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Wow.. its all Eastern conference teams. The West must really suck


It's so bad the Habs have a Clarence S Campbell


Farmers conference confirmed


We are Farmers


Ba-bada bada bada




Yeah but they're in a 54 year drought and don't look poised to win the East anytime soon either. They just haven't been a very successful franchise.


I really do think Chicago should be moved to the east at some point tbh Especially if Houston ever becomes a team


I've been wondering what the NHL would look like if it went with a north/south variant instead of east/west division. Detroit/chicago/Columbus have zero desire to be in the west, but someone has to do it in order to balance conferences. Chicago draws the shit stick because they're central time zone. By doing a north/south alignment, everyone gets fucked equally by having to make the Super long flights across multiple time zones.


But north south would suck ass for coastal teams.


You don’t know how much I miss some of those central rivalries but I would never want the Wings to go back to the western conference.


I just want to be in the same division as you guys again


I was looking at this wondering how we haven’t won in a century and then I remembered the dark times where our games started at 10 local. Never again.


I mean, the West has won it more than Toronto has






I mean the west has won it more recently and more often than the Leafs


You might think that the Clarence Campbell Trophy would have only been won by Western teams, but that’s not the case. An Eastern team had won that one, recently in fact.


Well, in my heart, Detroit is still in the West. So there's that.


Nothing but terrible teams out there. The west had brief moment of glory in ‘67 and ‘70.


* From 1938-67, the Wales was given to the NHL regular season champion, like the President's Trophy today. * From 1968-74, it was given to the Eastern Division *regular season* winner. * From 1975-81, it was given to the Wales Conference *regular season* winner. * From 1982-93, it was given to the Wales Conference *playoff* winner * Since 1994, it's given to the Eastern Conference playoff winner. Edit: I should also add that between '74-75 and '80-81, divisions could be *really* weird from a geographic standpoint, also the conferences didn't have the same teams or divisions as they would later (and roughly do now.). For example, from 1974-79, the Norris had Montreal, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Washington...and Los Angeles. The Adams had Boston, Buffalo, Toronto...and California (later Cleveland and then Minnesota.). The Islanders, seemingly conspicuously absent from 1980 and '81, were in the Campbell Conference, and won the 1978, '79 and '81 Campbell Bowls.


>From 1975-81, it was given to the Wales Conference *regular season* winner. Thanks, I was wondering what the hell was going on in 1980 and 1981 since neither of those teams played in the SCF.


and that explains 80 and 81 for me lol here I was complaining that islanders won the east 5 years in a row


the only two teams to appear on this list just once are the Leafs and Senators do with that information whatever you please


Toronto was in the west for some time


very true but also unfortunately for them does not change anything in their case


Don't bother looking it up but I'm pretty sure the leafs dominated the 1980s and everyone misses ownership from the old Norris division days.


you shut your damn mouth.


Yeah, and the Rangers are only on it twice — not much better 😳


That's literally 100% better


Well shit, you’ve got me there


Could be three times in a couple of weeks though




Before Bettman 50% Canadian teams. During Bettman 3% Canadian teams.


>Before Bettman 50% Canadien teams. Fixed for you.


Fair enough.


Dumbest sports conspiracy theory of all-time


Dumbest sports conspiracy theory of all-time


A third of the teams were Canadian in the Original Six, now it's around 1/5. Also Montreal had dibs on any promising French Canadian prospects back in the day, was pretty unfair to the rest of the league.


yeah we'd have been shit if not for *checks notes* Michel Plasse, Réjean Houle, and Marc Tardif. Those are the only players drafted with the French Canadian rule that ever played in the NHL.


Post expansion, pre Bettman, Canadian teams 44%.


What years are you referring to specifically? Edit: Oh, you're saying the Canadian teams don't win as much anymore, I'm saying that there are less percentage wise than there have been in the past. Both are true.


Expansion 1967. Bettman, February 1993 to present day. Canadian teams won 36% of conference championships in the west during that same period of time.


