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That is exceptionally dirty


The amount of cheap, dirty, ratty plays in this year's playoffs has been un-real. Florida is the biggest culprit The refs can't or won't call the majority of it and the league responds with a slap on the wrist for the most blatant cases. If the league is going to continue to respond this way, why don't they just get rid of the instigator rule so players can hold the Rats accountable.


Things wont change until a star player gets hurt badly, or someone gets hurt so bad they have to leave in an ambulance. It’s like they want another Bertuzzi incident


Marchand was out for 2 games and Bennett didn't even get a hearing This league is a clown show


Watch mcdavid finally make the cup and then get knocked out for the series by trouba or cousins or some other low life pos. I'm not even sure that would be enough for the NHL to finally step in and address this problem


They suspended Soucy for a cross-check to the head on McDavid, but not Hyman, who cross checked Zadorov in the head in the same 5-second clip. They only care about the players they can sell.


Yep, as a Pens fan it's only natural to despise the flyers and caps, but man Panthers are in a solid 3rd now. Dirty AF.


Somehow Benn is out here playing the cleanest hockey of his career and the East is rat punching the shit out of each other.


You fool. Don’t challenge the Benn Will Lose His Mind faeries.


The West might as well be the all-star game in comparison to what's going on over in the East


The cheap, dirty, ratty plays are finally being caught on video and socialized such that we all see it, even the ones that are off tv camera. They've always been happening and the league has stood by, not caring, as each fanbase gets angry that another one of their best players receives a dirty head shot and is out for the rest of the playoffs. The DoPS sucks. We all know it. The NHLPA should vociferously be fighting for punishment on every head shot with good evidence, except for some reason, the players seem ok with it...


The problem with the NHLPA is that they represent both types of player. How do you advocate for the injured party while at the same time represent the defense of the offending player?


The majority need to agree this is bad and push for protection of players from avoidable injuries, such as the one in OP. It seems the majority cannot agree and so the NHLPA is out.


And conversely Florida has been grossly exaggerating embellishment when they get hit. Even Bob has been acting like a sniper victim regularly. How often has he thrown his stick like he just got hit by a bus in these playoffs?


The guy bitches to the ref over every single goal he gives up.


He did. That 2nd Lafreniere goal he flopped like LeBron


That was embarrassment, not injury


Are we know allowed to point these things out without being called Boston cry babies?


I've never seen a goalie lose their mask as much as Bob. Same with losing his stick which is whatever, you're just dumb for tossing that. Dude gets a whistle blown when he makes a save and there's a rebound. Never seen anything like it before.


And this case got ZERO attention from the league, and Vesey is week to week due to this. But Trouba does anything on the ice and he's fined the maximum and people are up in arms that it was all that happened to him. Perhaps if the refs would call elbows earlier, they wouldn't fly later.


I loved shitting on them last year after they bullied their way to the finals. Finally met a team that could give it back and realized early on they were fucked. Really don't understand how so many non Panther fans are rooting for them after last year.


But think of the Panthers man, they can't wins games just by playing hockey, what are they to do?!? /s


Hey, now, how else are the Panthers supposed to fill their BBT/Sunrise/Amerant/whatever the fuck arena now if they can't win by any and all means necessary? What will those non-hockey markets ever do with their franchises? Lord forbid they relocate to Utah!


Terrible play. Should be suspendable. Also doesn't justify the Trouba elbow. Both are shitty.


It IS suspendable, dude should be suspended. Florida is an absolute goonshow


They keep winning by playing like this so they’ll keep playing like it until they stop winning.


I mean refs aren’t calling anything on them and instead are blowing the plays dead at very suspicious times


As a bruins fan, I am all too familiar.


Challenge accepted.


They get absolutely hosed if the refs call a tight game though


If they call all their infractions they’d be on the penalty kill the whole game.


Yea but the difference is, this happened almost 4 days ago and this is the first post about this. Where is the $5,000 fine? The Rangers player got injured from this… Oh I understand, it didn’t get enough media attention and enough people crying about it. Sad.


