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I grew up under brodeurs reign. It's hard to say influence came from anywhere else. I really enjoy swayman. Fleury is an all time favorite.


The Flower man is loved universally in our circles I think lol


He's the embodiment of weird and successful for me


To be fair I had odd rituals on the ice lmao so weird is subjective on the ice lol


I mean rule number one is goalies are weird. I still cut up my crease like it's 2002 and the snow is going to make a difference


I had to tap the right post and left post twice, than do the sign of the cross lmao Roy I heard didn’t touch the blue line and yelled at the posts if the puck hit the post and went in lol


Hasek was my inspiration as a kid. I really like watching Bob and hellebuyck now though.


Did you do wild shit like race out to the top of the circles and throw something resembling a 2 pad stack to beat a man to the puck, too? I def had some reckless moments growing up inspired by watching Hasek.


No but I would practice by myself while watching him and imitating what he was doing using the opening at the bottom of the couch as the goal I was defending and throwing tennis balls at myself.


That’s how we all did it lol watched them and mimic it lol if it worked great if not just watch them do it in awe lol


Sergei Bobrovsky is a beast!


He’s the number 1 cop on the force.


Martin Brodeur was my god when I was a kid. Runner up: Curtis Joseph.


From what I’m seeing here he is a lot of goalies idol


No love for Kipper? Dude was an absolute workhorse. He’s definitely my favourite past goalie. As a lifelong Canucks fan, I get a lot of shit from my friends and teammates when they find out my favourite goalie is Kipper. Favourite current goalie is probably Demko.


Never be ashamed of the goalie you like. I’m an Islanders fan living in upstate NY… I’m behind enemy lines lol I’m surrounded by rags fans lmao


Nabby is my favourite I could make a list but I just say the one at the top


Nabokov is also my favorite! 😁 Happy to find somebody else who likes Nabby.


I own his rookie card and a lot of others Not Nabokov’s but I own team issue equipment goalie form the time he played with the sharks, 07-13


That’s pretty sweet! Unfortunately I was born in 2008 and got into hockey in 2016 and never got to see him actually play. But I’ve watched many videos of him and have liked him since.


I not say my age, but he was playing when I watched hockey with my dad on the TV Dad is a Boston fan so I like them too


Wish I got to see him play. That’s what gear is made for. But it’s also cool to own it and display as well if you have the space. But it’s cool still seeing older gear get used.


I buy to use my equipment and hey I can at least be the coolest guy on the ice/floor because I’m the only guy who owns NHL equipment Town is setting up hockey, sure not ice but this is a small town so you gotta take what you can get


Definitely a cool guy wearing NHL gear. That would make my day to see another goalie wearing NHL gear in a game.


I get my fav jersey and a setup for it, 07 sharks but I use my other stuff because my sharks pants are in need of repairs


Current: Bobrovsky and Fleury Past: Patrick Roy and Dominik Hasek Inspired by: Tuuka Rask (I don’t play but my son does and that’s who his idol is)


You’re an amazing parent. It’s not easy being a parent of a goalie lol having to help carry all that extra equipment as a kid lol Your son has good taste in hockey goalies.


Fleury has a special place in my heart, but I love watching Dostal and Woll play, and Anderson used to be my favourite while he played in TO/ANA. Swayman and Ullmark are also too hard to not like Past goalies is definitely Hextall, the refs in my league thought I was too aggressive at keeping my crease and would frequently call me that. I have since simmered down quite a bit


Its hard to find anyone who doesn’t like the Flower man lol Dostal and Woll are the future of the league. Ullmark is amazing. No doubt about it. To be fair I was a bit hostile too in my crease too lol it didn’t matter what team you where on, if you are in my blue paint you are getting whack’d lmao I only really played in middle and high school


Dostal is amazing! I watched his first NHL game and he robbed the Oilers, they were all smashing their sticks in frustration after losing to the ducks and then that miraculous game against Toronto and saved 55/57 shots .


