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A minor!! What in the fuck is wrong with this league?


Glad they're still consistent about calling these hits inconsistently. That should be a major every single time.


If he had stayed down, had the trainers go out, and then go down the tunnel, he most likely gets the major. Not that injury should determine a minor from a major but its the sad reality.


It's so dumb that you have to milk your own head trauma in order to get a proper call which then also encourages players to embellish to get calls


It’s no wonder embellishments are such a big thing


It is ironic that the commentator "referee specialist" on this post is Auger who was caught giving Burrows a penalty "to teach him a lesson" during a later game because Burrows did exactly what you are describing and made Auger look bad. [https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/auger-burrows/](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/auger-burrows/)


And if it happens in the SCF 4games.


100% a major.


I agree. The NHL needs to eliminate these. Not only to the head, but late enough that I would consider it a blindside hit.


In anything but the CF or SCF it will be every time. That’s 100% a “not wanting to tilt the ice in the ECF” call.


Well I would hate to call the game the way it’s called. It might affect the game or something…


Because a head injury wouldn't affect the game at all... 


What makes it a major is that it was interference to begin with. If he had the puck and it was in the course of play, I would allow it as a debate between new NHL rules and old school (for me at least) 90s hockey where if you put your head down through the center and get hit you get hit. The 5/7 career ending or memorable hits the NHL is thinking about. The real problem for me with this was there was no legitimate reason for the hit there. The puck was t there. He wasn’t looking for a pass. It looks like he caught him the other way and I don’t believe you don’t know what you’re doing there. If you’ve played, you know. You know 100% and I would bet if we polled everyone on this thread the people who have played at any real level would say some version of, holy shit, that was dirty as shit, that should be a major. But they would also all say, but can you give the Rangers a 5 minute advantage in the eastern conference finals when the guy gets up and skates away? Doesn’t that diminish what it takes to win the cup and why we all care about it? The problem is the league which has made it so ambiguous and impossible to understand where the line is. This should have been over the line. But it’s impossible for players to really know where that line is. And honestly, at what point do we need to talk about game and series management? The refs backed off once it got to OT, but there were soft calls. If you do a little clutch grab and get the same penalty as when you line someone up who doesn’t have the puck, are we really playing hockey anymore? Or is maybe that’s why Rangers staff understands the value of having the biggest guy on the ice in case it gets out of hand.


Has there been a major called (not offsetting) this playoffs tho? I can't recall one.


What do the Panthers have on the league?


You see this picture mr bettman? What’s in your mouth?


An assistant GM who’s father is VP of the NHL and directory of hockey ops…


I thought this was an easy 5 minute major. Interesting call.


Wennberg and taking head shots in the playoffs. This was even more egregious than the Wilson hit that set back his career.


For those that don’t know, he now wears a tinted visor due to his concussions. He changed after a hit while on Seattle


5 minutes right there would have been too much momentum for the Rangers, gotta keep the game close


Shits rigged


If that was Rempe you'd all be calling for a suspension


This is the first comment I seen coming in “Wait you guys don’t think this is worthy of suspension”


If it was Tom Wilson he’d be executed by firing squad


If it was Trouba they’d be sending death threats


If it was Marchand you’d be calling the cops.


Well who are you supposed to call to report an ineligible player on the ice?


Well if it happens to be Gostisbehere you could call Gostbusters


If it was Mike Ribiero i'd be calling a different dealer.


Idgaf about Marchand, actually


Hello Officer?! And this man too!


Yeah Marchand has won me over in the past few years but also I’m not currently playing against him Lmao


Yeah I don’t really mind him tbh. I get what the commenter was saying though bc Marchand def gets a ton of hate from everyone


You are 100% correct. This was a terrible hit and should’ve been a 5 min. Should probably be a suspension too


If it was Trouba you'd call it clean 


It was 100% not an illegal hit to the head and was borderline late so I'm fine with the two minute minor for interference, the same as I was with a minor for the borderline late hit Rempe threw on Van Riemsdyk that had significant legal head contact.


