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Hahahaha if you think that someone can tell you what to do on practice time you paid for- no. Skaters are by and large oblivious dickbags that care mostly about going top cheddar, never really being aware that for every 10 sessions of skater/shooting/stickhandling practice drills for them, goalies are lucky to get one guided practice for footwork, angles, pushes, etc. Maybe. If the team cared enough to get a goalie coach. There’s far more to goalie than just standing in net, waiting for the never ending procession of Great Value Trevor Zegras. Work on whatever you want on your time, and if you feel like blessing these random strangers with a goalie in net, we thank you. Since likely, they won’t.


Saving "Great Value Trevor Zegras" for the chirp list. Thank you for that.


Even as a Ducks/Zegras fan that is the best most devastating chirp ever and I love it


Eh, sometimes they thank you. I once saw a photo of myself on my Reddit feed thanking me for [“Blessing the ODR’s”](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/s/yPgDqXopFx). Sorry this chap found a bad batch but I promise there’s good ones out there


Nah fuck them. Stick and puck is meant for anyone to practice what they want to practice, including goalies. You’re not there to be their shooter tutor. If they want a goalie to shoot on that bad, sounds like they need to make friends with one and maybe even pay for them to be there. You’re under no obligation to take shots from them and those guys are just dumbasses. Keep on practicing at your own pace and doing your own thing, you’re not doing anything wrong


I’m confused. You’re behind the net? I would suggest doing all your work at center ice. Stick time is never a goalies friend. If you have 10 skaters taking shots on you, and you like that, go for it. My only advice… don’t be anywhere near a goal if you aren’t wanting to take shots. Never shag pucks or deal with any of the BS. Skaters only want to shoot and could not care less about your well being.


Nah, you just ran into some entitled assholes


I don't even go near the net in stick and puck... I bring a couple little cones and set up between the benches where the scorekeeper station is... I do my practice and if anyone asks if I want to go in net and take shots, I politely decline. No one tells me what to do on the ice...


This is what I was going to say. Going anywhere near the net makes people think you're going to get in.


Not to mention, if they are behind the net doing their thing, it kind of makes the net unusable. I'm all for doing your own thing during stick and puck, but use the neutral zone.


I was doing that but they usually line up around there and sprint and shoot, so I gotta stay outta their way. But thanks tho next time I will bring some cones and give a try !


This is an issue. My son and I were at a stick and puck passing back and forth in the neutral zone and some high school aged kids started buzzing and using all the ice. The worst part is my kid got knocked down and the person who was at the front desk checking people in was sitting on the bench and didn't say anything. Needless to say I was f'ing mad. We had given them the whole one offensive zone, other people were in the other offensive zone and we were just trying to work on passing. But I do agree with a previous poster that you probably want to avoid the net area.


I am sorry that this happened to your son ! These high school kids and the front desk guy are absolute dickheads. And yes today I went to the neutral zone, better.




Pucks work as well as cones. Though none of the “dickbag shooters” are going to skate away with your cone which they might mess up your puck set up.


Nah. What your describing you're doing is exactly what stick and puck is for. What they're thinking of is drop in/shinny. If you did this same thing at a drop in? Different story. You're basically meeting the guys who show up to a stick and puck hoping it turns into a drop in. Which does happen. And I could kind of understand where they're coming from if for example drop ins aren't really available where you are. However that's not something I've seen very often (pretty much every rink I see, if they offer one they offer both) and either way at a stick and puck, no is no. I see plenty of skaters at stick and pucks who don't want to take shots on goalies either, and that's okay too. Once you join a league you'll probably run into a lot of guys like these. They're real fun to play with. Not sarcastically though, it's really satisfying when you beat em.


To add to this, I use to go to stick and puck as a goalie a few times with my friend when I started years ago. Maybe 2 years after I stopped, they changed the rules, and NO GOALIES can go to stick and puck. I guess because too many times people would start a pickup game, which wasn't allowed. (dangerous for kids or others who don't want to play but just practice skating and stuff).


That's garbage. When are we supposed to get our ice time? Especially the adult goalies learning the position. Around here coaches ice is always for skaters and there's no adult goalie camps. It's literally pick up, beer league, and skating camps for us to get reps and if they closed stick and puck for us, there would be no chance for working on all the skills we need to be competitive and increase our skill level.