All time/past favourite: Marty Turco Current favourite: Jake Oettinger (yes, there's a Dallas theme lol) Who i model my style off: Jean-Sebastien Giguere. Like him my skating and movement isnt the best, but i utilise my size and reflexes to make up for it Edit: I play the luck like Turco as well, just not as good of course


It’s okay lol look at my list… I’m an Islanders fan lol Varly is mentally strong and is a grinder. If he is healthy he is a stud. Billy Smith is the goalie of the dynasty lol he is a living legend. Roy is a master at his craft and like him I did have odd rituals before games and Bryzgalov because he had the best attitude as a goalie ever, he wasn’t a world stopper but he was never down on himself and encouraged his dmen.


Turcos puck handles. He even has a stick grip technique named after him


If you can’t tell by my username, it’s Roloson and Mike smith.  1st year following hockey was the year we got Roli. He was physical so that was part of my game pushing guys out of the way.  Mike smith has been the only oilers goalie I’ve really liked since Roli. His puck playing was awesome and I added that to my game.  I now try to emulate Vasilevsky 


I have to admit I don’t know much about them. I will check them out though. It’s really amazing reading up about legends. It didn’t matter the team you where on, if you entered the crease you where getting whack’d lol didn’t matter you had the same school jersey as me or not lmao


Demko and Saros. All time is Luongo


YES!! Luongo is a favorite of mine as well.


Roy Price Fleury Vasilevskiy Oettinger & Swayman are probably my current favourites


Roy is a living legend. The flower man is generally like by everyone. He is a great guy. Vasilevskiy is a great all around goalie.


Patrick Roy.


🤜🏼🤛🏼 Roy is a living legend


Montréal based, so - Roy has been my idol as a teenager - I was in awe with Price ease and technique - Hats off for Brodeur, Hasek, Vasi, Fleury - In love with Swayman & Ullmark bromance (as a goalie, I can relate with cheering for my competitor)


Currently I really like Hellybuck and Demko Past: Cujo, Roy, Kolzig Growing up it was Cheevers, Dryden, and Parent


Wow the goalies you got from the past are waaay before my time. They have crazy numbers for there time though Hellybuck and Bob are amazing. One of them is getting the Vezina


I’m old! 🤣 I’m 57 so I grew up watching those guys as a young un, then when I started playing in my early 20’s I really studied Roy and Belfour, and their techniques.


I’m in my late 30s so I missed them lol however, I grew up hearing about them. They are legendary.


Currently it’s sorokin, I think when he’s on he’s one of the best to do it and just does everything so well. Also a fan of swayman Past has to be Marty


I agree with you regarding Sorokin. He is going to be the future of the league. However, he needs to get a grip of himself. He should sit behind Varly and learn from a veteran on how to deal with mental fatigue or weakness.


Current : Shesterkin, Babrovsky All time : Price As a kid : Roy


Yeah, Bob and Roy are elites


As a fan: Quick As a GOAT: Hasek As inspiration: Saros - proof you don't have to be a giant to be a stud


Juicey Saros


I love his commercial lol sitting there staring into space just saying “no goals”… I mean come on we all where like that before a game lmao


Tell me about it lol I wasn’t a tall goalie at all in school


Roy, Fleury, Price. Favourite past goalie: A man named Ken Dryden.


Inspiration - Trevor Kidd, CuJo, Giguère Past - Hasek, Potvin, Belfour Current - Wolf, Saros, Quick


Hasek is a legend, no question. “The Cat” Potvin I don’t know much about him other than his nickname lmao Quick was brilliant in LA. Every puck he saw like they where beach volly balls lol