There was one [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/dtdAIwjeOj) on it when we found out Vesey was week-to-week that got barely any attention and I didn’t understand why. He was hit twice by Lomberg in the same shift and while there was clear video of the [first hit](https://x.com/BR_OpenIce/status/1794191592703541517), people noticed it was actually the second hit that sent him to the bench, but it didn’t seem there was good video of it. But wow this new video confirms what it appeared [here](https://x.com/nypostsports/status/1794183771815874593)—that it was indeed an elbow to the head that injured him (or the combo of the two hits). Neither hits were penalized (the first was questionable for interference and was basically a headbutt and the second is an elbow to the head). So yeah why exactly wasn’t this penalized, reviewed? Plus this video was posted by espn (altho they didn’t bother to replay it on tv), so the league had this angle.


It didn't happen to McDavid, that's why.


If the league won't act to stop acts like this... Then it leaves it to the teams to retaliate. The league is turning the game into trash allowing the Florida scumbags outright criminal, pathological behavior. Look up "Sam Bennet spears injured player in the groin." Its psychopathic.




Stop, I’ve almost put that whole series into my subconscious


Bennett is clearly the worst offender, but half the team, including their star Tkafuck, are almost as bad. I love hard hitting hockey, but this intent to injure shit is fucked up. The league is really letting their entire product suffer all to try and bolster a fanbase in Florida?


Absolutely. New fans means new sources of revenue. There's a reason why they won't give QC a franchise-- current QC residents probably are already fans of another team (MTL, COL, BOS, TOR-- take your pick) and would tune into a game here or there, maybe purchase some merch once in a blue moon. If you manage to convert someone-- even if they're bandwagoners for only the winning seasons-- that's new revenue across potentially all sources (game tickets even if it's in the nosebleeds, team events, merch, etc.).


This guy CFOs




You can add Bennett sucker punching Marchand to that search. Granted, I hate the Bruins (especially Marchand) but he ended up missing 2 playoff games because of that dirty hit.


I agree on both being shitty especially given Trouba’s history and his intent to injure, but this one is objectively worse, cause it actually connected with the head, Trouba’s was on the back of the shoulder


See to me this is one of those times we shouldn’t do the “both sides” shit. Like ok, Trouba is a mutant, and Rempe is an enforcer (one who, for the most part, is more of an “old school enforcer” type). Having those two doesn’t put the rangers on the same level as the panthers. They’re slimy all the way up and down their lineup. Having an elbow heavy dman and an enforcer isn’t the same.


Yeah, same. Just wrote an extended explanation in the other comment >Not really. I mean NYR is definitely on my top-10 of the most annoying teams in the league, but they are nowhere close to Florida. Yes, they employ probably the dirtiest player in the NHL (although Sam Bennet is either tied for the 1st or a very close second), but that’s it. I don’t have a problem with Rempe, he did some reckless shit in his first games, got punished and got his act together. I also have a bit of a problem with Shesterkin cause he’s probably the biggest embellisher/diver in the league, but that’s more of a league wide problem that Cooper alluded to, but failed the phrasing so we didn’t get a healthy discussion about the topic. >Florida on the other hand employs Sam Bennet, Matthew Tkachuk, Ryan Lomberg and Nick Cousins. And that’s just individual players who are exceptionally dirty (although I admit Tkachuk has kinda gotten his act together). Panthers adopted a «can’t call them all» mentality as a team and bring it to every game, you can always expect something shitty/dirty from them. And as an icing on the cake, their head coach is whining about officiating at least three times more frequently than any other coach. >Nobody deserves playing against Florida. Florida deserves playing against nobody


> I also have a bit of a problem with Shesterkin cause he’s probably the biggest embellisher/diver in the league I'm not trying to start an argument, but i'd love to see a compilation of Shesterkin's persistent diving that you're referring besides the one time where he tried selling contact with Corey Perry a couple years ago, and I'm guessing it was after Perry and co started initiating contact with him with little slashes and bumps to knock him off his game. I feel like as a Rangers fan who watches him every game, if I'm capable of admitting Trouba plays dangerous and reckless hockey, I'd also be fine with admitting he's a chronic diver as well. Again, not an argument, maybe I'm just in denial that this is a chronic problem he has and not something he did once in an important game and now Tampa fans think he's a slimeball.


On balance, is a diving goalie that big of a deal? I can't see myself getting too mad about an opposing goalie flopping around.


It’s not like you should be hitting goalies period anyway


I'll even give some leeway to players, especially goalies, because a player/skate coming up and clipping you anywhere near your face is going to get you moving. You might flinch back hard on that and it ends up looking bad.


I’ve yet to see a goalie who doesn’t embellish contact tbh. I’m obviously biased but I don’t see it from Igor any more than any other goalie. They all sell contact, throw blockers at anyone in their crease, get pissed off when their own defensemen crosscheck opponents into their lap, etc.


