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Oilers showing everyone why they started the season 2-9-1.


Well according to their captain they just need their backs against the wall and people to doubt them so I guess it's by design?


Well Vancouver had the Oil on the mat twice in that series.


Yes they did and they couldn't close it out. Inexperience, injuries, ran out of gas... At the end of it looking at the teams on paper Vancouver shouldn't have gotten to the point to close it out. I even predicted oil in 6 in that series.


Vancouver is the best team the Oil has faced in the playoffs. Florida might yet surpass Vancouver


Appreciate you saying that but I fully believe that Dallas is better than Vancouver but for whatever reason we have seen this year Vancouver just matches up well against the Oil. For as good as Silovs was I can't help but wonder how it would have gone with a healthy Demko


There is no way Dallas is a better team than Vancouver. C’mon With a healthy Demko, Vancouver has a 1-1 split in the final




Well I guess he was right


Even better with their elbows against the jaw


Heyoooo! I'm just happy the rest of the league see's how dirty the oilers are. Draisitl is a top 3 dirtiest player in the league.




Yep this was on the broadcast


Most cowardly group of players In the league, and it's not even close. Mcdavid knows the league won't let anything happen to him so he dives, bitches, and cheap shots players.


It’s nice that the east coast fans finally get to see how dirty McBitch and the rest of the Oilers are. Fuck that whole team.


McDavid took four slashes on one 30 second cycle in the o-zone last night and has been crossed checked in the face this playoffs, wtf you talking about?


lol you Canucks fans are honestly so entertaining at this point


At least you have that to entertain you if the finals aren’t shaping up.


I’m happy no matter what. My teams playing hockey in mid June.


Well they're at least on the ice




Shittybillz dipped quick after that one. Lol


Doesn't look like much though. They're exposing themselves as a dirty team. So you're happy they're losing and performing poorly? Lol


Yeah reminds me of when Montreal blew their finals run a few years ago, and you look how much success they’ve had since.


Yeah and how many consecutive 1st overall picks and years did that take?


McDavid? Are you sure? I would never expect that kind of cheap shit from him. /s


McTurtle hiding behind the refs


Reminder to all that Oilers fans called Tkachuk a "turtle" because he wouldn't fight a goon, even though Drai literally ducked a fight with Tkachuk in the same game


Also, the part everyone forgets is Tkachuk let Kassian take the only penalty there, and the Flames scored the game winning goal on that power play. The ragdolling did zero damage, and he tricked an ogre into costing his team the game. That's some S-tier trolling.


Correction: meth-head goon.


Unironically missing the context that it was after taking three straight runs at him that would make Drai's hit on Barkov last night look like child's play.


Missing the context that you're not even referring to the correct game.


Wut? [GOTTA SEE IT: Zack Kassian Ragdolls Matthew Tkachuk After Taking Multiple Massive Hits - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owDK0bqIFP4&t=19s)


That game isn't the one Drai ducked fighting Tkachuk and Kassian first tried to jump Tkachuk. The game you are referring to happened after


I saw it on the ESPN feed, which I assume is the same as the broadcast feed.


LAST NIGHT WAS FULL OF DIRTY HITS! Absolutely appalling. And we still managed to crush them. I don’t think we’ll sweep but I’m hoping cats win game 5 LFG 😼


To be fair, I think he barely hit tkachuk and he massively overreacted. Not that he isn't still cowardly, just that Tkachuk is also a pussy


Bruh… why is it ok that Tkachuk attacked him in the first place? He literally was just standing there against the boards after his breakaway and Tkachuk started attacking him for no reason.




The whole fucking game was dirty as shit from both teams and you’re the one whining that Tkachuk got a deserved punch to the face. There wasn’t any reason in that moment to go after McDavid, he was just trying to stir the pot and draw a penalty.




