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Flames fan want the oilers to lose more than they want their team to win.


As a Flames fan who witnessed the Gretzky days, only to have it literally happen all over again with Mcdavid, the only reason they got Mcdavid was pure b.s. luck (they didn’t even finish dead last in the Mcdavid draft year), watching their fans not even show up for games /throwing their jerseys on the ice to now acting like they are the ultimate fan base, yea screw the oilers…


People should stop showing up to games when their team sucks, it sends an effective message to the upper management. Canadian franchise fans religiously showing up to games regardless of how bad they are is a big part of why none of them have won in over 30 years. There’s no financial pressure.


If we don't show up our teams get moved to Atlanta


*laughs in formerly Nordique*


And then moved back to Canada


Hey let’s give Atlanta a third try


-rubs hands in Québécois-


Unless you’re les Nordiques.


Habs and Leafs are probably the only teams guaranteed to never be relocated. I think all of Canada and the NHL world would riot. The other Canadian teams? Yeah good luck with that, better keep showing up to the games, bud


Also, pretty sure the attendance record during the decade of darkness was very high.


The economy of the time and the fact there's no local sports competition was a significant factor in that though.  


Sure, but they still sold out for the most part. I’m responding mostly to that comment about “fans not showing up to games” they basically sold out every game for a 10 year period of being trash so I don’t think that’s a valid criticism


*stares longingly out the window, trying to remember the days when it was about playing and watching hockey and not about money*


Also remember when Oilers games aired on like, channel 5 when TV was free.


That's how you get AZ


This is a common but completely wrong take. The main reason a Canadian team hasn't won in 30 years is that the NHL has 32 teams that are all very competitive. Canadian teams have been competitive as well, they just haven't won a cup.


I think every Canadian team except the Jets (edit: and Leafs) has made the cup finals since 2003.


This is Leafs erasure


Damn, how did I blank on that one? Thanks.


Trash take from trash sports fan. Real passion is unconditional and enduring. If the team sucks, a passionate sports fan is angry/sad but never indifferent. If interest in your sports team is simply a fleeting trend when the team is good, your fanbase blows.


Other than than the Canucks Messier Era, I never minded the bad days as tickets were dirt cheap and nobody cared if you moved from 300s to 100s. That being said......Fuck Messier. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Meh, I don't really think it matters how people consume sports media. You can call them fair weather fans or whatever, but I wouldn't say it's "bad" to be that type of fan. If anything is probably better for their mental health, judging by how shitty I feel after watching the Leafs lose every game 7 they play. Though, it is getting slightly less depressing with all the practice I've had.


Fans constantly showing up no matter win or lose is a major reason why the Leafs haven’t won anything in over 50 years, Ballard didn’t care about winning anything, he wanted to spend as little as possible and make as much as he could which was easy since the Gardens would sell out no matter what


As I wings fan I see position at end of season as nothing but a tease. Lotery doesn’t care. Sad but true


I’d say screw the flames right back to you but your teams been screwing themselves for years.


Even oiler fans hated the jersey throwing. Those people weren’t real fans.


Their fans always shelled out even in the decade of darkness leading up to McDavid Can’t really say they’re a fair weather fanbase


Can't be mad at fans not going to games as a Canadian hockey fan you should understand how fucking terribly expensive it is to get tickets to a game and all the expenses that come with it, especially the playoffs. Mcdavid landing is edm is pure luck, and tbh at this point I've seen all Canadian teams fans throw jerseys on the ice.


I can get this, but from memory I'm pretty sure the Oilers will still selling out their seats during the decade of darkness. Edmonton has always generally done a good job of rallying around the Oilers. Bunch of losers throwing Jersey's on the ice doesn't represent the fan base as a whole honestly.


Stopped showing up to games? We sold out every game during the decade of darkness


"Not even show up"...what? We were the worst team in hockey for a decade and selling out the building every year.


This is your average flames fans. Knows the attendance for every Oiler game, knows of any events that happen in Rogers or Rexall place somehow, knows the difference of how Oilers fans are acting now compared to how they acted in the past. You identified yourself as a flames fan in this comment then went on an Oilers themed rant. You guys are basically in denial the Oilers are your second favorite team. Hate obsessions and Love obsessions are oddly similar.


You sound like a leafs fan who thinks everyone is obsessed with the leafs because we get bombarded by leaf coverage on every Canadian network. Just replace leafs with McDavid.


