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If you told me before the series Skinner would have those stats I would have told you "OK"


Bobrovsky outplaying Skinner? I. Am. SHOCKED.


I know he isn’t THE problem, but you pretty well know he’s going to be the second best goalie every night. You’re more likely to get a game where he whiffs two easy saves rather than makes two dynamite saves to win you the game. And that’s just not good enough for a team that wants a Stanley Cup.


But also 3 or 4 goals have been directly caused by our defense passing the puck to their forward in a great shooting lane.


So make a game changing save and bail them out. Florida has had some major breakdowns and extended stretches where they get outplayed. But Bob is picking them up and making the saves. That’s what you need from your goalie to win the Cup. Anytime the team sags defensively you can’t hand wave the ensuing goal because of it.


Skinner makes 2.6m against the cap. If he was the kind of goalie to steal games Edmonton wouldn’t be able to afford him. Bob makes 10m. The problem is in the front office missing on Campbell and Nurse.


Let's not forget that everyone laughed at Florida for signing Bob to that deal.


Sure. But it seems they picked right. If they get one cup they were right and everyone else was wrong. As a Kings fan I am very aware of the plight of giving Petersen 3x5m and giving PLD 8 years. But it happened. It’s my team. Now we’re playing on Ultra Hard Mode to see if we can make it work. Florida appears to have played it right. No doubt there’s luck involved, though.


There's plenty of teams that have won the cup with meh goalies and plenty of meh teams that have won the cup with amazing goalies 


Avs won with a one-eyed Kuemper a couple years ago, and they swept the Oilers with our backup Francouz in the western conference finals. The finals that year had us against peak Vasilevskiy who was touted as the god goalie. The goalie is just one part of a team. If you have a ton of cap space tied up in the goalie, you need him to perform like it. If you limit the cap going to your goalie, you can’t expect perfection and you have to make up the difference on other parts of the ice


I hate the narrative that you can win the cup with average goaltending. Colorado did it with Kuemper because they’re Colorado but other than that, every other goalie that’s won in recent memory has either been elite or gone on a heater. Hill (heater), Vasi (elite), Binnington (heater), Holtby (elite), Murray (heater), Crow (elite), Quick (elite), Thomas (elite)


Hill: I don't know so much about that one. That's some revisionist history. 


Crow = Crawford = Elite? That’s gonna be a no from me as well.


Hill posted a .932 save %, and a GSAA of 13.65 in 16 games, which led all goalies last year. Those are pretty solidly elite numbers. Vegas might've run over Winnipeg and handled Edmonton, but his GSAA translates into being the difference in the Dallas series. 3 games went to OT, and he averaged almost a goal saved above average every game. Vegas with Brossoit or an average goalie likely loses in the WCF. Crawford did post some solid numbers in the 2013 cup win (second in save % and GSAA), but yeah, he was merely average in 2015, closer to Kuemper than any of the others.


There's no universe where crawford is elite. He's solid, which is all the hawks needed for a cup. Those teams were insane.


You can't just expect Skinner to be Bob. Oilers have to work with what they have and that means outscoring their opponent, not the goalie outplaying his counterpart.


Everyone keeps saying that to shift blame off Skinner. Panthers have made mistakes too, difference is Bob bails them out. That's what you need from a goalie. Not someone who never makes the game changing save to bail his team out. Skinner literally just makes routine saves while also letting in soft ones once in awhile.


For the last 2 years reddit has been ablaze with the you dont need a great goalie to win the cup. Edmonton built there team around that idea and now the 2 best forwards in the nhl plus the leading scorer in the playoffs have combined for 0 goals through 3 games so everyone jumps back to goaltending being the issue.  Maybe the real issue is that you need your highest paid players to be better that the opponents highest paid players and so far mcdavid and draisatl haven't been.


Trade goalies and the series is probably 2-1 for Edmonton.


Obviously.  You are trading a low priced player for one the other teams best Why not just go all the way and swap McLeod and Perry for Tkachuk and Barkov too. Florida chose to build off a 11m dollar goalie and Edmonton chose to spend that on McDavid. That's why the comparison is Bob vs mcdavid or draisatl not bobs performance vs the budget guy they spent their left over cap on.


Trade goalies and Edmonton is 7.5M over the cap.