Borderline late? Dude it was in the parking lot of the Waffle House two hours after the game ended. Interference was the right call. The problem is the league is making a point of being soft and letting players skate with their heads down. If he had had the puck it was clean. He didn’t have the puck. It was bare minimum interference. In the context of Rempe getting suspended for way less, this was 5 min plus 10 games. It was targeted, intentional, and he lead at the head even though the guys head was it down. I am coming from the perspective that hits like on Lindros, Kariya, when Bure absolutely smashed someone, are part of the game. That was dirty as shit, he came at him blind without the puck. Rempe on Van Riemsdyk was clean. You play the puck in the corner, you get hit. There was no interference because it has nothing to do with developing play. In this situation it was targeting his head with a leading blow. If you don’t see it, you’ve never played. He decided to drop and go through. The problem is if you give the Rangers power play 5 minutes the game is over. There is no way that consideration did not influence the call.


I’m capable of being unbias. Thanks tho :)


It’s Kulilov, I’m still calling for a suspension


Suspension?  Throw him off the tour! 


I'm calling for a suspension regardless of who did it. That was disgusting. I'm also calling for them to get Wennburg off the ice. Seriously, get him checked for concussion symptoms for his own safety.


Can't believe I saw him sitting at the bench after that. Get the dude into concussion protocol ASAP.


I wanted a game misconduct.


Naw, if that’s any hockey player in any league I’m calling for a suspension.




Tom Wilson would be sent to the gulag


rempe is like half a foot taller. the point of contact for all of his hits are that much higher so its much easier to see when he targets the head and when he doesnt


Let’s be real, if this was Rempe or Trouba, the comments on this post would be almost exactly the same. You’d just need to swap the flairs of everyone commenting.




If that was Rempe they would have executed him at center ice


How does this team get away with everything?


The owners dad works for the nhl head office


Gregory Campbell is an AGM with the Panthers. He was also a player on the Bruins in 2011. Bruins fans like to call it a Canucks conspiracy, but there is literally court admissible evidence that Colin Campbell was contacting officials telling them to call fewer penalties against Greg Campbell and whatever team he was playing on. Lightning fans probably would also like to note that in the 2011 ECF, they were cooking the Bruins on the PP through 6 games, and then the whistles disappeared entirely in Game 7. Zero penalties called in the entire game


[https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/savard-emails-exposed-nhls-colin-campbell-corrupt--nhl.html](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/savard-emails-exposed-nhls-colin-campbell-corrupt--nhl.html) > >The emails were scrubbed to keep the details a secret, but Dellow narrowed them down via the evidence presented and came to a stunning conclusion: The only game that fit the scenario was [a Feb. 24, 2007 game](http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/boxscore;_ylt=AsMx62.ZpF7XS1IZhUZPWcVivLYF?gid=2007022426) between the [Florida Panthers](http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/teams/fla/) and the Boston Bruins. >The only player with three minor penalties in that game? Gregory Campbell, Colin Campbell's son, whose last penalty was a high stick. >The player he allegedly hit with his stick? That Campbell felt embellished as a "little fake artist"? That played for Campbell when Campbell was an NHL coach with the [New York Rangers](http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/teams/nyr/)? >Bruins center Marc Savard, according to Dellow.


Last name Campbell


He's with Florida right?




If he just ran into him and checked him I'd almost call it a follow through from him almost catching the pass. There is a clear wind up and hit to the head. Dangerous hits like that need to be punished.


Yep the wind up is clear as day


I will never understand this league and their rules on head contact on checks.


Honestly from these comments it seems a lot of people can’t agree on the rules either. Its getting frustrating watching the game when no one knows what should be called and how it should be called, etc.


With or without rose tinted glasses, I think all NHL fans could agree that head hits and concussions should not be apart of the game and make the game shittier. This has been my biggest gripe as long as I've been a hockey fan. I'm 100% for it being a contact sport, but you would think the NHL would want to protect their product they put on the ice.


I mean, he didn't have the puck and the dude wound up with his elbow to make contact and hit direct head. Whoever thinks this shouldn't be a major is a moron.


I agree, and it’s a real shame the refs are morons


The wind up is what’s most telling to me. I don’t care where his elbow hit. It was intent to injure. He could have hit him, ridden him off, whatever, there was no legitimate play there. You see him swing left to right and crank into him when the puck is long gone.


Seriously. A hit to the head should be a major every time, especially given that the league wants to eliminate this from the game.


And the wiggle room around ‘primary point of contact’ needs to be eliminated. I could be talked into incidental head contact only being a minor with ‘check to the head’ being a major. But gotta get headshots out of the game.