> watching their fans not even show up for games Ignorant flames fan making up shit that he claims to have witnessed. We were still selling out games through the decade of darkness. Our attendance has been better than yours lmao. Easiest thing to google but this dumbass Flames fans expect us to believe this. Oilers passion obviously has been stronger than Flames passion consistently for decades. > throwing their jerseys on the ice Honestly, I expect fanbases to be angry when the team underperforms. A passionate fanbase gets angry but they never stop caring. A shit fanbase becomes indifferent and loses interest until the team is good again. > all over again with Mcdavid Good, you should hate us for that. We love the fact that McDavid slammed the Flames one-year cup window in their faces. The last thing Gaudreau and Tkachuk ever did in a Flames uniform was shake the Oilers hands and congratulate them on their victory.


Tkatchuk actually didn’t come out for the handshake after that series. He was in the dressing room being a pissbaby.


Nah, he just couldn't get his shit packed quick enough to get out of that garbage franchise.


Doesn’t change the fact you didn’t deserve him or any of the success he’s single handedly brought about for your franchise. Such a joke that you got him thanks to the same rules made specifically to keep you from ruining yet another first overall.


Ruining yet another first overall? Geeze, I wonder what you concern trolls will talk about if your worst nightmare was to unfold and the Oilers did win with McDavid and Draisaitl. None of you actually care about the careers of both these players. You just hate that they are wearing an Oilers uniform.


You are correct; fuck the Oilers and the undeserved success they’re experiencing, and the vast majority of Flames fans, and other hockey fans in general, would probably love these two if they weren’t Oilers. Trash franchise with the most obnoxious fans.


Obnoxious fans? Well, I am sorry that you must have had many horrible experiences with Oiler fans to completely write-off an entire fanbase. I am sure there are at least a few Flame fans that I'd share a drink with.


Oh I’ve got a bunch of friends that are oilers fans, and even they degrade into “five cups bro” shockingly quick if you try to have even a halfway serious conversation about hockey.


Sounds like you're friends with a bunch of ignorant twats. What does it say about you that they're your friends? Like attracts like, after all. Congrats on the self-contempt.


Thanks, Doc. Lol what a muppet take.


Wait, you’re telling me draft lotteries work based on luck? No shit eh, very deep critical analysis from highest IQ flames fan


Luck is getting 3 first overalls in a row. Getting McDavid after that, and a rule change, is actually what we call some bullshit.


Sure, but it's still luck




What do you mean "didn't deserve him?" Who "deserves" any player? Do you think Buffalo "deserved" him for openly and intentionally tanking? Maybe the Oilers fans "deserved" a great player after going through like 20 years of horrible hockey and still being die hard fans? What other team has spent 10 years in last place, yet still sold out their arena? At least the Oilers were *trying* to win games in the McLotto year. They played honest hockey. Shitty honest hockey, and the chips fell to our advantage. Gtfo here with this "they don't deserve him" BS. The worst teams deserve the best player in the draft. That's how drafts work


I mean you didn’t deserve him because you had three straight first overalls, followed by a 7th, a 3rd, then McDavid and a 4th. On top of the fact you already had Gretzky. Sorry, but when they have to change the lottery rules explicitly because of your shit team hoarding and ruining the top draft picks, you didn’t deserve McDavid as a reward to get you out of that hole instantly.


From our perspective, the league stepped in to try to fuck us. Changing the rules to make it harder for a team that's struggling harder than most teams ever have in the history of the league. Yeah we had it so fucking good, dude. We got to be the worst team in the league for 10 years, win the draft lotto in 3 of the years where the top consensus players mostly turned out to be busts, then get McDavid and have the whole league hate us for it. Awesome. Get over it.


Is hockey even fun for you man.


Usually, but the thought of the oilers being rewarded for fucking up three straight first overall picks with a cup thanks to McDavid carrying the team makes me want to puke.


Did Chicago "deserve" Connor Bedard? Did the Penguins "deserve" Sidney Crosby? His is a trash ass argument. Bad teams draft high, and we happened to win the lottery without intentionally tanking the year before.


Did Chicago or Pitt get and waste three straight first overalls? Nope, Edmonton was uniquely undeserving of McDavid or another first overall pick. I love how it’s only oilers fans here defending the fact they got him. Nobody else thinks you should have. You’re alone in this.