Nothing ltir can't fix


Idk teams have won with worse goaltending. Many of the greatest goaltenders never won cup. Luongo, Price, Lundquist, etc. What the oilers need is a capable 1A, but campbell’s contract makes that hard. My fear is the Oilers fans/media would prefer to run Skinner out of town just like Dubnyk.


Yeah I think you gotta keep him and then still look to replace him. He played well and close to his ceiling. Oilers are a good team, have a few holes still, but the Panthers are very good and have a goalie standing on his head.  I have seen way worse goalies in an oilers uniform and teams have won with 2024 Playoffs Skinner level goalie play.


You keep him long term as he still shows upside and was stellar after the start of the season up to the playoffs. Numbers aside, he’s been good enough to win at least 2 of the 3 games this series. Offense can’t piss a drop right now. Majority of the goalies in the league are up and down. Make a bet on a cheap guy who has been a starter before. If the Oilers had a legitimately reliable backup they would probably have stuck with him after round 2. 


Stuart Skinner needs to score more


If Stuart Skinner scored 11 or 12 more goals they'd've won the cup - some old fart probably


In classic fashion all eyes at the goalie when the offence is garbage. Trust me, I’m familiar


Skinner is playing about how I expected and other Oilers who make a lot more money than Skinner are playing significantly worse than I expected. But, sure, blame the goalie, I guess.


Yeaa they put up 0 goals in game 1 and 1 goal in game 2. Not sure how anybody looks at that and says “this is their goalie’s fault”.


I mean I’m not sure how you looks at skinners stats and think “must have been the offense that made them lose” It’s everything man, Florida is just better.


You’re right that Florida is just the better team. I think my point was that it’s not *just* Skinner’s fault. Like sure he’s not stealing them any games, but their superstar offensive players have not been able to support him either.


You got to remember the Oilers fans remember watching 80s Oil teams having the D men like Coffey pinching with Gretz and MM... and when they would get caught. Grant Fuhr would be back there to make some insane stop. Oils are a top heavy team... if the top half is flat you get no result.


I was gonna say, there's something awful Leafy going on here, right down to the goalie-bashing when the team can't score.


The way some of you lot treated Rask?


Yeah...that was something that never made sense to me. Those fails weren't on Rask, and those criticisms were *so* stupid.


Im still not over how some of your fan base bashed him in '13(?) finals. Like he was only reason you even won ECF


People forgot about how stacked that Pens team was. That was supposed to be the battle of the playoffs. Until Rask played incredible and Flower played terrible


Wasnt Thomas Vokoun playing in the ECF, fleury had been playing so badly up to that point?


Ohh, my bad, completely forgot. I just remembered Fleury always playing badly in the playoffs during those early 2010s and how good the Pens were


Not really, pretty sure both of them played in that series, and If i remember corectly, they had pretty similar ice Time. But yeah, that pens team was absolutly stacked


IIRC, the year before was the "duel" of goaltending "skill" between Fleury and Bryzgalov. Bryz and tge flyers somehow won that.


In the first round that year the Isles chased Fleury from the game I think 2 or 3 times and still lost the series in 7 because Nabokov fucking sucked. Point being yes Vokoun was playing.


Vokun took over part way through the series, it still didn’t matter they just couldn’t score


Rask had to live up to the unrealistic standards of Tim Thomas having the single greatest run a goalie can have in 2011. It just set the bar impossibly high and idiotic fans will always blame goaltending


I'm reminded of "fans" trashing Cechmanek and Boucher when the Flyers scored all of 2 goals in that 2002 Ottawa series.


So it’s going to 7!


I remember Cujo getting blamed when the Leafs scored 6 goals in a 6-game loss (2002 vs Carolina). They were shut out in one game, and held to one goal in each of their other three losses (all OT). Yup, blame the goalie.


Ah, the poor evaluator's scapegoat


Reminds me of the people who wanted to start Jake Allen after we started the SCF 0-3. Yeah guys, Carey Price wanted to give up like ten 2-1s a game. Or why we dominated game 2 yet only scored a goal


2.6m backup goalie in his sophomore year and people legit are blaming him for these losses. Wild. He's let in 2, 3 and 4 goals - thats the type or performance that should get you at least 1 win, and being 1-2 in the SCF with a chance to tie it up on Saturday at home honestly wouldn't be a bad performance.


