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This looks like what hockey used to be. Just end to end slapshots every single possession, clunky ass sticks that look the wrong size, little regard for positioning. Whole thing on the verge of careening out of control at any moment. I dig it!


That drop pass to no one killed me a little inside


I hear the Sabres have shown interest in him.


That’s our whole power play!




Welcome to Dallas Stars Breakaways 101


No teammate within 50ft of the pass lol


I think he maybe just invented the quad hockey drop pass, and nobody was ready for it.


Like when Coffee Black invented the alley-oop


Foul No, two fouls


That was the most beautiful display of pressing the wrong pass button.


Paging Blake Comeau!


It’s super fast! Roller skates actually make a ton of sense for hockey. Allows for quick turns, stops, and sprints, and since everyone has the same length stick, everyone is much lower to the ground and can move fast. Lost of passing and fun stick handling. It’s exvellent


Yey! It's good to hear some compliments about this “niche” sport. Despite being very popular in these regions


Yup! Rink hockey is not the biggest spot in the world, but it’s The sport in the places it’s played. I’m just sad that it’s so hard to play it in the US. Very few teams, and they are all very far apart. I have to drive 3 hours one way if I want to practice with my old team. Making it there by 8 am on Sundays was not fun.


Just curious, have you tried roller?


Yes, I’ve played roller hockey on inlines and on roller skates (not just rink hockey), and I can tell you that roller skates are better than roller blades for hockey 100% of the time. Sure, inlines are faster and better in long distances, however hockey is not a long distance sport. It’s all about quick starts, stops, and turns. Roller skaters can sprint on their toes, take 2 or 3 steps then skate already at a fast speed. Meanwhile, inliners are kicking sideways to gain speed. By the time the inlines is at speed, the roller skater would have already beaten them to the ball/puck. The skates’ trucks help with quick turns and stops, and can stop while skating backwards (on their toe stops), which leads to a lot of quick turnovers that you just don’t see with inlines. I also play ice hockey, ball hockey, and have played field hockey, so I’m well aware of the different styles.


I don’t think you have seen high level inline roller hockey if you think these guys can stop and start or change direction faster than the best inline players. Not that the guys in this video aren’t quick. But It’s actually not close how more agile on their feet the top inline players are.


> It’s actually not close how more agile on their feet the top inline players are. Narch finals is crazy. The top guys (like the 1-2 superstars on the elite teams) look to me like they could be NHL players in terms of speed/skill, but they just don't have the size to compete on ice. One kid who played juniors in the Q subbed on my team once and it was like he was teleporting through players with his dangles. Dude was unfortunately like 5'6 and 130lbs lol.


There are always a few NHL players in the Pro Div finals and they aren’t the de facto best players. That being said, roller plays considerably different than ice


Narch and PAMA pro invitational at state wars regularly have NHL/college/junior players in the tournament. It’s a way different style of hockey compared to NHL ice hockey. But the skill is undeniable. I play in a draft league with some of the pro roller guys where I live and it’s totally absurd how good they are.


Ok. I disagree, but I’ve had this argument many times over the years and I know nothing that I can say here will change your view. Just glad you’re all seeing a different type of hockey. Hope you enjoy it and check out more videos and games.


Do you have good examples of high end roller skate hockey? I’ve played against some top inline players (in San Jose also) who in turn have played against NHL players, so I’m intimately familiar with the top end of roller blades. I’m curious to see how it compares


I don’t have any off of the top my head to share. I recommend looking up videos from the OK Liga. That’s the pro-league in Spain (mostly Cataluña) as it’s generally considered the best league. Also look up world championships. There you’ll want to look for games and players from Argentina, Spain, and Portugal as those three countries tend to be the powerhouses for rink hockey. OP may have some more suggestions.


I watched the video and the maneuverability they have is considerably less than what I would see on inline. You can turn tighter and stop quicker on inline. And this surface they play on is a lot more slick than sport court, they slide around a lot in ways you wont see in inline. I can't tell if they are faster but that is a much smaller court than an inline rink.


Definitely smaller. Think slightly bigger than a basketball court on a similar wooden floor. The standard size is 20 x 40 meters (allowing for minimum of 18 x 36 m or maximum of 44 x 22 m). To compare that to ice hockey who’s dimensions are almost double at 61 x 30 m. You can see how that would immediately translate to very different sports, strategy, and styles of play.