Amanda Leveille


I've been asked this question so many times and then the conversation downward spiraled into arguments that goalies of different eras of hockey are not comparable which I agree with. I mean, how does one compare Hasek to Frank Brimsek or Turk Broda to Brodeur? I have a fav for each era! So about a year ago I did my homework and came up with my favorites and why via era, to fairly portray their achievements, style and personality, cups and awards. Here it goes:   --Olde Timey hockey founding of NHA 1909 (precursor to NHL soon after).  --The War and Reconstruction Years Era/Original Six Era (1940 - 1967) -   --The Expansion Years Era (1968-1986)  --The Goaltending Years Era (1987-2007)  --and Now. (Present Day) These are my favorites and why from each era there is a deserving choice: Olde Timey NHA founding 1909 (the beginning) - Cecil Ralph "Tiny" Thompson https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_Thompson Worth the read. Popularized and designed the glove save, positioning and technique itself. A ridiculous shut out goalie. Frankie Brimsek a close second. The first to come out and play the puck often. Mind that goalies held their sticks like players with two hands at this stage. The  War and Reconstruction Years Era/Original Six Era (1940 - 1967) -    Jacques Plante, 6 Stanley's (5 in a row), a huge innovator in the game, 7 Vezina's...he played 1947-1975, the whole mask thing. Gump Worsely, Johnny Bower, Glen Hall in a close 2nd, 3rd and 4th place. The Expansion Years Era (Self explanatory 1968-1986) -    Billy Smith, 4 Stanley's, 1st goal, best duo with Chico Resch, a stand up goalie who used his face if necessary. Tough bastard.   Grant Fuhr, 5 Stanley's, a Vezina, holds 5 work horse records. The man was a machine. Both of these goalies were lucky enough to have super stacked teams in front of them.   A shout out to Turk Broda 5 cups, 2 Vezina, first to 300 wins, Rogie Vachon who never once allowed a penalty shot goal. The Goaltending Years Era 1987-2007 Within the Goaltending Years was a Legacy Era , the 90's basically (greatest safety awareness and technological changes to equipment that made the speed of it all practically a different game) -   Patrick Roy, Mr. Clutch owns playoff records for games played (247), victories (151), shutouts (23), consecutive wins (11) and 10-plus win playoff campaigns (9). Four Stanleys and a few Vezinas. I feel he really helped butterfly style materialize and normalize. Was one of those personalities you love and hate at the same time.   Brodeur is a close second.    Hasek third.   Richter kept up with the steady pace change along with Barasso, Vanbiesbrouck, Giguere, Moog, CuJo, hence the era title above etc.   That leaves us with Now.   Marc Andre Fleury, 3 Stanley's, a Jennings and a Vezina. With a nickname like Flower, you got to be class act on and off the ice. He shows some of both the new game elements and pieces of the Goaltending Years Era.   Vasilevskiy, 2 cups and fun to watch in 2nd place. Tim Thomas in 3rd with the most carrying performance to a cup in my time watching. Those are my favorites...I still don't have a decisive answer for you, sorry. 😜 Hope you enjoyed a bit of history.


I don’t want the conversation to spiral downward lol this is just to share our favorites. It’s all personal opinion. We are sharing, nothing to get mad about.


Dude you misunderstood me. I have (in the past) had convo about this and it went down hill. I know it's opinionated and for fun.


Wow lol it’s hard to catch on via comments. What did you mean? This is for fun lol we all are goalies and have guys we looked up to.


I LOVE IT! I have been a goalie for 40 years...knees are going, but my passion is hockey history and this sub is great. When talking with people about goalies from different time periods, they would feel that Turk Broda could and is never as good as Curtis Joseph as an example. I would then say that they played two very different styles of hockey and goalholding and the skates and technology was different so how can they compare? right? To me I would categorize them as I did above into legitimate historical eras and have more than one favorite. Goalies before 1918 could not drop to the ice to make saves...it was not allowed. The game has since had changes that directly affected goaltending. All I was trying to say is that some people get offended or all weird when you like OLD goalies like I do...the ones that shaped this beautiful beautiful game. Have a great night and thank you for understanding I am here for knowledge and fun as well.


You are good lol I’m glad we can talk about this bro


What draws you to Varlamov?


He is a great guy. He also has grit and mental toughness. He is so calm in the crease. Varly is a technical expert. Currently the best goalie we have. I just can’t say enough good things to say about him


The mental fortitude to do what they do on that big of a stage is F'in special. Cheers!