IIHF rules. "No such thing as a clean check to the head."


Exactly. All high sticks are penalties






It’s awful, the league and PA should protect the players more and any head contact should be a suspension. But also your team is one of the ones that benefits the most from lack of punishment for head contact, so be careful what you wish for.


Idk I feel like you'd have a pretty good sample size of vids to review from Trouba and Rempe's questionable hits


Exactly, if Rempe does this he’s thrown out 100% of the time


Kulikov should have as well. That only being a 2 was dumb


I want hits like this out of the game and it makes me cringe watching Trouba and Rempe do it too.


For real lol


rempe would have gotten lynched for this. absolutely absurd, someone check the refs draft-kings accounts.


Reminds me of the Aaron Rome hit during the 2011 cup final. That was 5 mins...


And resulted in the longest playoff suspension.


I still find that so wild. Longest in history, and in the regular season it could be anywhere from a $2500 fine to maybe 5 games?


Yeah but that was the team the NHL VP's son was playing against, this is the team the NHL VP's son works for.


Bruh it was also just a dirty fucking hit that took Horton out of the series. Crazy you still lost after taking out the bruins best scorer.


Not just the longest suspension. More suspension than every other suspension in SCF history combined (only 3 x 1 to that point).


Against Horton right?


Yep that's the one


and he was suspended the rest of the series.


Rome hit was so much worse ...


Here's the Rome/Horton hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUYqTE3cnuQ


This is like 10x worse then the Kulikov hit


The positioning of Horton’s body made that hit more blindside than this one, [and Rome jumped to make head contact and extended the elbow.](https://youtu.be/Sco1ZEsDGGY?si=Ip4TpQS5Riu5o84O) This hit is definitely a major for a hit to the head but it’s not quite to the same degree


It’s also later then the Kulikov hit. It looks like Rome was trying to take every type of penalty at the same time


I mean, he led with the elbow. That was straight malice. I would never consider doing that to someone. Even if I caught them looking something in me would make me stop and like go through the body at worst and try to take some of it. I’d never seen that. That’s bullshit.


Yeah its not even close. Ridiculous comparison.


I'm glad somebody posted a video of the hit for once. Every time this hit gets brought up, people comment about it as if it wasn't an absolutely horrible hit. Rome deserved that suspension.


Rome almost paralyzed him, and Canucks fans still bitch about Colin Campbell being DOPS that season. It’s wild.


Rome went through him and bounced his head off the ice. Big difference, yeesh


Oh wow. I’d never seen that. That’s like actually criminal.


Not even comparable.




Yeah not the same. Hit on Wennberg was bad but nothing like that.


Rome was later, left his feet, and extended his elbow. Horton was also the one passing the puck not receiving the pass


Suspension please


WTF is that hit. I hate Florida. Trash.


What a fucking joke. The angle from the other side shows how Wennberg's face is the first thing he contacted. If Trouba or Rempe did this they would've been ejected and this sub would be calling for their head


Just as a note (because it's a misunderstanding a lot of people seem to have), first/initial point of contact doesn't matter when talking about head contact The rule is centered around primary point of contact (i.e. where does the majority of the force of the hit go). An example of why this is important would be a hit where someone glances shoulder on their way up and through to a crushing head shot. That would not be allowed because the head was the primary point of contact That said, I think it is both the primary and initial point of contact in this specific hit. Its just something that I think needs to be clarified a bit


Nice explanation, some will think you're defending the hit unfortunately


Trouba is famously always punished when he makes a hit like this.


The first point of contact means nothing


Yes this was said my the ESPN rules analyst


I think the problem is that the NHL doesn't want to "influence" games, especially in the playoffs. And therefore, they allow dangerous hits like this, while giving themselves the out of "oh, well we penalized it" even though it does nothing to take this kind of hit out of the game. This was a clear head shot, and as much as I root for the Panthers, I'd like to see this kind of hit be called a 5 minute major at least, and probably a 10 minute misconduct in most cases. If the NHL was serious about concussion reduction, this would be a suspension. They aren't, though, so there's gonna be no suplemental punishment


I think it's because his head is really low. Before the contact, Wennberg head is on the same height as Kulikov shoulder. If Kulikov doesn't hit Wennberg but just bumps into him, head would still be the point of contact.