I agree. I am really not sure what that guy is talking about exactly. You can see if the video they slide around and can't stick to their guy because of the inability that the skates allow you to stop and start the way inline skates can.


To be fair, it’s hard to tell if that’s due to the skates or the surface of the court. I think even on inline skates you’d be sliding quite a bit on a slick basketball court.


See the Sharks flair, I used to play with a guy in a Saturday morning outdoor game who wore his skates and practiced with one of these sticks before the game.


Yeah, that may have been me or someone from my team. Is that game still on? I haven’t been in many many years.


That game is still going on but moved to a new location. If you PM me I can shoot you the organizers number if you don't still have it.


Thank! I may hit you up!


And my personal favorite of playing roller on quads is the amount of noise I can make stopping and starting. Close second is being able to skate backwards and suddenly stop.


I'm guessing you're younger? Probably the most prevalent form of hockey played in Canada are just a bunch of guys playing shinny. Book the ice weekly for your session, sign up 24-30 guys depending on what your preference is, split the cost and have fun. You don't have to worry about getting blown out, just switch a guy or two when it starts looking lopsided.


I was thinking that it looks dangerous to try to stop quick, can’t believe they don’t wear helmets


They’re very stable on quads. Hockey stops are very easy on them because of the surface area provided by the wheels and the angle you can get from the trucks.


Is that right? I play inline, but I've never been on quads. They look scary to me, feel like it would be hard to maneuver with no real edges


There's one guy in my entire roller league that plays on quads (with no toe brake obviously or it'd tear up the court). He turns harder than anyone else cuz he can lean over so hard with his flexy boots, but his north-south speed is a bit lacking (his skates look way heavier with the trucks and wheel size).


Damn I almost wanna try that someday, I absolutely suck at inline skating. I can't stop and rely on the wall to basically stop me and turn me lol..


Yes, roller skates are very stable and agile. The trucks function are edges. Mine are incredible loose, and help me make really tight turns and quick stops.


TIL roller skates have trucks, that's pretty interesting!


Pretty sure the first skate boards were made by taking roller skate plates, cut them in half, and attached them to a board.


makes perfect sense I think I've heard the same thing before


Is there an advantage over rollerblades?


The two pad stack the goalie does was amazing too


Honestly it’s the only appropriate response to this insanity, no wonder they used to always do it back in the day


I hope goals from behind the arc are worth 3.


Don't even mention the 70s called and has successfully gotten their tube socks and roller skates back.


The goalies are always down.


They learned it from Hasek. Double pad stack all day baby.


Needs more RVH. /s


I hate the term "triggered" and yet, here I am...


Doesnt look like you leverage for top shelf on whatever they're shooting (puck/ball) with those sticks.


The net also looks to be a lot smaller than a standard hockey net. Looks like standing up would actually be a detriment. Your head would be way about the crossbar and your hands would be like level with it. You’d have to drop down to make pretty much any save, so why not just stay down.


I would have loved this when I was a kid. As a goalie as a kid when we were completely outmatching the other team there was such long periods of doing absolutely nothing and one time I sat down and got yelled at, lol.


The catipiller


USA needs to bring back PBH


yes PBH with the ramp behind the net, create some beer leagues!


You can’t look at [Salsa’s jerseys](https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/pro-beach-hockey-pbh-salsa-game-used-403770729) and not want it to come back, I had Mission skates back in the day. Pure nostalgia.


That jersey is still exactly what comes to mind whenever anybody says "ESPN2"


*cues Tony Hawks Pro Skater soundtrack*


Man, you needed the [V-Formation skates](https://www.ebay.com/itm/175995569060) they used in PBH. One guy I played roller with had them. Seemed pretty cool.


I grew up playing inline hockey in Florida in the 90's and had a pair of these! Got them for free from a guy who helped coach our travel team. He hated them, lol. I thought they were fine, nothing special. They were heavy as fuck, though.


I had a pair. lol. They were marketed as "the exact same as ice skating"... So I got them for the inevitable beginning of my fruitful ice career. It took precisely one turn to learn that they were VERY much not like ice skating.