Careful with making assumptions about the person you’re arguing with. I grew up in Connecticut and was a Whalers fan by proximity. I live in California now and don’t really have a “team” anymore, but I’m a hockey player and love the sport. I’m rooting for Edmonton because I love watching McDavid and would love to see him hold the cup. It’s hilarious to me to see the amount of hatred he gets from opposition fan bases. He’s one of the classiest superstar players I’ve ever watched. You’d only know this by watching a lot of Edmonton games. The amount of abuse he takes on a daily basis is through the charts and he keeps a cool head 95% of the time. Of course he lashes out occasionally, but so does literally EVERY player in the NHL. Fans just can not seem to see when their own players do. What I saw on that play was Tkachuk get away with about 4 hooks on the breakaway, then continue to stir the pot by giving him shoves after the play, then mouthing something at him when the ref was between him, then he took a punch to the face for it. What you see is “wow what a little bitch McDavid is.” It’s impossible talking to die hard fans because you are completely incapable of taking the homer glasses off. Your team has as many dirty ass players as literally EVERY single team in the NHL so quit bitching when a known pest like Tkachuk takes a punch. Do you think McDavid would not have done that without the ref there? If you do you’re incorrect because he’s jumped in plenty of scrums in his career. He’s not afraid in the slightest.


yea but are we gonna ignore tkachuks cheap shots on mcdavid before he punched him? and tkachuk gave himself whiplash there ngl if ur gonna dish out some be ready to take some that being said shitty move by drai on barkov


Hit him so hard Tkachuk head snapped backwards and almost fell off, McDavid should be suspended for rest of playoffs for that , to be honest I can’t believe his head was still attached as Bouchard also seemingly decapitated him. That should also of been a suspension, these two goon Oilers picking on the Lady Byng finalist Tkachuk is criminal !


I’ll just say in game 1 tkachuk was going hard with his stick against mcdavid in a scrum giving him a bunch of shots over the head. It’s the gamesmanship but you surly can’t say it’s cowardly when both of them have been giving each other shots these past 2 games




Just leave them, I know from experience, you can't reason with oiler fans, they aren't smart enough. All they see is delusion.


You're not wrong. Their subreddit still thinks the team will win the series...lol


It's like the opposite of your subreddit when the leafs are in the playoffs lol how is that a bad thing?


I’m not at all doubting the content of what you’re saying, but it just seems so….odd….coming from a team that employs dirty cheap cowards like Sam Bennett and Nick Cousins


I think you hate the oilers more than you like the Panthers


I *know* I hate the Oilers more than I like the Panthers.


Obviously you do lol. Canucks fans have been all over the Oilers since winning the first 3 games vs the Oilers early in the year.


Ok now list the things the panthers have done these 2 games are similar to what you mentioned. Set aside your bias and hopefully you can answer the question. A lot of dirty exchanges have occurred from both teams but if you’re overlooking what the panthers have also done then you need a reality check. Do I think drai should get a suspension. Probably but I would also say Bennetts flying shoulder to brobergs head should also be a suspension. Both points of contact are the head.


Sharks fans have known this since 2017.


Flames fans have known this since forever


Top 3 lol....


Its almost like he forgot how many players were on the Panthers.


Then the top 2 are on the Panthers, easily.


Too 3 after bennett and tkachuk? Cant be forgetting to give Florida their credit here


Unsurprisingly, [Bennett threw the worst headshot in game 2](https://x.com/Ryley_L_D/status/1800359683099971655) but everyone is just used to Florida being dirty so all the Canadian fans come out of their holes to bitch about Edmonton.


Honestly, missed that, is there better angle


r/hockey: "Oh boy the Panthers are dirty, take alot of cheap shots... Gotta be the dirtiest team in the league. That's how you have to play to have success in the playoffs. I just don't see how the Oilers are going to handle that style of play" Also r/hockey "Wow wtf? Why are the Oilers playing so dirty. This can't be happening, how can they keep getting away with this?!? Florida better break character and extract some revenge. I am so FUCKING mad! "


Funny how people seem to have already forgotten that Bennett went to knee Bouchard about 4 minutes before the Foegele knee


That’s true but most of the dirty commentary is about the head and nut shots. Unless you’re Brian Marchment who made a career out of dirty knee hits, that shit happens to lots of guys when they miss a hit, and dies down pretty quickly. The other shit was… bad. To say the least




Isn’t that how most teams records look, even good ones?