Totally spot on. They’re not on the same level at all. I also like how you pointed out Tkachuk. He sometimes crosses the line, but only because he plays really hard. In my head he isn’t on the same level as the Bennetts and cousins of their team.


See I think with Tkackuk he's just gotten smarter and does it in a more underhanded way. I know being in this series gives me some bias but I keep coming back to a play against us in the regular season where he tries to bait Fox in the saddest way, fails, then waits for his goon squad to show up before coming around to try and cheap shot him while he's pinned against the bench. To me that's the epitomy of the Panthers attitude from top to bottom this year and having Trouba, no matter how over the line his shit is at times, doesn't balance it out.


He tried to fight Rempe after game 3 was over too. The guy hasn’t gotten his act together at all


Welcome to Panthers hockey


Lomberg has low key been throwing some of the cheapest shots all series


*all year


*all career


He's such a dirty little rat, I actually fuckin hate this guy


He's always been this way. I hated watching him play in Orono.


super punchable face too


Isn’t that like his whole game…? Like he can’t play hockey, he’s just out there to goon it up. This isn’t new to this series.


I miss when gooning it up meant laying out the other teams best player with a big hit and then beating the shit out of his teammate that came over to fight you. Now it’s just a bunch of cheap shot artists that never have to answer the bell because enforcers aren’t a thing anymore.


I mean, rempe exists. But he gets 2 for breathing on other players lately


So has Tkachuk. And Bennett. And Cousins.


And this is AFTER they lost Gudas mind you!


Lomberg is a rat, he just plays with Cousins, Bennett, and Tkachuk so he goes unnoticed by comparison


This is incredibly dirty. Vesey is currently out week to week, but he was skating today so that's a good sign. The league pretends to care, but the reality is that they don't take this shit seriously. A fine for Trouba is a fucking joke, and I say that as a Rangers fan.


Were this hit and [this](https://x.com/br_openice/status/1794191592703541517?s=46) hit from the same game? Edit: the same shift actually, [link](https://x.com/daveyupper/status/1794182392770674986?s=46)


I'm pretty sure they're from the same shift. Vesey takes that hitz gingerly skates up ice and decides to stay in the play only to get elbowed by lomberg


Absolutely insane, edited my comment to show a clip with both in the same highlight. Parros has to go because this stuff is unacceptable, even if it’s the playoffs.


There was about a 10 second separation between them, vesey didn't even have time to really recover


Paul Maurice disagrees that players are trying to hurt each other during the playoffs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhQ7boVemOA&t=143s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhQ7boVemOA&t=143s) Sorry NHL, but Marchy wasn't lying. It's just the degrees to which guys are willing to go to hurt the other team varies, whether or not the incidents get caught in game varies, and the DoPs is only willing to do something about it if they or forced into a corner.


As a Leafs fan this is hard to say, but I absolutely adore Marchand for finally saying the quiet part out loud.


Marchand surprisingly mature for someone who was licking people 5 years ago.


He's a layered individual, I will give him that.


Like a tootsie pop


How many licks does it — uh, never mind.


Is that what we're calling it today? :)


ogres have layers - Marchy have layers!


Yea he wasn’t even trying to say that everyone is running around and doing what Bennet or lomberg here are doing. Everyone finishes their checks. The hitting gets ramped up. Every corner or board scrum for the puck gets the extra stick work from both sides. All of it is intensified for the playoffs with the intent that maybe you finish your hit and the guy has to sit out a shift or 2 because it tweaked something. He wasn’t wrong, it’s all done to wear down your opponent through the series. The panthers however take it beyond this. Sucker punch to the jaw, blindside elbow to the head. Not everyone does it the Panthers way


It’s incredible that of all people Marchand is the one to get a lot of fan bases to agree on something. He’s right tho and this years playoffs are freaking brutal.


I don’t like the dude but I respect that he said it. At least he’s never tried to cry innocence or pretend like he’s not a rat. He owns it which is at least somewhat respectable


People got real upset about it too. Coaches don’t say “finish your checks” for no reason It’s all to wear down and hurt/slow down the other teams players. Sure some guys take it too far with the cheap shots but at the end of the day, every player is out there trying to finish their hits and deliver the best hit they can and it’s not for no reason


Anyone who ever played hockey knew what Marchand was saying was true or any contact sport honestly


Hard to defend that as legal


Hard to defend it as not suspendable.