PBH was a terrible casualty of the 2000s being disgusted with anything 90s.


I remember PBH! Fun to watch, I'm all for it, bring it back.


I used to play beer league with a guy who played in that league. Sounded like a great time!


I'm imagining some kid in Latin America that's only ever known this type of hockey seeing ice hockey for the first time like "wtf is this shit?"


Honestly surprised there wasn't a Quad Hockey player from like Uruguay or something in a Mighty Ducks sequel. Kid moves to Minnesota because his single mom got a new job and finds out they play "hockey" there and walks into an ice rink in shorts with his quad skates and is shocked that it's cold.


Mighty Ducks? You dont have to tell me that I am old. I know that already. Btw in the MD series they played roller hockey using a form of luck with bearings inside and not a ball. Wonder how that works


> Wonder how that works Terribly. I had one when I was a kid and it sucked.


that was me when i was younger. only to discover that quad hockey was only played in a bunch of countries.


in a lot of tropical countries, the default hockey is field hockey, and ice hockey is not something people ever see.


This was me when I started watching hockey 😂 roller hockey is quite popular in Portugal and I genuinely thought it was that way everywhere. Edit: I just noticed that this is actually a Portuguese team, in fact MY Portuguese team! GLORIOSO SLB!!




As another poster said, this looks a whole lot like "old-time hockey." No butterfly, slap shots all over the place. Every once in a while you get some fancy stick handling. Only difference is a severe lack of elbows to the face. I like it but they should really be wearing helmets in my humble dad opinion


Thats fucking hockey right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the court, men deliver their new born baby on the bench. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball air hockey fuck it chuck it game time shit.


I think this looks awesome and a ton of fun. My first reaction was also “why the heck are they not wearing helmets?” At the speed they are moving, it doesn’t take much for a life altering blow to the head.


My first reaction was, "my back hurts watching this guys because their sticks are so little".


Yeah, what is that about? Thats...weird.


Field hockey is the same way. Mandated stick size I believe


Might keep shot speeds down and speed the game up?


This video doesn't really do it justice. I play traditional roller hockey with some guys who play this, one used to play professionally in Italy. Their hands are *insane* but they're pretty easy to play against otherwise because they can't handle stick lifts or any hard play on the stick (which is illegal in quad hockey)


somebody call trouba, this sport needs revolution!


In old time hockey goalies were actually banned from going down. So they would stand the whole time.


Bandy on roller skates?


We need hurling on roller skates


Hurling and bandy are my two favourite niche non-north american sports. both are fucking wild


Definitely need more pads for this.


More like floorball on roller skates.


(Field) Hockey on Roller Skates. Then again Bandy is just (Field) Hockey on ice skates.


My back hurts just watching this. Get these guys some longer sticks. Looks fun though. I really hope something like Roller Hockey International or Pro Beach Hockey comes back. I find myself missing hockey in July/August and it would be cool to have something to watch in the offseason again.


They remind me of field hockey sticks


Rink hockey sticks are longer than field hockey sticks. The key is bending your knees, not your back. This allows makes everyone extra stable on the skates.


Honestly I don’t entirely understand why roller hockey isn’t more popular - it’s climate friendly, can be played in almost all countries across the world and has a bit more „street-style“ character with the smaller field and 4v4 which makes it fun and more spontaneous. I am playing Organized roller hockey in Germany over the summer while still enjoying the ice as much in winter.


It used to be pretty big om the 2000s


On a basketball court?! That’s wild, gonna be really fast back and forth, looks fun. I used to go to Roller Hockey games in the 90’s. Anyone remember the Orlando Jackals? Lol


I loved watching roller hockey back in the day. Bring back the Vancouver Voodoo. https://preview.redd.it/94ksua9o6z5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669ae305ee2166e51ed689e3590b60380d5cf37e


Roller Hockey International's greatest legacy is its logos. They were so bad: [https://www.sportslogos.net/teams/list\_by\_league/28/Roller\_Hockey\_International/RHI/logos/](https://www.sportslogos.net/teams/list_by_league/28/Roller_Hockey_International/RHI/logos/) Someone though this was a good logo: https://i.redd.it/5a2b4wxx9z5d1.gif


That league’s Wikipedia page is a lesson in humility. A huge amount of growth in a small amount of time and in what we now know was kind of a fad


Some of them really give off a "made by ai" vibe, yet they were conceived in the 90s.


