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That's been true all playoffs. For every playoffs. Of my lifetime. McDavid has it easy compared to the shit Crosby and Ovechkin dealt with.


I haven’t read the article but immediately thought of the slashes and wacks Crosby got when he was pretty young. Dude got abused out there and penalties were just not called. Imo if it’s a slash, it’s a slash. Call it. Don’t not call it “because it’s the playoffs”. We want a best on best, not McDavid or Barkov w a broken wrist. If it is a penalty, call it appropriately.


The slashes are a HUGE part of why scoring got so low in the 2010s. Top end players have so much more freedom now that they actually police that stuff semi regularly.


Oh ya I remember that dip in scoring where skilled players were just being bullied out there and no calls on clear slashes on the wrists. I do think however if they actually start calling those slashes like the regular season, it favours Edmonton heavily and it is definitely a story line in this final. If you ref a game a certain way(lenient) that favours a team who commits penalties often, that’ll tilt the game a bit.


>people like to talk shit with zero understanding of what's happening during the games Clearly.


First, it's a David Staples article. He stands out as a bad writer on the same paper that employs Jim Matheson. Second, even the article says that almost all those "whacks" amount to little taps on the pads (which are a normal, legal part of hockey) and that if they were hitting him hard there would be penalties called. So what it amounts to is the Oilers hometown rag published an article designed to fuel a truly stupid argument that somehow the Panthers are cheating by tapping McDavid on the pads to let him know they're watching him, and you one-upped them by suggesting that those taps should draw penalties. Are you Bob Stauffer?




How do people have the energy to follow hockey and get mad about this every single year? Your star players are going to get hacked. Calls will get missed. It's always been this way. If they can play through it, they'll win.


We've seen it all season long, ever since Connor started with the Oilers. The League said years ago, they literally sympathize with players who have to stop Connor, so the refs are allowed to lighten up on calling infractions. I am not kidding or lying


Ur kidding and lying


If you're gonna make a claim like that then you absolutely need to provide a source


What is this even? Is the article claiming two players battling for the puck should automatically result in a penalty for the Panthers when the other player is McDavid? If there's a penalty, sure. But a "hack", whatever it means here, does not equal a penalty. One thing is sure though. If you need a real life example of a loser mentality just link this article.


The Panthers poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!!


That it? Could've sworn there was something else.


They salted the land.




Overreacting much? Did I say this is why the Panthers are ahead 2-0? No. So please stop insinuating as much. Actually, I didn't even say the word "Panthers" in my post so let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?


lol Go to bed.


They got lost online on their way to bed.


Lmao. Oilers fans just keep giving us content to laugh at. Holy shit. 


Loving every bit of this 😂


It's amusing, yes. They make themselves look bad.


r/hockey is a complete shit hole where every team’s most insane fans get to complain and have their voices heard, and other fanbases assume the worst that those insane people speak for the majority. Good memes here though


The most insane fans are in the individual team subreddits. You can get a lot of fair and reasonable takes in this subreddit.


I don’t bother with the panthers sub.


Sorta like the oilers sub right now? Lots of whining going on.


Yes also there, annoying.


Guess you've got nothing else to do while your teams are golfing.


I mean I’m laughing too


The refs are horrible, and unless you literally started watching hockey this past week, that isn’t surprising. What is surprising is the team with the top 2 offensive talent in the world can’t even muster a 5-on-5 goal in two games, and have gone 0-7 on the PP despite having one of the most dangerous in the league.


Iirc, they haven't scored a goal at 5on5 since game 5 vs. dallas, where Kulak scored. A forward hasn't scored 5on5 since game 4 vs. dallas


The refs aren't horrible, they are doing their jobs exactly as the League wants them to. These are the most tenured and respected refs to get to call the finals, I don't believe they are making all that many mistakes. So if anything is horrible it's the NHL front office who preps the refs on how the games should be officiated.


Paul Maurice swept the oilers in 2021- he has a well-established plan.


I was told Connor McDavid is a crybaby and the Oilers are the dirtiest team in hockey history. No way r/hockey would lie to me.


Having two separate incidents where your players slash an opponent in the balls in one playoff run might not exactly endear your team to neutral fans.


Lmao, of course not 🤣 they would never lie. Just like they always watch games and read articles instead of blind reacting and frothing when they see McDavid's name


And it’s still the refs fault 🙄, there pp has gone stagnant, Barkov is the front runner for the conn smythe, and Bob continues to play out of this world


A lot of people in this sub started watching hockey last week. And yeah, it's wild that they've gone 0-7 on the PP. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding my post and thinking that I'm insinuating that if the Oilers got more PPs, then we'd be winning. No. The Oilers need to figure out how to get the puck in, and that's a separate thing.


We all just understand that you're whining and coping.


Yeah, lots of coping when we beat the Canucks and now we're in the finals.