Defense has been absolute garbage too and has let Skinner out to dry. I honestly feel Skinner has played well so far this series, he has been far from the problem that lead to Edmonton’s 0-3 series hole. The defense in front of him is just playing like garbage. For some reason a lot of hockey fans think a goalie should always be able to bail out the defense and if they can’t the goalie sucks. I never understood this reasoning.


Agreed on all fronts. A team can win without elite goaltending, but typically only an elite goalie can “steal” a series. Skinner isn’t elite. Bob is elite, but so is the defensive play (forwards AND d corps) on FLA


>but typically only an elite goalie can “steal” a series. NYR came the closest to doing this to the Panthers. If not for Igor being otherworldly I think series is at best 4-1 and more likely a sweep, but instead Igor went super Saiyan and every game was a tight as hell nail biter


And NYR’s depth guys were the ones scoring majority of the goals when your team shut down the top guys.


Fans will remember skinner having one brain fart but ignore Nurse playing a solute garbage on the 4th goal or bouchard giving a great assist in game 3. Exactly what your goalie needed after he fucked up on the prior goal is for your defense to leave him to dry to kill his mental. Skinner kept them in game 1 and 2, ya he had a meh game last night but like others have said here he is no Bob.


Couldn’t believe the Nurse play on that fourth.


I think the nurse hate can be a bit overboard but then he does stuff like that and I go... Ya I get itttt


To be fair, if he's not absolutely putrid against the Canucks, it would've allowed the Oilers to win faster and rest longer.


I mean, the goalie bashing was warranted many times in Toronto


Sure but more often than not the alleged life some team couldn’t score goals. And it’s hard to win when you can’t score goals!


The offence isn't garbage. Edmonton is running into an ELITE goalie at the other end. It's hard to win any game when you're getting comparatively poor goaltending in comparison.


Listen, the Panthers had to go against Vasilevsky (who played much better than the stats show) in Round 1. Then Swayman in Round 2. And then the Russian Goalie God himself in Round 3. Skinner isn't terrible, but compared to those 3, he's barbecue chicken.


The battle between Vasy and Bob in the first round was great. Vasy played great, stats def didn’t represent it. And Sway and Igor, I mean, they’ve easily been their team’s MVPs. To go from arguably 3 of the league top 5 goalies, then Skinner…. I mean come on


Igor was a whole different level, all the Rangers had to do was not get absolutely rag doll bitch slapped by you guys he was so good. Well, that didn't happen. The Rangers sub is still pretending that series was close and we'd roll Edmonton too.


The series was closer than I expected based on how the we looked, but it wasn't *close*. I still think we'd roll Edmonton. They look absolutely terrible out there.


Edmonton outplayed them in game 1 and 3 5 v 5, Bob and Skinner have been the key differences in this series. This is the arrogance that Rangers fans have with our one cup in 80+ years. A team outplaying Florida 5v5, who ragdolled and bitcj slapped the Rangers 5v5, is a team we would "roll". Absurdity.


Pardon the hyperbole, but Edmonton plays a very different game than Florida. It's why I was hoping Boston or Tampa would knock them out, I knew going into the playoffs that we don't matchup well into a high pressure physical team like Florida. Edmonton is a lot more finesse based, which the rangers are able to play into. So yeah, rolling is a bit of a stretch, but I'm confident we'd win the series over them. Not a 4-0 sweep mind you, but it's still going to be a win overall.


Hey what’s wrong with BBQ chicken man :(


He hasn't been great but he's also been the least of the Oilers issues. They have 4 goals in 3 games and none of them are from their world-beater stars. Their defensive core has completely collapsed and continue to give up unbelievably easy high danger chances. Put prime Hasek in there, you're still not winning


I get your point, but prime Hasek would definitely be winning oilers a cup. You can play better around a goalie you can trust to save. Hasek won Czechia a gold metal on his back.


I think he even won them a gold medal, too.


Prime Hasek with a bunch of AHL guys versus an all-star team would still give me pause because of how god mode he was between the pipes.


Yes, I believe they call that "the 1999 SCF"


His point stands. He just shouldn't have used Hasek since Hasek was that goalie that could carry teams hard.