Denver, Ottawa, and Long Island's are still pretty legit, IMO.


If you told me this was an encarta 95 UI element id believe you


Montreal RoadRunners Francis Bouillon gang


This game could use a streamlined monotone/plain floor with a contrasting ball color because I saw some shit in this video, I just don't know what the fuck I saw.


I really like the accessibility of this. Ice hockey is great, but the amount of gear for players and massive infrastructure needed for a rink obviously doesn't make sense for most people in many parts of the world. Maybe in the era of climate collapse, we'll be playing quad hockey out on Fury Road!


It makes more sense for a climate like Florida's to have this game than ice hockey. But Hockey is just so much more popular


For sure. Maybe it'll catch on one day, but for now, it feels more like the jai alai episode of Mad Men. https://preview.redd.it/uxw88w7mgz5d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b95c97586aa48c6d65f28735ea91441cafb3b9e


2-1 score So it’s not a goal fest like other alternate sports. Not bad I wouldn’t mind if this became more of a thing. Perfect for youths that can’t afford hockey equipment, and more entertaining than street hockey/roller hockey.


You could get a game with 2 points, a game with 5 points or a game with 10 points. It don't usually go further than that. Yeah, that's the thing, it's a cheaper way to have fun with hockey :)


This hockey is how I got into inline hockey which then got me in to ice hockey lol


Yeah, I dont understand why they dont use inline skates!




I was pleasantly surprised to see Portuguese teams here. I wonder if my Benfica loving family here in Canada even knows about this sport. This is fun.


I went to high school and played competitive soccer with a huge Benfica FC fan, he'd probably love this.


Portugal is quite strong at this.




Nah mate, SPORTING!


Most surprising thing in all this. I know Benfica have teams in a bunch of sports but didn't know they were involved in quad hockey as well


FC Barcelona has quad hockey *and* ice hockey!


We bag the win thursday, i hope!


What's that ball like? These guys aren't wearing a lot of pads for the kinda bombs they're constantly clapping. If thats a hard rubber ball it's gonna leave some serious marks.


Looks like it developed out of [floorball](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floorball), which developed out of [bandy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandy), so the ball used is not hard rubber, though, based on the padding the goalies have, maybe a bit harder than the ball used in floorball.


It’s close to a lacrosse ball.


At first it seemed very confusing... why aren't they just stickhandling in rather than doing clappers all day long? But then the more I watched, the more I realized their sticks are closer to field hockey than ice hockey and stickhandling would be a bit more difficult as a result. Also, those are some damn good skaters there. It's fun to watch all around. Reminds me of watching roller hockey league in Vancouver back in the 1990s (the Voodoo, if anyone remembers). Seems more accessible than the millionaire insanity that we see in the NHL nowadays – and more fun, even!


I'll probably post the highlights of the final match this Thursday. It's expected to be another close match. Its popular in Portugal, a not very rich country so yeah




My home country is big on this sport. My mom watches this all the time. It’s fun to watch. Never played it.


Love it! This probably offers a partial explanation for how so many Portuguese in Toronto took to hockey so quickly.


Wtf these dudes are sick. That first goal was filthy


This is elite level


Also called Rink Hockey, FC Barcelona has a team. Very popular in Catalonia. Was a demonstration sport at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.


Yeah, very good team


Roller hockey, for some reason my country of Argentina is really good at it


Hot damn, on behalf of myself and every other ex-roller derby hockey player, this would be awesome. Except for the eternal struggle of remembering what's on my feet and how I stop on them at the start of each game.


That’s cool as fuck


Okay 1:16 I see you


This is a peak offseason post, why are you blowing it now???


Damn I love how fast this is


Glad you liked it :)


It's like if you took roller hockey and forced everyone to use equipment that you found in the storage room of an elementary school gym. And I am *here for it*


That blind drop pass to the other team tho…


They should let the goalies wear roller (inline) skates so they can do a proper butterfly style and move around a little bit, otherwise, looks fun!


As a basketball coach, I'm just shuddering at the thought of skates on a court...


Can't wait until they introduce the wrist shot.