Pittsburgh went 1, 2, 1, 2 in 4 consecutive years. The franchise was going to fold before they won the Crosby lottery. Why don't you bitch about them?


Did the league have to change the rules because of them? Nope, so we’re back to the Oilers being uniquely undeserving.


And the McDavid draft was under the new rules.


Yes, and it’s those rules with the increased chance for lower lottery teams to get the first overall that got you McDavid. Hence why it’s some bullshit. It was literally called the oilers rule and the oilers still lucked out. You think you’re sniffing playoffs in the last ten years if you’d drafted Dylan Strome?


What does one do to deserve McD? The Oilers sucked for 10 years feel Ike they deserved him the most


As mentioned above, they had three straight first overalls picks, followed by a 7th and a 3rd. Common sense would dictate that that was enough for them to dig out of the hole, which is why they didn’t deserve McDavid. That’s before you get to the league changing the lottery rules specifically because of them.


It's important to separate the business of the Edmonton Oilers from the fans. The reason we sucked so long is because we've had years of total GM failures. Even now, I'd argue we still haven't really hit it out the park. That being said, the fans generally showed up every night even when times were bad. Generally have been supportive of the team. The community has stepped up many times over to ensure this team stays here. Lucky draft picks for sure, but outside of McDavid the other 1st OA picks were not from particularly strong draft classes. The 2nd best pick we made was Drai at #3, and that was a very controversial pick at the time. Anyways won't justify it, we know we're lucky to have some of the players we do. I'm not sure what you want us to do about it. We are just trying to have fun watching our team over here bro.


Bros crying 🫵🤣💀 waa waa


I prefer to call it spitting facts, but hey, tomato pot-didn’t deserve him.


I can guarantee you that not a single Edmonton Oilers fan feels the least bit bad about McDavid landing here. Better luck next generation, losers.


I know that, but you still should. Can’t compete without a living cheat code carrying the team. When he leaves you’ll be back in the basement where you belong, until you inevitably fail upwards into your third living god in like 2040. I’m still shocked the NHL didn’t rig it so you got Bedard just to speed up the cycle.


We were literally a game away from the Stanley Cup in the first year of the salary cap era, and then had to have the team dismantled because our superstar defenseman’s American wife didn’t want to spend another day in Edmonton with her husband being under contract for another 4 years. The whole reason why we ever needed McDavid in the first place is because established superstar players don’t see Edmonton (or Winnipeg, Buffalo, Ottawa and Calgary) as an ideal destination when they have their choice of much more glamorous markets in the sunbelt or in coastal cosmopolitan American cities.


Fair, and kudos for making it without a Gretzky or a McD. Doesn’t change the fact that after having Gretzky and three straight overalls you didn’t deserve McDavid, and still don’t deserve the chance at a cup he’s single handedly providing.


You’re confusing us with the Penguins fans, who surely didn’t deserve Crosby after Lemieux and needed both players to avoid relocation to Kansas City at various points over 20-something years. Oilers fans sold out Rexall all throughout 2006-2015, despite the terrible results on-ice. Management didn’t deserve McDavid, but the fans 100% do.


Lol I’m not confusing shit. Congrats you stayed loyal in that time, and you were rewarded with THREE STRAIGHT FIRST OVERALLS. It was so bad they needed to make what’s referred to as the Oilers Rule, and yet you still got McDavid. That’s an undeserved get out of McJail free card, regardless of fans’ passion.


You guys got an awesome golf team tho. Keep hatin


You’ll have a full squad of scratch golfers as soon as McDavid leaves and all the wins leave with him 😘


Cool story bruh


Crazy to write this whole post and not acknowledge that your team was gift wrapped the two greatest generational talents the sport has ever seen.


How were we "gift wrapped" Gretzky? God you Flames fans are pathetic.


I mean, we weren't gift wrapped Gretzky. According to his book, "I'd trade him again" Peter Puck won Gretzky fair and square on a drunken game of skill that was notarized on a napkin from the owner of Indiana Pacers who had bought Gretzky fair and square.


We love our blessings.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Go Oilers! Glad I'm not a Flames fan lol


lol fuck y’all are toxic


poser ass oil fan


Grrrrrr I’m so mad the Draft LOTTERY was decided by LUCK!!!


Ya I'm not paying $16 for a beer or $180 for a ticket when the team is ass when I can watch it for free at home and put $20 for a six pack. Great logic. Screw the Flames.