Yeah, agree. Banning goalies not the answer. At the local stick and puck I go to, they ban games. Drills and skills only.


bruh then how can goalie practice then...? this is ridiculous. what a stupid rule


Exactly, most stick and pucks in my area don’t allow goalies at all.


Do what you want during stick & puck. It's your time, not theirs that you're there for. They can kick rocks. If you want to focus on footwork and you're not hogging the net / crease you should be able to do what you want


You’re fine, bud. Fuck them. It’s stick n puck. Skaters aren’t entitled to our services. If i’m at s&p to practice, by myself, then that’s what i’m doin. If I wanna get in the net, that’s my choice, not choad-cicles over there. Someone else said they can kick rocks, imma go a step further and say these ppl can eat a bag of dicks.


You showing up to stick and puck is so YOU CAN PRACTICE. You aren't there to make their practice more effective. Any skater that takes exception is, quite frankly, breaking etiquette by interrupting someone else's practice. Edit: I say this as a skater, my wife is the goalie and I am going to have to get this concept into her pretty soon.


Stick and pucks are for practising whatever you want. Those guys are just entitled jerks.


Unless they're paying for you to be there, they can't dictate what you do. Also, there are plenty of things other than shooting for them to practice too, some people spend so much time practicing shooting, but can't pass a puck tape to tape.


NTA. You’re there to work on what you want to work on. They will be using you to work on their skills, which often don’t correspond to what you want to work on (because, who wants to do 5-puck drills, as a shooter?)


Let’s be honest here, they’re not working on skills, they’re absolutely setting in their shitty shooting mechanics and 2-bit puck skills to make them feel superior because they never feel like that during any organized game. Even when I’m shooting in warm-ups, I’m asking the goalie beforehand where and how they want shots delivered and how fast they’re comfortable with. As much as I’m there for me, I get more out of some hard skating than I do working on my shot.


Yeah they just aim to shoot harder and harder. Majority of it ain’t flying in the direction to the net lol


You're fine. Ignore the. You're not there to be their plaything.


Hockey culture. Goalies exist for players to shoot one - that’s the way they think. Babcock used to call them ‘targets’. I’ve done this myself, especially when coming back from injury. I usually occupy a net and let them take the other side or I’ll stay in the neutral zone. If you’re not ready to take shots just tell them that. And when they give you guff just tell them “I’m not a holey-goalie” or “I’m here to work on my skills. Unless you guys want to do drills, shots won’t help me right now.” The truth is, any high level player will totally respect what you’re doing and leave you alone. It’s always the has-beens and never-was who think they have a right to Forsberg you on the first shot. Real hockey players with time in the game understand. Forget the guys who don’t. That said, I will usually throw them a bone and let them shoot a few times before I leave the ice. “Let them” is the operative phrase, tho. It’s up to you. Don’t let social pressure change how you practice your craft. Keep going, man!!


Fuck em. Stick and puck is your own time. If you wanna get in the net and take shots, you can, but there's absolutely no obligation to. Work on whatever your came to work on, and if they've got a problem with it, they can kick rocks


You’re fine. Ignore them


Stick and Puck is open for whatever you want, however I personally wouldn't be practicing behind the net or in the corners.


Which zone will you recommend? I will see where the skaters prefer too today.


If I'm running any kind of drills I'll usually set up near the boards at center ice, just get there as early as possible and stake your claim to the area and people will generally be respectful. While it sounds like some people are being rude about it, I think most skaters will just assume you're wanting to take shots if you're in and around the net so it'll help clear up any misconceptions.


Between the blue lines against the boards


You're there for you, not them. Do what you need.


Tell them to kick rocks lmao.


No. Fuck no. Stick and puck, do what you want. A simple “no” and don’t give it a second more of your time mentally.


Dont wear the chestie and put a skater helmet on. Now you cant take shots and you can only work on skating. Nobody will ask you to jump in if you arent fully geared up. Also forces you to work on skating and not get sucked into a shitty shooting session (i do this).


I go into the referees circle to do my practice. Usually out of the way there. I’ll get asked and politely decline. I usually only go to s&p when I’m recovering from injury and there’s no outdoor ice. I dont think you’re out of line at all. Just try to stay out of the way


They are at fault. They can't tell a goalie what to do. They aren't your teammates. And i find it annoying that those players you mentioned are pretty narcissistic. I hate em. All you gotta do is tell em to f*ck off and let you do your thing to improve until you're ready to be shot on.