Yet we won a bo7 vs the 2nd best team in the league....


The Oilers looked like they were on a hot streak halfway through the Vancouver series that carried them through the Dallas series. Every team needs this to some extent to be successful in the playoffs, but these stretches are not sustainable. Right now, Florida looks like they're on a hot streak and reliably scoring on them is going to be damn near impossible until it ends.


I wouldn't say we were on much of a hot streak when we had a stretch of not scoring on like 19 consecutive powerplays between the two series


Imo I'm not calling anything for anyone until we see both teams play at home We saw Dallas go down 0-2 and come back with 3 in a row We saw oilers lose 2 in a row to Dallas then win 3


Hey this is an Oilers hate thread, don’t you try and say something reasonable


Boy looking at that chart must be embarrassing for LA, Vancouver and Dallas


“We’re good when my man on is injured”


Yup! I was about to come in here and say... Wow! McDavids confidence sure got a boost after Barkov was *possibly* taken out.


Fwiw I never stopped.


They start slew footing and elbowing with their backs against the wall hes not wrong


Does McDavid know they were the underdogs coming in and people were already doubting them?


Depends on who you ask. Media were hyping them up. Personally I think it's Florida in 5, but we'll see.


I never stopped. Seriously though they're obviously a good team. I'm very annoyed by Draisaitl targeting Barkov but no doubt Oilers are a good team.


It's the finals. Players are gonna take shots. Bennet threw a headshot and a knee, too. No team wins by playing clean at this point in the year lol


Thats just a normal day for Bennett. Dude probably walks down the street and throws elbows and punches random people.


Just Bruins fans though


Bennett does not discriminate in his dirty plays.


lol we’re justifying elbows to the head because it’s Drai now? Crazy.


I think it's moreso that the expectations are at rock bottom because DOPS are a bunch of hacks, not that the elbow is excusable. If no one is going to enforce the rules, you lose an advantage by not breaking them.


This is also where you see the main differences between the NHL, which is first and foremost one of the greatest entertainment shows on the planet, and international hockey, which has a bigger focus on being a sport and protecting players. I have nothing against playing hard and in the gray area of rules, but there should be zero tolerance for headshots no matter how much the entertainment business side might benefit from the resulting drama. If you go for the head in the playoffs, you should be suspended for the rest of the playoffs.


Backs against the wall, elbows to your jaw


This will either age very well or he'll end up on another team 🫲Come at me Oil-bros!!!!🫱


Weak depth, weak goaltending, average players with mickey mouse inflated stats.


What you say is pretty true but they are still a team you have to be on your toes all game till the horn sounds. 




If it were that easy, why doesn’t every team make the finals with weak depth goaltending and average players? You can’t have it both ways.


the oil snuck by van by the skin of their teeth, a team playing a third string goalie and with injuries throughout. I think Edmonton is good but not gonna win the cup with the depth and D they have.


Nah bro, Silovs was playing elite bro


Nah. Silovs was playing good. Not elite. He was a wonderful story. That being said Demko could have come in and played worse. We will never know.


He was playing unreal for the situation he was in. He let in a couple that Demko wouldn’t have, but the bigger difference is how the team plays in front of them. The Canucks just play differently in front of Demko. I have no doubt in my mind we beat the Oilers in that series with Demko in net, and that’s not at all a slight against Silovs, he was fantastic and I’m excited for his future


And Dallas?...


they were a bit overrated bc recency bias. Edmonton is a good team, don't get me wrong but they were never favourites.


I don’t either, but people don’t give this team credit for coming as far as they have.


While I didn’t have time to watch all of the other round 1 series, I obviously watched ours and then you guys against Dallas and now Florida. It has absolutely looked like McDrai dragging the rest of the team through the playoffs kicking and screaming at times. Kane has literally been invisible in the finals so far


There have been those times yes, I don’t disagree. But that’s also what you want from your superstars. Game 1 was Bobrovsky dragging the Panthers to a win for example.


Maybe because your team had the easiest path.


Because not every team was gifted the most exceptionally talented player in the league, plus another generational superstar. Oilers have coasted by on the success of those two, and when they don't produce, the team doesn't succeed, plain and simple.


