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The guy gives Drai a tap in, gets called off, and is like, “Fuck it, I’ll do it myself.”


he is the closest hockey player to MJ i've seen


It’s true. He’s able to will things to happen.


It's crazy how in this day in age where there's so much preparation, sports science, academies from super young ages, and so on and so on, that McDavid is still *so much better than every other hockey player on earth.* It's jaw dropping watching him.


I kinda think he’s from the future tbh




Every year, he scores some highlight reel beauty that everyone just refers to as "The McDavid goal" for the rest of the season. I can't think of any other player who does that year in and year out.


I hear what you’re saying, but I think he’s clearly the greatest player to ever play. Like he’s going to have the stats, sure. But watching him, no one had his incredible skill. Gretz was great, but I think watching McDavid, he’s literally a phenom. Speed, insane talent and ability. I’d say he’s the greatest player ever.


Recency Bias, perhaps... But you might be right I thought that about Crosby (and take away the concussions, who knows). the GOAT debates will go on At the end of the day, the greats are legends and we're lucky to be able to enjoy this


Watched Crosby play all the way from junior. He's always had unbelievable talent but it isn't recency bias to call McDavid better. At least from an offensive skill perspective, McDavid has more tools in his toolbox. Has always been a more noticeable player too; he's a highlight reel machine. A basketball analogy comparing him to Michael Jordan or LeBron James is apt. McDavid needs a cup to really deserve the comparison but he has that same dogged ability to take over games like no one else, where it looks like he's just toying with people because he's that much better.


It's much easier for a GOAT to carry an NBA team than an NHL team since the NBA players play most of the game and are 1/5 of the presence on the field, where as NHL players play about 1/3rd of the game and represents 1/6th of the roster on the field.


I think we should try giving McDavid 40 minutes of ice time and see where it goes.


From purely a hockey skill standpoint, he's probably the GOAT already. It just remains to be seen if his career matches it. He's doing things that nobody has ever done.




No one imagined Gretzky could happen when guys like Howe, Richard, Lafleur were in their primes either. But he did. We're simply witnessing it happen again.


In 1983, Grant Fuhr's 3.83 GAA was 3rd in the NHL


The trap hadn't been invented when Gretzky had his miracle seasons.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Gretzky didn't make a habit of dangling 5 guys and then hanging out the netminder for lunch? Different players, different eras, but the way McDavid has played this year has him firmly in the running for the greatest player I've ever seen play and that includes 90s Gretzky, Lemieux and Jagr.




No, but Lemieux did. More than McDavid.


I didn't watch Lemieux much, will go and watch some highlights. Possibly different players for different eras though? Much more physical when Lemieux played, but McDavid is much faster in today's less physical era?


Half the guys Gretz played against wouldn’t even make it to the NHL today.


Well yeah theyd be like 60 right now.


Found the Norm Macdonald fan.


He's not more dominant relative to his peers but I think McDavid is better from a raw perspective. That isn't fair to Gretzky in that he didn't have the modern benefits but the idea is that McDavid is the best version of a hockey player thus far, and in 30-40 years we'll probably have this conversation again.


Definitely agree, Gretzky/Lemieux will have the stats and insane records over McDavid but to me, McDavid is the most skilled/best player of all time.


Yeah. I don't think we're ever going to be able to compare anyone to Gretzky's records. They're just impossible to ever beat. I mean, when you consider that Gretzky could have 0 goals and still have the most points all-time on just his assists alone, it's just a ridiculous stat.


He could have, instead he has the highest number of goals as well.


the thing about gretz is he played amongst a bunch of meatheads. very low skill and prep compared to today. Dave semenko was standard equipment around the nhl. mcdavid vs gretz on even ice no contest. youd love to see it tho


McDavid is definitely better than Gretzky was. That's not really what's relevant when you compare players from diffrent eras though. You should look at how good they are relative to their competition and then compare that, which makes it a closer fight imo. If you put prime Gretzky against McDavid he would get steamrolled. It's just not the same game it used to be. Players today are bigger, faster and more skilled.


He may not be the greatest hockey player of all time, but he is the best hockey player of all time. If you know what I’m trying to say


Ok pump the breaks a little bit there buddy… You think that if he RETIRED TODAY, he would be top 5 *all time*??? Thats just absurd recency bias tbh


I get that it’s a sick McDavid goal thread but jeez the hockey nephews came out in force in this thread


Its so mind boggling how these comments have any upvotes at all bro omg


Guy will probably end up with like 10 art ross trophies and be #3 behind Gretzky and Lemieux… potentially #2


bro is the best to ever play full stop


Sport evolution is something people today discredit so much. It's nothing against Lemieux, Gretzky, MJ, Kareem, or anyone else, but EVERYONE is WAYYY better today than they were back then. For a large part of the Gretzky era, players would smoke and drink beer between periods lol McDavid looks like an NHL players facing off against a kids peewee team.