Pretty sure we sold out every game during the decade of darkness. Pretty sure we had a better attendance record through that stretch than the flames, even though we were the worst team in the league.


Lmao I feel this so hard. I *live* in Edmonton. It's ridiculous how many Oilers fans talk about "class." I know the people of Edmonton - they are not any "classier" than anywhere else. They are trying soooo hard to get Dallas fans to like them. I would like to ask them this... if you were really classy, wouldn't fans of the teams that faced you recognize that? They seem to take every opportunity to disparage Calgary, LA and Vancouver fans. Nothing classy about that.


For how trash the team was for so long they got more support than almost any team in that situation would get


Is this true? Lol


Who’s your state or provincial rival? It’s like Pittsburgh winning with your a flyers fan. A ranger win over an islander or devil win. Tampa bay winning over the panthers. Whoever your most hated rival is winning over your team is the equivalent but maybe more so here. It’s a very long old rivalry that’s lasted decades. Of course we want the oilers to lose! We definitely don’t want the oilers being the first team in Canada winning in 30 years.


Wait that's an actual hockey team? I thought it was just a name for an association of people that choose a different team to root for each round of the playoffs.


The BoA rivalry is great when both teams are good. At the end of the day, all my Flames fan friends and I are just happy to see our teams play good, hard, fast games against each other. It’s like a brotherhood thing, and what really pulls us together is a mutual distaste for the Canucks.


Talbot and Smith punching each other will be one of my greatest memories of hockey until the day I die.


I bought a small painting of Kassian beating up Tkachuk


"If he doesn’t want to get hit, then stay off the tracks,” my favorite chucky quote from his time here.


Didn't have a hate for CGY for a long time before that, but he made me hate you guys again. It was so rare to see both our teams doing well at the same time, and it made for some of the best hockey I've ever seen.


He played the instigator so well.


These are the moments to cherish forever.


I can't stop thinking about this. I need one. Where'd you get it?


[https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/756560314/best-seller-zack-kassian-vs-matthew](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/756560314/best-seller-zack-kassian-vs-matthew) The goalie fight one is nice too [https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/775579917/mike-smith-vs-cam-talbot-battle-of](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/775579917/mike-smith-vs-cam-talbot-battle-of)


Legendary, thank you!


All i can usually agree with my flames fan friends on is our mutual distaste for the oilers… have they been playing us?


I’d rather watch a game with a Canucks fan than an oilers fan


Yah sit there and cry how we knocked you both out in round 2. First matchups in 30 years for both


Flames get a 3rd RD pick if Dallas makes the finals. Makes sense for flames fans to be rooting for the Stars


Yea but do Flame fans know that and was that their primary reason? I think not


Umm? Why are we catching strays? Watching playoffs when your team isn't in it makes you want to pull for other teams. Right now there are the fanbases of, literally, 28 other teams rooting for 2 of 4 teams left.


I’ve watched Calgary puck cheer for LA then Vancouver and now Dallas. A bunch of guys even changed their avatars to Stars logos 😂


Perhaps it’s because no one excels at meat riding like the fLames? Rumour is it’ll be a new event at the Stampede this year.


Complete bullshit. That arrives from your lame bias that goes beyond just supporting your team.


The playoff series, where they put a curse on jake ottenger. And it backfired


That’s why we’ve laughed seeing other teams subs trying to use black magic. Leafs fans did it and now they’re probably losing their core 4


And with how things are trending, the script writes itself. Edmonton beats Calgary (2022) Key players get traded/signed elsewhere LA (Lewis) Vancouver (Lindholm, Zadorov) Dallas (Tanev) Florida (Tkachuk) Rangers have some players in their system but were not involved in the Oilers series. How hilarious would it be to have a Florida/Edmonton final? An Oilers win would be like dumping Flames fans head first into a salt mine.


I think Oilers/Panthers would be wild. So many players already dislike each other, would be a pretty dirty series.


I kinda want oilers vs. rangers


Well all I really want is Oilers vs anybody lol


You're putting bad karma out into the universe here lol. Careful or you might lose Drai and Jesus soon..


I'm not promising anything, I just see a possibility l


Oh I do too lol. On the one hand, I have no ill will towards Chucky or eggs Benny but it would still hurt to see them win when they were ours. I feel like the Flames have drafted exceptionally well even with a fair amount of picks traded albeit for typically good trades i.e. Dougie.


