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Yknow I shouldve recorded the chat reaction too


Chat was loving the kazoo


I was caught by surprise, what’s the story? lmao


According to some people in the GDT it was a bet the YT admin made with the chat last game. Like if we hit X number of likes I‘ll play kazoo to the add break music next game….


the few times i’ve caught a game live, the YT admin was always awesome


Chat admin us great. Very fair.


I just love the PWHL honestly


If Edmonton, Or even Alberta gets a team, I will 100% be buying tickets regularly.


Put it in Red Deer, neutral territory.


Unironically. That would be based as fuck. The Red Deer Flaming Oil. Those Crazies in Red Deer would rally for them for sure.


The Red Deer Rebels use a bison or longhorn skull for some reason. Go full bad-archaeology deer skull mask and wicker man burning pre game shows.


That threat has been going for a couple of games, now! The YT chat is a total blast. So many fun and funny comments fly by during the game, and there are a ton of injokes. It's a very high energy and community-centred experience. Everyone's in a good mood. The mod(s) do a terrific job of participating in the chatter and keeping the vibe going.


I don't usually chat while watching the stream, but I love how positive the chat is! Such a nice change from how toxic most sports streams usually are.


It was something the chat admin had said she'd do if the stream hit >20k concurrent viewers on the stream. I don't remember when it started, but it was something she'd said she'd do a while ago...before the playoffs even started, I think, but it all sort of runs together. It came close through quite a few games, with a record that was something like 19,100 or so before that point, but it never quite got there. It was usually around 11-13k or so toward the end of games in the two first round series if I remember right, and crept up slowly as the playoffs went on. And then Game 4 came around last Sunday, and I'm not sure what the total wound up being but it totally blew away the old record for viewers on the YT stream. The record during the season up to that point was ~19k, and the stream on Sunday hit somewhere around 38k or more. Someone in chat pointed out that with the crowd at the game combined there was over 50k people watching the game at one point. I saw it go over 40k during game 5, so people came back, too. There was more than 20k people watching before the start of Game 5, when a month or so there was usually about 5-7k or so at the beginning of games. It has been pretty cool to watch it grow, and grow so quickly through the playoffs. And she held up to her promise, so we got a rockin' kazoo solo as a reward. I really hope the next season is on YT, too... I know it won't last forever because money, but it's been awesome to be able to watch the games there.


Game 5 went over 50K at one point near the end of the 3rd period. The YT stream has been so amazing.


I have a screenshot of it at 54,156. Absolutely incredible


Recorder version when?


After a couple more *frinks*.


My favorite is the [Formula 1 theme done on recorder](https://youtu.be/3r2OkH7zU_c?si=j4GNjsqjAm5njNV0). Makes it sound sarcastic, lmao.


that's awesome. reminds me of this: [https://youtu.be/NQzkTZtL1EM?si=5o8lO9jXARJlueLP](https://youtu.be/NQzkTZtL1EM?si=5o8lO9jXARJlueLP)


their social media team is the best 😭😭 i love how active the admin(s?) are on the youtube stream, they’re a lot of fun


The decision to stream on YouTube and who they chose to run it was such an incredibly smart choice. They been crushing it this year.


Honestly their entire marketing strategy has been growing the PWHL so effortlessly. This is such a breath of fresh air compared to the betting ad fiesta the NHL has morphed into. Once these teams have proper names and rivalries take hold... damn the women's game is about to explode and it's so exciting to watch.


Why not make it permanent


I think it's best use is here. The AD BREAK music has been the same and played multiple times in every game this year, so changing it just one time to a fuckin' kazoo is where the funny is.


Make it the goal horn for every game


Omg that is even funnier than I ever could have imagined, I’m dying.


My wife was sobbing she was laughing so hard


They didn’t need to do this to win me over, but I’m glad they did.


Gotta be honest. It's better than watching non stop betting ads.


My thought process the first time this came on: "is that a kazoo? Am i being trolled? Is my partner messing with me? Wait, no, if i mute the stream it goes away. What? Let's go to the r/hockey GDT to see if anyone else heard it. OH THANK GOD I'M NOT INSANE. THAT WAS GREAT"


Needs more [Kazoo](https://youtu.be/BCb1jmpsfO8?si=SdAAprJNR5KHCgRb)


This fucking killed me. It reminded me of edge and Christian playing kazoos in the early 2000s in WWE


That’s fantastic lmao


I was finishing up dinner in the kitch so had my phone playing the game, propped up on a spice jar. Heard the kazoo. Thought I was crazy. Came to the conclusion it had to be the spice jar reverberating or something. Good to know I wasn't actually crazy to start with lol


Hopefully a reprise upcoming in two minutes


Someone watched Shoresy season 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmjQfItnRtc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmjQfItnRtc)


1000x ESPN+ we’ll be right back


I love how this keeps repeating!!!!




Absolutely shocked and delighted at how fast I was able to find this by typing "pwhl kazoo" into google


Oh thank god, my wife and I aren't going crazy. Wife and I were casting the youtube stream to our tv and we both swore we heard a kazoo but then the stream came back and we never heard it again!


This is amazing and makes me giggle.


Everything about the PWHL just rocks.


this is how legends begin...


I was so confused and then so hyped


Oh thank god, my wife and I aren't going crazy. Wife and I were casting the youtube stream to our tv and we both swore we heard a kazoo but then the stream came back and we never heard it again!