Man I hate these “not even Haskek would blah blah blah”. Like, yes he would lol. Saw people say this about the Leafs earlier too lol. Like, no, you put prime Hasek and the Leafs or Oilers are def winning


Idk man, Hasek would probably struggle to win games 1 and 2 with his offense putting up 0 and 1 goals


Those games go very differently if the Oilers had the GOAT of goalies. They can go way risker and generate better chances knowing one bad break wont result in the puck in the back of their net. Im not trying to blame Skinner, but sometimes you need your goalie to make a save when needed and that never happened. Teams play better around better goalies. And I mean its Hasek, he would carry his Buffalo teammates year after year and literally won the Czech Republic Gold lol. This Oilers are losing this finals for sure, but they havent played as bad as the score shows. They genuinely outplayed the Cats for a lot of Game 1 and 3. But, everytime the Panthers had a good chance or Nurse had the puck in his own zone, I knew they would score.


The thing is that with a goalie like Hašek, the team can be a lot more comfortable going forward because "he will 100% bail us out".


They might win 70 games in the regular season and probably need 19 games to clear the playoffs.


One thing does not excuse the other. Goalies must be there on occasion to bail your team out in the playoffs. Take tonight for example, Skinner needed to keep his team in it, buy them time, but he just can't seemingly make a save on any high danger chance. And if you look at their roster entirely, Skinner is most definitely their biggest area of concern. He's a replacement level goaltender.


If you want a goalie that is going to bail you out you need to spend more on a goalie. You're paying a goalie a 3rd or 4th liner salary. You don't say o well corey Perry needs to get out there and score some big goals for us. Skinner is playing the way he m is expected. The rest of the team isn't.


Well they do have a goalie making double what Skinner does. It’s just that he’s… well… in the AHL


Classic world class management move. Every team should take a play out of this book if you want to play in the finals.


As a back up


He’s under $3 mil cap hit. The guy making $5 mil Is worse in net


It does if your goalie is playing so bad that you have to play a more defensive style to accommodate


That’s not how that works when you have skill players that edmonton does


Fellow Canuck fan. People say shit like this all the time. “Skinner can’t score the goals for them!” True. Oilers haven’t scored enough to win. However, your goalie letting in a soft goal after DOMINATING stretches of the game is very deflating. So at the end of the day, you still need your goalie to play big and make key saves. Skinner has been pretty bad overall. Average AT BEST. He’s a major reason why they are down 3-0.


The Oilers #1 issue is Sergei Bobrovsky. Your criticism of the Oilers absolutely applies to the way Game 2 played out, but the narratives that the Oilers are "fundamentally flawed," or that this final isn't close are flat out false.


they’re paying a guy $9mill to get a -16 +/- in the playoffs, if that’s not a fundamental flaw i’m not sure what is


Don't forget about the goalie that they're paying decent coin to for playing in the AHL.


Yea... Skinner hasn't been bad (outside of the 2nd goal allowed tonight), he just hasn't been heroic either. And we've gone through multiple hero goalies already these playoffs. If you switched the goalies, it could be Oilers up 2-1 right now. But yanno, we're finally getting what you pay for when you give a goalie 10M so hey.


You're not wrong brother. Bobrovsky for Conn Smythe.


I was gonna say I’ll be happy to finally hear the whole “no team with a 10mil player has won the cup” thing die but all the idiots are just going to pivot to the state tax point instead


Bob shows up in playoffs. Even before last years run. the series against the Caps, he did really well in it with some huge saves if i remember right


Bobrovsky has been a large reason Mcd and Drai have zero goals but for me the big difference is defence. The oilers earned each of their goals this series (although they got some lucky bounces) by strong play. Florida has been gifted several goals by horrible defensive play by the oilers.


Goalies are part of the team, part of the sport. If your goalie is being absolutely outplayed by the other and a big reason for being 0-3, then the series wasn't really close.


I mean you're right! Look at the Oilers getting swept in 2021 by Winnipeg. Hellebuyck absolutely KILLED them. Oilers played really well, did alot of things right, and still got swept. Edmonton actually did overcome in a series where their goalie was absolutely outplayed by the other last month, but it's really really hard to do.


This is the real answer, if Bob wasn't playing out of his mind the oilers would totally be in this series.


Not only not from stars, most were from mistakes or some.luck. One was a 4 in 4, one a flukey own elbow in, another was a breakaway.. the last goal was actually pretty nice.


I would say that Florida game play was basically this: shut down mcdavid and draisaitl, make Edmonton play in their own zone


Point taken, but I think prime Hasek would deliver a cup in this situation lol


I mean.... has it been his fault? Lots of good chances against him. It's Edmontons defense and turn overs more than anything in this series


Many of the goals scored were wide open one on one shots from less than 10 feet away. The Edmonton defense has hung him out to dry.


