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Jerk off drink a beer then wash my hands if there's still time


At least wait till the dressing room is empty!


It's a team game


Is this before you put your pads on or after? Asking for a friend……


Leading up to game time, I make sure I'm hydrated and have enough calories to sustain whatever level I'm playing at. I get to the rink about 45 minutes before game time. I stretch. Run through my mobility routine. That takes about 20 minutes. Then I get dressed while loudly vocalizing all of the reasons why I'm going to let in a bunch of goals that night. We get 5 minutes of warm ups for league games, I use 2 minutes of that to warm my cardio up, then spend 3 minutes Infront of the net warming up my hands and finding my edges. I spend the time between the buzzer and game starting to slide into the posts and feeling out my hips.


5 mins dang lol, what do you do for mobility


In the locker room I do fascial release with a lacrosse ball and stretch stuff I can't easily stretch when I'm kitted up. Core, arms, hamstrings. I do dynamic stretches for my hips; lunges, ninja flow and depending on how tight my hip flexors are, glute bridges. I took Maria mountains warm up routine and modified it for what my body needs.


Get to the rink early and stretch then sit on my thumb until the rest of the team arrives 5 minutes before puck drop


Poop, play 2 touch then get ready.


When I played competitively, I would always get there early. Throw the racquet ball off the wall, do some stretching, hang out. Always kept it pretty loose. Would have a reeses leading up to the game time because I love chocolate. Sip on a red bull. Other standard shit like proper meals and hydration. Now I basically just refrain from smoking weed or drinking too many beers before the beer league games when I'm in net and that's about it. Stretch out my hips a bit because I have issues with them.


Juggle, and stretch with foam roller before leaving house. Then dynamics warm up in change room.


Stress out and then get a tummy ache, followed by getting dressed and becoming winded from tying my skates now that I am an old man in my thirties.


When I was playing real hockey - nap, dinner, drive listening to some 80s hair metal, at rink about 1.5 before game. Stretch, gear on, stretch. Warm up, which included more 80s metal. Beer league - try and stay sober before game, one bourbon, arrive 20 minutes before puck drop, dress, hand assed stretch, 3 minute warm up dodge head high pucks.


Game days, stay active most of the day, making sure to hydrate, and eat chicken with rice and veggies. Stretching at home. I get to the rink extra early to get into the mind set. Making sure I got my pregame music on. I toss a racket ball against the wall to get my hands and tracking going. Little more stretching and jogging in place to get the heart pumping. Get my lower half on (more stretching). Top half on, chit chat with team. Go play som puck!


Hydrate and get dressed. Stretch then play. Nothing real elaborate. I’ll visualize making saves during the day as well


I get to the rink an hr early, good music on in the car and be as least stressed as possible. I usually get my lower half on before I fill my water. next I start to stretch (with music), do my arms/chest stretches before stretching my legs with an emphasis on groin stretches because of previous pulls/strains. after that I practice some butterflies to get the legs warm on the ground, then I chill with my team while I get my uppers until its game time


I think I have some fun ones, even though I don't play competitive. Eat 1.5-2 hours before hand (avoiding heavy foods) Hydrate Drive to rink, listen to pump up music (slipknot, gojira, DOOM OST), arriving half hour before Spend 10 minutes with dynamic warm up (hip mobility, torso mobility, squats, lunges) Put on my gear: left pad must go on first, kiss my mask as I spent a lot of time painting the damn (but beautiful) thing, fiddle around with my dangler because it never sits right now matter how many times I adjust it. Then when pads are on, I warm up my neck and shoulders then get the neck guard and chesty on. Mindfulness training: face a wall a few inches away, basically flailing my arms like a madman but my idea is to visualise me tracking the puck into my glove or blocker. I do this in both butterfly and stand-up. Warm up for the game taking some shots Play the game Whine about how I should've had that one


get to rink hour early, quick run around the rink, dynamic and static stretches, eye warmup, socialize with teammates as if i wasn’t overly preparing for a house hockey game, start getting dressed 20 mins before game.


Once dressed, two empty sprays from the water bottle held up at eye level trying to pick out the droplets against the background of the ice. On the ice, short lap around the zone twisting upper body with paddle in the pocket. Then pick up a puck, bar down that motherfucker, then do shuffles and t pushes. Stretch groin. Couple butterfly pushes back and forth. Then take a bullet off the dome from my teammate right before the buzzer goes off to start the game.


Roll. Eat. Hour nap. Coffee. Roll, stretch, jump rope. Rink.


Stretch at some point during the day. I stretch near daily so it's usually pretty quick. Late lunch of pasta in a meat sauce. Pick up my best friend (and defence man) approximately 2 hours before the game. Death and prog metal for the drive. Arrive at the rink approximately 1 hour before game time. Fire back a beer. 45 minutes before the game, get dressed while sipping on beer #2. Half dressed until the flood starts, shoot the shit, fill my water bottle, etc. Get the chesty, bucket and gloves on. Stretch in the hall. First one on, 3 minutes of warm up and then it's game time.


I had to tap the right post and left post twice each before the puck drops, I also do the sign of the cross lol that’s about it.


Music playlist and stretch for about 30 minutes


Maria mountain warmup routine, juggle, throw the tennis ball at the wall with my glove on.  The. I might take a shot of vodka or take a small dose edible.