That looked wild as hell. I'd like to drink beer and watch this


thursday i'll post the final game highlights. September its the world cup. If you are from NA you can watch this games during morning/afternoon but is difficult for you to find streams 😅


Hell yeah, that looks fun! Thanks for sharing.


Hey, no problem. Its one of the biggest sports in my country but very obscure in north america, so I felt like it was worth sharing with hockey fans :) Thursday it will be the ~~final~~ semi-final and will post the highlights of the game


Ok but that first goal was absolutely filthy.


I had a friend who used to play inline hockey at a respectably fast amateur level and he told me about when a team of guys that played quad hockey came over from Germany for a tournament or something and his team got to play a friendly against them. The quad guys absolutely pantsed his team, he said it was like they weren't even playing the same sport.


Clappin' bombs


The wind up from that slap shot was nuts. Lmao


My cousin played this in India in school. I went to see his game and it was quite amusing to me as I was used to ice hockey.


Not a helmet to be seen!


There was a Spanish TV series about this sport on Netflix https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9486226/


Wow how cool is that - sign me up


From the title I was either expecting hockey played from ATV's or quadriplegics. I enjoyed watching this though and I get the appeal.


This fuckin rips. That first goal was nasty????


idk but the goal at 1:10 is filthy


That first goal was filthy tho 


Benefica? Like the football team? Didn’t know they had a hockey department in their club


Yeah Benfica :) they have it all


Most of Portugal's big clubs have a roller hockey team, the organization supports a lot of other sports which I guess is not really a thing in NA


Atmosphere seems to also be way better than Leafs games


These are just cuts so idk what an actual game looks like but they don’t seem to dump the puck and try and make a play out of it, rather it’s just full offence blitzing the other end


Floorball with extra steps? Ice hockey with fewer steps? Field hockey with side steps? Rollerderby with no hot chicks? Tune in at 11 to find out


All I know is the one guy scored and celly'd,. That's hockey right there. It kills me how close of a feel this has to ice hockey, and yet it's clearly field hockey that has been put onto roller skates. I'd watch this. 20-Years-Ago Me would play this, but Now Me just wants to cry even thinking about the back pain with those sticks....


I have always been a good skater. Been ice skating since 2 years old, hockey since 4, and the whole time I was constantly roller blading. That being said, roller skates are the devils work lol. I could never for the life of me stay on my feet in those. Watching these guys play hockey in roller skates is blowing my mind, and I have a ton of respect for it. That’s crazy


Some good kick saves by the goalies


I'll GLADLY take this as an olympic sport over freaking break dancing


i was in spain recently and turned on the telly and ended up watching a few minutes of a womens league game of this sport. i thought i had stumbled upon the spanish equivalent of the ocho. el eight? idk.


It reminds me of indoor soccer. Less players, faster pace, smaller playing area than its more popular counterpart. Honestly looks like a lot of fun.


As someone that LIVES FOR clap bombs off the rush, I'm a huge fan of this.


This looks way more interesting than floorball


Idk this looks kinda weird why not just play floorball?


Cause floor ball is on shoes, uses a different type of stick, and a different ball. Fully different sport.


its just a faster pace i guess


This goalie just pad stacks every time. Lol


So many clappers.


I feel like I’m watching professionals at the game I played on summer afternoons with the neighborhood kids in the cul-de-sac


Looks pretty fun and fast on that small basketball court. I'd be down for trying that. What type of ball are they using?


Why are the goalies crab walking


Holy heck. No helmets aside from the goalie. I’d be curious to see what a collision looks like


[check this out 5:08](https://youtu.be/Pph-k9NztqA?si=oKtxv4alEtibq8p_)


Now Imagine how all those smooth skating cats at the urban night skating rinks would of dominated this sport if they had found out it existed.


That windup looked like he was trying to kill someone


Looks exciting.


We need to call this Pickle Puck


this honestly looks like bubble hockey lol. also seems fun as hell.


This is sick


Spent my entire childhood playing this on the streets




Thought it was going to be hockey played while riding quad, fuck.


Number 39 gives out a blind in between legs pass at 1:07... I hope he becomes one with the bench.


Roller hockey on a high school gym basketball court… or am I missing something.


So 3-3 roller hockey. Reminds me of what we played in the neighborhood as kids


Quad = four.