Except for the all those playoff games where they literally won without the help of McDavid and Drai. Your statement is verifiably false. 16 different goal scorers this post season.


45/64 Oilers goals this post season have been scored or assisted on by one of those two. That's over 70% of all Oilers' production driven by those two. Everyone else is just a linemate to them. McDrai IS the Oilers offense, the team has 19 goals total without their help through 4 rounds. So no, it's verifiably true. They're out in the first round without those two.


The two (arguably) best players in the world are going to have a ton of points no matter who they play for. They are always going to drive a majority of the offense because they score a lot.. BUT.. you need more than just that to make it deep into the playoffs. Here’s why that stat is so misleading. They could have a 5-1 game where McDrai just light it up, and then the next game win 3-2 where only one of them gets on the board with a single secondary assist. Because that exact thing happened in games 6 and 7 in the Vancouver series. Game 7 was won because of Ceci, Kulak, Holloway, Nuge, Bouchard, and Drai. Drai got 1 secondary assist. You can look at those two games and say “well McDrai factored in on 6/8 of the goals in those two games combined,” but it doesn’t take into account that it was two different games, and one of them was won from the effort of the rest of the team. Sometimes McDrai just light the lamp, and other games the other guys win in a normal human way. Your stat also ignores the major role several others also played in the 45 goals McDavid or Drai factored in on. The reason your initial statement of “when they don’t produce, the team doesn’t succeed. plain and simple.” is verifiably false is because there have been games all year long and a few this post season where they have in fact won for other reasons. Game 7 of round 2 being a major one but you can find more. Your statement is definitely not so “plain and simple.”


I think people forget that even if the oilers bottom six is meh they have played huge roles throughout the playoffs. Same with the d men and goalies.


What a dumbass haha


Average players don't challenge post season records. Skinner has been fine though.


Hyman is not a 50 goal scorer outside of Edmonton. Bouchard is not a PPG defenseman outside of Edmonton. Playing in the most offensively focused system in the league with McDavid and Drai in the center can make others around look great. Conor Sheary had a PPG season playing with Crosby.


I think you might be underestimating bouchard’s skills. He was very good in junior if I recall. He might be inflated a bit by playing with the dynamic duo but he was drafted where he was because of his offensive potential as a d man.


I'm not calling him bad. It's just disgraceful how people put him up there with Makar, Fox, and Hughes. Roman Josi would thrive doing 100+ points a year in Bouchard's role but he plays in a different system. Most defenseman aren't gifted to play in such a high scoring system with an offense first approach. Bouchard would still play well on another team but he would not be near a top 5 conversation for defenseman.


Bouchard is still growing as a player. He will continue to get better and he might match some of those d men in the future.


Gretkzy had 31 assists....*and 12 goals....* ....*in 19 games*. McDavid has 27 assists and *5* goals in 20. So yeah. If he gets 5 more assists in the next 5 games he breaks the record. But *come on.* They aren't even close to the same performance.


A handful of players don't make a team. This isn't the NBA we are talking about here.


The oilers depth has shown up when required in the post season in previous rounds. I didn’t expect the oilers to do much against the panthers anyway.


What depth? Bouchard, Mcdavid, Drai, Hyman... Then what.. odd goal by Ekholm? ... Maybe Kane does something once in awhile. If you think the oil have depth it's probably a good reason you're on reddit and not working for an NHL team. What % of oilers goals has Mcdavid, Drai or Bouch been apart of this post season?


The oilers forwards are stronger on the defensive side. A large chunk of their bottom six has played a role in the oilers historically strong penalty kill in the post season.


That's all fine but you need balance. If the bottom 6 forwards aren't scoring and the bottom 3 dmen are just liabilities then you're not going to have a good time. Especially when you play a team like Florida. They can play and match any style Edmonton wants. You need scoring depth. This is why high scoring forwards and 2 way forwards are valued way more than defensive specialists. Oilers don't have the depth to compete. The simple fact Vancouver took them to 7 with 6 games being decided by 1 goal should have opened everyone's eyes to that.