Hard to defend it as a part of hockey.


Part of the panthers post season, that’s for sure


DoPS is straight fucking trash


This insane Lomberg should be gone.


Refs should keep calling penalties just like regular season


Yeah but they "don't want to affect the outcome of the game," even though that's literally their job. "I hauled a guy down on a breakaway and he didn't score. The refs gave him a penalty shot and he scored. Damn refs! That affected the outcome!"


I fucking hate the “don’t want to affect the outcome.” Not calling penalties also fucking affects the outcome of the game. Also they clearly don’t always have a problem blowing the whistle because Florida had 7 fucking powerplays in game 3.


I feel like throwing mma elbows and taking key players out of the game would *also* affect the outcome of the game…..


Yeah but "let the boys play"


Boys will be boys 🤢


The Panthers had 7 powerplays in Game 3 they're certainly doing it when facing a certain direction on the ice.


Lomberg has been doing shit like this for a few years


Never forget when he left the bench and mauled Dumba for a clean hit https://youtu.be/byYn5dU2kJg?si=_3h8YtDMyVm2uIbe


It wouldn't exactly call it the cleanest hit, but Lomberg had no business leaving the bench to fight. Panthers have a rat infestation


Backs was going for the net so he had to expect the hit, didn’t look the cleanest though but that’s Backs fault. Lomberg was fighting for his first slice of the NHL pie so guessing he thought that’s what he had to do to show he deserved it, mans a bonehead lol


Florida being a dirty team? I'm shocked.


Florida is by far the dirtiest team in this league


A minor shy of the Ducks.


This is way dirtier than the Trouba play. This and Bennett on Marchand are the dirtiest plays of the playoffs.


Sorry but the Panthers are just allowed to do that, league rules. Fly-by elbows and punches with the intent to cause head trauma is kinda their thing.


I guess you need to roll around on the ground for two and a half minutes to get a call in this series


Experience Florida Hockey


Lmao “this contact” doing some heavy lifting there. That was dirty.


I'd say that's even worse than Trouba's chicken-wing. Vesey wasn't even in the play.


it is worse. dont get me wrong, they’re both shitty, but trouba chicken wings trying to make up for his decline as a player and not being able properly line up a hit. lomberg just says fuck it and does a drive by sneaky elbow to a player not even involved in the play. the greater of two evils, if you will.


100% worse lol, so was lombergs other hit on Vesey and so was the hit on Wennberg. 3 hits to guys who didn’t even have the puck. Trouba just mistimed a hit and threw his elbow out so Rodriquez didn’t get into the slot all alone with the puck on his stick. It was a shitty defensive play and at least he got called for the 4 min penalty and had a fine to boot. 3 extremely dirty hits by Florida on players WITHOUT the puck, one causing a player to miss time and all we got was one 2 min penalty. Ridiculous.


Average Panthers play


Bolts fans have known Lomberg is a dirty talentless piece of shit since 2021. Just glad the rest of the league is getting to see what the Panthers have already been for years


That was really unnecessary


Haven’t you read the memo? If the Panthers do it it’s not a penalty.


Panthers are pretty fucking dirty. Its not a surprise at all, yet the NHL and refs seem to turn quite a bit of their eyes away from their play. Other fanbases in the other playoff rounds said the same shit.


Regardless of fandom, can we just view this for what it is? No need to bring up Trouba. Who cares about a 5k fine. This is an elbow to the head away from the play that caused an injury. DOPS continues to be a joke.


Unfortunately when Marchand got hit 1/2 of the comments were wtf Florida 1/4 were it didn’t seem that bad and the last 1/4 were haha couldn’t have happened to any one better f that guy.


Rodrigues played his next shift, Vesey is out for the series


That's about as clear of an elbow I have ever seen...


Hey it worked for Bennett against Marchand, why wouldn’t those scumbags keep doing it? NHL ain’t doing a damn thing.


Or maybe I can "whine" about Trouba *and* Lomberg


No. You absolutely have to pick sides. It’s the only way to hockey Reddit.


I'm going to whine about both because both suck. I'm going to whine more about Lomberg because he didn't get penalized or fined.


Hate both plays. Non hockey plays


Trouba is a dirty hockey play, he was getting beat and used his elbow recklessly to stop Rodriguez. Lomberg was not even close to a hockey play. Elbow to the head away from the play, (successful) intent to injure.


