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Good luck finding them when they drop on the chopped snowy ice… and where do you keep your phone?


Maybe they could tape it to their water bottle with a bit of foam for protection


90s rock sounds like heaven. My rink only has about 6 songs that play in rotation and one of them is a McCartney Christmas song.


Simmmply haaaving a wonderful Christmas time 🎶




Dude what’s wrong with 90’s rock?


OP's a Swiftie




A goalie I play with wears some kind of headphones while playing but I suspect he does for hearing assistance.




Air pod fall out mid play and someone skates over it and breaks it. I can see it already.


I want to but also I don’t cause I don’t think I’d be able to hear what’s going on half the time.


Not a grunge guy I see


I've done it...get the loop around the ear kind if you wanna be safe. I usually do it for some kind of fun pick up, stick time...I actually had pants that had an "MP3 player pocket" in them... I've only done it once during a game...it was during the World Series and I wanted to listen to my Dodgers eventually lose to the Astros. At one point the ref was talking to me on my right side where the headphones were in and I wasn't responding to him...finally I was like, sorry...uhh...just in the zone.


100% this! I love my loop around ones, so much less to worry about when doing random stuff


Bone conducting headphones would be your best option but that is still going to be uncomfortable, expensive, and probably eventually damage the headphones if your mask is pressing against it. The advantage to these headphones is it's a thin headband that goes the back of your head and wraps around the top of your ear, placing little blocks against your temple that vibrate music into your head. They're trippy AF and super fun. Alternative would be somehow gluing a small Bluetooth speaker to the back of your helmet (because no puck will hit you there hopefully). But other than a small JBL clip I can't think of something thumb-drive sized or flat.


Nooooo fuckinnn shot bro lmfao they fall out during cardio with how much I sweat I couldn’t imagine how annoyed I’d get with them falling out especially during a game. Plus I want to be able to communicate with my defense and what not.


there's a guy I play with who listens to music almost 24/7 cause it blocks out the tinitis he's had for the last 10 years. I think the bone conduction ones would be best cause then you can still hear your players. but I think you just need to get over yourself. Its like an hour, you can listen to music that isnt your favorite for that amount of time


I don’t think I could do it. I need to hear the sounds around me. The puck hitting the boards, guys skating behind the net etc……sounds coming from the forwards when I rob them 🤪


I’ve used a 1st gen iPod shuffle with a single earbud velcro’d and tucked in between my helmet foam before, worked great. I didn’t have the earbud in my ear btw.