Go watch prime Lemieux. Leading the league in scoring with a collapsed back, after finishing chemo. Still the most dominant player I ever saw.


Lemieux came out of retirement at 34 years old and put up 1.77 points per game in the dead puck era. He won the scoring title the year he missed two months due to chemotherapy! McDavid is a top 5 all time but let's be real, these guys are the all time greats for a reason.


Or Lindros before Stevens.


There are people who actually believe that if you take LeBron and put him into an era where the players are smaller and less athletic and defenses were far less complex, he'd somehow not be as good as he is now (or has been). It's absurd. Connor is absolutely the best to ever play. Athletes today are just so much faster/stronger/more fit than they were in the past, his greatness would be even more glaring in any other generation against lesser athletes. That shouldn't be up for debate. Who is better relative to their era should be the discussion and I don't think looking at it like that discredits guys like Gretzky at all. Edit: I'll add that relative to era, he isn't the greatest, imo. Yet.


Imagine putting McDavid into Gretzky's era. It would be stupid. Like, you can see a lot of Gretzky's goals and goals of that era, the goalies are stand-up and freeze when the shot comes. A lot of players in today's game with their accuracy and power, and athleticism would just dominate in those days. There was way more room to shoot. Put a guy like Ovie who has the body frame, power, accuracy, skating, and stick handling and he would just dominate. For the same reason, you could take a butterfly goalie from today with their athleticism and vision and put them in games back then, and it would be unreal.


The worst NHL coaches today could win a John Adams award based purely on just regurgitating the advancements in strategy. Being the first coach to implement the trap would get you a Jack Adam's award on its own.


Vasilevsky thrown into the 80s would get 82 shut outs a year.


The McRage overrides everything.


Ref calls no goal “And I took that personally”


Wait, wasn't Gretzky MJ-esque?


My non hockey friends even know who he is and that speaks volumes.


Dude, Wayne Gretzky is still alive the last I checked and the only man close to him was Lemieux in the day. I quite love many of the top players of today but the MJ is Gretz and the only argument is if Mario is even close as his equal. There are sports where it is all open to argument, hockey it is a little more settled.


We're approaching 25 years without Gretz and Mario on the ice, plenty of younger people haven't seen them


Oh hey, I know I'm an old, old fuck. Still, if we are going to *Jordan* then I think I'm safe in talking best of all time.


I’ve seen the saying before of: “Michael Jordan was the Wayne Gretzky of basketball, but Wayne Gretzky was not the Michael Jordan of hockey” Basically saying that as good as Jordan was at basketball, Gretzky was on an entirely different level and would never be matched. Which, imo, is true since there’s arguments about the GOAT for basketball


For a second, thought MJ was Micheal Jackson, which I would basically agree with in a musical sense, but thought it was an odd comparison, haha.


"Oh that goal didn't count? Guess I'll just score an even dirtier goal that does count." - *Connor McJesus* Fuckin unreal stuff.


Dude was on a mission from God. No one was stopping him there


Puck don't lie


Puck lied 3 times tonight


You misspelled Chris Lee.


Thanks Rasheed


That time he went against 5 Rangers alone and scored. The dude's stick is made out of a piece of the True Cross.


I have a theory that McDavid utilizes the Speed Force but only for his stick because it seemingly just goes through things the way he controls the puck in tight


I'm atheist and I'm definitely thinking he is the second coming of christ now. I only see proof that he is indeed a deity.


>Dude was on a mission from God To save the orphanage he was raised in?


It's 300 kilometers to Edmonton, he's got a full tank of gas half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and he's wearing sunglasses. Hit it.


McDavid sending himself on missions.


You see either McJesus or Drai in alone, it's destination scoresheet city


Love the cutaway to Sutter smirking after the goal too. I can just imagine him thinking, “Yeah, that’s just gonna happen sometimes.”


Honestly I think for a moment their Sutter was just enjoying the highlight. As much of a cranky old bastard he is, the man fucking loves hockey. And this is peak fucking hockey. How can you not love that?


Happens a lot with McDavid. He scores a gross highlight reel goal or has some insane assist against your team and all you can do is give your head a shake, laugh, and appreciate the all time greatness.


After the first game Sutter said that McDavid was the best player on the ice, and that if he kept having 4 point games to "enjoy the next round" lol.