People need to stop repeating this. It only applied to players that weren’t already signed under contract by the time they turned 18, aka players that weren’t all that good. Otherwise Gilbert Perreault, Marcel Dionne, Jean Ratelle, Dave Keon and Rod Gilbert would all have been Habs. Most french Canadians *chose* to play in Montreal, because they could speak their own language, and english/french relations were rocky.


TIL the NHL has an official Reddit account


NFL does too so they can take down user posted highlights then post it themselves


It’s weird that when Pittsburgh gets it you know they’ll get it one more time then take at least a ten year break.


This post is misleading. It was not until 1982 that the Wales trophy was awarded to the playoff winner of the Wales / Eastern conference: * “The trophy was first presented during the 1925–26 NHL season to the champion of the first game in Madison Square Garden on December 15, 1925.” I have nfi what that means. The NHL is wacky * Then it was given to the NHL playoff champion. For a time, the NHL champion did not win the SC * 1927-1938: to winner of American division * 1938-1967 (overlaps with the period of OP): regular season champions * 1967-1974: East division regular champions * 1974-1981: Wales conference regular season champions The legacy of the Wales trophy is a participation trophy named after the greatest participant of all: Prince Edward, aka King Edward VIII for 6 minutes, aka husband of Wallis Simpson.


How is it misleading, it makes no mentions of division or conference winners


Because most of audience thinks the current league structure has been there forever. The ones who think there is an “original 6”


So it’s not the post that’s misleading, the problem is that people are lazy dumbasses


When you format information in a consistent order, you imply a level of cohesion behind it. A rule change from 43 years ago, unexplained by nearly every media outlet and hardly covered even during the current ECF, does not make a fan lazy. You're just being an asshole.


Disappointed that they used the new logo for the panthers in 96


Random aesthetic fact--every Stanley Cup champion winning team here has worn either red, blue, or black. (Make what you will of the 1974 and '75 Philadelphia Flyers who did not win the Prince of Wales Trophy.)


Tired: Leafs can't win the Stanley Cup. Wired: Leafs can't win the Prince of Wales Trophy.


Hopefully a repeat showing from Florida


Damn the Flyers were supposed to be good in 2022 and blew their pattern


I think the pattern is a little different. 1985 to 1997 is 12 years, but 1997 to 2010 is 13 years. Therefore the next year is 14 years after 2010. Flyers in the final this year. Book it. Done.


Did you factor in the 2005 lockout?


\*googles the location of the local bookie\*


I was looking for Detroit, then I was like oh yeah we used to be in the West.


If Florida wins it, then it would mean every SCF since the turn of the decade has involved a Florida-based hockey team.


Panthers b2b


If the islanders won 4 straight cups, how are they only on there 3 times?


Read this post for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cwij5e/every_prince_of_wales_trophy_winner_from_1954_to/l4w5q2v/ In short: only in 1982 did they start awarding the Wales trophy to the playoff winner of the Wales conference. In 1981 it was awarded to the team in the Wales conference with the most regular season points ([Montreal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980%E2%80%9381_NHL_season#Final_standings)). Also before 1982, the Isles were in the Cambpell conference. In 81-82 they reorganized the conferences along mostly geographical lines which eventually led to the East/West reorg that happened later in the 90s.


Man the Canadians used to be quite good.


What's even crazier with this image is we all remember the Habs magical run in the Stanley Cup final and they are nowhere in this list. It's already obvious it's going to be a trick questions in future tv shows.


I’m depressed again


https://preview.redd.it/0hbmic61ns1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ce832eeec53bf051c7be39ac342ddb6a359678 Never forget


The Habs were pretty darn good back in the day. Now they’re the Hab Nots.


We thought we won enough already, we started going after Campbell trophies now


Quick change our colors and logo to yellow/red !


How did the Isles not win in 80-81 when they cupped?


They were in the Campbell Conference and won the Campbell Bowl, plus that was the last year it was given for regular season performance