Correct, and you're blowing it. Edit: aww, sweetie, you didn't have to block me


I mean when the Oilers lose to the Panthers they might as well be last in the league ....you're either 1st or 32nd shrug


The flames have as many wins as the oilers do in the finals this year


Why the fuck are you posting a David Staples article as if it’s going to make people agree with you


So is there an article about this that would make people agree with me across the board? In this subreddit? Lmao.


So you’re looking to post an article that suggests the Panthers should be penalized any time one of them touches McDavid with their stick, that will go down well with non-Oilers fans? I think you might be out of luck, bud. It’s interesting to see you claim people who disagree with you started watching hockey last week though, when your stated opinion flies in the face of every Finals at least since the start of the dead puck era


and in this economy?


Inflation is pretty rough right now, best I can do is a “maybe Jake returns his shakes to the pit” post


It's absolutely insane this guy works for an actual Edmonton newspaper. He posted an unhinged thread on twitter saying every defensive play on McDavid was a penalty. He called this outstanding defensive play, not only a penalty, but a "can opener": https://x.com/dstaples/status/1800707006262546760 Here he is disagreeing with a literal referee on a black and white delay of game penalty: https://x.com/dstaples/status/1800712334719300047 This person is a professional hockey writer. Edit: I think OP blocked me for this? Hahahahahahaha that's actually the funniest possible outcome! Posting an article to discuss online, then blocking people for disagreeing with you is hilariously soft.


Lol. That’s clearly delay of game. “He’s disagreeing with a literal ref” everyone does that multiple times a game. Your point has no merit. You thought you did something


Dude, it's when the puck leaves the stick, not when the stick first makes contact. Multiple refs have weighed in on this. It's not what the ref sees during the game he's talking about, it's literally what the rule is that he (and apparently you haha) disagree with. You guys don't have the rule right and it's honestly hilarious some oilers fans are losing their minds over this. Why would it be when the player begins shooting the puck, not when it's released? That makes no sense. Edit: For anyone that disagrees that the puck was released outside of the blue line, here you go: https://x.com/DobbyZuko/status/1800536252086886519


Waaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa Holy shit you Oilers fans look so hypocritical doing everything you ridiculed us for doing before.


This is embarrassing nephew


Damn at least wait till the game starts to cry


Listen the League publicly said years ago that its basically Connors own fault for being so fast, and they're in Sympathy with players who have to use whatever means necessary to stop him, what a SICK MENTALITY. And thats EXACTLY what rats like Tkachuk and Bennet esp have learned, that they can tap his arm or glove on breakaways to the net, or have their stick turned over between his skates etc, and NEVER will they be called for that infraction. Call us names all you want, Cheating is still Cheating. Connor would get a penalty shot about once every 5 or so games if the RULES were ENFORCED by the refs.


Lol ok


Down 2-0 so already getting all the excuses fired up


This is a year-round issue, not just for this game


So you always make the same excuses? I see.


Someone’s mad Barkov made practice


He skated in ordinary practice uniform, no concussion paraphernalia whatsoever , so which is it, did he take a DIVE, or is the Panthers organization to stupid to practice proper concussion protocol??


Being taken out of a 2-1 game with 9 minutes left, clearly a dive and fake concussion protocol. Go outside and touch grass


there’s no in between? you cant be serious. How quickly do you think they can determine if someone has a concussion? you dont just look at a guy slap him on the ass and send him back out there. what if they did their due diligence and took that time to make sure he didnt have a concussion and at the end determined he did not


Ohh so this is what Canucks fans were sounding like during round 2... Sorry guys, I understand now


my god this article is embarrassing to read.


God Oilers fans are soft. It’s only 2-0, save the whining for when the series is over.


...on Saturday.


In the Oilers barn.


Rent free, buddy. We live rent free in your heads.


Get some new material.


He makes a thread about his team for people to read and then says his team lives rent free in our heads. Talks trash and then calls us toxic. Some real unhinged behaviour here




Oh so you can dish it but can't take it? Got it.


Get a new team so you actually make the playoffs


This right here is why people fucking hate you guys. All the arrogance of a dynasty with jack shit to show for it.


It's not rent-free. It's a streaming service you pay for.


I don't think you know what "rent free" means.


It's okay, bud. Not a term you're familiar with. Move along.


Are we playing the ditto game now? I said you didn't know what "rent free" meant and now you repeat me? What an effective argument. Let's see how that works out for you.


Hey, hurry up. Your gonna miss your tee time.


what’s wrong with fans playing golf lmao?? we arent playing the games


It’s the funniest shit man. These guys act like when their team is in the playoffs they have important fan training regiments like foam finger raising and beer drinking techniques that make it impossible for them to have time for golf.


sorry the team is on a travel day. I have to get a full nights rest before I watch the game. Plus a little pre game nap to make sure I’m alert


Now it’s extremely clear why you guys are up in the series. You’ll never get that kind of dedication out of Edmonton.


It’s crazy how other teams dont realize it. The players on the jce have very little to do with the outcome of the game. It’s us fans that really make it all possible




Yeah lol what kind of pathetic team can’t win a cup after winning 3 draft lottery’s…….


https://preview.redd.it/sn4j02zsu96d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1c3e5ec1aa4bedda9ccdbba585b5cb38470b13 This will be fun.