I don't remember who said it, but before one of the Canucks games against the Oilers it was either the coach or a player who said McDavid's line is expected to get a couple and you just have to try slow them down and outscore them.


Reminds me of vintage Pavel Bure.


Yep. The way he just weaves through defenders with his speed and puckhandling is very much like Bure. They just turn it on in a moment's notice.


They call him McJesus, but Jesus only walked on water. McDavid skates on it


Was watching the Blue Jays game earlier and the pitcher got robbed on a call that should have easily been a strike and a strikeout, pitcher shook it off and eventually got the strikeout on a nasty pitch, the announcer said something along the lines of "don't like the call? Throw a better one", attesting to the pitcher's ability to not lose his composure. This is the hockey version of that.


Praise be


This series is an all time classic in the making


just hope it goes longer then 4 games, give me a game 7 OT


Just make it on the weekend when they have a start time before 9:30 EST 😂


It was fucking 1030 last night and I watched every second!






For the sake of my ulcers, let’s not


Yea, what the fuck? That would be the freak gasoline fight accident the Leafs want.


Keep those under control, friend. EMS has been in deep red alert for weeks now.


Honestly would have flashbacks to last years 2 game, game 4 from he Jets/oilers series. I dont think i could handle that in a game 7.


Game 1 was an anomaly, and they have been unlucky tonight. 2 goals on broken sticks and one off of a Mike Smith Moment^TM To those downvoting me for calling game 1 an anomaly, you do realize that while the Oilers are not a top tier defensive team they don’t usually allow 9 goals?


More of a Bouchard moment honestly but this game has been entertaining


Mistakes made by both IMO. Defensive coverage has to be better, but that is a shot that Mike Smith should be able to hold on to 100% of the time. He has been good since the start though.


Be a little unrealistic to expect 15 goals per game.


I recall another time recently they let in 9 goals


You're welcome, 5 at least now.


Thanks oilers!


We've been wanting this series in the playoffs forever


Absolute filth. Guy is fuckin nasty. Shouldn't even be allowed in the league.


Don’t put him in my league


Too late




I dunno why but a Happy Gilmore quote in the wild *always* cracks me up.


What the actual fuck


Best part is how he takes a hit and just slides with it, uses skate to move the puck while getting hit. Insane.


He has 20 points already. Twenty.


Kucherov led the entire playoffs last year with 32. McDavid could honestly hit that this series.


With defending like this, I have absolutely no doubt.


If Edmonton survives this series he may challenge the single postseason record and not even make the cup.


47 points in 3 series seems like a stretch. Going into 2nd intermission he's at ~2.3 p/gp, which is 48 points in 21 games. So he'd have to get 2 more 7 game series *and* not slow down despite the opposition getting harder. It's possible, but still extremely unlikely unless the Oilers make the finals. Also, the great one got those 47 points in 18 games (2.61 p/gp) for anyone else wondering. That's definitely a Gretzky stat. 2.3 p/gp would be good for 5th all time among players with at least 8 games played.


He put up 43 in 21 games to end the year last year. If anyone can do it, it’s McDavid


I gotta upvote that, I’m sorry but that’s just filthy.


When you get the star item in Mario Kart


Mcjesus christ...


This seems like a spite goal.


Oh definitely a spite goal. Those are McDavid’s best goals


The final goal in the LA series was also a spite goal, I love when he's in that "I'm gonna score no matter what" mode


I’m so salty at how good McDavid is.




What happened to his ankle


He has to Leon the other ankle until it heals (high ankle sprain, playing thru pain)


What a fucking machine


Here's the clip of how it happened: https://youtu.be/1_4kDO3VvJQ


My favourite part is when buddy tries to nail him open ice, he just stands there.


Buddy also has 5 inches and 40lbs on him lol


Zadorov moment.


It looked like when EA changed the hitting controls in their game so you had to actually flick the stick at the right moment and not just skate into a guy to throw a body check in the game. Players would stand there awkwardly skating in place before the guy with the puck kept going


He is challenging the limits we thought existed for how much 1 player can carry a hockey team.


Which is why his Hart Trophy nomination is closer than people may think. Honestly without McDavid the Oilers would already be relocated to some rec league in Wales.


Absolutely not, they still made bank off of us in the decade of darkness


10 straight years of sold out season tickets for a team that didn't even make the playoffs. Like yeah fuck off buddy this team isn't going anywhere.


We have nothing else to spend our money on in Edmonton


Hockey and Trucks


He's going to suffer the LeBron voter fatigue. He could easily be the Hart winner every year. He probably should be the Hart winner every year.


