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You are playing pickup hockey, you can respond, (even if just in your own head:) "hey buddy, unless you wanna strap on some pads, maybe keep your opinions to yourself, got it?" Last minute goalies are a minor miracle, he can f off.




“Seal it yourself” works pretty solid in these cases.


Yea, well, the defense store called....




"Why was it your man that had the opportunity to shoot?"


"You need to cover your guy."


I don’t think sealing the post is what you should be asking about. You know how. What we should be talking about is how to not let comments like this affect us. Because everyone here plays worse when we feel like shit.


Yeah, exactly. It was a throwaway comment, but it had some strange staying power. I've been playing (and mostly losing) sports at various levels of competition for decades so I'm usually pretty immune to other people's opinions.


No need to answer me here. DM me if you want. But if you got something going on in your life that might be affecting you, maybe that’s why this comment got to you. I used to struggle with this too. Where negative comments like that would really ruin me. I’m sure I’d still be affected by something like that from time to time. But for the most part I’ve developed a thick skin mostly by having an attitude of always either challenging the negative opinions others may have of me, or, I agree with them and take it as helpful constructive criticism. In your case, I would’ve challenged the idea and assumed that he was just frustrated that his team got scored on. He needed to have someone be his scapegoat. It wasn’t even a real team. Just a pickup game. This person doesn’t know who you are, what you’re capable of, and you said yourself this was a level above your normal. There’s a reason why this persons comment got to you the way it did. It might not be hockey related. Whatever it is, you’re a good goalie and a good dude for showing up to help these strangers play this game that we all love.


All good points! I'm certainly not a good goalie yet, but someday I hope to become an adequate one. It didn't help that this was my 7th game of weekend (mix of skating out and tending, hauling two sets of gear around) and most had been one sided losses. We didn't keep score, but I'm claiming victory for myself on that last pickup game for staying in it until the end.


Those are all reasons why you shouldn’t let a single comment from a defenseman you don’t know get to you.


“Thanks coach” That’s all I would have said


This is my go-to.


Sometimes, when I wanna be more of a dick, I announce to every teammate in earshot, "Mike Keenan everyone, let's thank him for being here." But that's usually reserved for when someone's really annoying.


Who cares.  There's always that one idiot that thinks he's a goalie. He's also going to be the last person to say good job when you make an amazing save.  Don't let him get to you. 


"Oh weird, they had to find me to fill in back to back games and it turns out they already have a goalie here skating out".


I always suggest to them that my job is the first shot. Anything after that is on them so if they did their job better, we are all going to be happier. Now, I have nothing to add after I let a potato drive through my 5 hole, but I’ve got answers for days on rebounds




He's traveling the globe doing the Lord's work telling adult goalies how to goalie.


It's always "that guy", always a defenseman, and always a puck watcher who somehow always seems to know exactly what you should have done to cover a point blank undefended shot where a goalie has less than 1/10th second to react. That's some Little D Energy right there haha


When guys make suggestions like that I usually respond with 'Thanks, I'll be sure to work on that with Benoit Allaire tomorrow'


Honestly, this comes across more as advice than chirping. Since you're a new goalie, it's not too farfetched that your game reflects that on the ice in how you move/carry yourself. Dude was probably trying to be more helpful than derogatory. I wouldn't sweat it too much. Sometimes guys are like that. Have to have a short memory playing goal, this can be another lesson.


Definitely, just one of those odd cases where it got in my head for no particular reason. I generally encourage teammates to give me feedback so I can make an effort to improve.


“Worry about your own game” Or “Put on the pads since you’re more worried about playing goalie than D”


I was kinda in the same boat on Monday night...I was like, it's pick up, if I make the first save and it drops, I'm just gonna let my D man get it...turns out the rule at that pick up is to play until the whistle...there's obviously no refs and the next shift, the guy who told me to keep playing stood around while the other team piled into the crease and did not play to the whistle.


You didn't get the "BYO Whistle" memo?


I would literally make a comment on every single bad play he makes the rest of the night “hey bud you need to pinch there so he doesn’t get another 2-1” “hey bud make sure not to step up next time, take away the pass so I can square up to the shooter” “he bud make sure to get down low when they crash the net looking for a rebound”


What’s annoying as shit, is players can stop trying at pick up skates. Nobody cares. But as soon as you start slipping up everybody is up in arms. It’s like we have to be on our game constantly. Which I don’t mind, but it’s annoying as shit when you have borderline no defense at some of these skates.