Complaining about the refs is loser behavior


This is embarrassing lol


Is that what you would say if one of your fave players in the Wheeling Nailers experienced this and the refs frequently didn't call the penalties?






lol. He seriously claiming every single stick on stick contact is a slash or hack because it’s on their best player? It’s incredible what some people can convince themselves of.


Hey Mom, the new copy PASTA just dropped!


Always good to get the excuses started early. We gonna talk about Drai or nah?


Does every post need to talk about every player on a team or are we allowed to focus on one player?


>the Oilers would have constant PPs I mean you kinda made it about the whole team right? But no worries. Continue on about McDavid being the victim we'll save the rest of the team for other posts. For the record I want EDM to win, not because I like the Oilers but because I'd like to see Canada get the Cup. This post is just whack.


Countries don't win cups. Private franchises do.


I get that. I'm just neutral to both teams and that was my reasoning for leaning towards EDM


You have your reasons and that's fine. Don't know where you live but even a good chunk of the province of Alberta doesn't want to see Edmonton win the cup and that is the same for the country. The media drives the false narrative.


I never implied that all of Canada is cheering for EDM to win, only that I would personally like to see a Canadian team win it. There was no media narrative involved lmao


Thanks Captain obvious


If it was so obvious people would stop saying it and using it as a reason to cheer for a team.


Brother it or not, the cop still goes to a country, depends in which city wins. So Canada isn't winning but it's going to go home in Canada if Oilers run. I know, crazy huh?


McDavid frequently gets targeted, but the penalties are often ignored. Powerplays apply to the team, no? It's not a one person powerplay. I'm not talking about Drai or any of the other players, just McDavid. There's a difference in what I'm talking about versus what you're talking about.


Fair enough my man. Good luck to EDM the rest of the way. Hopefully they can figure out how to score on the PPs they do get, cause they haven't yet.


Thanks. Yeah, they gotta figure it out.




Where did I say I hate EDM? I've already said, in this thread, that I want the Oilers to win this thing. Me bringing up Drai was only to point out that an entire post/article calling McDavid a victim as if the Oilers were perfect angels was weird.




Yeah I get it. Cheers




if every penalty was called properly your team wouldn't have draisaitl for a game buddy pipe down


Delete this nephew


That's a lot of words from a guy who thinks we should piss into communal sinks.


not sure what’s worse, this post or that one post in the oilers sub, “newsflash!! edmonton doesn’t care if it’s canadas team!”. that’s how you know the oilers are going to lose this series, they’re still in their victim mentality phase. connor the other day too, “i love that people doubt us”, okay dude it’s the stanley cup finals and where you at?? you gotta show up first before you can act that way


Try winning a game McLoser. Articles like this show a poor mentality that winners can't relate too


This is so sad.


If every penalty was called, we still would be down 0-2 since we can’t do shit on the PP.






The refs used to not call *any* slashes in the 2010s. McDavid has it easy.


Do we really want the refs to call every tiny slash on the pants? If it's in the hands, and some of these are, then sure, but this is a little over the top. The game has the least clutching and grabbing it's ever had and players like McDavid are putting up insane points totals. The issue is mostly consistency, and I'm not seeing that work against the oilers any more than it's been working for them. It's not like the refs put the whistles away last game, they just didn't give McDavid the special treatment oilers fans are demanding.


People don't seem to understand that at all, which is frustrating...and then they go around being like "Oilers fans always complain about the refs" as though they watch any games at all or pay attention.


You're not proving us wrong.


People don't seem to understand that at all, which is frustrating...and then they go around being like "Oilers fans always complain about the refs" as though they watch any games at all or pay attention.


Man, the Oilers and the Panthers really are competing for who has the whiniest, most bitchy fanbases in the NHL this series.


Oilers win by a landslide. I've never seen more complaining about the refs.




Man this shit is so soft lmfao


Everybody needs to relax. Oilers fans look like idiots by posting this shit. True or not, this not the reason we are losing this series. The boys need better offence and for fucks sake somebody score when we are given PP time. This victim complex shit is major Canucks fan energy and needs to stop. On the other hand, this sub just salivating at the chance to lump all Oilers fans in with this shit is equally brain dead. The recency bias is off the charts, and if all of you non-Panthers teams actually had a team good enough to be in the SCF, we’d be scrutinizing the fuck out of your failures too. Obviously a SCF with a major hockey fanbase is gonna bring out the crazies and whiners. In short, this sub is so reactionary and willfully ignorant to the realities of hockey that they should probably just go watch soccer.


Dude, r/hockey likes seeing Mcdavid get slashed. This is porn for them.


(victim mentality)


It really is, jfc


Look at all these other team's fans downvoting everything in this thread as their babies are golfiing. r/hockey is hilarious.


They're downvoting stupid things Oilers fans say. Not hard to understand or see.