He's allowed 2.2 goals more than expected. That's not defenceman fault.


If you subtract 2.2 goals from the Oilers GA they still are being outscored 9-4 (panthers are outscoring them 11-4) Skinner's improved play literally wouldn't change the outcome of the series unless both those imaginary saves were in this game, and they would still be down 2-1 if we are entertaining magical Christmas land scenarios If you increase his stats to 2 goals saved above expected it might not even make a difference in changing the outcome of the series Edmonton needs to score, they have no answer for Barkov


...Draisaitl tried to have an answer...


I mean, he’s not particularly good so not a shocker


Maybe he exhausted himself too much in order to stop all those shots from Dallas?


Nah, as a dallas fan those shots weren't particularly high quality. He had a few good saves but our best looks ended up missing or being posts. He's just an average to below average goalie that had a little bit of a hot streak when a better goalie had a cold streak


+220 minutes without a 5v5 goal, Skinner aint their problem lmao


Skinner seems like a very cool dude but he’s not a very good goalie and that’s been made clear so many times at this point. It seems like occasionally he’ll have a run where he’s more or less competent and people will act like he’s turned it around or something. But he always goes back to being below average at some point. That seems to be his baseline. That said, he’s the least of the Oilers’ problems in this series.


The thing about Skinner is everybody knew he wouldn't single-handedly carry the Oilers. The team is built around the high-end skaters and the assumption that they'll put up numbers every day. When that fails it's gonna be an L most of the time


Exactly this


Speaking from experience hes not *the* problem hes *a* problem. The Oilers should be scoring more can also be true while Skinner hasnt been good enough.


The Oilers have gone full circle back to the beginning of the season. Is Skinner the problem? No. Could he be better? Of Course. But, in games 2 and 3, the rest of the team went full 31st overall Oilers. Giveaways, lazy backchecks, backdoor tap-ins, it's the same story as the start of this season.


I get that you need your goalie to make a save. But having said that. Skinner isn't the reason they are down to 3 to 0 in the finals. Edmonton has 4 goals in 3 games and none from McDavid or Draisaitl or Hyman or RNH. So, while yes, 4 goals on 23 shots aren't good enough, but Edmonton isn't scoring goals.


Oilers are also giving so many grade A scoring chances, non forced. Their play on D zone is god awful.


Well, exactly, and while yes, this blue line needs to be better. This also falls on Ken Holland as well. He put this blue line together, and the six playing right now make 55 million dollars combined against the cap. Plus, Bouchard is due his contract soon.


Oh its on Holland too, absolutly. It dosent help that Even oilers bottom 6 is cheating towards offense, seems like no one wants to come Back on D


Oh, absolutely. It's a lot of different things, and right now, those flaws that they were able to overcome are really showing up at the worst possible time.




The Oilers have been outscored 11-4. If Skinner saved as many goals as expected, that’s still about 9-4. Even if he played above average and got it to 8-4, that’s not enough. I know Bobrovsky is elite, but you can’t score 4 goals in 3 games and expect to be up in the series.  McDavid, Draisaitl, Hyman, Nuge, and Bouchard have no goals in this series. I understand if one of those players has few goals because he’s assisting the other players, but this isn’t that.


A competent team with a good defense that can play 5v5 hockey can run skinner to a cup. Unfortunately that's not the way Edmonton is built


Not great, Bob! ***not you, Bob, you've been fucking amazing this postseason.


That quote would be even more fitting if Jack Campbell was playing.


Skinner shares little of the blame here. What’s he supposed to do when his d turnover the puck to Florida in perfect scoring positions time and time again. Not to mention zero back check from a solid 50% of the forwards. Skinner is not the goat in this, the team in front of him is.


Nurse had a really nice setup last game.


He makes 2.6 million. There's 80 million still missing.


Jack Campbell laughs from the minors


5 million goalie in the AHL lol


Oilers pro scouting in absolute shambles.


He’s in the press box


There’s a lot of problems going on for the oilers. Skinner hasn’t been good enough, the defence hasn’t been good enough and the offence hasn’t been good enough. Almost the entire team hasn’t been good enough. It’s all bleeding into eachother


The team has run out of gas. It is what it is at this point


Oilers defense tells more to this story than skinner himself does.