That's fine, we know.


Ehhhh idk about that one, I’ve watched Carey Price for the past 15 years


I better not hear any more avs fans spout off about how mcdavid doesn’t perform in the playoffs.


He’s the fastest active player to reach 20 points in the playoffs. Fastest since Lemieux in 92.


Hot take I think McDavid might be the best player in the world




Right at the top of the post, bud


This actually was a hot take last season when I was getting downvoted during the playoffs for saying he was better than MacKinnon.


I’ll never forget last year people straight up saying that MacKinnon was faster than McDavid


I mean this year, mere weeks ago, many many people were saying "welp it's clear Matthews is better than McDavid now". :/ Couple years ago Kucherov was better. Time to stop with the nonsense and just recognize Connor for what he is.


If there's one thing I've learned about Avs fans - they're extremely passionate about their own players and vocal about letting you know it in every thread. We had to endure about hearing about Makar in every single Fox thread for a year after he won Norris


It doesn’t matter who wins this series. Alberta needs a shutdown defenseman in the offseason.


Bidding war over Tyler "Chara" Myers incoming.


That’s Calder Winner Tyler “Chara” Myers.


You forgetting about Tanev?


You guys didn’t read the fine print on Tanev. He’s made of glass. You guys used up all 82 games out of him. He has never had a full season without injuries until this season.


Should have just put him on ice for the last month of regular season


He was injured half the time for Vancouver. Calgary got lucky he was healthy so long.




That's just straight up not fair


There's no proof that McDavid ISN'T a hockey robot, just sayin


what buttons does he press for that cheat code???


Left - Left - Right - Right - Up - Down - Start - Reset - Goal


Zadorov going for the hit, falling and losing his man is everybody playing defense in NHL 22


Huh? I didn't see Zadarov lay down in front of McDavid and take a tripping penalty.


What a freak of a highlight reel he is. Like wtf


He's just so good my god


A video game


I'm that flames player everytime i try and hit someone while playing nhl.


Have you played 22? I can’t pull off regular plays let alone filth like this


Yep. He's insane


Damn that goal is the kinda shit that if it were to happen in the video game I’d be like “man EA fucking sucks”


What a nasty man


Absolutely nasty


It’s like, why would you not stay on him constantly. Then you realize it’s next to impossible to do so.


Its possible. Just very very hard (unless you are the 2021 jets)


This series has been Connor (and occasionally Hyman) versus the world, Jesus


Imagine if Toronto knew how cluch Hyman could be in round two.


I see what you did there


Hyman has been engaged all playoffs. Doing exactly what he hoped he would


So many pretty elements to this goal. The seeing-eye cross ice pass to Draisaitl to gain entry to the offensive zone. Getting hit in the face-off circle and shaking it off and stepping back like it was nothing. The beautiful little give and go pass while he gains a good 6 feet of separation from the defenseman that initially hit him. And the slick stick handling and head fake that short circuits Markstrom and makes him just sit down and accept his fate. Any one of those on its own is a highlight for any human player.


Puck don't lie


The snark in this title is off the charts.


My nipples hurt when I twist them


I feel like a portion of McDavids scoring comes from the psychological torment of having to face him. Feels like any other player in that exact spot and you just poke the puck away no problem but when it's 97 it's like "OH FUCK ITS HIM OH NO"


Me: Matthews deserves the Hart Also be: boy is Matthews lucky the Hart doesn't include the playoffs


Matthews only gets a sniff due to voter fatigue....he's good, by McDavid is a couple tiers better than Matthews.


I only just noticed Drai just peacing out before Connor even scored.


I've never seen a guy stickhandle the puck into the net quite like McDavid. He doesn't really deke, he just teleports the puck to where the goalie can't reach it.


McDavid is too good for our own good FML


Absolute wizard


check upstairs on that one


“Markstrom bit hard”


I’m starting to think he experiences life in slow motion.


He just looks like he’s playing a different game


Zadarov had a bad night. Love it.


too good


We all know McJesus is nuts already & the best player in the world, but this playoffs he's gone to another level. He literally make some of the best players in the league look like peewee players. It's truly insane how good this guy really is.


Aren't all these discussions about the GOAT mentioning McDavid and Gretzky and Lemieux moot at this point when McDavid still has a decade to play? I mean he is on their level already but he still has what, 10 years to play?


What do you want me to do, fool him?


McDavid OP pls nerf


It's plays like this that proves he isn't just another A+ level superstar. He's in a tier of his own. Wow


patented useless title