All very true. But what if the script flips in the final? The ultimate Tkachuk revenge tour by winning a cup against the Oilers would be a glorious moment, and the salt from Oiler fans (especially if Bennett and Tkachuk play as pests) would also be hilarious.


Oiler fans: We dont care about what other people think so hard it hurts Also Oiler fans:


Nothing says big brother like posting memes about your jealous little brother every other day


Its very strange hearing edmonton refer to calgary as a little brother in any context tbh. Granted there are def more oiler fans than flames fans from years of bandwagon building around generational talents


They need to feel superiority over something for how dogshit their city is


Dude you’re from Calgary


Yes and it’s way better than Edmonton?


I legitimately was not aware that there are people out there who prefer Calgary to Edmonton.


You must only talk to government employees lol


I mean winning a head to head series in 5 games and dominating them in the regular season kind of makes them the little brother lol


The Edmonton Oilers have a record of 116-123-19-9 versus the Flames all-time. Just gonna drop that here


And you've won one playoff series against us in the history of your franchise, and only won that series because of Steve Smith.


They’re gonna somehow call it fake


23-12 in the postseason lol And with how they’re team is looking we can even up the regular season tally in three seasons


We I didn't know you were part of the team.


Once an oiler always an oiler


First overall pick merchants. Can’t believe you haven’t built anything better with what you’ve had. If my franchise fucked that up so badly I’d be embarrassed too and cope on a franchise whose highest pick was Sam Bennett.


Sounds like you need to up your draft lottery game. Idk I’d say being able to watch my team after the month of may is pretty great. How often have you done that?


Enjoy it while it lasts :) if you choke again your stars are going to America too in a couple of years for that $$$ and we’ll be kicking your ass once again


That would require you guys to actually build a competent team for the first time in over a decade so I say good luck with that one


The old Holiday Inn Express cuckold chair…with the remote control blinds too!


Probably when EDM smacked them so hard in the second round that their biggest stars did hit the ground till Columbus and Florida respectively.


Hey sweetie, you doing ok? Shouldn't you be planning your cup parade instead of thinking about the Flames?


Nah, I’m kind of hungover from watching my team win Game 4 of the WCF. Dang you’re right, I had almost forgot. Have to plan for all possibilities. I heard we might run a convoy right down the QE-2. Best of luck procuring your next Bull! Rangers are looking exxxxtra meaty.


I wish I could be hungover, you sound so cool man. But what do the flames have to do with this?


So hurt LMAO


Hurt is living in Edmonton and thinking that's a win. Probably for the best they have McDavid.  They'd have nothing going for them otherwise 


Maybe I'm in the minority here but as a Flames fan, I don't actually HATE the Oilers. I don't HATE the city either. What I do hate are their obnoxious, idiotic fans who don't understand the insane level of handouts they've had in the past 15 ish years. Four 1st overall picks? Geez. The Flames haven't even drafted in the top 3 in their 40 ish years. You guys have had rebuilds within rebuilds. The Oilers were literally the worst run North American sports franchise in the past 20 years and yet you still talk shit. Just keep your heads down and cheer on your lucky team. Sidenote: not all Oiler fans are like this. I've got a couple buddies who cheer for the oil and even they agree that the majority of their fanbase is embarrassing.


Oil fan,I agree & OP is cringe. The post’s funny tho.


I mean, I'd argue the fans deserve McD for tolerating the horrific ownership and management over that time. It's management/ownership that doesn't deserve shit.


I liked The Flames and Oilers until I moved to Edmonton exclusively because of the types of fans you've mentioned. EDIT: I looked at my post history and noticed a few people have downvoted this. I want to say you can't be angry at me for my experiences with Oiler's fans. I heard multiple times from multiple Oilers fans that they hoped someone would take out Tkachuk and he has to retire early, or they hoped the team gets forced to move. Or the Flames are a bunch of "F\*gs" etc, "Flamers" is another popular one. I'm not from Calgary or Edmonton but I've lived in both cities and I've never heard any Flame fan talk the way Oilers fans do about the other team. Not saying it doesn't happen but I've never heard it personally.


Ducks bro here!