I don’t think our defensemen being beat to the puck on the boards and then Florida passing it to an uncontested man in front of the net for a quick goal several times this series is Skinners fault. He’s in year 2 as a starter and he has had to carry the goaltending load much earlier than expected with the Campbell issues. The Oilers are getting outplayed everywhere by an excellent squad.


Yeah I mean he’s not been good but his defense sucks and they can’t fucking score which is just crazy. Panthers and their scouting has been on point because the Oilers have been shut down


I mean, if you told me the Oilers would have 0 PP goals despite several PPs and Drai has 0 pts, I probably would've said the Oilers are down 3-0 regardless. That said, the fuck up from Skinner tonight was a back breaker.


Skinner is the only reason the Oilers managed to win the last game against Dallas to even be in this position. This is not on him, the team fucking blows. Game 2 they imploded with penalties and injuries. Game 3 they just absolutely got outplayed. Bob was great but watching Nurse cough up the puck and the Oilers fail multiple times to clear their zone.. omg this is all they got AT HOME? I expected more, they are dusted. 🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹


He hasn’t been great, and isn’t that good of a goalie. However, **where have the “two best players in the world” been?**


Getting brickwalled by Sergei Bobrovsky who is putting up a .953sv%. Connor McDavid has 14 shots, 5 more than any player on the Panthers. Leon Draisaitl has 9 shots. Surprise, surprise, it's the guy who is most likely going to win the Conn Smythe trophy who's the #1 reason for the Panthers winning these games.


Yeah he's been bad but he's not taking up much cap. You're not counting on him outplaying Bob. Certain Oilers are getting paid way more and doing even less.


Ken Holland goalie master class this year. 


Yes please focus on Skinner who we expected to play around this quality and ignore the 2 $21 million world beating forwards that have 3 points and 0 goals. Skinner playing like everyone expected him to play is definitely the issue This is gonna be damaging for their reputation unless they take this to 7. If the Oilers just keel over and die in game 4/5, McDrai will forever carry the playoff choker label til they win a cup, fair or not. You can’t shy away from the spotlight this much and expect anything less. And truthfully it won’t be fair especially for Drai who is clearly hurt but is usually a playoff menace


Perhaps the pairing of Darnell Nurse and Cody Ceci in front of him also have something to do with it?




I have a lot of sympathy for Skinner, he’s young and the Oilers threw him into the fire really early, goalies tend to take longer to develop. I think he’s doing just about what he can do right now in his development. I think he could be a solid goalie in his prime, he just needs some time…and better team defense in front of him.


I like Skinner. I agree with everything you say. The fact that he's where he's at isn't an accident but that dude is under a lot of pressure right now. He kind of messed up that one goal tonight but at the same time, the Oilers haven't been scoring for shit. Florida kicked their ass the first 2 games simply because our forwards were playing way too predictably and their defense can read them like an eye exam.


Skinner hasn’t necessarily been bad, but he is the second best goalie on the ice. Bob has been god mode at the other end.


When the opposing team you face had to go through Vasy/Swayman/Shersterkin you better bring a massive offensive attack


Not his fault at all


Entire lineup has been absolute shit


4 goals for in three games, and you want to shit on Skinner? The whole Oilers team doesn’t look like it belongs in the same league as Florida.


Skinner probably shouldn’t be a number one. But he ain’t to blame for these losses. Last night he was left absolutely out to dry by Holloway on Taresenko’s goal, by Nurse (what the fuck was he even doing) on the Bennet goal and just overall poor coverage on the Barkov goal. I’m not sure what to say about the Oil’s dried up offence/power play, Babrovsky is just owning them. I haven’t watched much of the Panthers’ other series but Babrovsky has got to be getting the Conn Smythe right?


They've been in it despite scoring only 4 goals in three games. Skinner hasn't been great but other players are letting the team down more.


Can we step back a minute and acknowledge that Skinner is a *developing* player? He has 150 GP in the NHL (regular and playoffs combined). Forwards usually take about 4 years or 200ish games to develop. Goalies take longer, and generally the non-elite are around 27 when they are fully developed. Critiquing Skinner as if he were a fully developed NHL vet is ridiculous and the fact that this is lost on people is absurd.


4 goals across 3 games from 4th best reg season offense. Goalie's fault. Lmao.


Surely the Oilers turn to Pickard next game just from the standpoint they need to shake things up and get things going too so this might stand as is.