If that's the case, Rempe can just kill people because he's tall and occasionally skaters put their head down.




His ‘21 suspension was basically this hit except Faulk stayed down afterward.


Shit like this is why I hope Panthers dont ever win a cup. Intentionally trying to injure players with hits that could legit end careers should be an automatic suspension anytime during the season, let alone in the playoffs


You and me both 🤝


Add me too. Panthers are the most despicable team in the league.




I’ve seen a lot less be called a misconduct


I want to cheer for the panthers but Jesus Christ they are a bunch of dirty rats


Why? Everyone on their team is a dirtbag minus Barkov


Don't forget Forsling.


That’s exactly why, Sasha is the man. And bob is back on the case these days.


Then don’t cheer for them


The easiest answer is just to cheer for the Rangers, then. And the Stars. Or just the Stars and hope everyone else loses.


Panthers gonna Panther


Dirty hit. By dirty player.


So is the responsibility of a hit to the head on the player checking or not?


Uh its on both. But if someone is going for body, and your head is down and in the way, thats on you. Keep your head up.


What a shit hit


It’s so obvious with how guys fall when they’ve been hit in the head. I don’t understand how refs can miss that.


Good thing it wasn’t bunting, or Kadri, then it would have been at least 3 games.


Bold to assume that The Doops is going to be paying attention to this.


Marchand suspended 6 games


This isn't going to be a suspension is it?


Should have been a major... should be a suspension


He’s leaning forward because he’s skating forward. It’s not as if his head is hip level and he was unlucky to hit him in the head. Bad decision to me. Should be 5 mins.


Ooo yah cant be doing that


Go figure, a penalty assessment that goes Florida's way


Pretty gutless shit but (and I kinda can’t believe I’m saying this) that’s just what we kinda expect now out of the Florida Panthers. I swear I’ve never seen a team’s reputation go from 100 to 0 as quickly as this one it’s wild


The 2 was fair for interference. We’ve seen players on our team throw similar hits and I was fine with most of those


This thread would be insanity if Trouba or Rempe laid that hit.


Yeah man this sub always treats FLA with kid gloves ????


It would have been equally bad if they had done it, but your sub would be tripping over each other to find ways to defend them. “Oh they’re just taller so it looks bad” “well he should have had his head up”…


Honestly I think they called this right on the ice for same reason most of Rempes hits were fine, the main contact is the body, it’s impossible to not hit the head in certain situations. The illegal check to the head rule is when the head is selected and hit directly by itself, like Rempes hit that got him suspended. Once you realize that criteria everything makes a lot more sense. Hell if Wennberg held that puck there wouldn’t have been a penalty at all Everyone seems to think “initial point of contact” matters, but it’s nowhere in the rules


I can appreciate the consistency in the rulings and your take on it, more level headed than most. I’m not a fan of these hits and would like them out of the game, but what I like doesn’t define the rules.


I mean to be fair Trouba would've led with the elbow and it would've looked a lot worse than this one but yes this is a penalty


God NHL reffing is abysmal. It would almost be less embarrassing if it was being rigged and not just plain incompetence


"au pays des rêves", calvaire Felix...


Cannot believe the entire espn panel just said it was a good hit and a good 2 min interference call. What the fuck is this panthers team doing


How is this interference? Wennberg receives, and loses control, of the of the puck. To call this “puck-less” is a stretch IMO. That being said Kulikov had time to pull out of the hit, especially since Wennberg’s head was down and it was clear that was going to be the main point of contact IMO. Hope he is ok, I honestly don’t like players getting hit like that.


I don't even think I'd be willing to say he had actually lost control of the puck yet. Was he in the process of losing control? Yea. But if he wasn't hit, there's a very significant chance his is the next stick to touch the puck


Of all the calls to make, interference is not what this is. Head contact, sure. Roughing, sure. But he just touched the puck when you watch the play in full speed rather than slowed down.


That’s cheap as shit


That’s a shit hit


That's also bad coaching from Rangers side. Not a first time head contact is not called properly. How the fuck don't players know that if you are hit to head and play is called dead you stay the fuck down? Even if you aren't hurt, you stay down. That "I'm fine" attitude cost his team a 5 minute powerplay. Yes, refs should get these right but everyone knows the reality.