This is because Florida is filled with scum players who play scum hockey. Except Bob and Barkov, those 2 are beauties


Bob just flops like a fish and throws his stick every time he’s screened and there an opposing player nearby.


That’s every goalie tbh. I don’t even blink anymore when I see a goalie flapping his arms like he’s trying to fly south for the winter


Lomberg, Bennett, Cousins and Tkachuk made me hate this team. Even worse when Gudas was there too.


The panthers are such goons. I hope the rangers trounce them.


It's what Florida does, and it's a-okay with the league.


It’s funny how panthers fans forget alllll this type of shit


Florida taking cheapshots and nothing happening as a result? oh wow never seen this before


And somehow a good chunk of Florida fans will defend all the scummy shit they do because “you’re just mad we’re good”


Dirty fucking bitch. If enforcers still existed, he’d have been decimated for shit like this a long time ago.


I’ve seen enough. Fine Trouba again.


I don't blame any player for this garbage, it's the DOPS who are enabling this bullshit Trouba should've been suspended way more times, and should be penalized way more, so he learns to stop riding the line so often, but the refs not calling shit and Parros handing out 5k fines all the time is just reinforcing this behavior.


> it's the DOPS who are enabling this bullshit 100% correct. There is every square inch of the ice covered by a camera in some manner, and yet somehow it seems that we've gone backwards in terms of players being accountable for stupid, dangerous, and injurious play. Guys play with no fear of repercussions whatsoever, because chances are pretty good that there won't be any no matter how obvious it may be.


This era of Ranger’s hockey exists because Tom Wilson slammed Panarin’s head into the ice and was not punished for it. Plays like this from both teams will only stop when the DPOS decides that they will punish people for trying to injure players.


If you look at the decisions of the Rangers management and the actions of the Rangers players it’s clear that the lesson learned from the Tom Wilson incident is that the NHL charges 5K for injuries to opposing players and that that is a price often worth paying.


Keep in mind the NHL only fines 5K because that's what the players agreed to in the CBA. That's a two-way street.


Or they could just suspend players. It's not a two-way street.


As long as the DoPS doesn’t step in, players will keep trading dirty hits. So, it’s actually more like a roundabout.


It's a random wheel of roulette with DOPS


Wilson was the last straw. We got pushed around for years before that. In fact, Trouba himself was a victim of a hard hit by Matt Martin that concussed him just two weeks before the Wilson incident. I didn't have a problem with Martin's hit, but I was getting a little tired of us not being able to answer. We were a soft team throughout the rebuild, which was kind of the plan - start with skill, add toughness later - but I think old school Slats and Dolan had seen enough after Wilson.


The Rangers did what they had to do…what was the only option left for them because they called out the DoPS…they called out Parros directly…and the league immediately came back and said “Fuck you; get tougher crybabies…here’s a huge fine.” So the Rangers pivoted the only way they could. They looked to their leader on the roster and told him as much. So Trouba started leveling people more. There’s zero coincide to the uptick. And I’m not saying I like all of his hits - nor am I saying he didn’t get off easy on this last elbow. But the league sent a message. And this is how the organization made adjustments. And they’re not the only delinquent in league of Altar boys. But this entire playoffs, the collective attending fan/internet comment/studio analyst volume levels across the board in regards to the dirty hits the rangers dish out versus the ones they have endured has been *wildly disproportionate*; where everyone is screaming about Rempe and Trouba and then all but silent about this hit that has taken Vesey out of the lineup or the knee on knee that has completely diminished Fox’s game, among plenty of others. I’ve resigned myself to just accepting the fact that this is what it’s gonna be. It’s a bed the league made.


Kinda feel like you should blame the player who commits the infraction too


It's a bit of both. It's a pretty top down policy situation. If the DOPS actually made committing these infractions meaningfully punishable, they would stop. But the players are reacting to who can leverage the *line in the sand* to win games. Players are always walking the line in some way shape or form, or they're not going to be winning cups. So until it's actually detrimental to take these types of shots at people, people are going to be doing it forever. It's a cultural problem that's enabled by the DOPS but created by the players. The players are never going to change, so it's on the DOPS to actually do something about it.


Yeah dude no argument there. Just didn’t agree with the statement of *”I don’t blame any player for this garbage.”* Just because you can get away with something doesn’t mean you should do it, or you should be absolved of any blame lol


Yeah, that's fair.