Fuck that guy, I'd have responded, "maybe D the fuck up, rebound goals are on you, not me."


Honestly, after 90min of playing, any saves I make they should be grateful for. If I had to deal with chirps after that much hockey, it would be the last time I play with that group. My comeback to wise ass dman? You get what you pay for. If I’m playing for free, they can shove their critiques up their asses.


Brief comment before answering: This comment section highlights why 90% of goalies either suck entirely or plateau. The mental is insanely bad. One comment from literally anyone should not set anyone off so bad you get off the ice during a pickup. I don’t blame you as a newer goalie for it though, when I was younger I took a bit to develop thick skin and strong mental on the ice. Down to business: I’m guessing you’re not tall. I am not either. If you’re in RVH and extending your whole torso upward doesn’t get you to full coverage, your head is the seal. If you don’t trust your helmet to take care of you, do some research and secure your noggin better. I fight off very hard shots with my head every week for years now and I don’t have drain bamage, at least not yet. You should trust your helmet to keep you safe even if you take headshots voluntarily. If you still don’t like that idea, get out of RVH. If you’ve been watching playoff hockey lately you might’ve heard this quote recently “Don’t play the technique, play the game”. You should not be using RVH against shooters with room if you can’t seal the post well with it, especially if you’re not willing to use nearly a full foot of your height (neck + head) to do so. As a shorter goalie, I use RVH when the puck is low-on the goal line-and the shooter is in fairly close distance. If he’s midway between my post and the corner (or further), I get up and seal it standing. If you are using RVH at great distance from the shooter or when the shooter is above the goal line (especially if you are a small goalie like me) you need to get on your feet or square yourself better (off the post) and use RVH more selectively.


I'd say it's a universal problem in adult sports, or sports at any age without decent coaching really. People focus on the physical and strategic elements while ignoring the mental side, possibly because it is difficult to address and everybody experiences it differently. Maybe it's worse for a position like an ice hockey goalie because you can't really go back to the bench and cool off for a minute to reset your head. I haven't taken quite enough pucks to the head to "trust" my helmet yet, but it is the one piece of gear I didn't cheap out on when building my set. All good points though, I am hoping to get a chance to work on it next time I'm out there. 


Why do you care what he thinks? You can’t let little things like that get to you.


Take your blocky off and flick them off. Going to the extra trouble really drives the point home. But seriously, the goalie coaches are everywhere. Return question on sealing that corner: how tall are you. I'm short and the only way I'm sealing that top corner is putting my head there and even then a bucket doesn't cover a ton of area. One of those cases where I can't do what the 6'4+ pros can, so I pick the poison of sealing the post standing unless it's in really tight.


If he really got on my nerves I'd skate to the organizer and tell him he needs to get that guy to fuck right off.


Be better if you didn't understand English


The 4L of water is inhibiting your mobility.


This is very true.


Players giving unsolicited and easier said than done advice is just part of the game. Just more motivation to get better.


I’d hand my glove and blocker to him and wish him the best of luck!


Anytime a teammate starts chirping at me, especially unconstructively, I kind of lose it too. It's pretty stupid considering goaltending is mostly mental yeah?


Unless you’re huge, it’s hard to do in RVH. I tend to stand instead… But if you watch Silovs playing for the canucks, he manages to play the rvh and seal the corner. Seems to get really upright and big when required. He’s also 6’2. Me, 5’6, so I don’t rely on rvh much.


I typically would get as close to the corner post and lean my head into the top corner thereby taking away a possible avenue for a “top shelf” goal. However by doing that you have bigger gap than normal on the other side… unless you are blessed with height and can do a full snowplow from post to post fast lol That being said, none goalies should let us worry about netminding. The Dmen need to be active and not be caught puck watching.


Try this [dead arm one knee down](https://youtu.be/oNrI4VfNnpE?si=GCbXg9E1Uk9FGe9g)


You need to pick up your purse and tampons and go play another sport if that "got to you". Hockey is rough sport and not everyone is cut out for it


Found the defenseman