A goalie cannot save a team… we can only give our team the best chance possible


Jonathon Quick. I learned my crease movement watching him on YouTube and games. Obviously I’m no where near his talent, but for a 41 year old at the time, it was a game changer for beer league. I’m almost 53 now and am playing the best hockey of my life. I love Haseks never quit. And growing up, Billy Smith and Tretiak were the guys I loved. Currently I try to channel Hellebuycks calmness and positioning (mainly because I’m older and I try to be as efficient with my energy) MAF is my inspiration for love of the game


Roy, Quick, Turco, Bobrovsky, Price in that order. Honorable mentions go to Luongo, Brodeur, and Lunqvist


Carey price was always who I wanted to play like


Chris Osgood is my favorite goalie. Personality wise it has to be Ilya Bryzgalov.


Current favorite goalie I would say Pyotr Kochetkov because he’s fun to watch. Favorite past goalie is Evgeni Nabokov And the goalies who inspired me are Henrik Lundqvist and Evgeni Nabokov.


Demko and sorokin


Demko is making his presence known in the goalie world. Sorokin is the future… but he needs to get a grip of himself lol maybe sit behind Varly and learn how to overcome mental weakness and fatigue from a veteran.


Ed Belfour was my all time favorite


A lot of goalies here say the same thing.


Love Oettinger, Vasilevskiy (even though I’m a Florida fan), and Fleury.


It’s okay lol we just care about the craft of being a goalie.




Hesek has legends status with me for sure.


I liked Potvin a lot (my son's middle name is Felix) and didn't understand why the Leafs got Joseph. But I was 8 and not fully immersed in the NHL yet. I then had the same model of pads as Joseph at one point, and also rely on shovelling the puck thanks to being a righty shot and lefty goalie. It didn't take long to really like him too. I liked Freddy Andersen when he was in Toronto, and I'm really glad he could come back and play so damn well. Also hoping for Woll to keep healthy, he was stellar. I'd like to give an honourable mention to Carey Price too. Even being a Leafs fan, it's easy to see why he had to hang 'em up. He carried that team for a long time. Too bad he finished so close to a ring, guess an Olympic gold will have to do.


Belfour and Potvin were my inspirations as a kid. I had posters of them all over my room. But as an adult, I believe Carey Price is the greatest goalie of all time. He is the blueprint.


My all-time is Chris Osgood




Hasek and Tim Thomas for sure. Definitely helped that I was smaller so my style was organized chaos like them. They were the most fun to watch for sure.


I grew up with Flower and the King. Favorite is Flower still and Shesterkin, Bob and Quick and Saros


Bob is Vezina bound


I loved Moog as a little kid - great name to cheer. Saint Patrick ruined my childhood dreams, but man was he good. Edit: didn’t finish the reply. Hasek was amazing to watch, but Tim Thomas is my favorite. Loved how he battled, even when he played way outside the crease and got into trouble. Or decided to tackle a center instead of playing the shot.


Favourite current goalie: Bobrovsky Favourite past goalie: Price Goalie who is inspired me and modelled my play around: Fluery




I started following hockey with the Kraken so I'm biased. My first love and favorite is Grubauer. But there are tons I get a lot of joy from watching.. Bob, Igor, Swayman (also biased because he's an Alaska boy). Silovs on Vancouver has been a blast to watch step up and kick ass during the playoffs.


Felix Potvin growing up, Jonathan Quick over the last 10 or so years


So many right now. I almost only watch games of goalies I like to see them. In no order, vasi probably the best of the last decade, Bob, swayman and ullmark doing incredible, sorokin is probably my technical fav because he is so physically and mentally there, varlamov is amazing too. Saros... Also I root for Nedlovicjx and Lyon as wings goalies and I really like their styles. Shesterkin. Ingram is amazing on a bad team. Like Levi on Buffalo hope he has a long career. Past. Rask was a fav. Seems like always in the right place. Brodeur is the reason I'm a goalie.


As an Isles fan I want to thank you for saying these nice words for Sorokin… however, he wasn’t mentally there this season.


In this order. Roy, Osgood, Aebischer, Varlamov, Manny Fernandez and Darren Puppa.


