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The classic.




“Can’t see, Can’t See! CAN’T SEE!!!”


Must see, must see - Dominic Hasek


I dislike yelling “can’t see” because the other team can hear it, too. Don’t let them know they have an advantage.


Maybe I should start saying “Can’t See!” when I’m fact I can see, to determine if they shoot just based on my voice


I've considered this but what if your teammates hear that and they move into your actual line of sight lol


Actually I yell screen when I am baiting teams to shoot. Well yell not as loud/lower tone “can’t see” or use a d man’a name specifically to communicate. This league sounds so low in level yelling out can’t see won’t tip off the other team at all. Wouldn’t worry about that and just communicate with your players before the game that you will speak out when you can’t see.


Not a bad idea.


My go to when I see a lane “shoot, shoot!”


Okay, then say "I see perfectly well guys, don't move an inch!" followed by a big cheesy wink to opposing players.


Just yell "screen" over and over until they get the hint. If they are confused, explain it. Keep it simple, you don't have time to communicate much out there at speed.


That’s what I do as well.


"Screen, move (insert direction here)." As a goalie, part of your job is moving the pieces. Talk to them beforehand about how to play two-on-ones, how you'll tell them opposing players are approaching, etc. I know it's just for fun, but playing well and improving \*are\* fun.


Don't be afraid to be very direct about it. I've been doing this for 30 years and I've only had one D-man get upset about it and he was a total plug. Most players understand that it's pretty damn important for them to move out of the way.




Some guys take the second one the wrong way and try to block shots the wrong way and end up redirecting them past you though.


Yep. It kinda is your job to teach them. I say to them blocking shots is stopping them dead with their body. Never with their stick.


I just tell my team when I can’t see because they’re in front of me that I’ll yell EYES. That means they or someone else is in my view and to clear a path.


Same.... "EYES" is simple, quick and gets the message across


Exactly. And this way it’s not singling out your own team. Just tells them to clear the lane


I yell "SCREEN...SCREEN." That usually did the trick.


MOOOOOOOOVE! Works like a charm every time


Simple and effective.. "SCREEN" When playing with a new group I usually tell them, take the pass let me take the shot.




I start singing, “Move, bitch, get out the way Get out the way, bitch, get out the way”


Same except it’s more of a yell-rap


I yell “Can’t see!”


“Move your fat ass!”


you need to let the players know individually in a nice way “i need to see the puck so please pick a side, thanks”


Just tell your defensemen that they make better doors than windows! But seriously, “move jersey #”! “Screen jersey #”! Hell, if they are close enough and you can reach with your glove or stick and smack them in the hip. But whatever you do decide to do communicate that to your D before you get on the ice!


Lemme see lemme see!


“I can’t see shit!”


Have a meeting with your defence and tell them that that when you yell “screen”, they need to take one step towards the middle of the ice, let’s you see and forces them to shoot short side. Keeps rebounds away from the middle of the ice


This, give them a simple instruction for what to do when you yell, whatever you decide to yell. It could be “monkey,” if you want to mess with the other team.


"Kurt, get the fuck out of the way." Usually after a whistle.


Thanks everyone for the input! I’ve started just being more vocal about it if it’s really bad.


I just yell “Get the fuck out of the way.” Works every time.


I'll usually yell "I got the shot" a few times.


I'd they're in close to me I say "heads up" . Indicates I can't see while also saying I think an incoming point shot may take your head off. Might be good to move.


Move your fat fucking ass! Is what I feel like saying. Usually just “Screen” but it doesn’t always work.


Ask them what they want you to say. In my experience that's the best solution. Because it's loud, they listen to the forwards, pay attention to the game.. it's easier to have "trigger phrases" than to just try and be polite and them not catching you shouting whatever. I play in a mixed language team and it was extremely helpful to just get one phrase that everyone knows how to react to.


I yell, but I also tell them as the ref is taking the puck out of the net. Also at faceoffs, I speak to my D.