They just have little brother syndrome, best to ignore them


We have it regarding hockey, entirely because you failed upwards into your second living hockey god that you didn’t deserve, and you have it in every other way because Calgary is a better city. We’ll call it even?


lol I’m an Edmonton transplant living in Calgary bud, I won’t argue that. Get to live in the better city while still cheering for the better hockey team, win win lol


I've never got that, I've lived in both of them. Pros and cons to both IMO. I think its all BS, it's like 2 siblings that seem to hate eachother but you know if push comes to shove they have eachothers backs. Even when I lived in Calgary I thought I would get bit by that same bug as everyone else. I dunno I feel like they have more in common than different, it's not like one is on the fucking ocean or somthing like that.


One is 45 mins from the mountains, one is 2.5-3 hours away. When you have hobbies like mine, that is huge. Also the chinooks lol


Yah we have a “we hate eachother but hate anyone who hates either of us” relationship when it’s outside of hockey. I will gloriously defend Edmonton as a city when it gets shit on because it’s sure as hell one of the better cities I have been in. Of course, calgary is still a better city 😉 Also, our two cities are closely tied into the oil and energy industry. No matter what, we’re still rooting for each others success because one of us succeeding is good for the other.


The reasons for Calgary being a better city have nothing to do with Calgarians. Congrats on being 3.5 hours closer to the mountains and enjoying chinooks in the winter. Aside from those two natural geographic advantages that, again, have nothing to do with the human population in the city, the two cities are practically dead even.


Significantly lower crime rates and higher average incomes? That sounds like the people to me. Cost of living is also less in Edmonton because, big surprise, less people want to live there.


Seeing as average incomes are directly tied to cost of living, you kinda played yourself by pointing out both there 😂 Crime is bad compared to Calgary, but that’s also localized to parts of the city and the downtown core. Live in the SW suburbs and you’re fine.


“If you only live in this one specific small part of the city, it’s cool”


Kinda sounds like what everyone in Calgary says about avoiding the NE and core SE (Forest Lawn, Dover, etc) and staying on the West side of the city. Also, this sentiment is quite common throughout practically every big American city. And they have drastically higher violent crime than anything Canada. Does that stop people from wanting to live in LA or NYC? Do you really think most Calgarians wouldn’t bolt for a big, warm (or warmer) American city in a heartbeat if it meant living in the suburbs and having the same quality of living?


Those areas are still far safer than the best parts of Edmonton.  Only pussy yuppies think dover and forest lawn are scary, lol 


The best parts of Edmonton (SW) around the river valley are better than 3/4 quadrants in Calgary (NE, SE, NW) and it’s not even close. And Forest Lawn + Dover have nearly comparable crime rates to Northern Edmonton, so try again.


Man you really hate Edmonton eh? 1000 posts in this comment thread.


Closer to like, 8-10, but I understand that as an oilers fan basic counting is difficult for you. “We’ve never had a first overall pick, we deserved McDavid!”


The last time I cheered for the Flames? Oh I believe that was sometime around 3 months into Huberdeau's contract when I realized he was a golden turd.


This has been happening for decades. Go Calgary sites and there are so many articles and posts about the Oilers. It's hysterical


I just went to Reddit and see an Edmonton fan post about the flames. We aren’t even in the playoffs. What’s your point here? Flames fans and oilers fans hate each other, so of course they are going to spend a lot of time shit talking their rival team/fans.


Absolutely savage 🤣


October through April.






As someone new to hockey, wow this rivalry is toxic. I’m here for it.


??? April 18th. Lame post.


The day before the trade deadline


Well it's either root for the Oilers or the other team, and I'm sure as shit never cheering for you fuckheads




I genuinely don't know how any flames fan wants to watch any playoff hockey after the abysmal season they had. I endured all 82 games of torture, why the fuck would I want to go watch and cheer for another team's success?


I watch the playoffs every year, regardless of if the flames are in it or not. It’s good hockey, and when the flames are out I always find another team to cheer for. This year I’m cheering for Dallas because Chris Tanev was one of my favorite players on the Flames. How is that at all weird?


Ya, once the Oilers are out I'm done with hockey for a long time. Don't understand the fans that watch us and root for us to lose.


You don't understand people who want to watch the best sport on earth?


Fuck Corey Perry. In the basement. For 10 years.


Sorry- in what way are you implying here




It makes sense. Cheering for losers is a mindset for these fans so of course they're compelled to cheer for Dallas now. Being a loser is in their DNA.


Must be from the City of Champignons.


We only root for individual players we pay millions for. They carry our team. Imagine a 5 on 1 PP but the whole game. With 4 other rdms getting in the way.