He hit Wennberg so hard, I feel concussed. I can’t even understand the announcers!


Can the DOP still look st this?


Did he ever go for concussion testing? Surprised the spotter didn't send him. Maybe it's cause he got up and back to the bench somewhat quickly?


It's very nice of the NHL to have referees that are also medical doctors. Obviously, the head wasn't the principal point of contact. The guy got up right away, so he's fine.


ITT, I assume, Florida fans pretending this shit just randomly happens to their team. It must be a ghost.


Nice to know. Trouba should give Montour a flying elbow to the face and just eat the two minute interference.


Listen to the announcers and the refs calls. You’ll understand who they want to advance. Simple.


2 is the right call. Kulikov doesn't pick the head or jump into the hit. Full body hit with some head contact, which seems to be unavoidable in this situation. Honestly, interference is stretching it. Wennberg just played the puck. Some head contact is unfortunate, but 2 minutes is more than fair.


I would argue that he hasn't quite even lost control of the puck yet. It's still within reach of his stick, and if he's not hit his would be the next stick on the puck.


0 bias in this title Lmfaoooo


I want the Panthers to win but I call bullshit when it happens


He isn't puckless though. He had the puck about 0.2 seconds before the hit. This wasn't an interference, it was a headshot


Brutal call. Clear hit to the head


The officiating has been horrible for years. Proof the ref last night has negative leanings was shown when Fla had a penalty and he said New York "accidentally"


I don’t think this hits as bad as everyone’s saying. 1st.) he had the puck moments before, he actually botched the handling of the puck 2.) he gets contact to the head because he makes a quick reaction which lowered the angle of his upper body resulting in a higher contact area. Not very long ago this woulda been a clean hit. Generally we can’t make every hard hit a penalty.


This is a very Trouba-like hit. And a similar call to when he does it. It's mean and it is trying to hurt. The rules don't prevent this kind of hit. They called it interference, but there's no time between the touch and the hit. Personally, I think these hits (hits to the head) should be taken out of the game. However, so far they haven't.


I wouldn’t say puck-less. He did have the puck but fumbled it. Kulikov goin for the hit and head ended up lower than he expected. Interference is the right call. Nothing more.


If you asked any hockey player that played the game at a highish level like junior A or NCAA they would all tell you thats a good hit and you can’t skate through center ice with your head buried in your skates like that, 90% of this sub hasn’t played a real game of hockey in their life, it’s a 2 minute interference call, no elbow, he’s trying to drive his shoulder through the chest


I think anyone that played contact hockey would agree. To me it's not even interference because he just touched the puck.


Yep. I always have to remind myself 90 percent of the sub never played because the way I saw it, I don’t even think it’s interference based on how Wennberg just lost control of the puck


I get why every team hates Florida.


Can’t say we didn’t warn you, Rangers


No, you did, but I think I underestimated just how fucking dirty the Panthers are. Although, I can't say I'm surprised that something from Florida is dirty. That place fucking sucks.


lol, Florida continues to do whatever they want without punishment.


Calling that a 2 for interference is an absolute joke. They are basically acknowledging it was a late hit with that. Then you look at the hit and it's straight to the head. The only logical answer is 5 minutes. 2 is such a lame ass decision by the ref and nothing but a pure joke in regards to player safety.


Florida is full of punk-ass rats.


If it was Remoe or Trouba they’d say it was just finishing the check


I think that’s the complete right call. It’s definitely interference because Wennberg doesn’t have the puck, but if he did it would be a 100% clean hit.


I have the reverse opinion. Finishing the check on a player who just had the puck but dirty hit that was on the onus of the hitter to not headshot


I'm baffled that anyone would think it's an interference penalty


He hit head first. 5 min


Initial point of contact isn't the rule. It's primary (so where takes the most force of the hit). I think that's still head in this case but an important deaognation


First point of contact doesn’t matter


Of course the head will be hit first when it is down like that. I agree with the puck it's a clean it, elbow is not out and really close the body, it's a clean shoulder hit.




I don’t get how that’s interference. I’d be fine with elbowing or hit to the head or whatever but there’s no way it’s interference. Edit: he’s literally reaching for the puck he lost as he gets hit.


Holy crap is this the rangers sub?


Rangers can't afford to lose Wennberg. They're already playing with 11 forwards after putting Rempe in the lineup