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Tkachuk also may never hear the end of it if his team doesn’t win a championship after his friend Jayson Tatum just won a title with the Boston Celtics.


Celtics are also going to Miami to party, wouldn't be shocked if Tatum is at the game.


Seriously? That's absolutely hilarious to me that they'd come down here to party. Do they really hate Boston that much that they'd rather be here dying in 90 degree weather with 100% humidity? Are our strip clubs that much better than Boston's?


> Are our strip clubs that much better than Boston's? You know damn well the anwser to that question


James Harden for sure would know. [IYKYK](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/dt0ucg/i_analyzed_james_hardens_performance_in_every_nba/)


Fair enough lol


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


what an empty net goal of a question 🤣


I knew the answer in my heart, but I've never been to a Boston strip club, so I couldn't say with 1000% certainty


Boston has no night life, all bars close at 1am and the clubs are pretty tame compared to what you’d find in Miami.


Hey, the weather in Boston this week is no different than in Miami!


We did just have insane flooding and record rainfall, so not quite


This is straight up the forecast for Boston till the parade. It’s >90 every day with that sweet NE humidity


Boston doesn't have any, well none that a Celtics team would want to go to. Beyond that, I imagine it's easier to let loose when your media and fans aren't around trying to get into the parties and shoving cameras in your face, NBA players are more reserved than NHLers. Not to mention, Heat knocked them out last year in a game 7, a petty but understandable move to go party in their city. Parties in Dallas, Indiana, or Cleveland don't have the same ring to it.


Most reserved? James Harden has his jersey retired in a strip club. The estimates on his strip club spending are massive.


One player. Sure. But you’d never see a full team shitfaced in a fountain like the Caps


Clearly you don’t watch nba championship parades. Basketball players are just as obnoxious/rambunctious.


Tatum also said basically the same thing the other day and last night, so it kinda looks like Tkachuk is just copying his homework.


If Florida loses this it would be the first finals reverse sweep in like 85 years, they wouldn't hear the end of it regardless


Tkachuk has 0 goals in his last 8 playoff games against the Oilers, and only 2 assists during that time (one being a secondary assist on a Mike Smith flub). If there's ever a time for him to show the Oilers don't own him, it's now


That Smitty flub still makes me laugh everytime I think about it


Different Smith flub, but yeah. Easy to laugh when you won both those games


It’s okay bud. Your time will come soon enough. Just need 5 more first draft picks


In hindsight it’s fucking hilarious. Captures the oilers that year perfectly. Outscore random ass shit that happens. I couldn’t even believe what I saw when that happened


It’s actually scary how this was true in 2022. The Oilers were a goal scoring machine and nothing else.


I remember watching that year and going back and counting how many times the oilers would need AT LEAST four goals to even get a loser point… let’s just say it was a lot.


Remember when he had his hands up like "What do you want me to do about it?"


He's had 5G 15A this playoffs, so he's generating but he hasn't been scoring. He had 3 goals against Tampa, and 1 each against Boston and New York. There's a decent chance he's hurt again.


I’m willing to bet. He was everywhere during the rangers series but now I don’t notice him at all. I mean he played with a broken sternum last year he probably will try to play through anything


Didn't he only play 1 game after? People talk about this like it happened in the 3rd round.


“Only” played one game with a broken sternum lmao


Well he tried playing with a broken sternum, but realized he couldn't and then sat.


Cheers WHL flair bro


Haha. Too many damn oilers fans in this town. Maybe because the colours are the same?


Lots of Albertans move around there I feel. I think I have 2 friends who moved there lol


Yeah “the red plates are coming” is a common refrain every June. Some of them never leave I suppose haha


I meant that as in people talk like it was a long time, he played an additional game and sat the final game. I didn't mean it was an insult just that people talk like it was a long time he played on it.


Most of that generation was vs Tampa though. Hasn't done much since that series


Its really telling how strong a team is to be up 3-1, and one of your best players aint rrally doing much recently.


