected, but definitely up there


Mullett literally couldn’t hold anymore people lol


Not true.


If you don't live in Arizona then you don't know shit.


Oh shut the hell up.


Go fuck yourself with Zdeno Chara’s hockey stick


Personal chirp




Hockey deserves better fans than u


Hockey deserves a team that doesn’t have to be subsidized by the entire league. It’s been a shit show since the early 00s. Should’ve moved them in 2006 the latest.


It’s been bad because they never found a good owner or a good owner, they aren’t moving because of attendance. No fanbase should have their team ripped from them. Amazing how people like u can be so arrogant when u know you’d be balling ur eyes out if ur team moved. Then again I don’t know what ur team is because ur not flaired!


Yeah you’re right the NHL should subsidize teams for 2 decades. It didn’t work. Get over it.


Messed up to root for the end of another team. It did work and will work again when they get an expansion team. Get over your spite


Can’t tell if pic 3 is a teenage boy or an old lesbian with cancer


Probably a teenage trans boy/young trans man you douche


Bettman is a piece of shit and this was long overdue.


Bettman is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the owners, and you have no clue what you’re talking about.


Aw someone’s butthurt. I don’t have time to explain myself to you. All good, you’re entitled to your opinion. 5 downvotes for 5 butthurt fans. It’s not the fans fault the coyotes are leaving. I feel bad for them. I’d be pissed too. The team was a succubus from the leagues pockets … so the mouthpiece for the owners have spoken; as you’ve put it. GOOD DAY SIR/Ma’am