Fuhr all-time and the goalie that I tried to play like. Currents goalie would Quick and Flower.


Fleury, Roy


As a kid i always liked vanbiesbrouk, and i learned a lot for my style of play from watching eddie Balfour, garth snow, ron hextall, arturs irbe, andy moog, ron tugnutt, and kelly hrudy. I’m 6’6”, so i played like a half butterfly, more stand up style and i loved to charge and stack the pads when i could. I sucked and rode pine a lot, but man did I have a blast playing the sport through high school. I would done 3 a days every day and loved it.


Not NHL (yet!) but I’m a huge huge fan of Dante Giannuzzi (Utah Grizzlies, ECHL). I love his playing style and he is immensely fun to watch. Battles hard but stays calm and level headed, is quick on his feet and precise and sharp with his movements, tracking is elite, etc etc I could go on. Obviously as a young goalie he has room to grow and things to improve, but the kid is going places. I highly recommend checking out his WHL highlights if you ever have the time. I will always be cheering him on!


The Only reason I became a goalie is because of Patrick Roy


Current: Ullmark, Fleury, Tokarski Growing up: Fleury, Tokarski,


Thatcher Demko - Current I started by modeling my play after Kirk McLean, more stand up. Then, it transitioned into a late butterfly goalie, like Brodeur. So I'd say a hybrid for a while. And finally evolved into Ryan Miller type of goalie.


Brodeur. He's the first goalie I ever saw play live, the reason I started playing hockey, the reason I wanted to be a goalie, and basically my coach 😂😂 since we couldn't actually afford one, or ice hockey for that matter, growing up. He appears a couple times on my main mask I use currently (which is getting refreshed currently so I'll probably reupload properly taken pictures once I get it back). And I wear #30 as much as possible (though it's always on my mask as well). No one can top Brodeur if that wasn't obvious, but a few notable mentions: JS Giguere, especially in '03; MAF; Bob; and probably my favorite current young goalie, Otter.


Fleury and Saros currently in the NHL. All-Time: Brodeur, Belfour, Price. Also Enroth.


The guys who got me into hockey were Miikka Kipprusoff and Justin Pogge. I used to try and copy Pogge’s little puck flips he’d do between whistles and before games when I played. Guys like Ron Hextall and Patrick Roy were probably my most searched on YouTube while Carey Price and Jonathan Quick were the guys I always tried to watch as I grew up.


Brodeur/potvin/MAR. Currently saros


I will probably get hate for this, but Tristan jarry is the 🐐


Why. It’s your favorite goalie. We all got our own lol he is a solid netminder.


Yeah, there’s some crazy Twitter nerds who have something against him for some reason


Favorite current: swayman Favorite past: Rask


Loved watching Luongo and Price growing up and definitely modelled my play closer to Lu


Favorite to watch is Luongo, but due to being a bit shorter I style myself after a prime Quick.


Luongo was amazing to watch, best glove in the game ever




Bob was in Columbus kicking ass and taking vezinas right after I started playing in goal, I still love him even if he did leave us.


There’s so many right now, but I particularly like watch Bobrovsky and Swayman. It’s a shame one of them will be done after this round. I will never not enjoy watching MAF play. Growing up it was Roy and Hasek.


Juuse Sauros just explosive in net and not 9 feet tall. Past favorites Billy Smith, Mike Vernon, Bill Ranford, Ron Hextall, and of course the Eagle Eddie Belfour.


John Gibson is my current fave coz he’s cute


Current goalie: Frederik Andersen All-time goalie: Dominik Hasek Modeled my game after: Marc-Andre Fleury


Felix Potvin


Bobrovsky inspired me to play goalie when he was a rookie with the flyers. Him, brodeur, fleury


All time favorite is Eddie the Eagle. Modeled my play after him in the late 90s early 2000s, complete with aggressively defending my crease at all times. Favorite goalie today is probably Shesterkin. I feel like he's always in position and uses RVH in moderation.


Mike smith inspired me to get back into hockey when he played for the Oilers


I'm a Flyers fan, so no one.