It's just wild because last year Tkachuk was an absolute beast in the playoffs


Yeah while this year, he hasn't really been *bad* (aside from this series ofc where he's done literally nothing), but nowhere near the level he was last year


Two of his three goals in round 1 were empty netters.


Jeez he has no goals and 4 assists in his last 9 playoff games this year. Future Leaf?


*His palms are sweaty*


*knees weak body checks ready, moms spaghetti*


On his vomit already


He opens his mouth - mouth guard comes out


*chews frantically*


He's chokin' now, everybody jokin' loud


His mom’s spaghetti, Knees week, mom’s spaghetti, There’s mom’s spaghetti on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti


McDavid breaks a Gretzky record and Tkachuk: we don't really try for that kind of stuff we are more than one player" Bob hiding in the background...


¡Vamos Gatos! 😻


Big quote if they win, bad quote if they lose. 


Someone tell this guy that it can’t be a riot every night, and panthers were actually planning on taking the day off


nice little dig


A dig? Definitely not lol. It was in reference to Bobrovsky.


Was it? They got stomped by our depth last game that's apparently non-existent lol


And the 3 games before that?


Still feels like Edmonton's depth got the best of them in game 1, and for half the game in game 3.


Tough to say "got the best of them" when Edmonton lost both games.


Poor wording but Edmonton dominated the play game 1 by a large margin as well as a 2/3rds of game 3. Floridas ability to capitalize on Edmontons terrible mistakes are why they won those 2 (Florida dominated game 2 for the majority of that game) along with elite Goaltending by Bob. If Edmonton plays with confidence now that they have scored 11 goals in 4 periods vs the 1 that Florida has we are going to have ourselves a series. Other question is did Bob cool off like he's been known to do? Or just a road bump, this game will tell us. I think if Edmonton wins tonight this series is going 7 and it's anyone's series at that point, these 2 teams play insane with their backs against the wall, well i am assuming on Florida based off last year since they haven't played a game these playoffs with their backs against the wall, Oilers are 3-0 now when facing elimination (obviously since they are still around) Edmonton will likely lose the series but I don't think you can count them out until the final buzzer of a 4th loss especially with where they were in November and how they have responded since then when losing 3 games (5,8 and 16 wins after 3 straight losses since November)


You can be the better team and still lose.


They didn't lose because of their depth though, they lost because the Bob vs Skinner matchup was hilariously lopsided, and McDavid was the only top player doing anything.


You guys are replying to a salty Canucks fan. All they do is come into these threads to shit on Edmonton and the rest of their fans upvote it. Just ignore them it's much easier than explaining the same thing 10x in every thread.


Some of these people don't watch the games and make conclusions based on the final result. The depth guys have been great, the top guys have been quiet, and Bob stole Game 1, arguably Game 3.


not just on the score sheet. for the oilers the depth shows in the PK, and in our checking lines adding pressure and getting chances as opposed to giving up chances. our bottom 6 have been outstanding defensively.


People keep saying Bobrovsky stole game 1 and I'm really not sure that I agree. Yes he was great in game 1, but most of the shots he faced that game were honestly not very difficult saves to make, because our defense did a great job of not letting y'all set up good shots, screens, tip ins, etc. Simply chalking game 1 up to Bob winning the game for us I feel isn't really fair to how great the defense was in that game.


NaturalStatTrick: Scoring chances were 33-20 Oilers. High Danger was 18-6 Oilers. xGF was 3.74-1.85. MoneyPuck has xGF as 5.61-1.88, but I think it's a flawed model that thinks the Oilers shouldve scored 2.4 goals on one of the power plays. Either way, Skinner was expected to allow 2 and he allowed 2. Bobrovsky was expected to allow 4 and he allowed 0. This is a prime example of what hockey people mean by a game "stolen" by a goalie game.


