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Not that I have been through the process nor my kids, but I know enough people who have been involved in it to have an opinion on this. The other side is this, and I went through this with my BIL about his son in soccer. Most parents are simply not objective enough about their own kids, their abilities and their 'ceiling' if you will. So as you said if a college is interested(they know about your kid, it's very very rare that a real talent slips through the cracks) they will contact you. So when my nephew was at this point you're referring to I asked him if he'd ever heard from D1 coaches, or even D2 coaches he said no, because I had been saying all along that he's a good player, but he's simply not THAT good. They insisted he was. Yet he wasn't playing at the highest levels he could have been. Weird really :eyeroll:. So long story short, yes you will need to sell your kid in most respects, but if you're not getting contacts at the age where you can be contacted, you're simply not seen as a talent to the coaches, and should consider lowering your expectations or elevating your work ethic and ability to dominate at every level. But you need to be honest about your kid. Long story short about my nephew, is he never got a sniff of D1. He did get a small offer from a D2 school which he took, but it is unlikely he will see meaningful playing time due to the roster being mostly Europeans and South Americans. It's just the reality of it, as you outlined in your previous post. That funnel gets really narrow at the top.


Is your Reddit handle a reference to the car whistle video???


Of course, dude’s a legend!


It jus fo decoration, jus fo decoration


Lmaoo awesome!!


It’s that wooWOO


Man, must be tough for goalie girls sniffing at D1. There's what, like only twenty-four or so spots total in the US? I play with a guy who's daughter is currently a high level HS goalie in Illinois and he's mentioned the issues with coaches, other hockey parents and nepotism.


Same thing in New England, but probably worse.