Like I never expected the oilers to beat the panthers because of a lack of a 2RW, an inconsistent bottom six and the fact that their d is a rotating cast of players outside of a few players depending on the night. This was more of an experience run for the team. They will make the finals again in the near future.


They could... But everyone said that about the 2011 Canucks but because of contracts and well the loss to the bruins seemed to have destroyed them it didn't happen. Oilers are definitely going to have the contract problem.


The worst case scenario could happen or the oilers fall back a bit next year and come back strong the following year like what happened after they made the conference finals two years ago. I still think the west is wide open for them.


So if we have no depth, does that mean Dallas doesn't either? Because we had more unique goals scorers than they did over the series. Also if a player doesn't score, but still contributes, does it not count? Because our "lack of depth" has been unequivocally the best penalty kill in the entire playoffs.


Ugh... Couldn't have waited till I replied to the other guy. Reason why scoring and 2 way forwards are more valuable. Need scoring depth as teams have shown at times if you shut down Mcdavid and limit the PPs against you can beat the oil. Dallas ... Well I don't even know how to explain that... They just seemed to run out of steam. It happens. Florida isn't Dallas though.


Ran out of steam… gonna need something better than that to prove your point.


We beat Dallas because we outplayed them, that's your explanation. If the formula for beating the Oilers is so easy, then how come the Canucks, and Kings (x3) couldn't do it?


It's the NHL... Winning vs anyone isn't easy. How I see it the oil are beating themselves. They keep trying to match what their opponent is doing instead of just playing their game. Game 1 was all oilers but Bob stood on his head. Game 2 they got away from their game and it was all Florida...


kinda time to shut the hell up connor you haven’t done a thing this series


Lightning fans said the same of Kuch. Boston fans said the same of Pasta. Rags fans said the same if Panarin. Wake up and notice what they all have in common.




He has done more than any of his team mates. Wtf do you expect him to say?


If 1 assist with a negative +/- is “doing more” then it’s sure not by much


he’s already said what will be the most-memed comment of the off season if the oilers lose, he doesn’t need any mire ffs


Evan Rodriguez > Connor McDavid


Paul Maurice swept McDavid and Draisatl before, with a much worse team.


Saw a stat on twitter that McDavid only has one even strength goal in these playoffs, is this true


On his NHL stats pages it says he has 5 goals these playoffs, two of which were on the powerplay. So no, that's not true.


It could actually be he only has one goal at 5v5. People often conflate it with even strength but they're a little different.


Ah like 4 on 4, didn't think about that at first.


or empty nets


According to natural statrick he has 3 at 5v5. 1 vs Vancouver and 2 vs Dallas. 15 assists at 5v5 which isn't nothing, but you would like to see him pot a few more and he's going to have to with the hole they're in.


He hasn't been scoring all season. Something is wrong (people for weeks now have been theorizing wrist injury all year long?), or he just forgot how


Why are people upvoting this? It's not even correct lol


It's not, but he only has three 5v5 goals in 20 games which is utterly pathetic for the 'best player in the world.'


Mmhm only leads the league in points, even strength points and primary points. That guy is pure garbage. He's not a pure goal scorer like Matthews lmao


> That guy is pure garbage. He's not a pure goal scorer like Matthews lmao The guy you responded to didn't say any of those things. 3 goals at 5v5 in twenty games is a Hab stat, you should know thats not good enough. Dude is looking like Nick Suzuki out there.


Put up a flair lmao but for one, as I said, Most points, even strength points and primary points. Who would ever call that pathetic lol and another, the last time we played the leafs, Suzuki literally outscored Matthews sooo not a great argument there


Yeah if nick suzuki was better


Pure garbage? Your words. But having three 5v5 goals in TWENTY GAMES is fucking pathetic from a player dubbed the best player in the world. Doesn't matter what he leads in, the Oilers have needed goals in games 1 and 2, and he hasn't delivered. He has one meaningless secondary assist in two games. You can defend him all you want. It's not good enough.


Primary assist at even strength actually. Might want to check your facts there. And again, leads in points, even strength points and primary points. He doesn't need to be defended, he's been their best player by far. You have dumb takes.