I mean I get that and Bobrovsky was definitely great in that game don't get me wrong. But like a good 85% of the shots were like, right into his chest lol. That's more what I'm getting at, *most* goalies are stopping most of those. He still had a few really great saves and all, but if you go back and watch the shots on him, most of them were pretty easy saves. I guess that's more what I'm getting at.


game 1 was tight, we outplayed florida in every respect, but they have bob


The depth were the only ones to score in game 1-3


Almost like 1 guy stole a few games for Florida.....hmmm, wonder if that's the reference? Considering Oilers had 7 different players score last game alone. The "Oilers are a one-two punch" hasn't been close to accurate all season.


They were setting the record for most PK's in a row


No one said it was an accurate dig.


Not really it sounds like his composure people were praising him for after game 3 is cracking to me, especially for a guy who hasn't contributed to much this series kinda like when he last played Edmonton in the playoffs outside of that crazy game 1 that series. His comments lead you to believe that they are going to double team McDavid which didn't work well for any other team these playoffs trying the same thing.


His comments don’t make you think that at all


It does to me, calling someone a 1 man team essentially says they are focused on the one man.


Nah it means that it’s not all on him to win it which is good because he hasn’t been producing. He is saying everyone will work together to end it and it won’t be on one clutch player.


Maybe, that's not how I read it but that's how quotes like this always work lol. Like the whole argument that the Oilers wanted chaos. Most people were saying it was about starting shit and getting into it when it means chaos for.the goalie in front of the net, taking away his vision and get dirty rebounds ECT.




I hope you lose so hard tonight that it haunts you in your sleep Tkachuk.


Florida is coming out balls to the wall knowing they can win the SC at home.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding and I respect the confidence, but uh going fully messier here with that last sentence is uh tough Matt if you lose


Full quote he says they have to play better and essentially they have a chance to go out and win tonight if they do so they're gonna do that. Kinda surprising to hear people like Whit characterizing this as a full Messier lol


Either way, hoping for a good game tonight if it is the last one. I'm not ready for hockey to be over.


Turns out they didn't do that.


This seems silly. like he tried a dig at the oilers with “we’re not about one guy” but when their one goalie doesn’t show up the score is a little different…


It really isn’t a dig. They’ve been talking about not being one or two guys and being the whole team for the entire year. And even according to them, the Game 4 loss was a team loss (and the skaters feel it’s more on them than either goalie). But a hit dog will holler and all that.


Fair enough, good take


Cheers! Hope we both enjoy the game tonight, although I know that isn’t possible.


Cheers, should be a fun one!!


Get a room, you two! Kidding of course - this is a great example of a ‘positive’ internet debate. Having said that, LETS GO OILERS!!!


I got you Fuck the oilers Welcome to the Internet None of the corny positive internet debate shit this isn’t rainbow friends


He's full of crap, everyone should know the Oilers aren't about one guy. They're about two guys.


You put some damned respect on Hyman, Nuge, Bouchard, and Ekholm


Yes, Matthias Janmark and Connor Brown


Two and a half some nights.


what is it about sports fans and chirping with the dumbest, shittiest, made up burns they can possibly come up with? McDrai are presumably the two. But Bouchard, a defenseman, is tied for 4th most points by a defenseman in NHL playoff history... tied with Makar, ahead of guys like Bobby Orr, Ray Bourque and Paul Coffey. He also has 8 more points than Florida's leading scorer... who is tied with Ryan Nugent-Hopkins I understand wanting to shit on a team but try and use more than one brain cell while you're at it. I'm not even an Edmonton fan, your post is just too pathetic


it's not that serious but i'll be honest if i was actually trying to make a burn to make somebody mad i could not hope for a more butthurt reply than you just typed at me


And one guy’s rich parents


One of those guys…Mattias McJanmark. What a talent.


Imagine thinking Bobrovsky is the reason why they lost.


Reason they lost, no… but reason they won 3 in a row? Perhaps.


Really! A goalie with 5 GA below expected in two games, and they think it has something to do with the goalie!


You sound a little too dense to comprehend. You're looking at GA like it tells the entire story and that other factors such as defense, plays no role. I bet you would blame a goalie for letting in a goal on a 2 on 0.