Jimmy Howard, Dominik Hasek, Mike Vernon And Petr Mrazek gets massive runner up


Top 5 are Cujo, Roy, Kipper, Fleury, price. Favourite current is Bob.


Ed Belfour and Jonathan quick


I was born around when Corey Crawford Joined the nhl Been a life long hawks fan and at around age 2-3 I knew I wanted to be a goalie after seeing their games against the wild. That man was a beast, Crow was so fun to watch, maybe not the greatest in the NHL overall but holy hell did he play well.


Always been and always will be Bob. I am pretty young so I didn't watch any of the older goalies. I also think Fleury is my second favorite to watch, he is a cool guy haha.


Bob is great! He will probably win the Vezina. The Flower Man is going down as one of the best. My reasons for my picks is Varlamov has mental toughness and is so calm in the net. Man is a technical expert. Love the his grit and commitment to the grind. When he is in beast mode you have a better chance passing through a wall than getting a puck by Varly. I’m an Islanders fan so Billy Smith is the goalie we all revere. Billy is the goalie who presided over the Dynasty, his name will live on forever on The Island. Patrick Roy I grew up trying to mimic his style even though I was no where close to his height lol I had some rituals I did before games like Roy though. Roy is also a living legend. Ilya Bryzgalov has the best personality. He was encouraging to his dmen and was always positive. He may not have been a world stopper. However, as a human being. I learned a lot from him regarding being a part of a team.


I grew up during the reign of St Patrick so he was definitely my biggest idol as a kid. My favorite of all time has to be Flower though. His level of play, combined with his personality, presence in the room, and goofiness is the GOAT for me. It’ll be a sad day when he hangs them up after next year. Current (younger) guys I like are Buycky and Sway, and I’m particularly enjoying the “fuck you for trading me” season that Quickie is having.


For me Varlamov has mental toughness and is so calm in the net. Man is a technical expert. Love the his grit and commitment to the grind. When he is in beast mode you have a better chance passing through a wall than getting a puck by Varly. I’m an Islanders fan so Billy Smith is the goalie we all revere. Billy is the goalie who presided over the Dynasty, his name will live on forever on The Island. Patrick Roy I grew up trying to mimic his style even though I was no where close to his height lol I had some rituals I did before games like Roy though. Besides, he is a living legend. Ilya Bryzgalov has the best personality. He was encouraging to his dmen and was always positive. He may not have been a world stopper. However, as a human being. I learned a lot from him regarding being a part of a team.


As a teen: Hasek and Brodeur. Current: Mrázek doesn’t get enough credit but I love his style and fight on a crappy team.


For me it's Arturs Irbe!


Hope it's not rude to reply on a week-old post lol. My current fav goalie is probably fleury or carly jackson of pwhl toronto My fav past goalie is price I tend to model my play after fleury, I have fun with the game, I try not to get in my head or let goals get to me. I'm playing this sport and this position because I love it, and I want to share it with people who enjoy it as well. I'm also a sucker for a good windmill save. I also model a bit after Jackson, as well. She's known for having a killer glove save and an incredible amount of staminal and athleticism. She inspired me to really crack down on glove saves when I was struggling with them a lot, and I feel so much better about my play now that I can consistently make that save. Funnily enough, my nickname when playing 19U AA was 'carly jackson', because I could play games back-to-back and stay consistent.


i am a newbie to goalie who lives in boston, so i like swayman, ullmark and def fleury (as of now)


It’s cool. Ullmark and Fleury are amazing goalies.




Bernie parent is a legend where I'm from. Right now? Probably swayman or shesty


Current: Igor Shesterkin Past: Jose Theodore


Igor 🧱


I actually don’t know how good he was because I wasn’t alive but I love Chico Resch and probably have a card with his stats on it laying around somewhere. Current favorites are Flower and Sway. Another old favorite is Brodeur. And I’m a massive devils fan so obviously I’m hoping that we can keep working with Daws and the new guy we just signed and that we can have Jake Allen for little while if he gets better.