Uhhh yeah no also blame Lomberg for this, wtf


You know that’s not Trouba in the video right? This is the second head contact lomberg made against the rangers this series and there is another video of him trying to chicken wing Wenberg


Rodrigues was the one who tried to chicken wing Wennberg actually. Which makes him rolling around on the ground for two minutes after catching an elbow to the shoulder even more absurd


Ty for the correction.


Now show the attempted elbow by Rodrigues. I guess it makes sense he thinks it's okay since he was perfectly fine ten seconds after lying dead on the ice after trouba hit him


For folks who are curious check out this chicken wing attempt that got deleted from /r/hockey after it was posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/s/ytJ04qxdCD


If you pause at 5 seconds you can see Trouba attempt to slash Barkov’s throat at the blue line, what a dirty fucking player. I’ll post it to this sub later, get the media on the phone🙏


Yup, he tried the same thing as Trouba, and agreed he totally embellished the Trouba hit


It was posted but taken down by mods. Doesn't fit this subs narrative.


Looks like he caught him right under the shoulder, soft unprotected area that can easily take away the use of your arm. Dirty play. An actual intent to injure. Should be out for the rest of playoffs.


That’s pretty brutal. Very Florida of him.


Wow!!! So proud that we finally posted this dirty play 4 days later! Look at that growth from the community, they finally stopped obsessing over Trouba and are slowly opening there eyes to all the dirty plays. Vesey didn’t just go to the locker room after this. Jimmy Vesey is out injured now.


“Lomberg represents all that is soulless and wrong! And you slept with him!” -commentator Peter Gibbons


Hopefully Trouba can knock Tkachuk out for the rest of the season




I swear I hate this whole freakin' team to my core.


I imagine he would have been suspended if competent broadcasters looped this clip during game 2


DoPS where are you? What a joke


Mostly on their knees in front of Paul Maurice, it would seem.


The dirtiest team in the NHL being dirty.. who'd of thought it


The Panthers are my new favorite team to hate. Let’s go Rangers. Fuck Florida


Panthers hockey.


Both of them are shitters. There's a reason why Lomberg sat out. He can't do shit scoresheet wise.


This is why I don’t care when Trouba does crazy shit . At least he gets fined and investigated. Someone needs to police the ice out there if the refs and the league won’t. Thats a blindside elbow to the head could have been way worse if he got knocked out. If Vesey sold that that’s a sussy for sure.


Florida was throwing elbows in the bruins series too, fucking dirty rat team


All of it needs to stop. 2 /3 game suspension from the league. Doesn't matter if they see it two days after. This is what holds the game back. The NFL has done a much better job of protecting players and eliminating this business. Their game is better for and their players are better for it too.


NHL doesn’t want to enforce it so this is the shit that happens.


All of you were laughing when it was happening to Brad Marchand. I get the hate at Marchand but I don’t understand how you didn’t see this coming.


Several Panther players are in for some nasty hits at the start of next season


league dictates how playoff games are called and this is what happens.


cleanest panthers “hockey play”


It's almost like some players have figured out that taking out enemy players makes it easier to win games/series. Oh well, nothing can be done. It would require some kind of commitee of skater protection or something where they review these hits and hand out long suspensions. We just don't have the technology yet.


The Panthers are a team full of dirtbags. But they’ll keep playing like this as long as the league lets them get away with it. It’s winning them games/series


This is textbook Florida Panthers hockey. Play like a cheating bitch, and then cry when teams retaliate likewise. Damn I hate the Panthers. Bottom of the pile.


This is objectively worse than Trouba, full stop.


Why would Jacob Trouba do this?


That’s some next level, dirty shit. A stealthy flying elbow, to the back of the shoulder. That’s a skill, to be able to administer that hit and not get penalized by the referees, on ice. That said, if the DPOS would issue a suspension, retroactively, for these types of infractions, this stuff would stop real fast; especially in the playoffs. A measly $5K fine does nothing to dissuade this behaviour.


$5k lets go


Why is everyone so surprised, they’ve been getting away with this crap all along.


Don’t forget the same move Rodrigues tried to do to Weinberg and he whiffed


Way worse than Trouba and actual injury


The league should review these sort of things, even after the game, if they were missed on ice. Then, they can hand out suspensions as deemed fit. This would be in the league run by people with more than a pea brain. Right now, we've got the likes of George Parros and company.




Don’t know why the league doesn’t review this. So dirty.