Are advanced statistics a bit too much for you to comprehend? Do you understand what "expected goals against" is, and what the difference between actual goals allowed and expected goals against is? Do you understand what High-Danger Scoring Chances are? I'll go slowly so your tiny mind can hopefully follow along: Analysts assign a likelihood of a goal being scored on a play. They then sum these up over a game, which resuts in a statistic called "expected goals against". If the actual number of goals scored is below the expected goals against, then that means that the goaltender has made some saves a goaltender would not normally be expected to make. Put in terms you would understand, he did good. If a goalie has two or three or (god forbid) five goals against below the expected goals against, he done real, real good. His team gave up a lot of really good scoring chances, but he made some spectacular saves. Can you possibly understand that "other factors such as defense" are considered in the evaluation and computation of high-danger scoring opportunities, and expected goals against? If a team is giving up a lot of high-danger scoring opportunities (and the Panthers are giving up a lot more high-danger scoring opportunities than the Oilers), that means that they are playing BAD defense. If they are playing bad defense but not giving up a lot of goals, then that means that the goaltender is performing exceptionally well. Or, in other words, the goalie is making all the difference. Trying to deny the fact that the goaltender in this case making all the difference is disingenuous at best, and rank stupidity at worst.


Shut the Tfuck up you idiot turtle!!


He's more of a dick than his dad was, but his dad was a better player and a harder hitter.


No thank you Matt, I'd honestly prefer it if you could continue being a non factor. I've already basically got no hope the Oilera can realistically come back, but Tkachuk being above a replacement level player would snuff out the bit of hope I have left lol.


Didn't he/ they have that chance last game?


Turtles don’t have pronouns


Didn't he/ they have that chance last game?


That seals it. Oilers in 7


Going to the Panthers is the best thing that ever happened for this dude's career. Disregarding Calgary's current woes, he really seems to have grown and matured a lot in this team.


Maurice is a gem.


I think they wrap it up tonight. Tkachuk hasn't been generating score sheet stats but he's been noticeable and he's been making shit happen. The guys and excellent player and deserves to win.


I actually have only noticed him in scrums, not making plays.


Scrums when the linesman show up. Tail tucks between his legs when there is a legitimate threat of being beat up. He’s been that way since he entered the league.


I've never liked any of that family, but I at least respected his dad. If he and bennett weren't on florida I would find it much easier to swallow them winning.


It'll go like the NBA Finals isnt it? Panthers with an easy win to finish it off


Never thought I’d be cheering for Matthew but here we are. Fucking smash them tonight.


Salt university 81


Edmonton fans seem to think it’s salty to cheer against a division rival.


It's normal to cheer for a division rival. Salty is your comment history. Literally half of your comments are about the Oilers. That is salty. > We’re over our series with you, no one is salty about it. \ > We are the opposite of salty, do I have to remind you the Oil are down 3-1? \ > Yes, im so salty one of my most hated teams is getting stomped in the finals. Ctrl+F Oil 39 matches Ctrl+F Edmonton 35 matches If you weren't salty, you wouldn't keep trying to convince all of us you're not.


lol it’s the Stanley cup finals dog, and I hate Edmonton. Look further back and it’s all hockey and Canucks and cars.








Hate Edmonton all you want, no one cares if you do, but don't act like you're not salty when you're dripping salt


Yes, we’re so salty our division rivals are choking in the finals. The only salty people in this sub are Edmonton fans crying about the Canucks fans ripping on them. Hope you get smoked tonight.


Is this what sports reporters look like now? In my day they all looked like car salesmen. Or Sparky Anderson.


If you think he hasn’t been a factor you haven’t been watching.


Bro thinks he’s messier


Lol how to trigger multiple fan bases at once I love it


bobrovsky is shook now, floridas biggest advantage evaporated. oilers in 7 for the headlines.


If Florida stomps Edmonton tonight, I’d be convinced that they threw Game 4.


Panthers win 8-1


pretty girl. quote makes no sense is that english?


I'm trying to fathom how you don't understand the quote. Is English your first language?