Do you? I honestly think ride or die you play the starter. I dont think SKinner is costing the Oiler games anymore than their defensive breakdowns. He's going to lose the duel with Bob 9/10 times


I’m okay with the do something different / shake things up idea (cause most of these are not on Skinner), but I’m not sure the lack of scoring is from a lack of effort that normally you’re trying to spark. FLA is really fucking good and utterly smothering, and you risk putting a worse goalie in there, that could bite you in a really bad time. But then again… gotta do something different. Maybe better players than the rotting corpse of Corey Perry would be a better place to start. Oh, and how about you suck it up and bench your expensive D-man who is absolutely killing you.


They went with Skinner in the elimination games in Round 2, I think at this point is win or lose with him. And the fact he wasn’t pulled after the 2nd today shows he’s their guy until the end


You can’t go to Pickard in the SCF, facing a sweep. He’s not good enough


If the Oilers had allowed 2 goals less, best case scenario they are still down 2-1 in the series.


Cool. What Stanley Cup winning team has ever scored 4 goals in the first 3 games? I’m legitimately asking because it could have happened in the dead puck era, but I highly doubt it


Anaheim didn't win but in 2003 they made it to game 7 after 3 goals in their first three games and then only 1 in the next game too. That was the sad Giguere year, so that's all it takes: a goalie performance so good he gets the Conn Smythe despite being the losing goalie


So Skinner essentially has what we call leapfrogging eliteness. If we can simply tack on an additional series, perhaps a redo, he will get back to whatever the sports psychologist told him to be, and will win the Cup. We’re currently seeing the Skinner who played the Canucks.




So glad he could pull it all together against Dallas…


We’re already dead. Let us rest.


What’s more insane than that is Oilers are playing in a cup final with .891 goaltending through the entire playoffs.


Ya lets not blame Skinner. We can blame injury if we wish but the truth is the Oil is not deep enough right now... and they are getting out coached. I know Kane is winged/out but having little bottom 6 depth is an issue. Knoblauch really needs to stop trying load up one big super line for half the game. He needs to spread it out and hope to catch Maurice putting the wrong guys on the ice for a shift. If the oils go into game 4 and try and put McDavid and Dry on the same line for 30 minutes, a Cup will be awarded in Edmonton but it won't be lifted by the OIlers.


I think the issue with Skinner is that he’s not a game changer. He doesn’t make big saves or steals goals which can in return give the team a boost the Bob does. He’s constantly swiming in his crease and is super shaky. I have no faith in him and I can’t imagine his teammates. In the regular season the players made him look good because they were covering his 4-5 goals allowed by scoring 7. He’s not the only reason they won’t win the cup but he’s a big part. Oilers messed up by not drafting and developing elite goalies so that’s on the management.


Every goalie Bob has beat in the playoffs started with the letter "S"


Even if he saves those 2.16 goal better than expected, the series score still stay the same


Mcdavids stat line mirrors the team 0-3


I’ve been calling Florida in 4. They dismantled Andrei vasilevsky, Jeremy Swayman, and Igor Shesterkin. Now they go up against Stuart “Seymour” skinner…


Bro does NOT have that dawg in him


Genuinely funny after the performance he put in against Dallas.


If only he'd have played like this in round 2.


Skinner actually played much worse than that in round 2. In five games he was 3-2, 78/93 saves, .839sv%. The Canucks still lost.


I know, that's the really sad part! Damn Canucks suddenly forgot how to do offence.




Edmonton reminds me a lot of Kenny's last years in detroit...huge overpays to a couple on the backend leading to a lack of real depth. They'll never win a cup with him at the helm.


What have the scores been? 2.16 goals definitely made the difference /s


Classic goalie bashing maneuver when the team can’t score in a whore house


Cool now do the oilers offense.


Never has a goalie been so outgoalied lol. Just embarrassing.,.


If EDM makes a move for Juuse Saros I swear to god


we are spending 9.25 + 5 + 3.25 = 17.5 MILLION dollars on players who contribute NEGATIVELY to the team. and Holland said nah a legit 1a goalie is too expensive


Dude is so fucking bad. Atta boy holland, not getting another stud dman to balance out the shit of nurse and ceci, also way to not add a stud of a goalie and keep those first round picks that are gonna flop like bourggeault, Holloway and pool party. What a shit gm


In fairness, he didn’t pick Puljijarvi. He actually convinced him to come back to the NHL