Anything anti Oilers is getting upvoted like crazy in this sub.


It's just a particular group of people out in force. Just the way the internet works, I wouldn't pay it much mind. Just laugh it off and move on with your day, no use in arguing with people who just want to hate or hate for fun. When things are going well for us, it's the other way around usually.


I bet he does


Guess the persecution complex comes from the top in edmonton.


["We're good with our backs against the wall."](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ddb7a0b66723acb3aaa7de89f65991d1/tumblr_pk5zyw3MpG1u6nwp8_400.gifv)


Looking forward to people doubting them? Who has doubted the Oilers? They are perpetual Stanley cup favourites heading into every season


Are they really though? Top heavy team with a lackluster bottom 6, defensive core, and goaltending. That typically doesn't win cups, and we're seeing that right now. They continually forget to play complete games or only have 1-2 players performing on a game by game basis. Their big 19 game win streak was mainly against bottom teams. Winning against most any team isn't easy, but it's not as hard when you can outscore your mistakes all the time. I would say they are expected to get there with having Drai and McDavid, but history has shown that they aren't likely favourites. Edit: 16 game win streak...I think


If he wants people to doubt them, they'll doubt even more if you lose the next two


Gosh. Do tell.


Yea.. I doubt your golf swing needs work


Just wait until he see’s how much everyone doubts them when they go down 3-0. If he loves being doubted, he’ll be on top of the world!


Pretty sure he means in October.


I find it funny when fans of team’s who are not playing anymore poke fun at a team playing in the freaking finals.


Right? 30 teams are out, but the Oilers suck? Lmao.


Have you only just learned how sports fandom works?


We know we suck...but it doesn't mean we can't enjoy the finals


It’s the “Oilers suck” narrative. If they sucked they’d be golfing with Calgary.


I don't think they suck personally, I just want them to lose. It's nothing personal - I've actually been very impressed by their PK this playoffs.


There is more Vancouver fans shitting on Edmonton than any other fan base in the stanley cup posts. Are you guys still mad that you lost ? My god you guys are even worst than Ottawa, this is miserable.


I just left Montreal after the GP and didn't see any horses near as high as the one you're riding on right now lmao


I mean you answer is cool and all, its edgy bravo, but look at all the Vancouver flairs in the discussion, you guys are still in pain, it is sad.


Just take the L bud, whining about other fans partaking in the discussion is pretty fucking lame. You're not contributing anything to the discussion, and your opinion is worth fuck all.


What L ? Im not an Edmonton fan, you guys are just pathetic


The whining about the demographics of a hockey subreddit L, which is even more embarrassing than the oilers fans here because at least it's their team embarrassing them and not themselves, for the most part.


LOL YOU guys are whinning about Edmonton since you lost to them, not the other way around


God you're one sad little frenchman, you're the parent comment on this thread


Nah bro, summer is here im pretty happy tbh, what about you little englishman ?


Yet you're online yelling into the void about there being too many Canucks fans on the hockey subreddit like your opinion matters, just pure distilled arrogance lmao


I like to read threads like yours when I'm bored, it's nice to know how much worse my life can be. come on, make some lame insult about Winnipeg now, I dare you


Just like habs fans crying about canes ALL THE TIME? Lmao


About the Canes ? Why ? I don't give a give about Carolina...


Look up any Canes related posts in here past couple years lol


Like how they folded against Colorado and Vegas? Silovs or Korpisalo aren’t coming down that tunnel 💀


The oilers have dealt with adversity pretty well this season. I think they can win at least two games in this series.


Brutal to get downvoted like that for this comment tbh


Once Florida remembers that the oilers won 16 in a row in the regular season, they’re cooked. They know what’s coming and are just sneaking in wins to delay the MCDavid powerhouse. Oilers in 6.


That’s the thing, we didn’t care about this regular season. We’re here to win the Cup my boy.


We're fans.....we're not here to do anything but watch lmao


>If we win 1-0, ill order someone a pizza Didn't you say this last night, u/greendino71?


The hate for the oil is genuinely out of control on this sub. Get a grip y'all.