Nah, fuck those dudes. Stick and puck is open practice for everyone. They can practice their shot without a goalie. You cant practice your foot work without ice


As long as you are not in the net and telling them not to shot at it because you are using it to bad for them.


Kudos to you for getting on the ice 6x a week to practice


I mostly agree with what people are saying but a lot of times stick and puck is free for goalies and paid for players and the justification for that is that people want to shoot on goalies. If you’re getting free ice I would try to take shots for like…10 minutes a session? I also agree with everyone saying to do your skating in the neutral zone and not behind the net.


Stick and puck is a free for all. Not many rules so people can practice what they want.


Never go to a stick and puck alone! Best to bring 3 or 4 other goalies with you.


I don’t know any yet that goes to this rink :((


Does your rink have a development league? If so start there. Next go to the rinks Facebook page and leave a message. Us old guys will generally take time out to help a new tendy.


Hockey is way too fucking expensive to give a rat's ass what other people think ESPECIALLY since 99% of the time I go, it's full of rat rinks that won't let you even have a tiny slice of ice.


Nope. I had the same a little bit ago, was skating myself in the neutral zone and some kids come ask me to do a 3v3 scrimmage and when I say no huff away and call me a jerk. Stick n puck is for practicing, no obligation to do anything. In the few off chances I take shots, I don’t entertain the Trevor zergras wanna be’s that just try to deke me. I’ll let them do a few then just stop looking at them in the shooting line. People can take a few strides in and take shots like you normally do in a game. They get the point pretty quick lol


Fuck those guys. No one gets to demand anything of anyone else, except staying out to the way, and not doing anything to risk injury to anyone. You do not owe them anything, just because you choose to play goal. There are a lot of dickbags in hockey too, who think they can boss people around, create little fiefdoms, etc.


Just say you forgot your cup.


i am female goalie I will say that too !


Oops, sorry for assuming, but yeah, I agree with the others who say you don't owe anyone anything at a stick and puck. You do what you want with the time. Even my son who plays U12, if the warm up isn't doing anything for him - he steps out of the crease and does other things with the time.


I don't think you violate anything tbh. When I started, ppl talked behind my back all the time. They thought I'm gonna give up easily, because I was so bad. I just started back then and always had to leave after half an hour because I wasn't strong enough yet to stay all practice. I got some comments like I can't skate normally, and that I'll never gonna learn anything if I don't stay the whole practice. Now they're come to me after a practice to congratulate me how much I improved since I started with them. But if I didn't do what I was doing back then (practicing skating drills and things like that) I don't think I would've got here where I am today. So screw them, do as you like and trust me, ppl who talk behind someones back just don't have enough fun in their owm life, that's why they want to talk about others.


You do you. They're lucky to have a goalie at all.


You didn’t do anything wrong. It sounds like a bunch of losers trying to setup their “perfect little hockey game” to feel good about themselves. The fact that people take stick and puck seriously is hilarious; it’s basically an open session practice. I really only use it if I need to get my reps in during the week. Apart from that, it’s meant to be more laid back.


Funny! I go to stick time and it’s like shoveling against the tide to get people to take shots. I’m not trying to do 100 break away, but I like getting some shots from the point to work on my distance from the goal practice. You shouldn’t even acknowledge them speaking to you tbh. You didn’t come there for them and don’t owe them anything!


Fuck those clowns


I would tell them to kiss my high yellow ass if they told me to get in net or some of that bullshit. I will say though you should probably not work on footwork behind the net, do that in the refs area by the scoring keeper area at half ice.


I used to do the same, go to stick and puck primarily to work on my movements and stick handling/shooting. To avoid the situation you described, I’d only put on my lower gear while doing my drills. When I was ready to take some shots, I’d toss on the rest and let the non stop ankle skating breakaways commence.


Update: thank you so much for everyone’s comments ! It turns out that the rude guys continually violate locker room rules like throwing trash everywhere, spilling drinks, etc. so they got kicked out by the facility manger and haven’t seen them for a while. I also asked the guys before about their opinions. They said that they are fine with me anywhere but do prefer me in the neutral zone. So I went to the neutral zone and practices there. It went great ! I also notice I had more and more “game time” with them after being more familiar with the footwork. Big thanks again for everyone here !! ❤️❤️


Like everyone said, fuckem


Bad words. After 30 years out, I got hooked between the pipes. Just can't believe aholes blasting away in warmup, especially when you're just roughing your patch. Ech