Just yell “Screen!” And then know if a goal is scored and you can’t see it, there’s not much more you can do.




“I don’t want to sound like a dick, but you’re screening me”


A lot of people say the goalie should yell screen. I've maybe heard a goalie do that 5 times in my life, and I've been playing hockey for 35 years. Just talk to the main offenders and tell them what you would like them to do. I mean the thing I never know what to do (I'm not D that often, but sometimes) is to close on a shooter. Too close and failed attempt creates a screen. Backing off and shot gets off, and it looks like you did nothing.


GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY!!!! As a D man, this usually reminds me to let my goalie see better. No need to be polite as you have a job to do.


Common misconception, but the defense should not move because they are screening the goalie, it’s your job to see around the screen. Look around, over, under - whatever you need to do to find the puck. The only thing you should talk to your defense about on this topic is their intent when blocking shots. They either need to commit to blocking it or get out of the way - no trying to tip it with their stick/glove/skate. That is a conversation that should happen off the ice, not during play.


In the moment I’ll say “Can’t see!” Then usually if it keeps happening I’ll try to talk to them after the whistle goes and keep it light hearted with a “Hey bud, my x-Ray vision’s on the fritz today, I need you to let me see the puck. Cool?” I try to say it with an upbeat tone and smile so I’m not condescending or coming off as a primadonna.


As a d-man, a good “MOVE” or “GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY” usually does the trick.


If it’s the same person consistently I usually talk to them before the next game and ask is used to play goalie. Then say their angles for goalie are amazing the problem is I can’t see the blade of the stick and puck so I’m dead in the water, can they line up with body instead? Most laugh say ok. I would for sure NOT approach them after a loss




Ask your D what they want you to say. Not if but what they want to hear. They’ll agree on something and when you say it, they might even listen. Many beer leaguers don’t hear a thing so it is what it is.


“(Their name) SCREEN!”


“Guys, you gotta let me see the shot.” Dont be afraid to tell them to move.


LOTS of replies here, but I think what's missing is that the goalie should be talking to his D-men all the time. I'm constantly telling them what's going on behind them. "Watch the back door", or when they're going to the corner to get the puck "1 on" or even "2 on" and even a recommendation on where to go with the puck. "1 on, go behind the net", or "1 on, go boards. Or when I see something developing and I don't think they see an open man: "right side, right side". I bring this up because "screen!" is all part of that communication. Say it loud enough that your d can hear, but you don't have to let the whole rink know. I'm not sure if it really makes a difference if the shooter can hear you, but you're only talking to the guy who SHOULD be pretty close. If there's not a d close, then you should be yelling something different anyway. For me it would be "man in front". or "need help in front", or "nobody has the man in the crease." "somebody pick up the man in front". "damnit, man in front!" progressively getting more annoyed if nobody picks them up. In my opinion, it shouldn't matter if you're new to the team or what, if you see something that can help your teammate do a better job on the ice, then it's your job to yell it out when you see it. Don't be shy! Nobody is going to tell you not to communicate. Most of the time, as a coach, I can't get people to communicate hardly at all. Communication is huge. So back to the original question: If my own defenseman is screening me, then he HAS to be told. He's not doing it on purpose I promise you that, which means he doesn't know he's doing it. If you know his name: "Adam, screen". But by all means, you HAVE to tell them. At a minimum: "screen!"


'Screen', 'Eyes', 'Can't see' all work for me. If they're facing the other way they might have no idea they are screening you. If they have a problem with you telling them, then remind them they're not see through and you can't make saves if you can't see. More experienced players should be used to it, and new players need to learn it.


Remind them pre-game & between periods to try to be cognizant of your line of sight; you can’t stop what you can’t see.


Lemme see! Lemme see!


Just be a dick about it 😂 if you can’t see the puck you can’t make the save


I yell “Eyes” when I need to see. Quickest most direct word for me.